NYナッソー郡 第二の慰安婦記念碑 絶対反対!facebook & twitter & 手紙 抗議(2012)

第二の慰安婦記念碑 絶対反対!

facebook & twitter &手紙 抗議

<参考サイト>サーチナ 【社会ニュース】 2012/06/14(木) 13:43
の碑に次ぐものになるという。除幕式にはナッソー郡長も参加する。 』
この碑には”Nassau County Edward P. Mangano Executive”と、ナッソー郡長の名前が刻まれています。
韓国のプロパガンダ利用されているMangano郡長に、日本人が慰安婦記念碑に反対していることをfacebook ,twitter ,手紙で直接伝えましょう!



碑文には、日本軍が「性的奴隷(Sexual Slavery)」にするため、20万人を超える少女らを強制動員したと指摘。これらの犯罪は必ず、認められるべきで、絶対に忘れられないとの強いメッセージを盛り込んでいる。
慰安婦碑の建立を進めた米国の韓国人団体は日本側の反発や妨害工作などを懸念し、水面下でナッソー郡と緊密に協議を行ってきた。その結果、通常2年ほどがかかる設置許可、場所選定、碑の委員会承認など全過程が2週間半で完了した。  (省略)』
『韓国光州市は11日、ニューヨーク州ナッソー郡に在米韓国人団体「韓米公共政策委員会」と共同で、従軍慰安婦の碑を建設することを明らかにした。複数の韓国メディアが報じた。碑は6月20日にナッソー群アイゼンハワー公園に建設される予定。実現すれば2010年10月23日にニュージャージー州パリセイズパーク市の公立図書館に設置された慰安婦の碑に次ぐものになるという。除幕式にはナッソー郡長も参加する。 』

twitter 抗議

NYナッソー郡長twitter   https://twitter.com/#!/edmangano

@edmangano Resolution 121 interfere w/ domestic affair of Japan. US should seek and act based on the truth! Not only the oral testimony.

@edmangano Resolution 121 was result of lobbying as a part of Korean propaganda:”Discount Japan”. Seek and act only based on the truth!

@edmangano Is judging only by oral testimony FAIR? Resolution 121 is not based on the truth. JIA never coerced those prostitutes!

facebook 抗議


—–英文メッセージここから ———–

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

According to Korean news, Korean Comfort Women Memorial Monument was opened in Eisenhower Park in Nassau County on 20th of June, and on the memorial I found your name “Nassau County Edward P. Mangano Executive”. Learning this news, we, Japanese, are profoundly concerned about Korean American’ s political activities in an attempt to condemn Japan and Japanese without understanding the verified facts.

The term “comfort women” refers simply to prostitutes in wartime. But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical reasons, a fictitious version of history, and it is their propaganda called “discount Japan”.

The U.S. military official document “UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater APO 689” ( http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html ) exclusively and vividly shows how well comfort women were treated. They were simply not sex slaves.

The potential dangers of this action is that people, especially children, would have wrong images about Japan, her history and culture and it will affect the relationship between the US and Japan as well as Korea. And many Japanese tourists visiting New York would be deeply greatly disappointed.

We believe that the American people cherish and enthusiastically defend fairness, and seek justice and the truth at same time. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair and objective judgment in regards to this issue.

Sincerely yours,

【差出人名前 ローマ字で】

———–メッセージここまで ———–

<日本語 要約>


韓国のニュースで、6月20日にナッソー郡のアイゼンハウワー公園に慰安婦記念碑が公開されたという報道がありました。その記念碑に”Nassau County Edward P. Mangano Executive”と、貴方の名前が書かれているのを見ました。



米軍公文書(http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html )は、当時の慰安婦は待遇が良かったことを証明しています。



お手紙 抗議

署名(日本語でもローマ字でもOK)・名前と住所(ローマ字)・日付(日は数字・月は7月JULY,8月 AUGUST, 9月SEPT)を記入するだけで完成します。自分で文章を変えて送っても結構です。


Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano
Office of the Nassau County Executive
1550 Franklin Avenue
Mineola, NY 11501

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano 様




















戦争中、数十万人もの朝鮮兵が、日本兵として日本軍と共に闘っていました。その兵隊たちは同胞の女性 が強制的に性奉仕をさせられるというのに、何も言わず、何も行動しなかったのでしょうか。

(資料:「よくわかる慰安婦問題」西岡力 著 )

現在10万人の韓国女性が海外で売春婦となっています。日本に5万人、残りはアメリカやオーストラリアなどにいます。これはいったい何を示しているでしょうか? ある数の韓国女性は対価さえ得られれば売春婦になるのだと考えるのは自然なことです。


23 thoughts on “NYナッソー郡 第二の慰安婦記念碑 絶対反対!facebook & twitter & 手紙 抗議(2012)

  1. 向山真由美 says:


  2. ナンバ says:


    ① 指令書や計画書、当時の日記・記録・証言録など、証拠(資料)がひとつも存在しない。

    ② 東京裁判や1965年の日韓基本条約でも慰安婦問題など存在しなかったし、韓国初代大統領李承晩も散々日本を非難していたが慰安婦については一度も取り上げず、問題にする声もまったくなかった。

    ③ 慰安婦問題は1983年に吉田清治という一人の老人が「済州島で慰安婦狩りを行った」と発表したフィクション本『私の戦争犯罪』が全ての始まりである(韓国で慰安婦問題が騒がれだしたのはこの本が1989年に翻訳出版されてから)。

    ④ ところが済州島の当時を知る老人たちは、「私たちの村でそんな事が一人でもあれば私の耳に入っているはずだ」「そんな事は絶対になかった」と1989年に現地の『済州新聞』で証言し、地元の郷土史家も「この本は日本人の悪徳ぶりを示す軽薄な商魂の産物だと思われる」と吉田本を完全否定した(後に吉田もフィクションだったと認めた)。

    ⑤ 日本人の反日左翼が韓国で賠償金がとれるなどと慰安婦募集をして、1991年に初めて元慰安婦だと言う人物が名乗り出た(戦後40数年間1人も被害を訴えなかったなんてことは常識的に考えて有りえるだろうか?)。

    ⑥ その慰安婦たちの証言も二転三転していたり(中には証言が十数回も変わっている者もいる)、具体性に欠けたり、裏付けがなされていないなど、信憑性はない。

    ⑦ 強制連行があったのなら両親や兄弟・親戚・友人・知人・目撃者などが抗議運動を起こしていたはずだが、そんなものは一件も起こらなかった。(当時は日本人が朝鮮人をからかっただけで抗議運動に発展したらしいし、気性の激しい朝鮮人が同胞女性を連れ去られていくのを何もせず黙って見ていたというのも考えられない)

    ⑧ 連れ去られる女性を朝鮮人が救出したり、阻止しようとした事例や、連れ去ろうとした者と戦ったり抗議したという事例も皆無。

    ⑨ 連れ去られる女性が抵抗したという事例や、強制連行される途中や連行先から逃げ出して助けを求めたという事例も皆無。

    ⑩ 慰安婦は日本軍ではなく民間業者により集められ、慰安所も民間業者が経営していた(ちなみに、慰安婦の総数は2万5000人ほどと推計され、大半は日本人女性だった)。

    ⑪ 当時の日本軍には朝鮮人が計24万人も所属しており(全員志願兵で、日本人兵士を率いて戦った朝鮮人兵士もいた)、同胞女性が強制的に性奴隷になどされていたのなら何らかの問題が起こるはずである(彼ら朝鮮人日本兵の存在は強制連行がなかった事の証明になると考える)。

