


NY市のクー市議がKorean American Civic Empowerment と進めていたNY市フラッシング地区の慰安婦ストリート計画。8月2日付Queens Chronicleの報道 Koo introduces bill for ‘comfort women’ によると、ストリート改名法案を公式に提出したとのことです。

この報道によると、慰安婦ストリートに、強く反対しているNY州議会議員候補 Sunny Hahn という女性政治家がいます。Sunny Hahn候補は共和党で、慰安婦ストリート計画のFlushing地区が選挙区。韓国生まれ、韓国育ちで、成人してから米国に移住。御父様が戦前の日本の教育を受けた方とのことです。慰安婦ストリート反対意見として、「フラッシング地区に昔の泥を持ち出すよりも協和を作り出すべき。慰安婦問題は過去の日韓問題であり、醜い過去を忘れて認め合うべき」と記事で述べています。

Sunny Hahn候補者 と Bloomberg NY市長

Sunny Hahn候補者     Bloomberg NY市長

なでしこアクションでは 「NY慰安婦ストリート・記念碑計画絶対 阻止!NY市議に反対の手紙を送ろう!」を進めてまいりました。(引き続きご協力お願いします)

ストリート改名法案が市議会を通った場合、最終的にBloomberg NY市長の承認署名が必要となります。

そこで、NY市長宛てに抗議手紙・メッセージとSunny Hahn候補者宛てに応援手紙・メッセージを送りました。日本からより多くの声を届けたく、お手紙・メッセージ英文のテンプレートと送り先を下記に纏めました。コンタクト・フォームからのメッセージ送信は簡単にできます。皆様にも是非ご協力お願いいたします。



NY市長 Michael R. Bloomberg 宛て

[手紙 word ダウンロード] 日付、ローマ字で住所氏名、署名記入で完成

[封筒 word ダウンロード] 定型封筒 洋型2号 縦114x横162mm 用


Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg

City Hall

New York, NY 10007


Sunny Hahn候補者 宛て

[手紙 word ダウンロード] 日付、ローマ字で住所氏名、署名記入で完成

[封筒 word ダウンロード] 定型封筒 洋型2号 縦114x横162mm 用


Ms. Sunny Hahn

P.O. Box 540916

Flushing, NY 11354



NY市長へのメッセージはここをクリック→ CONTACT the MAYOR



<Message> 本文

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

I have read an article of Queens Chronicle “Koo introduces bill for comfort women”. ( bit.ly/NoUmlY )

According to this article, Councilman Peter Koo officially submitted his street renaming request for comfort women.

As you may know, comfort women issue has discrepancy of recognition between Korean and Japanese, and now it is hot controversy matter between us. I don’t think Councilman Peter Koo is really understanding about this issue. I doubt if his action is simply for number of votes for next election.

Every street name represents the street’s history, and therefore should have a legitimate reason behind the name. NY is nothing related with comfort women issue. If comfort women street appeared in NY, many Japanese will be disappointed, and feel bad about both countries Korea and America.

You know this bad relationship among USA, Korea and Japan make whom happy? Yes, China and North Korea.

For not damaging NY, USA, Korea and Japan friendship, we, Japanese are strongly against “Comfort Women Street.” We have to see chronologically, and geographically. And those are effecting for politically in the wide view.

We believe that the American people cherish and enthusiastically defend fairness, justice and the truth. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair and objective judgment in regards to this issue.

以上contact the mayor


contact the mayor2


Sunny Hahnへ応援メッセージを送ろう!

Sunny Hahnへのメッセージはここをクリック→ Contact Us

以下の文をコピーしてYour Message 欄に貼り付けてください。


<Subject> 件名

Comfort Women Street in Flushing, NY

<Your Message> 本文

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

I have read your article of Queens Chronicle “Koo introduces bill for comfort women”. ( bit.ly/NoUmlY )

According to this article, Councilman Peter Koo officially submitted his street renaming request for comfort women.

As you know, comfort women issue has discrepancy of recognition between Korean and Japanese, and now it is hot controversy matter between us. I don’t think Councilman Peter Koo is really understanding about this issue. I doubt if his action is simply for number of votes for next election.

Every street name represents the street’s history, and therefore should have a legitimate reason behind the name. NY is nothing related with comfort women issue. If comfort women street appeared in NY, many Japanese will be disappointed, and feel bad about both countries Korea and America.

You know this bad relationship among USA, Korea and Japan make whom happy? Yes, China and North Korea. For not damaging NY, USA, Korea and Japan friendship, we, Japanese are strongly against “Comfort Women Street.” We have to see chronologically, and geographically. And those are effecting for politically in the wide view.

