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1. 戦争が終わった翌日の1937年12月14日正午から1938年1月までの間、南京周辺全てを撮影していた記録フィルム


2. ルイス・S・C・スマイス博士(金陵大学社会学教授)調査レポート「南京地区における戦争被害 1937年12月から1938年3月」

「南京地区における戦争被害 1937年12月から1938年3月」調査レポート全文(PDF)




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3. NYタイムズ、シカゴ・トリビューンの記事 1938年1月4日



これらの記録に “南京大屠殺=南京での皆殺し” を見つけられますか?



4 thoughts on “あなたは南京戦後の記録を知っていますか?

  1. 本日、州議員の関係者から返信が来ました。
    From: Harinder Malhi, MPP (Constituency Office)
    Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:04 AM
    To: ‘Ichiro Matsuo’
    Subject: RE: Do you know these records and Documents after battle of Nanking?

    Dear Ichiro Matsuo:

    On behalf of MPP Harinder Malhi, thank you for taking the time to copy our office on your message. I will ensure it is brought to the Member’s attention.

    With kind regards,

    Barbara Tait, Special Assistant

    Harinder Malhi, MPP Brampton Springdale

    Constituency Office


    Ontairo 150 logo for auto-signature 2017

  2. joe ching says:

    附录 1 .蒋介石的南京大屠杀
    In order to understand fully how the Nanking Massacre event unfolded, we need to start our story from the Xian Mutiny of 1936.
    In the morning of December 12, 1936, Chiang Kai-shek was apprehended by the mutiny generals’ men while hiding behind some boulders.
    This was the “Morning of Infamy” for Chiang. And for our Chiang and his American boss FDR alike, one Infamy must be replied by another Infamy.
    这是蒋介石的“恶名之晨”。 而对于我们的蒋和他的美国老板罗斯福来说,一个“恶名”必须由另一个“恶名”来回报。
    So, the morning of December 12, 1937 was the specified time the Commanding General Tang of Nanking was ordered by Chiang, in his final signed telegraph after two previous attempts, to leave Nanking for another “Morning of Infamy”.

    Chiang was not always a stickler about dates. For example, one of the mutiny general, the one who helped him escaped from his capture, Chiang had the guy put under house arrest longer than anybody cared to remember.
    蒋介石并不总是一个对日期坚持己见的人。 比如,一名帮助他逃离西安的叛变将军,蒋介石将那家伙软禁,长的没有人能记得有多久。
    But the other one, the more die-hard mutiny general, got the whole family, including one infant, butchered with faces made unrecognizable by acid only hours before Mao’s men got there to rescue them.
    And the Infamy in this case was that the victims all still thought Chiang was their friend.
    Also, never forget Chiang was a persistent person. And always remember: he only became more persistent if you try to change him. So, the Mutiny was a big mistake.
    此外,也永远不要忘记,蒋是一个执着的人。 还永远要记住:如果你想改变他,他只会变得更加执着。 所以,这次叛变是犯了一个大错。

    Now instead of just targeting the communists in China, Chiang went after all Chinese. That’s maybe why later he sensed a new lease on life in Taiwan, when he had his once-elusive enemies now all cornered in one spot — the Mainland China.
    现在,蒋不只是仅仅针对中国的共产党人,而是所有中国人。 这也许就是为什么他可能感觉后来的台湾是他新生命的开始,当时曾经一度难以捉摸的敌人,现在都限制在一个地方 – 中国大陆。

    In the Xian Mutiny, Chiang was forced under gun point to stop killing Chinese and start kill Japanese. Well, that definitely made him wanting to kill more Chinese and love Japanese even more.

    在西安叛变中,蒋被迫在枪口威胁下停止杀中国人,并开始杀他爱的日本人。 那么,这绝对会让他更想杀中国人,也更爱日本人。
    This is the key factor for anyone to understand Nanking Massacre, and all the other senseless happenings during Chiang’s rule.
    One American Chinese girl named Iris Chang was a victim of not understanding this factor, but still with open bright eyes, wrote the a book about Nanking Massacre.

