9月20日オープン!カナダ・ウィニペグの人権博物館の捏造慰安婦展示を断固阻止しましょ う!










時事ドットコム 2014/09/20-06:52

Record China 2014年9月22日 2時17分


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9月20日にオープン予定のカナダ人権博物館では2015年から校外学習(School Program )も始まります。カナダの子供達にねつ造の反日の歴史を刷り込む事になります。


2014年9月20日、マニトバ州ウィニペグ市にカナダ人権博物館(The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, CMHR)がにオープンします。

ALPHAという反日組織が絡んでいて、CMHRに「WWⅡの最中に、日本軍がアジアの女性を強制的に性奴隷にした」という、例の捏造慰安婦情報 が展示される予定なのです。

TORONTO ALPHAのサイトを調べてみると、理事会のトップは、カナダに帰化しているとは言えど、中国系、 韓国系の人物です。それ以外の人は、重要なポストには就いていません。


デービッド証言は本人によるただの口述で、何の証拠もありません。そ れなのに結局デービッドの口述もこの博物館に展示されることになってしまいました。

カナダ政府や自治体も出資しているこの人権博物館が、日本のブラック・プロパガンダを垂 れ流すのを断固阻止しましょう。


代表 はすみ 都志子

“Comfort Woman” Survivor Speaks Out For Human Rights

“Comfort Women” events taking place from October 17-22, 2013

“Comfort women” survivor from Philippines promotes human rights against wartime rape, human trafficking


以下【The Canadian Museum for Human Rights宛て抗議】【マスメディア宛て抗議】のメアド、件名例、本文例を纏めてあります。


【The Canadian Museum for Human Rights宛て抗議】

Canadian Museum for Human Rights
85 Israel Asper Way
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0L5

電話 (204)289-2000
ウィニペグ領域外 1-877-877-6037

<CMHR メアド>

* Remove the comfort women exhibit at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
* We oppose the exhibit regarding comfort women at your museum.
* Shut down the comfort women exhibit.
* Do your homework before creating an exhibit on comfort women.
* Cancel your exhibit regarding comfort women.
* Stop your exhibit about comfort women.
* We oppose the contents of your comfort women exhibit.

<本文例 その1>※文例は8つあります

To Whom It May Concern

Remove the comfort women exhibit at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
The U.S. Military official document “Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49.” explicitly and vividly shows how comfort women were treated. A comfort woman was not a sex slave, but was “nothing more than a prostitute or “professional camp follower”.

Comfort women lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received “comfort bags” from home.

You can view a copy of the report here:

Your website says that ‘The purpose of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights is to explore the subject of human rights, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, in order to enhance the public’s understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others and to encourage reflection and dialogue (Museums Act).’

Why do you not promote respect against Japan?
If you really encourage reflections and dialogue, please consider my opinion.
At least I recommend that you contact the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and get some third party evidence on comfort women. The contact email is archives2reference@nara.gov and the document is stored under the name “ARC Identifier 2144907 / MLR Number NM84 79: Query re Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report #49”.

It states that “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower.
Please note that it may take up to 2 months for the report to arrive by post. It might arrive faster if you request that the report be scanned and emailed to you. It is suggested that you check with NARA to confirm that they have received your request.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


<本文例 その2>
To Whom It May Concern

We oppose the exhibit regarding comfort women at your museum.

A Korean comfort woman named Moon Ok-ju, a former prostitute who worked in Burma, visited the Shimonoseki Post Office in Japan to withdraw her savings, and found out her original bank ledger was still there and confirmed. (Note: In Japan, the Japanese Post Office has several banking functions.)

She worked in Burma during a period of two years and three months between June 1943 and September 1945 as a comfort woman, and accumulated a total savings of 26,145 yen in deposits at the military post office. In the 1940s, 5000 yen would have been enough to purchase a house in Tokyo.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:貴館における慰安婦情報の展示に反対します。Moon Ok-juという韓国人慰安婦は下関の郵便局に26,145円(東京に家を五軒買える)を預金していました。彼女の預金通帳はまだ保存、確認されています。

<本文例 その3>
To Whom It May Concern

Shut down the comfort women exhibit.

