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「日本を激怒させる展示会」 波紋の仏漫画祭閉幕へ 産経ニュース2014.2.2 19:32

A Angouleme, la BD sud-coreenne agace le Japon 2014-2-1 22:32

Festival BD: une petition avec 12340 signatures a CL! 2014-1-27 9:54

Angouleme : l’expo qui fache le Japon 2014-1-30 20:52

協力 : 論破プロジェクト ALL JAPANで日本の歴史を世界に正しく伝えるプロジェクト

第41回アングレーム国際漫画祭 代表 フランク・ボンドゥー
41e FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE LA BANDE DESSINÉE, Monsieur le Délégué Général Franck Bondoux

Ne Soyez Pas de Collabo avec La Campagne Malveillante Anti-Japonaise par Corée de Sud au 41e BD d’Angoulême!!



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<2014.2.3 お知らせ>


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聯合ニュース 2013/12/09
旧日本軍の慰安婦被害 世界最大級漫画祭で伝える=韓国
Seachina  2013/11/29
仏漫画フェスティバルで「慰安婦アニメ」上映 韓国団体が企画
Seachina 2013/08/14

2013/12/03 半年遅れ、またも泥縄日本政府 (アングレーム国際漫画祭)
2013/08/13 韓国政府、慰安婦漫画を国際漫画祭に

J’adore le Japon et la France

【連絡先 情報】
Philippe Lavaud市長
市長オフィス宛 コンタクトフォーム
市長ツイッター @PhLavaud

Mail: info@bdangouleme.com


テクニカル・セールスディレクター ジャン・リュック・ビタール氏

フェスティバル実行委員アジア担当 ニコラ・フィノ氏


新聞La Charante Libre ラ・シャラント・リーブル
Directeur general – Directeur de la publication (副社長)
Mail:  jp.barjou@charentelibre.fr

Mail:  redaction.poitiers@france3.fr

Mail:  angouleme@france3.fr

フランス大使館 日本語サイト

在仏 日本国大使館 日本語サイト

【参考 日仏語訳】
Femmes de Réconfort Ne Furent Jamais Les Esclaves Sexuelles Forcées.

Jamais Plus du Collabo Avec Les Fabrications Coréennes!

Jamais de Vous Faire Rouler Dans La Farine!

Pas Plus d’Histoire “FORGÉE” de Toute Pièces.

C’est Le Cas ou Jamais d’Accuser Les Mensonges Coréens

Tous Les Indices Accusent La Corée

Mais Qu’Est-Ce Que Vous Fabriquez Des Fausses Histoires, Les Coréens?!

韓国のねつ造を告発しよう、今でしょ(now or never)!!!
Accusons La Corée de Fabrication Maintenant ou Jamais!!!

Accusons La Corée d’Histoire Fantasiste Maintenant ou Jamais!!!

140 thoughts on “【署名お願い】仏アングレーム漫画祭は韓国の慰安婦反日キャンペーンに協力するのは止めてください!

  1. 撃沈された says:

    facebook もメールもすべてブロックされました

    Real horrible sex slaves by force evidenced in documents were present in UN and US army in Korea.
    Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?

    “The evidence found that the Korean government directly controlled Korean comfort women in US army base villages.”(Nov.9.2013)

    Please stop to support S Korean abnormal anti-Japan activity based on fabrication in angouleme comic festival.

    Alleyne Ireland, English colonization scholar who stayed in Korea from 1926 wrote about annexation by Japan as the best and considerate in the world.

    ‘Korea is well governed as any of the British, American, French, Dutch, and Portuguese dependencies I visited,…in the cultural and economic development of the people as technique of administration'(The New Korea, Chapter 1, last sentences)
    The same proofs are left in many documents then: What did Japan do Korea actually?

    Actually Japan saved Koreans from the bottom of hell, Yi-Chosen literally.
    And annexation was done by asking 4 times by the cabinet and 1/10 Korean people demand. Many telegrams asking annexation had been sent to Japan every day.

    Yi chosen was a hell-like era with no culture, no technique and no human rights. They couldn’t even bend and straighten wood, so there were not even carts, mills, casks, wide roads, wells to get clean water, their own money….Streets were toilet. 40% of people were slaves with no names. Women were like slaves with no names and could not go out without their masters allowance.

    Isabella Lucy Bird (1831-1904) stayed in the last Yi Chosen dynasty wrote ‘The Korean official is the vampire which sucks the life-blood of the people.’

    Carter J. Eckert, a Korean history professor, Harvard University, regarded the germination theory in South Korea as “not logical, but a theory for the purpose of impeaching Japan,” and strongly denied the modernization germination theory.