    And the Japanese rightwing is the current on-going victim. After a thorough research of WWII, they still have no tiniest clue as to who had been taking them for a wild ride and making them sounded like self-contradictory laughing stock to the outside world.
    After China declared war against Japan by the agreement reached in Xian Mutiny, the first Battle of Shanghai was a shocker for Chiang, as well as the Japanese. Chiang was hoping the superior Japanese military would teach the over-eager Chinese a lesson.
    在中国,通过在西安兵变所达成的协议,向日本宣战之后,上海的第一次战役震惊了蒋和日本。 蒋希望日本的优越军队能够给他手下那些过分渴望抗日的中国人一个狠狠的教训。

    But instead, the Japanese suffered such a big loss, the central command in Tokyo basically decided to drop the inland expansion plan.

    That definitely would be a no-no for Chiang. He wanted to give Japan another chance at Nanking. So, he must guarantee the invading Japanese generals that the Nanking defense would be completely disabled when Japanese soldiers entered the city.
    蒋介石绝对不能让他们这样做。 所以,他想再给日本一个机会–在南京。 所以,他必须保证日本在日军士兵进城时,他会完全拆除南京的防备。
    This was why Chiang left no communication equipments with the Nanking troops and no aerial support for the artilleries. In addition, Chiang personally pulled General Tang out of his defense command right when Japan started its assault on Nanking.
    这就是为什么蒋没有留下通讯设备给防守南京的军队,也没有给炮兵任何的空中支援。 此外,蒋介石在日本开始袭击南京时亲自将唐将军拉出他的防卫指挥部。
    Today, the Japanese rightwing hardcore still maintains that there was no massacre in Nanking and the whole thing was all a fabrication. But nobody listen to their cry.
    今天,日本右翼组织仍然认为南京没有屠杀事件,整件事情都是捏造的。 但没有人听他们的呼喊。
    Why, all they really need to do is just show the true military records how easily they entered the city without any fighting, or rather, facing only retreating Chinese soldiers. Then people would automatically suspect of a fabrication on their own.
    为什么呢?他们真正需要做的仅仅是展示真实的军事纪录,他们在没有任何对抗的情况下轻松进入城市,或者更确切地说,只面对逃亡的中国士兵。 然后人们自然会怀疑捏造。
    But the Japanese couldn’t do that, because the bigger truth here was that “Chiang was on their side”. Anyway, at the time, they need to keep this horror of a bigger truth from Chiang’s boss, America.
    但是日本人不能那样做,因为这里更大的真相是“蒋介石是站在他们一边的”。 无论如何,当时他们需要对他们的好朋友,蒋介石,的老板美国保密这个更大的恐怖真相。
    America was happy with the Shanghai Battle. So, Chiang must capitalize on this momentum. He must show large casualty numbers, or simply fabricate some photographs that would damaging Japan’s image. He did both.
    美国对上海之战感到满意。 所以,蒋必须充分利用这一势头。 他必须再展示大量的伤亡人数,或者干脆编造一些照片,将损害日本的形象。他两个都做到了。
    Two large sources of casualties, all Chinese, came from General Tang’s do-or-die commitment at defending Nanking. First, he demolished all the vessels for escape to strengthen his troop’s determination in defending the city to the last man.
    两大伤亡来源,都是中国人,来自唐将军对南京捍卫的不朽承诺。 首先,唐拆除了所有的逃生船只,以加强他的部队保卫城市到最后一个人的决心。
    Second, he positioned two machine guns right over the narrow escape route to wipe out any notion of desertion.
    So Chiang’s order to retreat made it the worst day in Tang’s life. This poor guy must have wished for a life time to gripe about what Chiang made him to do, especially after he warned Chiang that there would be a massacre, even just by his own people, if he retreated.
    因此,蒋介石的撤退命令造成唐将军人生中最痛苦的一天。 这个倒霉的将军一定还希望能有一生的时间来抱怨蒋介石让他做了什么,尤其是在他已警告蒋介石会有一场大屠杀,甚至只是通过自己人杀自己人。那就是如果他撤退。
    But little did Tang realized, it’s all in the Chiang’s fabrication plan. If only Chiang could also knock off Tang, nobody would ever be able to find out the truth. Ha, only dumb American generals would judge the genius Chiang was a nitwit.
    但是唐有所不知,这一切都在蒋的捏造计划中。 如果只要蒋再可搞掉唐将军,那么谁也不可能发现真相。 哈,只有愚蠢的美国将军才会判断天才蒋介石是一个傻瓜。