During the annexation of Korea by Japan, all the mayors of the villages in Korea were Korean. Most of the police officers were Korean. Some Koreans presently insist that 200,000 women were violently abducted by the Japanese military. If so, such a large scale abduction would have been witnessed by neighbours and reported to the police. The Japanese government conducted investigation in response to the testimonial of Korean women but no evidence of abductions was found.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


<本文例 その4>
To Whom It May Concern

We oppose your exhibit about comfort women.

The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea was concluded on June 22, 1965. Prior to establishing basic diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea, a series of bilateral talks (a total of seven talks) were held from October 1951 to June 1965.

Over that period of 14 years, the “comfort women issue” was never brought on the negotiation table. During the talks the Japanese government proposed direct compensation specifically to individuals, but it was the South Korean government that insisted that it would handle individual compensation on behalf of the recipients.

Japan agreed and the Korean government received the whole amount on behalf of citizens. Where did the money go? The money was used up by the Korean government for infrastructure improvement and economic development (such as the Soyanggang Dam, POSCO, the Gyeongbu Expressway).

In 2005, the Korean government disclosed the classified documents, which had been kept confidential for 40 years and the Koreans learned for the first time about the proposal of the Japanese government.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


<本文例 その5>
To Whom It May Concern

Do your homework before creating an exhibit on comfort women.
The term “comfort women” refers simply to prostitutes in wartime. But some Koreans have long been promoting a “discredit Japan campaign” which promotes a false version of history in which Japan abducted hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War II. This is, for practical and logical reasons, a fiction.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:展示について決める前に、良く調べてください。「慰安婦」という言葉は単に戦時中の売春婦のことを指します。しかし韓国のディスカウント・ジャパン計画によって「WW IIの最中に日本軍によって強制的に性奴隷にされた多くの韓国女性という風に捏造されています。これは実際的にも論理的フィクションです。

<本文例 その6>
To Whom It May Concern

Cancel your exhibit regarding comfort women.

It is true that Yohei Kono, the then Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japanese government, issued in 1993 a statement that during World War II the Japanese military was, directly or indirectly, involved in the establishment and management of brothels and the staffing of these brothels with prostitutes (comfort women) and that in some cases the comfort women were recruited against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, and other means.
However, it must be recognized that at that time in japan and elsewhere in Asia brothels were legal and common. In Japan, each local government (for instance, the Public Health and Hygiene Bureau in Tokyo Prefecture) was responsible for the oversight of brothels in its area. The local police were responsible for apprehending deceitful recruiters and kept watch to ensure that prostitutes were not mistreated. In war zones it was the military authorities who fulfilled these functions, and also exercised their obligation to keep the comfort women safe. Japanese military administrators were simply doing their duty in their oversight of brothels.
In any case, as to the issue of coercion, in June this year the present Japanese government reviewed the Kono statement and its background and some important facts became clear.
First, after the 1992-3 investigation of Japanese ministry and agency records and US archive records, it was concluded that it not possible to confirm that comfort women were forcefully recruited. Second, it was discovered that there was also no investigation performed on the claims of the women who came forward and claimed to be comfort women before the statement was issued.
Despite that lack of evidence, the Kono statement contained an admission that there was coercion. The reason for that was that the contents of the Kono statement were drafted through a process of negotiation with the South Korea government, and the Japanese side was lead to believe that the issuance of a statement which admitted some coercion and the establishment and administration of a compensation fund would finally settle the issue. The admission of coercion was based on the uninvestigated claims of the women who came forward and not on any written record.
The Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time, Mr.Nobuo Ishihara, told Rui Abiru, a reporter of the Sankei Newspaper, that the South Korean side repeatedly told them that if Japan acknowledged that the Japanese army forced the Korean women to become comfort women, they would accept this issue as resolved, so the Japanese side made such admission on that understanding.

However in fact, the South Korean side has used the Kono statement as the basis for demands for further apologies and compensation so the compromise reached did more harm than good.
The report of this review can be found here: http://www.mofa.go.jp/files/000042171.pdf
This is in accord with the determination made by the cabinet of the first Abe government in 2007 that there was no statement of any coercion by the military in ministry or agency records.
Anti-Japan movements in various Asian countries argue that through the Kono statement, the Japanese government has itself admitted that they forced women to become comfort women. That is nothing but propaganda.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


<本文例 その7>
To Whom It May Concern

We oppose the contents of your comfort women exhibit.
Why are you including in the exhibit the story of Lola Fidencia David? First it is based only on her verbal statements? And how does her story, even if true, provide any support to the claim that the comfort women system was staffed by sex slaves and not by prostitutes?
The people who will see such an exhibit will be misled about the truth.