    Japan modernized Korea from nothing and set free slaves, abolished torture soon after the annexation that was said the cruelest in the world (by Griffis).
    It revived abolished Hangeul and introduced education, laws, human rights, and all the infrastructures. Life expectancy and population doubled. Literacy rate increased from 6 to 64%.
    You can know true history by many books (rf), original books not fabricated by S Korea.
    But S Korea fabricated all the history and are teaching Japan destroyed everything and done cruel acts concealing primary documents. They even rewrote foreigner book like one of Lucy Bird. (Yongsen University ver. is very different from the original book.)

    You can know true history by many foreigners books then (original books not fabricated by S Korea).

    But S Korea fabricated all the history and are teaching Japan destroyed splendid Yi Chosen and everything and done cruel acts concealing primary documents. They even rewrote foreigner book like “Korea and Her Neighbours” by Isabella Lucy Bird. (Yongsen University ver. is very different from the original book. Please check.)

    ‘The New Korea ‘is a book by Alleyne Ireland (1871-1951) who was an English colonization scholar and visited many colonization countries and also lived in Korea then, in which he researched Japanese annexation period to Korea standing a pro-Korea stance. It depicts it in detail with incredible numbers of data. He wrote Japanese annexation is the best in the world.

    It was a law established annexed country.
    Illegal force by Japanese army was impossible absolutely.
    It was a law established annexed country.
    Illegal force by Japanese army was impossible absolutely.

    In annexation period of Korea, 80-90 % important posts were occupied by Koreans. 80-90 % of governor generals, politicians and officers were Koreans.

    Governor-General of Korea had parliaments and could decide policies.
    Japanese were only 1% of the entire population.
    Governor-General of Korea often went against Japanese government.

    Japan often banned Korean illegal immigration. But they have slipped for 100 years. By Prime minister Yoshida after ww2 1200000 illegal Korean were in Japan. Many of them were criminals and communists(Yoshida).

    By the survey by foreign affair administration, only 245 came by recruiting in ww2(only 11 months of ww2. For Japan recruiting was applied to Japanese 7 years ago.) and others were illegal immigrations and comers voluntarily.

    Forced mobilization is also their fabrication.

    Koreans had staged demonstrations against immigration restriction by Japanese government.


    Comfort woman is a foolish & childish fraud. If you examine the facts for 10 minutes, you can realize it.


    Before the annexation (1910-45), Joseon Kingdom (Korea) had the sex slavery system called Pakche and there were many sex slaves called ‘Nobi’ and ‘Kisaeng’. And they had traded those Nobi with Chinese merchants for hundreds of years.
    And Korea had been a vassal state of China, Mongol, Manchu for 1000 years. So
    Korean Kingdom had to send hundreds of many virgins called Kisaeng (13-22 yrs old) and boys to China every year. After the annexation, Japan banned this sex slavery.

    And real horrible sex slaves by force evidenced in documents were present in UN and US army in Korea.

    Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?

    It is proved by ‘UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION,20 Korean Comfort Girls, Date: August 10, 1944’
    Their names and details are dipicted in the docments in detail.

    —— A “comfort girl” is nothing more than a prostitute or “professional camp follower” attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.

    They had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers.
    In an average month, a girl would gross about 1,500 yen (* half of which she turned over to the master, high class officers salary was 600-800 yen and low class soldiers salary was 4-40 yen)”

    the average Korean “comfort girl” to be about 25 years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese or Caucasian standards. She is inclined to be egotistical and likes to talk about herself.

    While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners.—

    The comfort women had an average annual income 9000 yen.

    (By 1000 yen they could 1 house. Then many Korean women were mobilized to serve as prostitutes by Korean men.)

    There left many newspaper articles Koreans had kidnapped many women to the brothels mainly run by Koreans and police were cracking down on them.

  2. 撃沈された says:

    facebook もメールもすべてブロックされました
    Incredible high salary of comfort women

    L’histoire d’un mensonge


    Evidenced incredible high salary of comfort women prostitutes

    Comfort women is just fabricated story with only parole evidences but with no objective evidences at all. There are only objective evidences that they were prostitutes with incredible high salary working in brothels mainly run by Koreans and many Korean men had kidnapped women.

    The first comfort woman Kim Haku Sung, 金学順 was collected by a leftist JP politician Fukushima (naturalized Korean) by saying ‘they may get compensation’. On August 14, 1991, she confessed at a press conference in Seoul,”I was sold to a brothel by my mom by 40 yen”, but next time she said “I was taken by my father-in law there.”

