

カルフォルニア州サンフランシスコの南部、シリコンバレーでサンノゼの隣ミルピタス市Milpitas )の議会で8月6日に慰安婦決議が採択されました。



Resolution No. 8285 requesting investigation by U.S. officials of claims of sexual slavery in World War II

Dongman Han韓国サンフランシスコ総領事は「戦時中の性奴隷制度は人権問題である」として市の決議採択に感謝のスピーチをしています。



左 Korean American Federarion代表、中央 Dongman Han韓国サンフランシスコ総領事、右 Milpitas市長




Milpitas backs South Korea’s call for wartime sex slave investigation
by Ian Bauer, Milpitas Post POSTED: 08/14/2013 02:57:31 PM PDT

ニューヨーク=ニューシース 2013-08-09 10:26:08

橋下 大阪市長 8月13日付け サンフランシスコ市宛て公開書簡
日本語版】  【英語版




【宛先】一斉送信用 まとめてコピーして宛先欄にペーストして使えますメール作成方法 




[件名例] Resolution No. 8285 and Comfort Women Issue
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:

I hope this email finds you in excellent health.

I learned that the Milpitas City Council adopted Resolution No. 8285 on August 6, 2013 requesting investigation by U.S. Officials into claims of sexual slavery system directed by Japan Imperial Army according to the allegation by Koreans (the fact is mere private sex business) during World War II.

I also learned from South Korean news that a Korean organization in Silicon Valley is negotiating with Milpitas City to set up a comfort woman statue which is the same design as the one set up in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.

The Milpitas City’s resolution mentions the statement by Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto, where I found misunderstandings about his statement. He has never justified the comfort woman system and never described the system of sex slavery as war time “necessity.”

I would very much like to review the open letter to the Board of Supervisors of the city and the County of San Francisco from Mr. Toru Hashimoto, the Mayor of the City of Osaka:

Around the comfort woman statue built in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul regardless of the illegality, Koreans give harsh anti-Japan demonstrations every day which threatens the safety of Japanese residents in the city. With due consideration of the current tense in the South Korean community, it would be inappropriate for the City of Milpitas to build the same statue as that in Seoul, as there are many Japanese companies.

The nature of the comfort woman issue is determined as a bilateral matter. In light, I do not think it appropriate for any third parties to be involved in this matter, if such third parties do not spare time to have independent and thorough studies about the grounds of comfort women and the historic facts based on trustful and objective evidences in writing including Japanese, Korean, and non-Japanese/Korean news reports, articles and letters at that time. For an example, the number of passports applied through pimps, and issued to these women will reveal the real number of them because Taiwanese and Koreans used to have the Japanese nationality as the amalgamated country citizens. Please note that this is mere an immigration/emigration process, which had nothing to do with involvement by the Japan Imperial Army. If such studies were to be skipped, or the results thereof were not to be disclosed to public, I am afraid that the statue would constitute the ex-facto accusation of defeated countries regardless of the as well as harassment thereto. If it is simply intended to build as a historical monument, I wonder if it is necessary for South Korean organizations and groups to work on building the statues in public parks across the U.S.A., which have historically nothing to do with South Korean comfort women.

The City of Glendale, CA permanently put up the comfort woman statue on July 30, 2013. Innumerable Japanese people feel very strong resentment toward the outrageous decision by the City. Japanese media have strongly condemned Glendale. Please note that some U.S. news media find out that the comfort women issue is a foreign politics fight. The following is for your information:

As the best I know, a majority of Japanese are always sympathetic to girls who were sold by their parents due to their poverty, and who were discriminated in their hometown after the war. Please make no mistake about Japanese.