差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:慰安婦の展示に反対します。何故自称フィリピン慰安婦のLola Fidencia Davidの展示を許すのですか?それは本人による口述のほか、何の証拠もありません。展示を見る人たちにそれが史実だと誤解させてしまいます。

<本文例 その8>
To Whom It May Concern

Stop your exhibit about comfort women.
According to this article in the Toronto Star, you are organizing an ‘educational campaign’ with Toronto Alpha. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/10/21/filipino_comfort_woman_still_fighting_for_apology.html
Toronto Alpha is actually a well-funded anti-Japan organization that mixes fabrications with some historical facts. .
Here is some evidence that Toronto Alpha is not trustworthy. The photo exhibition about the so-called Nanking Massacre and comfort women which was held at the Toronto City Hall rotunda from Nov 27th to Dec 2nd, 2012 with photos provided from Toronto Alpha was a fraud. Please look at the photos on this website ( http://www.japantruth.org/ ) and see for yourselves.


差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:慰安婦情報の展示をやめてください。Toronto Star紙によると貴館はToronto Alphaと教育プログラムを準備しているそうですが、Toronto Alphaが捏造の歴史を流布する反日組織であることをご存知ですか。証拠はこちらです。(2012年、トロント市役所で行われた捏造南京+慰安婦写真展のサイト)ご覧になってください。





<文例 その1>
(件名)Canadian Museum for Human Rights infringes Japanese human rights.

To whom it may concern

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) is opening this September and they are going to exhibit some propaganda about Japan.
The CMHR says that they “will be exploring how before and during the Second World War, the imperial Japanese military established a system of sexual slavery that forced women in occupied territories to provide sexual service to soldiers. The term ‘Comfort Women’ or ‘Comfort System’ was used as a euphemism to distort the reality that this was a system of mass sexual abuse under the purview of the Imperial Army.”
But that is not true.
There are many primary sources that show they are wrong and one of them is a report written in 1944 (ten months before the end of World War II) by the U.S. Army.
It summarizes the U.S. Army’s interrogation of some comfort women captured in Burma. They were “captured” and not “freed,” because they were with the Japanese Imperial Army in Burma fleeing from the advancing U.S. military.
It states that “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower’, and they are well paid. The women had the right to refuse any customer.”
The contact email for the U.S. Army report is archives2reference@nara.gov and the document is stored under the name “ARC Identifier 2144907 / MLR Number NM84 79: Query re Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report #49”.
Please note that it may take up to 2 months for the report to arrive by post. It might arrive faster if you request that the report be scanned and emailed to you. It is suggested that you check with NARA to confirm that they have received your request.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


<文例 その2>
(件名)The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) is exhibiting a story without any objective evidence.

To Whom It May Concern

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) has informed us that they will be holding exhibits about Ms. Lola Fidencia David who says she was force to be a comfort woman for the Japanese army during the World War Ⅱ.
The story of Lola Fidencia David based only on her verbal statements.
The people who will see such an exhibit will be misled about the truth.
I protest that the CMHR is going to use Canadian tax money for that.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:CMHRは自称フィリピン慰安婦・Lola Fidencia Davidの展示を許する予定ですが、その内容は本人による口述に過ぎず、何の証拠もありません。展示を見る人たちにそれが史実だと誤解させてしまいます。

<文例 その3>
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) is going to exhibit fabricated history with Canadian tax money.