    The second comfort woman 文玉珠 Mun Oak Ju also collected by Fukushima, saved 26154 yen in her postal passbook as a prostitute for 2 years and 3 months (salary of ca. 1000 yen a month) sued Japanese government to give her money in it (Hideki Tojyo salary was 800 yen, a house could be built by 1000 yen then). In the passbook there is a record she had sent 5000 yen to her home.
    Later she said her terrible brother used it.

    Kim (1st bidder) and Mun (2nd) sued Japan government and in the trial it was found they had worked as Kisen (Korean prostitutes) before they worked as comfort women. Kim had went to Kisen school, too. Like this, other womens’ parole evidences are always untrustworthy like this and often changes. Some were no born. Some went to areas Japanese army was not present(Pusan, Niigata, Taiwan). Some had worked in Korean war where Japanese army was present(Christmas holidays, US jeep )

    There left some newspaper ads to recruit comfort women by Korean brothels. It says the salary was 880 yen (1500000 yen in today price) a month. The highest officer salary was 600-800 yen and the lowest solder’s salary was 4-15 yen then.
    Advance money was also over 3000 yen.

    The other day an diary by Korean who had worked at a Korean brothel in ww2 was found in South Korea. By it, he sent many times very expensive money (600-1000 yen) for the comfort women’ to their home by postal bank. The women enjoyed movies, traveled and came home. There is a description of a farewell party. The army doctor brought incredible number of condoms to the brothel many times.
    Here, their salary was proved to be very high.

    Also UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION report says their salary is very high (ca.1000 yen a month, by it one could built a house then).

    “The evidence found that the Korean government directly controlled Korean comfort women in US army base villages.”(Nov.9.2013)

    Real horrible sex slaves by force evidenced in documents were present in UN and US army in Korea.
    Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?

  3. 撃沈された says:

    “The evidence found that the Korean government directly controlled Korean comfort women in US army base villages.”(Nov.9.2013)

    Actually many Koreans were kidnapping many Korean and Japanese women!
    Many documental proofs are left.
    But any proofs of force by Japanese (including army) are not found at all.

    There left many newspaper articles that proves policemen in Korea (80% is Koreans) then were cracking down on bad Korean brokers and kidnappers.

    From Mainichi daily article [Hanguel]1939,3.5, ‘Korean Han Yumyon with his wife sold 150 poor daughters in villages of Manchuria and China. Furthermore, He was arrested sold 50 of them again to escape the arrogation by the police.’

    From Toua nippou daily(Korean newspaper) August 31,1939, ‘the police arrested a group of Koreans who kidnapped 100 women and made them work at prostitute brothels.’

    There left many similar articles in newspapers. Even Japanese girls had been kidnapped and afterwards protected.

    Mr. Oyama, historical researcher examined all the Asahi newspaper articles on kidnapping to brothels, and all the criminals were Koreans (0 Japanese).

    There also left a police document to increase Korean policemen to crack down on bad Korean kidnappers because they kidnapped many women and sold them to brothels operated by Chinese.

    From Japanese documents

    Most importantly, Japanese army(1-2 units ) have been near the boarder of Russia(Manchuria).
    It entered Seoul first after ww2 to protect Japanese.
    Over 20000 Japanese were killed and many women were raped by Koreans and Russians.
    Abortions were conducted to pregnant women Hatsukaichi hoyousho,etc. in Kitakyushu. The documents is kept in Foreign minister archives.

    Japanese army had prohibited illegal recruiting of comfort women.
    Army Notice No.2197 March 4,1938 says:
    1. Comfort women are recruited by private brothels and soldiers must not be involved with this.
    2. The brokers who did kidnapping should be punished.
    3. Army must be very careful so that similar dishonor and illegal affairs may not occur.

    Home Affairs Ministry Notice No.77 (1938,2 18) says recruiting must be done according to International laws and banned to subjugate and kidnap women.

    Home Affairs Ministry Notice No.136 (1938,11 8) says comfort women for recruiting must be over 21 years-old and must be women who had already worked as professional prostitutes.

    Japanese army law was very strict.
    Rape was sentenced to 7 years to life in jail.
    Theft was 3 years in jail.
    So, there was no hybrid children in all the wars.
    In brothels condoms were used to prevent pregnancy and medical care were always carried to prevent disease.
    Japanese army coached brokers about sanitary, operation,etc.
    But brothels were carried by private operators (many were Koreans).

    Japanese has been a law-abiding nation.
    Chou En-lai called Japanese law-abiding shit.

    Only one exception is Shirouma jiken. But as soon as immoral thing was found by their boss, the brothel was shut down right away after one month it was opened and soldiers involved were punished. This is the proof army didn’t allow illegal acts. Afterwards the criminals were sentenced to death or other punishment. But in the officer’s diary he wrote he was framed by Holland and prostitutions’ lies.