    ⑫ 強制的に集めたという証拠はないが、自発的に集まったと思われる証拠なら存在する(「慰安婦募集」の新聞広告や1944年のアメリカ軍の記録など)。

    ⑬ 現在、約10万人もの韓国人女性が海外で売春を行っている。現在でもこうなのだから、当時も自発的に集まったと考えるのが自然ではないか?(強制連行され売春を強要されたと韓国は訴えているが、その韓国が日本に5万人も売春婦を派遣しているというのは聞いて呆れるし説得力がない)

    ⑭ 韓国軍はベトナム戦争で5000人とも3万人ともいわれる混血児を残してきたが、日韓混血児は一人もいない(ちなみに日本軍は日清戦争・日露戦争・第一次世界大戦・シベリア出兵・満州事変・支那事変・大東亜戦争などに関わっているが一度も混血児問題を起こしていない軍隊である)。

    ⑮ 1944年、ビルマを占領したアメリカ軍が経営者や朝鮮人慰安婦を尋問するなどしてまとめた「アメリカ戦時情報局心理作戦班日本人捕虜尋問報告 第49号」には、慰安婦たちは娼婦と書かれ厚遇されている様子が記されている。

    ⑯ もちろん、性奴隷になどしてなくただの売春婦だったので、きちんと給料が支払われている(しかも莫大な金額が)。

    ⑰ 女性を拉致したり暴行したという加害者(氏名・年齢・所属など)も1人も判明していない。

  3. from USA says:


  4. 抗議行動の旗振り、いつもありがとうございます。その行動力は非常に頼もしく、尊敬致します。1つ提案させていただきたいのですが、手紙、FAX等の媒体による抗議の場合、出来るだけ多くの人手を経由する事で話を拡大化できると考えます。つまりオバマ大統領やNY市長に対して抗議する場合でも、例えば駐日米大使宛てに送っちゃうとか…こんなの駄目でしょうかね?恐らく転送義務があると思うので多くの人の手を介して多くの抗議の手紙が運ばれる事になり、多くの目が集まると思うのですが・・・

  5. うさ says:


  6. KT says:

    Edward P. ManganoのFBに以下のメッセージを送っておきました。参考までに…

    RE: the allegations are serious

    As a Japanese woman, a mother of two girls, and XXXXX, I am very concerned about the spreading of a myth based solely on testimonies that are filled with many inconsistencies, contradictions and ambiguity galore. As you might know, petitioning the White House to remove the comfort women monument in Palisades Park and not to support any harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan and of Japanese descent‎ has exceeded the signature threshold http://wh.gov/yrR, and I believe that I am sending this message to you on behalf of those 30,000 odd people who signed the petition. The controversy over the comfort women exists because Korea has never provided evidence for the Japanese government’s or army’s involvement in forcible mobilization of comfort women.

    The term “comfort woman” is a euphemism for “prostitute.” We know (1) that the Japanese military utilized the services of commercially-run comfort stations and (2) that the majority of those women were Japanese, although the majority of those who demand apology and compensation are Korean. Both the U.S. and the Korean military also had comfort stations during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. So, the issue is not the Japanese military’s use of comfort stations but whether or not the Japanese government or military was involved in sex trafficking and forcible mobilization of comfort women.

    Byeong-jik Ahn of Seoul National University, the professor who collected the testimonies of Korean old women and oversaw the publication of “Testimonies I”–South Korea’s most trusted report of 19 comfort women’s testimonies–declared publicly in Korea that there was no concrete evidence to verify Japanese military’s or government’s involvement.

    The U.S. OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION, Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49 describes comfort women as professional camp followers. The report also supports the claim that neither Japanese government nor army forcibly mobilized comfort women.

    The former comfort women’s testimonial narratives changed over time. As Prof. Chunghee Sarah Soh states in her (2009) book “The Comfort Women,” their original published testimonial narratives told very different stories from the current, paradigmatically established image of all former comfort women having been drafted by the Japanese military, and they presented dramatically untruthful versions of their recruitment when they were placed under a spotlight of the political stages of the United States and Japan.