    So Chiang made sure Tang would not have the chance to gripe. He arrested Tang and executed Tang by a firing squad for desertion.
    所以蒋要确定唐不会有机会去抱怨。 他逮捕了唐,并以一个逃兵罪行,处决了唐。
    But in the footnote of the book, Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang, the readers are told that Tang was actually rescued by the Communists and lived to a ripe old age — to gripe. But the bashful Chinese government censored everything, except for the little they told Chang that’s in her book.
    但在张纯如的南京大屠杀的书中,读者被告知,唐实际上被共产党人救出,并活到一个老大的年龄 – 去抱怨个够。 但是保守的中国政府封锁了一切,除了在张纯如书中的一些信息。
    A few words are in order to credit the two heroines in the Nanking Massacre event. The first is Iris Chang, the author of “Rape of Nanking”.
    For a good analytical reader, Chang’s book has already convicted Chaing as the fabricator of Nanking Massacre with the information the Chinese communists frevealed to Chang.
    It’s almost a matter of time, she herself would have realized, or by some convincing argument from an analytical reader, that Nanking Massacre was a fabrication, especially in the backdrop of the criminal Bush administration.
    The problem here is that, then it would be too late. The upsurge of grassroot momentum of anti-Japanese sentiment, backed by the Chinese Christian converts, Westerners and the untold riches of the Sun-Chiang trust fund, has already swell to a uncontrollable level.
    问题是,那就太晚了。 在基督徒,西方人和孙中山-蒋介石无数财富的基金的支持下,基层反日情绪已会高胀到无法控制的程度。
    Iris Chang would not be able to live with the truths, while fanatically cheering on by supporters of the her sincere lies. Guess that’s when people commit suicide. And she did.
    当她的支持者疯狂地欢呼她亲手写出的诚恳谎话时,张纯如是无法继续生活于这个真相里。 猜想这可能就是一个人被逼到自杀的时刻。她去报到了。
    But the cause for her suicide was generally accepted to be mental stress. What horror could cause this kind of life threatening stress? We can either find it out and put it into history books, or let it repeat in real life.
    但她自杀的原因普遍被认为是精神压力。 什么样的恐怖会导致这种威胁生命的压力? 我们可以找到它并用文字在历史书中描述它,或者让它在现实生活中重复。
    In fact, Iris Chang’s real life tragedy was a repeat of another heroine from Nanking, Minnie Vautrin.
    事实上,张纯如的真实生活悲剧已是来自南京的另一位女主角Minnie Vautrin的重复。
    Vautrin was a first-hand eyewitness of Nanking Massacre. Her diaries basically described the war-zone atmosphere of the transition from the Chiang administration to the Wang Jing-wei government.
    Vautrin是南京大屠杀的亲眼目击者。 她的日记主要描述了从蒋介石政府向汪精卫政府过渡时,有充分战区气氛的情景。
    Like Iris Chang, she too had a mental breakdown. And she had to go back to America for treatment. She left a diary, but the last few entries have been altered by someone else.
    像张纯如一样,她也曾经有过精神崩溃。 她不得不回美国接受治疗。 她留下一本日记,但最后几个条目已被别人改过。
    Also like Chang, when she got cured and could see everything clearly, she decided not to live with what she’s seeing.
    Vautrin was a contemporary of Chiang Kai-shek, living amidst the dirtiest of Chiang’s trickeries. It’s hard, therefore, to blame her for not knowing what hit her to make her quietly sealed all the windows in her apartment and turned on the gas stove without lighting it.
    Vautrin是蒋介石同时代的人,生活在蒋的无穷尽的阴谋诡计中。 因此,很难责怪她不能知道是什么打击了她,让她悄悄地密封了她公寓的所有窗户,并打开燃气灶而不点燃它。
    But Iris Chang lived under Bush, Jr. She actually went out and bought a gun just 2 days after finding out Bush was elected for a second term. And here is what in the notes she left behind before she used the gun to end her life:
    但是,张纯如生活在小布什时期。在布什被选连任第二任期后的第二天,她就去买了一把枪。 在她饮抢自尽来结束她的生命之前,她在留下的笔记中写道:
    “… I can never shake my belief that I was being recruited, and later persecuted, by forces more powerful than I could have imagined. Whether it was the CIA or some other organization, I will never know. As long as I’m alive, these forces will never stop hounding me…. ”
    “……我永远不能甩掉我的信念,即我正在被比我想象中还更强大的力量招募并受到后来的迫害,无论是中央情报局还是其他组织,我永远不会知道,只要我还活着的时候,这些力量永远不会停止追猎我… …。”
    “… I believe my detention at Norton Hospital was the government’s attempt to discredit me. I had considered running away, but I will never be able to escape from myself and my thoughts. I am doing this because I am too weak to withstand the years of pain and agony ahead.”
    “……我相信我在诺顿医院的拘留是政府企图诋毁我。 我曾考虑过逃跑,但
    The existence of the notes was reconfirmed by her dad, but he cautioned us that the U.S. government has told him not to discuss this with other people.
    Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto of Dept. of Asian American Studies, University of California, Davis, still braved some conclusion in line with her notes:
    加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校亚裔美国研究部的Darrell Y. Hamamoto教授仍然根据她的笔记作出了一些结论:
    “Quite possibly Chang had found during the course of her research and political involvement on behalf of those who experienced profound losses during wartime that her own American government was complicit if not at the center of the multiple holocausts of the twentieth century.”

