バージニア州フェアファックス郡 慰安婦記念碑 5月30日除幕式

「Prepare a proclamation for the Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues in recognition of the installation of the Peace Memorial Garden at the County Government Center. This memorial will honor the victims of human trafficking during World War II. The proclamation will be presented at a ceremony on May 30 at 5 p.m. in the forum of the Government Center. 」

郡のBoard of Supervisors、Planning Commissioners、地元メディアのメアド、メール件名例、本文例を以下に纏めましたので参考にしてください。


What is the “comfort women issue?”
・米軍調査報告書The U.S. Miltary official document
オリジナル版 / テキスト版

To:フェアファックス郡 委員
703fairfax@fairfaxcounty.gov, OPA703fairfax@fairfaxcounty.gov,
chairman@fairfaxcounty.gov, mason@fairfaxcounty.gov,
braddock@fairfaxcounty.gov, mtvernon@fairfaxcounty.gov,
dranesville@fairfaxcounty.gov, provdist@fairfaxcounty.gov,
huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov, springfield@fairfaxcounty.gov,
leedist@fairfaxcounty.gov, sully@fairfaxcounty.gov,
kennplan@gmail.com, earlflanagan@verizon.net,
frankdelafe@comcast.net, James.Migliaccio@fairfaxcounty.gov,
jrkhall@gmail.com, braddockplanning@gmail.com,
pmurphy@ausa.org, Tmsargeant@aol.com
jay_donahue@cox.net, JanyceNH@cox.net,

fairfaxcountyva@patch.com, scahill@fairfaxtimes.com,

・A message from Japan
・A message from 自分の名前
・I protest against “prostitutes at the war” memorial
・I protest against “Comfort Women” memorial
・Comfort Women (Prostitutes at the War) Issue
・No memorial of propaganda

<本文例>A,B,C 各自でアレンジして下さって結構です。

例文A —————————————–
The County of Fairfax
County Executive Edward L. Long Jr.,
Board of Supervisors,
Planning Commissioners,

I send my email as a Japanese who wishes seriously a friendly relation between USA and Japan.

I have learned that comfort women(prostitutes at the war) memorial has already installed at the County Government Center, and there will be an opening ceremony on May30 at 5p.m.

I feel sad, disappointed and even angry by the Installation of “Comfort Women” Memorial approved by Fairfax County Board.

Comfort Women system is not human trafficking. If you insist that Comfort Women system is human trafficking, please give us any verified evidence as well as any name of historian saying so.

Historical views on Comfort Women between Japan, Korea and China are quite different. This issue becomes a serious political matter among the countries. Then, how could the monument be Peace Memorial Garden” putting aside such a problematic situation?

Many people in Japan show their anger towards the comfort women monuments installed in NY, NJ and CA. Japanese in California started a suit for removal of the statue.

I wonder if citizens of Fairfax could truly need and wish such a problematic and uneasy monument in a restful public place.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.


市町村、県、 JAPAN

日米の友好を願う一日本人としてメールします。郡庁舎に慰安婦記念碑が設置され、5月30日午後5時に除幕式が行われると知りました。フェアファックス郡が慰安婦記念碑設置を承認したことに非常に落胆と怒りを覚えています。慰安婦制度は、人身売買ではありません。そうだというのなら確固たる証拠を出してください。歴史家の名前をあげて下さい。日韓中国で慰安婦の歴史見解は大きく違います。深刻な政治問題になっています。そのような問題があるのに、なぜ ”平和記念ガーデン”なのでしょう?日本ではNY,NJ,CAに立った慰安婦記念碑に対して怒りの声が挙がっています。カルフォルニアの日本人は撤去を求めて訴訟を始めました。フェアファックス郡の皆さんは、このような像を市民の憩いの場に本当に必要だと思っているでしょうか。米国は公正・真偽・正義を大切にする国民だと信じています。このようなことで私達の友好関係が損なわれないことを心より願います。

例文B —————————————–
The County of Fairfax
County Executive Edward L. Long Jr.,
Board of Supervisors,
Planning Commissioners,

I hope this email finds you well.

I have learned that comfort women (prostitutes at the war) memorial has already installed at the County Government Center, and there will be an opening ceremony on May30 at 5p.m.

I also read a new that the Korean Council in Washington and the Comfort Women Memorial Committee planned the memorial in an attempt to remember the hardships they endured during the World War II and to promote peace. They claim that this is a human rights issue. However, their claim is not logical on various grounds.

First, the government of Japan in fact established comfort stations (brothels) in battle zones during the WWII, and engaged private brokers to recruit comfort women to maintain psychological health of the soldiers. However, this practice was not something peculiar to Japan; other countries, including the United States, France, and Germany, also had their own system to meet the need of their soldiers. French military had Bordels Mobiles de Campagne (mobile brothels) during the WWI, WWII, and Indochina War, and the U.S. military utilized Korean brothels during the Korean War. Lacking such organized system, South Korean soldiers raped local women during the Vietnam War, and it is estimated that up to 30,000 Lai Dai Han (children born to South Korean soldiers and Vietnamese women) exist today in Vietnam, which is a clear example of human rights violation. Contrary to the Korean accusation of “Japanese sex slavery”, the U.S. army report in 1944 recorded that the comfort women servicing the Japanese army were extremely well-paid and well-treated. (http://bit.ly/1oh6f0l) The plaques on comfort women statues installed in the U.S. have statements that are not factual, thus Japanese are extremely offended and disgraced. If Japan should be called a human rights violator, then all other countries that operated comfort stations should be called the same.