I would like the City of Milpitas to discuss this matter objectively and diligently, and fmake a sensible decision.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語:ミルピタス市長市議の皆様へ—8月6日貴市が韓国側が申し立てるところのWWⅡの性奴隷制度(日本側では民間性産業)について米国政府に調査を求める決議8285を採択したと知りました。また、韓国のニュースでシリコンバレーの韓国団体が韓国ソウル日本大使館前にあるのと同じ慰安婦像を建てるよう貴市に働きかけていると知りました。貴市の決議では橋下大阪市長の発言について書いてありますが、誤解があります。橋下市長は慰安婦制度を正当化していませんし、性奴隷制が不可欠だとも言っていません。この橋下市長のサ ンフランシスコ市議会への公開書簡をご一読下さい。(URL省略)韓国ソウルにある日本大使館前に設置された慰安婦像の周りでは連日激しい反日デモが行われており、同市に居住する日本人の安全を脅かしています。韓国人コミュニティの現在の緊張状態を考えますと、日本企業がたくさんある貴市に同じ像は不適切だと思量します。慰安婦問題の本質は日韓二国間の問題です。この観点から、第三者が従軍慰安婦の背景や、当時の日本、韓国、日本/韓国以外のニュースレポートや記事、書簡などをはじめとする書面による信頼のある客観的証拠に基づいて歴史的事実を独立的にかつ徹底して研究する時間を割くことができないならば、そのような第三者がこの問題に関与するのは不適切と思います。たとえば、慰安婦の人数などは、台湾人や韓国人は併合国市民として日本人国籍を持っていたことから、女衒を通じて申請され、彼女たちに発行されたパスポートの数などではっきりすることでしょう。これは単に出入国手続きであって日本帝国軍の関与とはなんら関係ありませんのでご注意願います。このような研究をせず、あるいはその結果を公開しないのであれば、この像は単に敗戦国に対する事後の糾弾かつハラスメントにしかありません。単に歴史的モニュメントとして建立する意図ならば、韓国の組織・団体が、韓国の慰安婦とは歴史的に関係のない全米の公共の公園に像を建てる取り組みをする必要があるのかと不思議に思います。カリフォルニア州グランデール市は2013年7月30日に慰安婦像を恒久的に設置しました。数え切れないくらいの日本人は同市による言語道断の決定に非常に強い怒りを感じています。日本のニュースメディアもグランデール市を強く非難しています。米国のニュースメディアの中にも、慰安婦問題が外国の政治争いであることを看破しているところがあるのです。以下をご参考ください。私が知ります限り、大半の日本人は貧しさゆえに両親に売られ、戦後帰国してから故郷で差別にあった女性に同情を感じております。どうぞ誤解をなさらないようにお願いします。ミリピタス市が本件を客観的かつ注意深くご討議くださり、賢明なご決定をなさいますようお願い申し上げる次第です。


[件名例] Comfort Women Issue
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:

I hope this email finds you in excellent health.

I learned that the Milpitas City Council adopted Resolution No. 8285 on August 6, 2013 requesting investigation by U.S. Officials into claims of sexual slavery during World War II.

I also learned from South Korean news that a Korean organization in SiliconValley is negotiating with Milipitas City to set up a comfort woman statue which is the same design as the one set up in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.

In the Milpitas City’s resolution it refers to the statement by Osaka City Mayor, Mr. Hashimoto, but there is a misunderstanding about the statement. He has never justified the use of comfort woman system and never described the system of sex slavery as war time “necessity.”

Please read an open letter from Mr. Toru Hasimoto, the Mayor of the City of Osaka, delivered to the Board of Supervisors of the City and the County of San Francisco for detail.

Around the comfort woman statue in Seoul, harsh anti-Japan demonstrations have been conducted by Korean people every day. It is not appropriate for the City of Milpitas who has many offices of Japanese companies to have the same statue as that in Seoul.

The comfort woman dispute is a problem between Japan and Korea. Japan has a different view from Korea about the dispute. Do you have to bring the dispute into a third party country, the USA, who has nothing to do with the dispute?

The City of Glendale, CA installed the comfort woman statue in July 2013. Great number of Japanese people feel very strong resentment about the City’s decision to install it. Japanese media have been condemning Glendale severely.

I hope the City of Milpitas will not repeat the same mistake and hope that you make a sensible decision.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


[件名例] Questions about Resolution No. 8285
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:

I hope this email finds you in excellent health.

I learned that the Milpitas City Council adopted Resolution No. 8285 on August 6, 2013 requesting investigation by U.S. Officials into claims of sexual slavery during World War II.

I have questions about the City’s resolution.

1. The resolution says that according to international historians, as many as 200,000 women and girls … were forced to serve as “comfort women.”

However, it is know in Japan that the number of 200,000 comfort women is not correct and exaggerated. Please explicitly show us all names of the international historians who say that 200,000 women were forced to serve as comfort women.

2. The resolution uses the terms of “the forced sexual enslavement (or sex slaves)” for Japan’s comfort woman system (or comfort women).

We understand and know that some comfort women were under miserable conditions; however, a joint research between Japan and South Korea revealed that it is NOT true that Japanese military abducted women/girls in a forcible manner. As you may know there were comfort woman stations for US soldiers during the US occupation of Japan after World War II. There were comfort woman stations for US soldiers also during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Then, why the City of Milpitas singles out Japan’s comfort woman system and adamantly decided to call the system the forced sexual enslavement? Please explain why?

3. The contents of the City’s resolution is very similar to the statement that South Korean people have been using in the USA recently for their propaganda campaign to disgrace Japan.

Who drafted the resolution for the City? A person/people of the Milpitas City Council or did the City use a petition from a Korean American organization?

Please answer my questions mentioned above with sincerity.

Lastly, the resolution criticizes the Osaka City Mayor’s comments; however, there is a misunderstanding about his comments. Please read an open letter from Mr. Toru Hasimoto, the Mayor of the City of Osaka, delivered to the Board of Supervisors of the City and the County of San Francisco for detail.