    Ok, if you wait long enough, truth will surface by itself. This was the case with Qian Xinmin regarding his role in the fabrication of the Nanking Massacre.
    好吧,如果你等了足够长的时间,真相本身将浮出水面。 这是与一位钱新民有关他的角色在制造南京大屠杀的情景。
    Iris Chang’s notes were warned not to be discussed, but the following new revelation on Qian Xinmin surfaced in 2009 and disappeared by 2015.
    It was about the true activities of Qian in producing the Nanking Massacre photo album, that Chiang Kai-shek and his master spy Dai Li tried so carefully to dissociate themselves with.
    It was an article coming out in 2009, right around the time China and Japan decided to jointly research and write what exactly happened in Nanking during the winter of 1937.

    But it was no where to be found by 2005. It might have something to do with America’s displeasure at Japan’s second call for “East Asia Community” in 2010. America did do something nasty to scare Asia to back off. But here, we choose to continue to push forward.
    但是到2005年这个文件就再也没有被发现。这可能与美国对2010年日本第二次号召的“东亚共同体”呼吁不满有关。美国确实做了一些令人恐惧的事情来吓退亚洲。 但在这里,我们选择继续推进。

    In the 1980’s, the testimonies of the widows of Chiang and Dai Li’s spies, who participated in the creation of the Nanking Massacre’s photo album, revealed new data about the circumstances under which the album was produced.
    According to the old data from Chiang and Dai, Qian betrayed their trust and defected to the Japanese right after the Japanese occupied Nanking.
    The author of the book “Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service”, Frederic Wakeman, had one short pharagraph in this book, telling the world that Qian basically did nothing for Dai and Chiang while in Nanking base on an announcement by Dai that Qian defected.
    美国历史学家,Frederic Wakeman, 的“间谍大师:戴笠和中国特工部”这本书中有一个简短的段落,告诉全世界,对于戴和蒋来说,在南京,钱基本上什么都没有做,因为他投奔了日本。
    Also in the early 1980, one high official in Taiwan’s intelligence community, in his memoir, stated that “Qian sacrificed his life gallantly in China’s Resisting- Japan War”.

    But the widows of Qian’s spies who were sold out by Qian to the Japanese military police told a vastly different story. They exposed Qian as the creator of the infamous Nanking Massacre photo album.
    但钱手下的间谍,被钱出卖给日本军警的那批。他们的寡妇告诉我们一个截然不同的故事。 他们暴露了钱新民为南京大屠杀相册的创造者。
    Qian led a group of spies into the slums of Nanking during the time Nanking fell to the Japanese. Together they were supposed to photograph the massacres and rapes by the Japanese soldiers and sent them to their bosses, Chiang Kai-shek and his master spy Dai Li, in Hankou.
    在南京沦陷到日本手里的时候,钱新民带领一批间谍进入南京的贫民窟。 他们拍摄了日本士兵的屠杀和强奸,并将照片送到他们的老板蒋介石和他的主任特务戴笠在汉口。
    Three years later, on October 9, 1940, Qian Xinmin himself surrendered to the Japanese, and then sold out his subordinate to the Japanese and had
    them all executed by the Japanese. But in January, 1941, Qian himself was arrested and executed by the Japanese.
    三年后的1940年10月9日,钱新民亲自向日本人投降,然后将其下属出卖给日本人,并全部被日本人处决。 但在一九四一年一月,钱本人也被日本人逮捕并处决。
    The reason for their deaths was because they were found to be the authors of the Nanking Massacre photo album, which, more than any other anti-Japanese propaganda material, has caused unerasable hatred in Chinese minds about Japanese brutality in China.
    However, to this day, Japanese researchers have refuted the authenticity of this album. None of the photos seems entirely genuine.
    然而,直到今天,日本研究人员反驳了这专辑的真实性。 照片中没有一张看来是原始的。
    The results of a thorough analysis of the photos proved the photos were either not taken in the cold winter of Nanking, noting the clothes being worn, or they were doctored by somebody.
    Some photos even have the same faces shown on either the Japanese soldiers or on their Chinses victims. And the most memorable photos are so sexually repugnant that their propaganda values are of biblical proportion.
    有些照片甚至在日本士兵或中国的受害者脸上都有相同的面孔。 而最令人难忘的照片是那些如此令人反感的性展示。他们的宣传可与基督教的圣经比美。
    The photo album had to be the product of a group of sick minds, who self-scripted, self-directed and self-enacted the photo shoot.

