CAグレンデール市「韓国慰安婦の日」 メール,facebook & twitter 抗議(2012)

米加州グレンデール市「韓国慰安婦の日」 メール,facebook & twitter 抗議

米グレンデール市が「慰安婦の日」制定 というニュースが流れました。これについて、市長と市議会議員宛て抗議メッセージ例文と抗議先を纏めましたので、ご利用ください。

メール & facebook 抗議



グレンデール市役所 facebook

グレンデール市 市長 市議会議員宛て メール
アドレス :  と
件名 : The City of Glendale declares a city of prostitution?

—–英文 メッセージ例 ここから ———–

Dear Glendale City Mayor Frank Quintero,
Councilwoman Laura Friedman,
Councilman Rafi Manoukian,
Councilman Ara Najarian,
and Councilman Dave Weaver

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

According to some Korean internet news, the City of Glendale declared 30th of July as “Korean Comfort Women Day.” Learning this news, I believe that many people would think that your city will celebrate “Korean prostitutes” on 30th of July every year. But I read “Regular Meeting Agenda7/31/2012”, and found out “3-c. Proclamation Designating July 30, 2012 as “Korean Comfort Women Day.” I am concerned the Korean news is spreading wrong images of your city all over the world as a city of praising prostitution

I would like to explain “comfort women.” The term “comfort women” refers simply to prostitutes in wartime, just the same as the professional prostitutes at brothels around the US camps during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical reasons, a fictitious version of history, and it is their propaganda called “discount Japan”.

The House of Representatives Resolution 121 of 110th Congress expressed that that the Government of Japan should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility for its Imperial Armed Forces’ coercion of young women into sexual slavery, known to the world as “comfort women” from the 1930s through the duration of World War II.

However, Japanese military sexual slavery is completely at odds with historical truth. Wide-spread misconceptions are a violation of our country`s dignity and honor.

This is a petition to the White House to repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121.
It has reached approx. 28,000 signatures wishing to resolve global misinterpretations and misinformation about the comfort women.

The potential dangers of “comfort women” propaganda is that people, especially children, would have wrong images about Japan, her history and culture and it will affect the relationship between the US and Japan as well as Korea.

We believe that the American people cherish and enthusiastically defend fairness, and seek justice and the truth at same time. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair and objective judgment in regards to this issue.

Sincerely yours,

【差出人名前 ローマ字で】

———–メッセージここまで ———–
<日本語 要約>


Frank Quintero市長、Laura Friedman 市議
Rafi Manoukian市議 、Ara Najarian市議
Dave Weave市議



「comfort women」というのは、単に戦時中の売春婦のことで、朝鮮戦争やベトナム戦争時に米軍キャンプの周辺にあった売春宿の職業売春婦と同じものです。






twitter 抗議 グレンデール市役所宛

@MyGlendale HR 121 interfere w/ domestic affair of Japan. US should seek and act based on the truth! Not only the oral testimony.


@MyGlendale HR121 was result of lobbying as a part of Korean propaganda:”Discount Japan”. Act only based on the truth!


@MyGlendale Is judging only by oral testimony FAIR? HR 121 is not based on the truth. JIA never coerced those prostitutes!


@MyGlendale の部分を下記(地元主要人物・メディアで@MyGlendaleがフォローしているツイッターアカウント)に差し替えてツイートしていただければ、更に効果アップです。文字数が多くなる場合は最後の を削除して下さい。



City of Glendale, CA


Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway Glendale,
CA 91206





KAFC ( Korean American Forum of California)
米下院決議採択5周年を迎え、LA にも慰安婦に敬意を表した記念碑の建設活動を本格的に推進中


KAFC supports the effect of HR121 and the installation of Comfort Women memorial statue in Los Angeles.
1. HR 121 in effect.
2. Installation of Comfort Women memorial statue in Los Angeles.
3. Improvement of human rights violated in a war.




Los Angeles
Consulate-General of Japan
350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1700, Los Angeles, California 90071, U.S.A.
電話: (1-213) 617-6700
Fax: (1-213) 617-6727




Justice to the ‘Comfort Women’

정대협(war_women) @war_women


Glendale Public Library

Glendale Public Library
222 E. Harvard St.
Glendale, CA 91205





22 thoughts on “CAグレンデール市「韓国慰安婦の日」 メール,facebook & twitter 抗議(2012)

  1. 774 says:


  2. 大絶画 says:



  3. ほたるのひかり says:


  4. I added some witness material (video and photos) in front and end.

    [Attn]to all Senators and Congressmen of the states
    [Attn]to all editors of the News,
    [Attn]to the all persons concerned
    [Attn]to Mike HONDA :Congressman of USA

    Hi, everybody, I’m a Japanese , 69 years old ,male, retired pension man.