Several similar resolutions about comfort women were made by local US municipalities and states. Japanese citizens feel very strong resentment about the contents of the resolutions. There are many Japanese companies in Milpitas and in Silicon Valley region. I hope that the relationship between Japan and the State of California will not deteriorate because of the City’s resolution.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


{件名例] I protest against Korean Comfort Women Statue
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:

I hope this email finds you in excellent health.

I learned from South Korean news that a Korean organization in Silicon Valley is negotiating with Milipitas City to set up a comfort woman statue which is the same design as the one set up in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.

Around the comfort woman statue in Seoul, harsh anti-Japan demonstrations to condemn Japan have been conducted by Korean people every day. Japanese people feel very annoyed about the harsh demonstration.

Comfort woman monuments were set up also in New Jersey and New York. Because of the monuments, Japanese children in the USA are bullied.

The comfort woman statue that is the same design as that in Seoul was installed in July in the Central Park in Glendale, CA. Japanese media is criticizing the City of Glendale very severely.

Does the City of Milpitas where there are many Japanese companies need this statue?

South Korean organizations insist that the comfort woman dispute is a human rights issue. However, the dispute has become a political issue between Japan and South Korea. There is no merit to the companies and the citizens in the City to bring the dispute between Japan and South Korea into the City.

Please make a sensible decision taking above mentioned points into consideration when you discuss a request from Korean organizations to set up a comfort woman statue.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)



[件名例] Korean Proposal for Comfort Girl Statue
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:

I learn the news that Korean American groups will propose a plan to put up a Korean Comfort Girl Statue to the City Council of Milpitas. I strongly ask you to turn down for the following reasons:

1. The comfort women issue is very controversial. Both sides have not come to agreement. So, it is not considered appropriate for the City to side with the Proposer
2. It is clear that Korean interest has been using this matter for anti-Japan propaganda on the pretext of “human rights”. This is entirely so unhealthy that conflicts, such as hate crime and children bullying may be caused. Actually, Japanese kids were reportedly bullied in Palisades Park, NJ.
3. There are many human right issues, present and past, in the world incl. a one Korea is involved in Viet Nam. It is not fair to single out and blame only Japan.
4. Japan is a most peaceful nation in the world, and recognized and respected as such. Korea and China are only major Asian nations that show animosity against Japan. Recent Pew Research shows that 80% polled in major Asian countries show friendliness toward Japan.
5. Any local government should not be involved in international affairs. Instead, it should work on the promotion of happiness, prosperity, progress and harmony of the citizens. The statue will definitely counteract such efforts.

May I therefore ask for your prudent wise judgment and fair decision to be against the proposal? I trust that such a decision is by all means good for City of Milpitas and its citizens.

Sincerely yours,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


[件名例] Osaka Mayor Hashimoto and comfort women
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:
Recently utterance of Mr. Hashimoto, the Mayor of Osaka City in Japan, about so-called “Comfort Women” at the time of the World War II becomes the topic of conversation. I, as a Japanese citizen, am so indignant at all the foreign media which sent descriptions based on the obvious Korean fiction that some 200,000 women in territories occupied by Japan during the War are estimated to have been sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. Korea was a part of Japan at that time and many Koreans were in Japanese army. That is why I am sending this mail to you to recognize real historical facts rather than recent Korean evil fiction. By the way, 200,000 is the estimated number of raped and tortured female citizens in Vietnam by Korean soldiers at the Vietnam War, and it is said that more than 5,000 “LaiDaihan” (Half-blood of Korean and Vietnamese) are left in Vietnam after the War.

Please find the pictures shown in the following Web site which show how American soldiers were immoral even after the World War II !

In addition to use “Comfort Women”, American soldiers raped female citizens so frequently. Many half-bloods of American and Japanese were left when the occupation was ended in Japan. So-called Japanese “Comfort Women” are in fact prostitutes, whose existence was legitimate at the time of WWII in Japan (including Korea). Majority of “Comfort Women” were, of course, Japanese, NOT Koreans and/or others. Systematic abduction by Japanese Forces to be “Comfort Women” is simply recent Koreans’ fiction. Korea was modernized by Japan (see the Web site of ) and under the Japanese rule (from 1910 to 1945) was a law-governed country. Most of its policemen were Koreans, so any systematic abduction was impossible. But unfortunately some of them might be abducted by criminal Korean citizens and also some of them were sold as prostitutes by their parents because of their poverty, that happened in the islands of Japan too in those days. Historical figures of Korea before and after Japanese annexation (NOT colonization) are shown in the following pictures, which, I hope, will open your eyes toward the facts.