    Dramatic, though they may be, those testimonies have never been backed up by any separate evidence of the Japanese military’s forcible mobilization. There is not even one person who has claimed witnessing a girl being abducted, mobilized, or recruited by the Japanese military for sexual services. The number 200,000 is also utterly groundless, as it comes from a terminological confusion among Koreans between “comfort women (wianbu/ianfu)” and “labor corp in support of Japan’s war effort (cheongshindae/teishintai).” The former refers to commercially engaged wartime prostitutes; while the latter, women mobilized to work in munitions and other military supply factories where male workforce was drastically reduced.

    Prostitution itself was legal and brothels were already in existence both in Japan and Korea at the time, so why would the Japanese military get involved in recruiting comfort women instead of simply utilizing business establishments and giving disease control? In the autumn of 1944, privately-owned brothels placed ads in Korean newspapers and were offering women 300 yen a month to work as comfort women.

    Abundant evidence shows that Korean women were swindled, kidnapped, or sold by Korean brokers and that the Japanese authorities were combating to stamp out illegal sex trafficking in the peninsula. Abuse of women, rampant prior to Japan’s annexation of Korea, could not be eradicated from the peninsula during the Japanese rule, and is still continuing in Korea today. The way in which Korean women are trafficked for forced prostitution, domestically and abroad, has hardly changed since WII: coercion by traffickers to whom the woman owes debts. Thus, South Korea remains a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking and forced prostitution. According to a Chosun Online (Korean newspaper) article dated June 15, there estimated 50,000 and 30,000 Korean prostitutes in Japan and in North America, respectively.

    Previously, Japanese politicians have naively made apologies in order to help restore the honor of those Korean women who were forced into prostitution against their will. Notwithstanding the complicated circumstances, such as poverty, pervasive gender discrimination, and false promises of employment, that led to their painful experience, those Korean women were Japanese subjects until 1945, and the government failed to protect them from tragedies. Unfortunately, the apologies intended to ease the pain of the women not only made the diverse and often multiple causes of coerced prostitution obscure but also were abused by some people to attribute the total responsibility to imperial Japan, eventually endorsing the myth of sex slaves by the horrendous Japanese military.

    If a Korean woman was kidnapped by a procurer, was it the crime of the Japanese government or Japanese people? If a Korean woman testifies that she was kidnapped by a man in Japanese military uniform, does it mean that the Japanese government ordered its soldier to kidnap the women? How did the woman determine that the procurer was Japanese? How did the woman even distinguish a Japanese man from a Korean man when Korea was part of Japan and Korean men served in the Japanese military? You cannot even ask these questions perhaps because truly examining the testimonies has somehow become an untouchable taboo and you are afraid that questioning will label you as a supporter of sexual slavery.

    Despite the fact that the allegations are indeed serious enough that they merit rather strict scrutiny, I’m alarmed many people tend to jump to the conclusion without really knowing about the issue, because Imperial Japan is viewed as the “bad guy” and the complex issue finds a quick and easy solution if you can simply pin the blame on Imperial Japan’s alleged policies.

    No testimony should be taken at face value without being cross referenced with existing documents to determine what really happened, especially when there are inconsistencies in the testimony of the witness. If you do research on the issue, I am certain that you will reach the same conclusion that Professors Ahn and Soh, along with myriads of people including myself, has reached. Erecting monuments to condemn someone without evidence is truly base and unjust, and I request that the monument in Eisenhower Park be removed as soon as possible for every party concerned.



  7. from USA, American says:


    Nassau County is NOT NYC.

    You can write to —

    Office of the County Executive
    1550 Franklin Avenue
    Mineola, NY 11501


    Thank you for your time!

  8. from USA, American says:

    We do not understand whats going on.


    Can anyone explain for us?
    We are Americans.

  9. ななし says:







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