    Well Chiang did say he liked to trust Christians. So, they might be all used to things that were pervert and filthy.
    蒋介石确实说过他喜欢信任基督徒。 所以,他们可能都习惯于变态和肮脏的事情。

    Why, the whole faith does have strong sexual appeal, unlike the boring godless Asian philosophies. And a fabrication could really use some sexual sensationism.
    为什么呢,整个神的信仰确实具有强烈的性感上的吸引力,不像那些枯燥无神的亚洲哲学。 而捏造出的东西是真的可以利用一些性感来征服他们的同类。

    The following evidence on Chiang and Dai’s premeditated activities further substantiate the view: Chiang Kai-shek fabricated the Nanking Massacre.
    It appeared that after Chiang and Dai planned out their operation, they need a story to dissociate themselves from Qian. Here is the story Dai used:
    看起来,在蒋和戴完成他们的计划之后,他们需要一个故事来摆脱钱新民。 这是戴制造的故事:

    Dai, at first, told his own boss, Chiang Kai-shek, that Qian was completely reliable and capable of accomplishing the task doing underground work in Japanese-occupied Nanking.

    But the minute Nanking fell, Dai announced to the world that Qian led his spies defecting to the Japanese. Dai specifically admitted that he was “blind” to the true character of Qian and “has deeply lost face in front of Chiang Kai-shek”.
    但是,当南京沦陷时,戴向全世界宣布,钱新民带领他的间谍向日本人投奔。 戴特别承认,他对钱的真实性格是“盲目的”,并且“在蒋介石面前深深地丢尽了脸”。
    But now we know Dai Li and Chiang Kai-shek lied in order to hide something, since Qian did not defect until 2 years later.
    And during the same time period in which Dai Li wanted the world to believe Qian defected was when the Nanking Massacre photo album was being produced and sent to Dai himself in Hankou. Obviously final destination was America in its preparation for the coming war with Japan.
    而在,戴希望世人相信,钱不幸背叛的,同一时期,南京大屠杀的相册在制作并送到汉口的戴本人身边。 显然,最终的目的地是美国,为即将到来与日本的战争做准备。
    Now we all know that the album production was a planned operation by Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Li. Qian Xinming was their point man. Qian was ordered to do the photo shoots and send the photos to Dai Li in Hankou.
    现在我们都知道,这张专辑的制作是蒋介石和戴笠的一个计划。 钱新民是他们的关键人物。 钱被要求拍摄照片并将照片寄给汉口的戴笠。
    Then Dai Li tried to dissociate Chiang and himself from Qian’s operation by telling a lie that he had defected to the Japanese, during the time he was actually executing the operationan, so that there was no Nanking Massacre Album being fabricated by anyone.
    In the early 1930’s, the forgery “Tanaka Memorial” was published in Shanghai to poison the blood of Chinese people toward Japan. Now this Nanking Massacre photo album put the nails on the coffin of Sino-Japanese relationship up to this day.
    在1930年代早期,伪造的“田中奏折”在上海出版,毒化中国人民对日本的感情。 现在这个南京大屠杀的相册把钉子敲进了中日关系的棺木上直到今天。


    Several other documentaries have since emerged on “NANKING MASSACRE”. Most are just self-back-patting Christian and West’s propaganda for Japan bashing with the purpose of dividing and conquering Asia.