Prostitutes (“Comfort Women”) and liars are Korean TRADITION in more than these hundreds of years. Recent Korean women are demonstrating for their right to be prostitutes as shown in the following Web sites.,29307,2072487,00.html

You should note that there are many Korean prostitutes in the US today (around 25% of foreign prostitutes in the US are estimated as Koreans).

The historical facts of Japanese “Comfort Women” problem are precisely explained in the following Web sites.

The reason why Japanese army used legitimate prostitutes managed by some professional citizens was to avoid rapes to female citizens by Japanese soldiers, whereas rapes to female citizens were common in armies worldwide at that time including US and Soviet Russia. In addition, US, UK, and Germany also used “Comfort Women” at the time of WWII.

Declarations and/or statues in the US about the fictitious Japanese “Comfort Women” problem are symbols of your ignorance, prejudice, and hypocrisy. You fellow Americans should refrain from supporting spoofs made up by the Koreans (and the Chinese for this matter) to keep your dignity and pride as Americans.

Sincerely yours,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語: 日本の橋下大阪市長による戦時中の慰安婦に関する発言は話題になっています。これに対して外国メディアが20万の女性が日本軍の性奴隷であったという韓国人の作り話を基にして記事にしていることに、日本人として怒りを感じています。当時、韓国は日本の一部で、日本軍には韓国人がたくさんいました。韓国人の作り話でなく、歴史の真実を知っていただきたく、このメールを送ります。20万という数字はベトナム戦争時に、韓国軍に強姦された女性の数字で、ライタイハン(韓国人とベトナム人の混血児)は5千人以上いると言われています。こちらのサイトの写真をご覧ください。戦後も米軍がいかに不道徳であったかがわかります。(URL省略)慰安婦に加え、米軍による一般女性強姦は頻繁にありました。占領期間が終了時には日米の混血児が沢山残されました。戦時中、日本(韓国も含む)では慰安婦は合法的な売春婦でした。大多数の慰安婦は日本人であり、韓国人・他ではありません。日本軍が組織的に拉致して慰安婦にしたというのは最近の韓国人の作り話です。韓国は日本統治時代(1910~1945)に近代化した法治国家です。警察官の殆どは韓国人であり、組織的な拉致などあり得ません。慰安婦の中には悪い韓国人に騙されたり、貧困の為に親に売られた者もいましたが、当時は日本でもそういったことがありました。日本併合(植民地化ではなく)前と後の韓国の姿をこちらでご覧ください。(URL省略)売春婦(慰安婦)と嘘は韓国のこの数百年来の伝統です。売春の権利を主張する韓国人女性の最近のデモをご覧ください。(URL省略)米国にも韓国人売春婦がたくさんいます。外国人売春婦の25%は韓国人です。慰安婦問題についてはこちらのサイトの説明をご覧ください。(URL省略)日本軍が専門業者運営の売春婦を利用したのは、強姦事件を防ぐためです。強姦は米軍、ソ連軍、を含め世界中でありました。戦時中は米軍、英軍、独軍も慰安婦を利用しました。米国内で虚偽の慰安婦問題に基く宣言や像が出来ていますが、これは米国人の無学、偏見、偽善を象徴するものです。米国人は韓国人(中国人も)の作り話を支持するのを止めて、米国人としての尊厳と誇りを守るべきです。

Mayor Jose Esteves
and Members of the City Council
City of Milpitas
City Hall
455 East Calaveras Boulevard
Milpitas, California 95035

Comfort Women flyer

◆”Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)





【Milpitas 議会、市長、議員、スタッフ連絡先一覧】
City of Milpitas
City Hall
455 East Calaveras Boulevard
Milpitas, California 95035

Mayor Jose Esteves

Vice-Mayor Althea Polanski


Debbie Indihar Giordano

Armando Gomez

Carmen Montano

Staff Members:
Thomas C. Williams, City Manager

Mike Ogaz, City Attorney

Mary Lavelle, City Clerk

58 thoughts on “CAミルピタス慰安婦決議と少女像計画に抗議のメッセージを送ろう!

  1. fujiwara kenichi says:





  2. ko ko says:


  3. 日本市民 says:

    イ・ジェミョン城南市長、記者会見で明らかにして… 平和の少女像同時建立

    米国、カリフォルニア州ミルピタス市に「城南-コリア平和公園」が造成され、その中に「平和の少女像(注:慰安婦像)」が設置される。 3日、イ・ジェミョン城南市長は城南市庁ハンヌリホールで記者会見を行い、このように明かした。
    この市場は「ミルピタス市の中心部であるTom Evatt 公園に「城南-コリア平和公園(Seongnam-Korea Peace Park)を作り、公園にはミルピタス市議会が議決した慰安婦決議案記念碑と朝鮮戦争参戦記念碑、平和の少女像を建立する予定だ」と述べた。

  4. Kaori Johnson says:

    I will send e mail to Milpitas,NY and NJ.

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