
2021年1月22日 韓国にて 韓国市民団体主催
「 国民大覚醒と憤りを訴える国内連帯国民総決起大会 」(オンライン大会)
金柄憲氏 (「国史教科書研究所」所長、「慰安婦法廃止国民行動」代表) 講演動画


One thought on “韓国にて韓国市民団体主催「国民大覚醒と憤りを訴える国内連帯国民総決起大会」2021.1.22

  1. H. Nagao says:

    Dear Mr. 金柄憲,

    Your speech regarding the real Comfort Women issue in your country was presented in the most logical manner.

    The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance, as well as other groups, scholars, politicians you mentioned in general terms, has employed a decades-old tactic to assert merely statements the self-proclaimed comfort women made without any corroborating facts. What they have been bent on doing amounts to nothing but preaching of a fruitless vision.

    Pope Francis said,
    “We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.” (www.brainyquote.com/topics/preach-quotes, retrieved on January 31, 2021)

    Paying due respect to the Pope, I rephrase the quote as follows:
    “We must restore hope to young Korean people, help the old who have been disoriented with fabricated events and facts, and we be open to the future and spread love for the entire people. Enter an enlightened world. We need to include the excluded facts and preach peace of mind.”

    Very respectfully yours,

    H. Nagao

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