    [MIKE HONDA congressman !, please focus into the Vietnam War]

    [Prostitution issue fabricated by Korean] An American testified
    (1)I got the news from ASAHI newspaper, in which that the Mike Honda congressman
    had just started to promote the State Congresses to criticize Japanese Soldiers and
    Japanese Hasimoto mayor because they had utilized prostitutes in prostitution houses
    and in the streets, and he protected such situation in the World War. And he also said
    that USA Soldiers and Korean Soldiers also utilized such prostitutes. It was rather
    common sense in the world.
    ASAHI newspaper is a Chinese and Korean paper in publication in Japan.

    (2)As you know, ASAHI News is the one which fabricated the word [forced comfort
    women] with Japanese Soldiers instead of just [prostitutes] in Japan as well as in the
    ASAHI and a Korean Japanese female lawyer visited Korea and found a one Korean older
    woman who mentioned ” I was just a prostitute, and not a forced comfort woman”. But
    they succeeded to take her to NHK ,Japan and they translated intentionally her Korean
    words to “She is saying I was a forced comfort woman”. That was the initiation of the
    Case. Later that female lawyer has become to a Congressman in Japan.

    (3)And, Mayer Mr Hasimoto mentioned very noisy history with prostitutes or comfort
    woman as you know.
    He mentioned that forced comfort women Korean claiming had not existed but common
    prostitutes getting more very higher salary than 10 times compared with soldiers.
    Such sex businesses were very common and almost all nations and soldiers, even USA
    soldiers and Korean Soldiers had also utilized such facilities and systems, in the Vietnam
    War time.

    (4)According to present values it will be female discrimination. But he sincerely pointed
    out sexual culture in such past times. And female in the world, half of the world population
    have started to protest him” He’s not a fair man “, “We are a super big NPO group with
    half of population, we can deny half of opposite sex population from now on, even if you
    would want “.”I cannot overcome them , help me !”he is tearing.

    (5)Now we are in the noisy wave and endless confusion which Mayor Mr.
    Hashimoto made.

    (6)Mr. Mike Honda has reportedly started to protest Japanese Soldiers action in the stand
    point of female discrimination.
    Originally he protested Japanese soldiers to [forced comfort women], but this time he
    changed his fighting style to [common utilization of prostitute houses and prostitute
    system], because he does not use [forced comfort women] this time.
    And he agrees to what world female protest and he appeals to the congressmen of all
    united States from the stand point of female discrimination by Japanese Soldiers.

    (8)If you come to similar level of our understanding about Japanese soldiers, I would like
    to recommend you and Mr.Honda to investigate about truth of utilization of US soldiers
    and Korean soldiers, who did in detail in Vietnam for Vietnam War time, before you
    contact such states congresses.

    (9)Probably you will have to change your understanding about Korean, American, and also
    Japanese, of which Korean fabricated.
    Anyhow, you should not believe of what Korean say instantly, Before you believe them,
    please take a rest to consider everything around the situation. Please remember Korean
    always make false stories to look down upon Japanese to get big money and so on.

    They believe this saying: teaching of Confucius,
    “If you say false stories by 100 times, they will become truth ”

    (10)This is the fact.
    There are more than 30 thousand of “raidaihan” who are children between
    Vietnam women and Korean soldiers born during Vietnam War.
    And there are more than 500 thousand of “ameradian” who are children
    between American soldiers and Asian women including Vietnam.
    On the other hand there is not such word all over the Asian countries
    between Japanese soldiers because Japanese are almost all buddhists who
    could control sex impulse and made an effort to depress their sex drive.

    (11)[slaughter of Fonui-Fonyatto in Vietnamu by Korean soldiers]
    1968. 12th. Feb. Korean soldiers visited Fonni-Fonyato village and gatherd all women and
    girls. The soldiers raped them and shot them with guns and killed with knives. 135 women
    and girls were found in dead. They left the village after they ignited houses.
    First Korean soldiers claimed that Vietcong did, but American Army invesigated the case
    and decided Koreans did it in 1970. 10th Jan.

    Amerian soldier in collecting a part of dead body

    A woman (21 yeaes old) was washed out her breast and shot.
    Later she died in the hospital.

    2 pregnant women were shot their heads off

    Inocent children were killed by Korean soldiers

    Yours Faithfully
    July 3rd, 2013
    Toshihiko Okumura
    Tokyo, Japan

  5. 吉川 正氣 says:


  6. LAタイムスにグランデールの記事が掲載されていました。
    Glendale steps into controversy with memorial to WW II sex slaves,0,7705665.story

  7. まゆ says:


  8. 石川幸一 says:



  9. 川にゃ says:





  10.  hako says:

    確かに 竹島への 認識を移行さすためかも
    むこうで 日系の方ともぜひ 慰安婦捏造を
    話あえたら いいです。
    行く先々で なんらかの行動が

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