I understand that you are strongly disagreed this street renaming proposal. We feel strong about your opinion which is sharing our history from past to future for bright side together. We firmly support and encourage to pursuing your endeavor. Please let us know what we should do anything for you.


contact Sunny Hahn

[SEND]をクリックした後、”Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.” 「メッセージ送信は完了しました」と表示されます。




Queens Chronicle「クー市議が慰安婦の法案を提出」という記事を読みました。 ( bit.ly/NoUmlY )


ご存知のように、慰安婦問題 は韓国人と日本人の間で認識が違い、二国間の大きな問題になっています。











<Sunny Hahn候補宛て>


ニュース Queens Chronicle「クー市議が慰安婦の法案を提出」で貴方に関する記事を読みました。 ( bit.ly/NoUmlY )


ご存知のように、慰安婦問題 は韓国人と日本人の間で認識が違い、二国間の大きな問題になっています。













11 thoughts on “NY慰安婦ストリート阻止!NY市長と政治家にメッセージを送ろう!(2012)

  1. I added some witness material (video and photos) in front and end.

    [Attn]to all Senators and Congressmen of the states
    [Attn]to all editors of the News,
    [Attn]to the all persons concerned
    [Attn]to Mike HONDA :Congressman of USA

    Hi, everybody, I’m a Japanese , 69 years old ,male, retired pension man.

    [MIKE HONDA congressman !, please focus into the Vietnam War]

    [Prostitution issue fabricated by Korean] An American testified

    (1)I got the news from ASAHI newspaper, in which that the Mike Honda congressman
    had just started to promote the State Congresses to criticize Japanese Soldiers and
    Japanese Hasimoto mayor because they had utilized prostitutes in prostitution houses
    and in the streets, and he protected such situation in the World War. And he also said
    that USA Soldiers and Korean Soldiers also utilized such prostitutes. It was rather
    common sense in the world.
    ASAHI newspaper is a Chinese and Korean paper in publication in Japan.

    (2)As you know, ASAHI News is the one which fabricated the word [forced comfort
    women] with Japanese Soldiers instead of just [prostitutes] in Japan as well as in the
    ASAHI and a Korean Japanese female lawyer visited Korea and found a one Korean older
    woman who mentioned ” I was just a prostitute, and not a forced comfort woman”. But
    they succeeded to take her to NHK ,Japan and they translated intentionally her Korean
    words to “She is saying I was a forced comfort woman”. That was the initiation of the
    Case. Later that female lawyer has become to a Congressman in Japan.

    (3)And, Mayer Mr Hasimoto mentioned very noisy history with prostitutes or comfort
    woman as you know.
    He mentioned that forced comfort women Korean claiming had not existed but common
    prostitutes getting more very higher salary than 10 times compared with soldiers.
    Such sex businesses were very common and almost all nations and soldiers, even USA
    soldiers and Korean Soldiers had also utilized such facilities and systems, in the Vietnam
    War time.

    (4)According to present values it will be female discrimination. But he sincerely pointed
    out sexual culture in such past times. And female in the world, half of the world population
    have started to protest him” He’s not a fair man “, “We are a super big NPO group with
    half of population, we can deny half of opposite sex population from now on, even if you
    would want “.”I cannot overcome them , help me !”he is tearing.

    (5)Now we are in the noisy wave and endless confusion which Mayor Mr.
    Hashimoto made.

    (6)Mr. Mike Honda has reportedly started to protest Japanese Soldiers action in the stand
    point of female discrimination.
    Originally he protested Japanese soldiers to [forced comfort women], but this time he
    changed his fighting style to [common utilization of prostitute houses and prostitute
    system], because he does not use [forced comfort women] this time.
    And he agrees to what world female protest and he appeals to the congressmen of all
    united States from the stand point of female discrimination by Japanese Soldiers.

    (8)If you come to similar level of our understanding about Japanese soldiers, I would like
    to recommend you and Mr.Honda to investigate about truth of utilization of US soldiers
    and Korean soldiers, who did in detail in Vietnam for Vietnam War time, before you
    contact such states congresses.

    (9)Probably you will have to change your understanding about Korean, American, and also
    Japanese, of which Korean fabricated.
    Anyhow, you should not believe of what Korean say instantly, Before you believe them,
    please take a rest to consider everything around the situation. Please remember Korean
    always make false stories to look down upon Japanese to get big money and so on.

    They believe this saying: teaching of Confucius,
    “If you say false stories by 100 times, they will become truth ”

    (10)This is the fact.
    There are more than 30 thousand of “raidaihan” who are children between
    Vietnam women and Korean soldiers born during Vietnam War.
    And there are more than 500 thousand of “ameradian” who are children
    between American soldiers and Asian women including Vietnam.
    On the other hand there is not such word all over the Asian countries
    between Japanese soldiers because Japanese are almost all buddhists who
    could control sex impulse and made an effort to depress their sex drive.

    (11)[slaughter of Fonui-Fonyatto in Vietnamu by Korean soldiers]
    1968. 12th. Feb. Korean soldiers visited Fonni-Fonyato village and gatherd all women and
    girls. The soldiers raped them and shot them with guns and killed with knives. 135 women
    and girls were found in dead. They left the village after they ignited houses.
    First Korean soldiers claimed that Vietcong did, but American Army invesigated the case
    and decided Koreans did it in 1970. 10th Jan.

    Amerian soldier in collecting a part of dead body

    A woman (21 yeaes old) was washed out her breast and shot.
    Later she died in the hospital.

    2 pregnant women were shot their heads off

    Inocent children were killed by Korean soldiers

    Yours Faithfully
    July 3rd, 2013
    Toshihiko Okumura
    Tokyo, Japan

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