To Whom It May Concern

The CMHR is planning to exhibit propaganda that the imperial Japanese military established a system of sexual slavery that forced women in occupied territories to provide sexual service to soldiers. The museum claims that the terms ‘Comfort Women’ or ‘Comfort System’ were used as euphemisms to distort the reality that this was a system of mass sexual abuse under the purview of the Imperial Army.’ None of that is true.
It is true that Yohei Kono, the then Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japanese government, issued in 1993 a statement that during World War II the Japanese military was, directly or indirectly, involved in the establishment and management of brothels and the staffing of these brothels with prostitutes (comfort women) and that in some cases the comfort women were recruited against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, and other means.
As to the issue of coercion, in June of this year the present Japanese government reviewed the Kono statement and its background and some important facts became clear.
First, after the 1992-3 investigation of Japanese ministry and agency records and US archive records, it was concluded that it not possible to confirm that comfort women were forcefully recruited. Second, it was discovered that there was also no investigation performed on the claims of the women who came forward and claimed to be comfort women before the statement was issued.
This is in accord with the determination made by the cabinet of the first Abe government in 2007 that there was no statement of any coercion by the military in ministry or agency records.
Anti-Japan movements in various Asian countries argue that through the Kono statement, the Japanese government has itself admitted that they forced women to become comfort women. That is nothing but propaganda.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)



<文例 その4>
Anti-Japan organization ALPHA has now teamed up with the CMHR.

To Whom It May Concern

Alpha is actually a well-funded anti-Japan organization that mixes fabrications with some historical facts. It has now teamed up with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) .
According to the article in the Toronto Star, the CMHR is organizing an educational campaign with Toronto Alpha.
Here is some evidence that Toronto Alpha is not trustworthy.
The photo exhibition about the so-called Nanking Massacre and comfort women which was held at the Toronto City Hall rotunda from Nov 27th to Dec 2nd, 2012 with photos from Toronto Alpha was a fraud.
These photos have been uploaded to a website (http://www.japantruth.org/), together with other photos and details showing that some of the photos are frauds.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:Toronto Star紙によるとCMHRはToronto Alphaと教育プログラムを準備しているそうです。しかしToronto Alphaという団体は捏造の歴史を流布する反日組織です。証拠はこちらです。(2012年、トロント市役所で行われた捏造南京+慰安婦写真展のサイト)

49 thoughts on “9月20日オープン!カナダ・ウィニペグの人権博物館の捏造慰安婦展示を断固阻止しましょ う!

  1. kei says:

    素晴らしい動画を見つけました。”Endangered Japan: Book2: Sex, Lies, and Comfort Women ”


  2. 日本市民 says:


    • 日本市民 says:

      Comfort women

      Despite the damage to Japan, the supreme irony is that the biggest losers here are the Korean government and the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

  3. 日本市民 says:


    2014.8.24 14:56

  4. 日本市民 says:



  5. 日本市民 says:



    • 日本市民 says:



  6. 日本市民 says:

    【平成26年8月30日 嘘つき朝日新聞・見ない読まない買わない3ない不買デモ行進】
    集合場所  銀座水谷橋公園
    集合時間 12時30分集合 13時出発

  7. 日本市民 says:

     結成大会 10月25日 砂防会館にて


  8. 日本市民 says:

    秦先生によれば、フィリピンの場合、いわゆるcomfort womenと一般の強姦事件が一緒にされているとどこかに書いてりましたが、このLola Fidencia Davidという人物は日本の女性基金から償い金を受け取った人なんでしょうか?
    2005年1月 – 理事長に就任した、元村山首相自身の声明として、総理のお詫びの手紙と共に償い金を届ける事業が、285名の「フィリピン、韓国、台湾」の「慰安婦」に対して行われた
    慰安婦伝えるカナダ人権博物館、開館 背後にうごめく反日団体「トロント・アルファ」






    • 日本市民 says:


      Rape and massacre of Vietnamese Civilians by the Korean military

      Bar baric act of the Korean military during the Vietnam War

  9. 日本市民 says:

    2014年9月10日、話題の台湾映画「軍中楽園」(Paradise in Service)が、来月開催の第19回釜山(プサン)国際映画祭でオープニング作品に選ばれた。新浪が伝えた。



    クロージング作品に選ばれたのは、香港のリー・ビウチュン(李保章)監督の「大茶飯」(Gangster Pay Day)。人気ユニットTwinsのシャーリーン・チョイ(蔡卓妍)、俳優アンソニー・ウォン(黄秋生)が主演し、香港マフィアの抗争を描く作品だ。


  10. 日本市民 says:


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