Second, there is a global problem of sexual exploitation and prostitution today. According to the U.S. government, about 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80% are women and girls, mostly lured into the sex industry. In China near the border with North Korea, there are tens of thousands of North Korean female defectors who are forced into sexual slavery. A member of parliament in South Korea asserts that there are 100,000 Korean prostitutes overseas, including 50,000 in Japan and 2,500 in Australia. In the U.S., 23.5% of foreign prostitutes are Koreans. Besides, South Korean women engaged in illegal prostitution in their own country amounts to 270,000, representing 1.07% of the female population in the country. If one is serious about creating peace for women and girls, s/he should deal with such current issues. There are many human right issues, present and past, in the world, and it is not fair or logical to pick and condemn only Japan.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial “comfort women issue” may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation between USA and Japan.

Sincerely yours,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


例文C —————————————–

The County of Fairfax
County Executive Edward L. Long Jr.,
Board of Supervisors,
Planning Commissioners,

I hope this email finds you well.

I have learned that comfort women memorial has already installed at the County Government Center, and there will be an opening ceremony on May30 at 5p.m.

First of all, I must remind you that the word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes.

I deeply have compassion for hard lots of comfort women (prostitutes at the war). But it’s a complete misunderstanding that comfort women (prostitutes at the war) were sex slaves and that the comfort women system (prostitutes at the war system) was human trafficking committed by Japanese army.

I strongly protest against the memorial l for the following reasons:

1. The comfort women (prostitutes at the war) issue is very controversial. Both sides have not come to agreement. So, it is not considered appropriate for the county to side with the Proposer.

2. It is clear that Chinese and Korean interests have been using this matter for anti-Japan propaganda on the pretext of “human rights”. This is entirely so unhealthy that conflicts, such as hate crime and children bullying may be caused. Actually, Japanese kids were reportedly bullied in the city of Glendale, California here the statue was installed last year. And Japanese in California started a suit for removal of the statue.

3. There are many human right issues, present and past, in the world. It is not fair to single out and blame only Japan.

4. Japan is a most peaceful nation in the world, and recognized and respected as such. Korea and China are only major Asian nations that show animosity against Japan. Recent Pew Research shows that 80% polled in major Asian countries show friendliness toward Japan.

5. Any local government should not be involved in international affairs. Instead, it should work on the promotion of happiness, prosperity, progress and harmony of the citizens. The memorial will definitely counteract such efforts.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial “comfort women issue” may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation between USA and Japan.

Sincerely yours,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


【フェアファックス郡】Fairfax County, Virginia
問い合わせMail: 703fairfax@@fairfaxcounty.gov

Fairfax County Government Center
12000 Government Center Pkwy., Ste 530
Fairfax, VA 22035

[County Executive]
Edward L. Long Jr.: OPA703fairfax@fairfaxcounty.gov

[Fairfax County Board of Supervisors]
Chairman 議長
Sharon Bulova: chairman@fairfaxcounty.gov

Vice Chairman 副議長
Penelope A. Gross: mason@fairfaxcounty.gov

Districts Supervisors
John Cook: braddock@fairfaxcounty.gov
Gerry Hyland:mtvernon@fairfaxcounty.gov
John W. Foust: dranesville@fairfaxcounty.gov
Linda Q. Smyth:provdist@fairfaxcounty.gov
Cathy Hudgins: huntermill@fairfaxcounty.gov
Pat Herrity: springfield@fairfaxcounty.gov
Jeff McKay: leedist@fairfaxcounty.gov
Michael R. Frey:sully@fairfaxcounty.gov
Fairfax County Planning Commissioners

[ Planning Commissioners]
Kenneth A. Lawrence: kennplan@gmail.com
Earl Flanagan: earlflanagan@verizon.net
Frank A. de la Fe: frankdelafe@comcast.net
James T. Migliaccio: James.Migliaccio@fairfaxcounty.gov
Janet R. Hall: jrkhall@gmail.com
Nell Hurley: braddockplanning@gmail.com
Peter F. Murphy: pmurphy@ausa.org
Tim Sargeant: Tmsargeant@aol.com
Jay Donahue: jay_donahue@cox.net
Janyce Hedetniemi: JanyceNH@cox.net


★Fairfax City Patch

Fairfax City Patch Editor
Contact: FairfaxCountyVA@Patch.com

★Fairfax Times

Editor Steve Cahill

County Government Reporter Kali Schumitz





アメリカ共和党 Republican National Committee

アメリカ国務省 U.S.Department of State

アメリカ国防総省 U.S. Department of Defense

Fairfax City Patch May 29, 2014 at 10:12 PM
Fairfax County to Unveil Controversial ‘Comfort Women’ Memorial

Yonhap News Agency May 27, 2014 9:35am
‘Comfort women’ monument to be set up near D.C.

Mainichi May. 25, 2014 (Sun.)
‘Comfort women’ memorial to be unveiled in Washington suburb

産経2014.5.24 09:06
米バージニア州に新たに「慰安婦」碑が完成 史実の歪曲拡散に拍車

The Women’s News (2014-05-04)
A memorial for comfort women to be set up in Washington D.C.

47 thoughts on “バージニア州フェアファックス郡 慰安婦記念碑 5月30日除幕式

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