    One of the very first Nanking Massacre video was by a person who loved to show on TV and in meetings all the offendingly obscene photos, that could very well be fabricated by Qian et al.
    His favorite subject of presentation was comparing the Japanese samurai sword to the male sex organ. The guy wound up sueing the Nanking Massacre Committee for not share the donation they collected.
    他最喜欢的谈论主题是将日本武士刀与男性性器官进行比较。 他最后还起诉了南京大屠杀委员会的人没有和他分享收集的捐款。
    But one film, recovered from all the truth-telling first-hand record keeping by the Japanese that the West has managed to destroy, was “Nanking”. As usual it’s mostly bad propaganda attempts by the introvert Japanese.
    但是,一部电影从,所有西方设法摧毁的关于日本真实现场的记录中,恢复出来。它叫着“南京”。 像往常一样,这大多也只是另一个那些内向的日本人糟糕的宣传尝试。
    This film, however, does serve as a confirmation of what we have just described. For example, the only clear assault on Nanking was two soldiers used a 15-meter long ladder to climb up a deserted city wall and raise some Japanese flags.
    然而,这部电影确证了我们刚才所描述的内容。 例如,对南京的唯一清楚展示的攻击是两名士兵用一把15米长的梯子爬上一座废弃的城墙,并举起两枚日本国旗。
    Then on top of these tall defensive walls, out of every opening looking down the exterior wall, there was a long rope braced across the openings for people to let them down out of the city. The Japanese soldiers joked about the strange ways the Chinese soldiers retreated.
    然后,在这些高大的防御墙之上,从内墙向外看的每一个开口中,都有一根长长的绳子穿过和卡在开口内的木条上,让人们爬下出城。 日本士兵开玩笑地说中国士兵撤退的方式很奇怪。
    They did show some sporatic fighting against invisible enemies at noon on December 12, 1937. Then on December 15, they have the victory march into the abandoned city. This pretty much check out our own timeline on the dot. Specifically, Nanking Massacre happened on the 1st anniversary of the Xian Mutiny.
    他们确实在1937年12月12日的中午与敌人展开了一些战斗。然后在12月15日,他们胜利地进军入了一个废弃的城市。 这几乎重合了我们自己时间表上的那一刻。 那就是,南京大屠杀发生在西安兵变一周年之际。
    And the film showed a lot of anti-Japanese posters on Nanking streets. To refute that, the commentator of the film criticized the Chinese’ immorality for habitually cut in line in public lineup, rather than wait for their turn starting at the end of the line.
    这部电影在南京道路上展示了很多反日海报。 为了驳斥这一点,电影评论员批评了中国人在公共场所的不道德行为,那就是插队,而不是从最后排起。
    Finally, all were forgiven, when they replaced the old Chinese posters with new Japanese posters, and everyone got into a festive mood, with children playing with firecrackers, to celebrate the New Year. The general message from the invading Japanese was:
    最后,一切都被原谅了,他们用新的日本海报取代了旧的中国的海报,每个人都带着欢乐的心情,孩子们玩耍着鞭炮,庆祝新年。 日本”侵略者”的总体信息是:
    “In addition, shall we pray till we shout for joy of the peace for Asia and the friendship between Japan and China.”


    Now we have described what really happened in Nanking from the events that led to the mayhem caused by Chiang Kai-shek’s order to retreat just when Japanese started to assault on the city.