    According to Annual Statistics Bulletin of Governor-General of Korea for 1941, there were 3,744 Korean prostitution agents, whereas the number of the Japanese agents was 211.
    60% of comfort women were Japanese, whereas 20% was Koreans.

    5% of South Korean GDP is from prostitutes still now.

    The NY Times on Jan. 8, 2009 said Korean prostitutes put U.S military and Korean government on trial. They complained about having been forced sex with Americans in Korea. They worked as comfort women from 1960 to 1980 in Korea. Moreover, an LAPD official said some 70-80 prostitutes were arrested every month, and 90 percent of them? were Korean. Were they forced to be sexual slaveries by the Japanese military? Was the story true?

    Newspaper JoongAng Ilbo wrote an article in Feb. 24 in 2003, 1 to 25 women who over 20 years old are prostitutes in Korea. San Francisco Chronicle said, official statistics show that men account for nearly 89 percent of Koreans with HIV. According to the document of United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime, even now rape criminals happened in Korea 13%. Japan is 1.78%. Also, LAPD official said some 70-80 prostitutes were arrested every month, and 90 percent of them were Korean.

  4. 撃沈された says:


    Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?
    What did Japan do Korea actually?

    Asian woman fund for fabricated comfort woman

  5. Kaneko says:



  6. Tanabe.T says:




  7. 野良猫ミー says:


  8. yy says:

    info@bdangouleme.com, FBondoux@bdangouleme.com, jlbittard@bdangouleme.com, nf@n2agency.com, jp.barjou@charentelibre.fr, redaction.poitiers@france3.fr, angouleme@france3.fr, culture@ambafrance-jp.org, webmestre@ambafrance-jp.org, ldincau@bdangouleme.com, ipichon@bdangouleme.com, fleon@bdangouleme.com, mnbas@bdangouleme.com, jrheaume@bdangouleme.com, edasilva@bdangouleme.com, ljouchoux@bdangouleme.com, etribot@bdangouleme.co, gduguy@bdangouleme.com, cbracquemond@bdangouleme.com, selhajaj@bdangouleme.com, melody.partnership-consulting@orange.fr, tmourier@bdangouleme.com, bpujat@bdangouleme.com, prichard@bdangouleme.com, gakyuz@bdangouleme.com, nzacharewicz@bdangouleme.com

    Dear sir
    Now the international comic festival is holded in Angoulême.
    the follow incident happened in January 30.
    When Japanese group called a press conference, sponsors who conspire with Korean group
    destroyed Japanese booth suddenly because of ‘including political contents (comfort women)’.
    then, he shouted ‘we cancel the exhibition permission of the Japanese booth!’.
    he said Japanese products ‘shit’ and carried away them.
    Japanese group can’t exhibit their products.
    But Korean group is permitted to exhibit their products which is including political contents (comfort women).
    Please help us to be able to exhibit Japanese products.
    Thank you.


  9. 愛国 says:


  10. 石川 says:

    Shun Fergusonさんのfacebook情報を読み、





        Le 1er Fév. 2014

    A l’ambassadeur de France à Tokyo

    Concernant du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême.
    Est-ce que la France est un pays qui préconise des actes de terrorisme?

    Cher Ambassadeur,

    Les participants japonais au 41e Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême ont été violement exclus. Tous les objets et les bandes dessinées soigneusement préparés au stand ont été confisqués sans aucune raison par Mr. Nicolas FINET, un responsable du festival, apparemment dans un état perdant la tête, en crachant des injures et des insultes comme « Sortez tout de suite avec les objets et les bandes dessinées de la merde » le 31 Janvier.
    Les participants japonais se sentent perdu en colère.
    La Corée du Sud allait profiter de cette occasion du festival pour diffuser leur propagande « Les Femmes de réconfort étaient les esclaves sexuelles forcées par la Militaire Impérial Japonaise durant la 2ème guerre mondiale».
    Mais c’est un mensonge et une histoire fabriqué.
    Dès qu’on a su l’intention de la Corée, quelques volontaires ont décidé à participer au festival pour protéger l’histoire véridique « Les Femmes des réconfort étaient des prostituées rémunérés plutôt élevées pour la militaire japonaise ».
    Pas mal de japonais leur ont donné petit sous approuvant leur volonté.

    L’acte de Mr. FINET est vraiment inadmissible, injuste et un acte de terrorisme.
    Il a commis une discrimination contre le Japon sans aucune raison.

    Si la France est un pays qui respecte la justice et exclue le terrorisme, elle devrait prendre des mesures urgentes pour améliorer la situation des participants japonais au festival.

    Salutations distinguées
    Adresse et signature


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