    Since this was real life, not a movie, we need to present some continuity and consistency in the behaviors of the characters involved. Namely, we need to present examples of behavior patterns of the Japanese soldiers and Chiang Kai-shek in other similar settings.
    既然这是现实生活,而不是电影,我们需要在所涉及角色的行为中表现出一些连续性和一致性。 也就是说,我们需要介绍日本士兵和蒋介石在其他类似环境下的行为模式。
    Since Japan was singled out for war-time sexual conducts, let’s pick an event where a comparative description with the other countries can be found and the setting should be also China.
    This was the Boxer Rebellion in the early 1900. And here are the comparison, and this time we shall also single out the Western Allies’ soldiers for criticism as the world did to Japan both in Nanking and also on “comfort women” in Korea:
    “While one historical account reported that Japanese troops were astonished by other Alliance troops raping civilians.”
    “Roger Keyes, who commanded the British destroyer Fame noted that the Japanese had brought their own “regimental wives” (prostitutes) to the front to keep their soldiers from raping Chinese civilians.”
    “Thousands of Chinese women committed suicide; The Daily Telegraph journalist E. J. Dillon stated it was to avoid rape by Alliance forces, and he witnessed the mutilated corpses of Chinese women who were raped and killed by the Alliance troops.”
    ” “数千计的中国女性自杀身亡,”每日电讯报记者E.J.Dillon说,”这是为了避免被联盟部队强奸。并且他亲眼目睹被联盟军队强奸并杀害后的中国妇女肢解的尸体。”
    “The French commander dismissed the rapes, attributing them to “gallantry of the French soldier.” ”
    “A foreign journalist, George Lynch, said “there are things that I must not write, and that may not be printed in England, which would seem to show that this Western civilization of ours is merely a veneer over savagery.”
    Hopefully the above presentation will send a message to journalists and historians to condemn all wars, rather than to whitewash your own wars with sexual sensations committed by your enemy’s wars.
    Guess by now, you could not wait to find out the secretive behavior patterns of our Chiang Kai-shek. There were really too much to mention. Here we will only describe two events:
    现在猜想,你已迫不及待地想知道蒋介石秘密性的行为模式。 实在太多了。 这里我们只描述两个事件:
    1. The “largest act of environmental warfare in history” — Yellow River Flood of 1939.
    1.“历史上最大规模的环境战争” – 1939年的黄河洪水泛滥。
    “A official history of the war put the dead in the flood at 900,000 and the refugees at nearly 10 million.”
    And the flood and famine spreaded to 3 provinces and lasted from 1938 to 1945. Here is another comparison of the relationship between Japanese soldiers with the Chinese people and that of Chiang’s soldiers with his own people.
    “However, because there were many Chinese civilians killed during the flood by the KMT(Chiang’s Party), most of the civilians residing in that area began to cooperate with the Japanese.”
    Actually, at this stage of Chinese history, the Chinese people disliked the Japanese, hated Chiang, and considered themselves all communists at heart. Yet, Chiang has never given up lying to the people, just like in Nanking and here at Yellow River:
    其实,在中国历史的这个阶段,中国人不喜欢日本人,痛恨蒋介石,和他们心里都自认是共产党。 然而,蒋从来没有放弃对人民的欺骗,就像在南京和黄河这样:
    “The Nationalist government, after initially claiming that the breach was caused by Japanese bombing, used the heavy casualties to demonstrate the scale of sacrifice required of the Chinese people; it claimed that 12 million people had been affected by the flood.”
    Now with Japanese army’s image completely smeared by lies of Nanking Massacre and Yellow River Flood, Japan’s China liberation effort was turned into a bona fide brutal invasion.
    “The strategic value of the flood has been questioned. Japanese troops were out of its range…they took Wuhan in October by attacking from a different direction.”
    After Wuhan fell, 200,000 refugees moved to Changsha and caused the population in Changsha to swell from 300,000 to 500,000. This didn’t look worked. So, here we go…
    武汉沦陷后,20万难民搬到长沙,导致长沙人口从30万膨胀到50万。 这看起来不太好,如果考虑到蒋对事情的想法。 所以我们走着瞧吧..。
    “Because of a lack of confidence in holding the city, Chiang Kai-shek suggested that the city should be burned to the ground, so that Japan would gain nothing even if it chose to forcefully enter it.” Here is what happened in Changsha:
    “由于对这座城市的防守缺乏信心,蒋介石建议把这个城市烧掉,这样日本即使选择强行进入也不会有所收获。” 以下是在长沙发生了什么:
    2. The greatest human-caused citywide fire in Chinese history — Changsha fire of 1938
    2.中国历史上最大的人为火灾 – 1938年的长沙火灾
    Chiang Kai-shek’s “officials ordered the city be set on fire … to keep its wealth from the Japanese.” Many people were killed when the water in the fire trucks was replaced by gasoline.
    “More than 30,000 people lost their lives during the fire. Over 90%, or 56,000, of the city’s buildings were burned.”
    “The result of this fire made Changsha one of the most damaged cities during World War II, alongside Stalingrad, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
    Lucky for Japan, at the end of the Battle of Changsha, Japanese troops were successfully repelled by the Chinese defenders, whose commanding general was never recalled by Chiang.
    Otherwise, today we might just see a “Changsha Massacre Memorial”, that would be erected to tell the world that Changsha was the most devastated city, courtesy of the Japanese.
    The basic difference that made Nanking fell to the Japanese and allowed Changsha to repel the Japanese was that the Commanding General Tang of Nanking was someone Chiang had order him assassinated once, but the Generals in Changsha were his future Vice-Presidential hopefuls.
    If you still not quite clear about how Chiang’s mind worked, here are some more examples that illustrates his feelings toward China, Japan and America, and even Russia.
    After Japan surrendered, Chiang even ordered the Japanese troops in the Northeast China to fight the Mao’s peasant army for another month. And Japan not only refused, but instead armed 700,000 of Mao’s troop with quality weapons that eventually allowed Mao to beat Chiang.
    日本投降后,蒋竟然命令日本军队在东北地区再继续对抗毛泽东的农民革命军。 但日本不但拒绝,而且把先进武器装备了70万毛的军队,最终让毛打败了蒋。
    And when Chiang was making his last stand in Shanghai, he was actually expecting that America was going to come to his rescue with nuclear weapons.
    Then, back to China’s Northeast where Russia occupied a lot of land, Chiang asked the Russians to postpone their returning the land to China, giving the Russians a chance to bring 2 billion dollars’ worth of heavy industry tools.
    Finally, to be really certain about Chiang’s feeling about the Japan throughout the war, we should take a look at a short news item in the Sing Tao Daily.
    It’s at the time Chiang was just about to leave China and go to Taiwan. His wife asked him to go to the West instead, but Chiang replied:”If I go anywhere other than Taiwan, I would go to Japan.”
    那时蒋正要离开中国去台湾。 他的妻子劝他去西方,但蒋回答说:“如果我要去台湾以外的任何地方,我会去日本。”
    Chiang will be a small figure with huge influence in history. It would be an interesting task to remove the “Chiang factor” in China and see how history would have evolved.
    蒋将是一个在历史上具有巨大影响的小人物。 一件有趣的尝试将是:去除中国的“蒋介石因素”,看看历史会如何发展。
    So, what would happen if China was not handicaped by Chiang Kai-shek?
    China would be able to hold Japan off for, at least, six months at Nanking. During that time, reinforcements from Changsha and everywhere else would be able to attack the Japanese Nanking assaulting troops from the rear.
    中国将能够在南京守留至少六个月的时间。 在那段时间内,来自长沙和其他地方的增援部队将能够从后方攻击日本在袭击南京的部队。
    Eventually, Japan would be forced to sign a conditional surrender peace agreement. And the condition is that Japan joined up with China to liberate the whole Asia.
    最终,日本将被迫签署有条件投降的和平协议。 条件是日本帮中国一起解放整个亚洲。
    This would be possible, because, although the absent Chiang would be against it, both China and Japan has been doing that all along and up to now.
    Thus China and Japan would form a united front against the Western colonists. That would also discourage America from launching a military operation to “rescue” Asia from Japan. And the world would turn around from war to peace.
    因此,中日两国将形成反抗西方殖民者的统一战线。 这也会阻止美国发动军事行动去“从日本的侵略中救出亚洲”。 世界将从战争转向和平。

    • necogeemu says:

      Chinese army has done Yellow River Flood of 1939.
      They had wanted to make marvelous strategy against Japanese Army, so, have made Yellow River Flood.
      Japanese army has stopped fighting, scooped Chinese people up from the flooded water of Yellow River, while Chinese army has been bombing to the river from the opposite side of the Yellow River.

  3. JUN ISOBE says:

    蒋介石が黄河の堤防を決壊させたのは、1939年ではなく、1938年6月9日 (昭和13年6月9日)頃ではないでしょうか。(forgot_you_notのblogの当時の新聞記事と写真による)
    「人類永遠の敵 蒋介石 黄河を決壊濁流滔々 支那良民数十萬水葬」東京日日新聞.1938年6月16日朝刊。」
    「黄河の濁流刻々拡大 解封南方百粁(100km)に達す 非人道の犠牲、算なし」東京朝日新聞 1938年6月16日朝刊」
    「濁流渦巻く水禍の中に 皇軍必死の救助作業續く 同盟ニュース
    「同盟ニュース 昭和13年6月23日。支那事変画報 第33号(毎日新聞、1938年7月11日)。わが軍の慈愛の手に救はれた黄河氾濫の被害民の群れ。泥流渦巻く黄河の洪水被災地で、支那人に対する日本軍の必死の救助作業が続く。」

    1938, Yellow River flood by Sino-German Cooperation until 1941

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