【 署名/メール】カナダ バーナビー市 慰安婦像反対!ご協力を!



※産経ニュース 2015.4.18 慰安婦像設置は「当面保留」 カナダ西部バーナビー市 日系住民の反対奏功


3月10日付け「バンクーバー新報」によるとデレク・コリガン市長は「慰安婦像建立は未定 衝突を引き起こすのは議会の本意ではない 広く人々の声を聴きたい」と語っています。現地では「移民同士が仲良くする妨げになる」ことを説明すると慰安婦問題を知らないカナダ人も署名して下さるとのことです。

BurnabyNow 2015.3.29 ニュース Comfort women statue proposal riles group of Japanese Canadians in Burnaby



今度はカナダで「慰安婦像」案 韓国の姉妹都市が反日提案
韓国の慰安婦像設置の動きカナダでも 中国系と反日連携の恐れ

<カナダ BC Japan Network よりお願い>


<主催> BC Japan Network  代表 Scarlet Ewald
<協力> カナダ邦人の名誉を守る会


<近隣に住むお母さまから なでしこアクション に訴えが届きました>

「歴史関連で、日本人の子供が韓国人の子供にいじめや暴言を受けることが多々あります。 慰安婦像がない状態でこのようなことが起きているので、像が設置されてしまった場合、間違った歴史認識から、更にいじめや暴言が加速することが容易に推測できます。 どうか、慰安婦像設置反対にお力を貸してください。 」


抗議方法は 【1】ネット署名、 【2】肉筆署名、 【3】抗議メール です。



↓↓↓ 署名はこちらから ↓↓↓



署名用紙をダウンロード ここをクリック

To Mayor and Council
C/O office of the city clerk
4949 Canada Way Burnaby,
BC, Canada V5G 1M2




To: (市長市議、教育委員会、公園部)
mayor@burnaby.ca, pietro.calendino@burnaby.ca, sav.dhaliwal@burnaby.ca, dan.johnston@burnaby.ca, cjordan@comsavings.com, anne.kang@burnaby.ca, paul.mcdonell@burnaby.ca, nick.volkow@burnaby.ca, james.wang@burnaby.ca, ron.burton@sd41.bc.ca, Harman.Pandher@sd41.bc.ca, katrina.chen@sd41.bc.ca, Meiling.Chia@sd41.bc.ca, Larry.Hayes@sd41.bc.ca, baljinder.narang@sd41.bc.ca, gary.wong@sd41.bc.ca, parks@burnaby.ca


CC: (メディア、記者)
contact@straight.com, colivier@theprovince.com, sunletters@vancouversun.com


・I am against the establishment of a statue of a comfort woman
・I strongly oppose developing a statue of comfort woman


Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and Council Members of Burnaby City :

I am against the establishment of a statue of a comfort woman in your city.
I am afraid that will create conflict between ethnic groups in your city, which would be unfortunate since Canada prides itself on peace, understanding and cooperation among various ethnic groups.
That might also have a bad influence on the relationship between Canada and Japan.
So please stop the establishment of a statue of a comfort woman in your city.

By the way do you know about the U.S. Military official document “Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49” which explicitly and vividly shows who comfort women actually were and how they were treated. A comfort woman was not a sex slave, but was “nothing more than a prostitute or “professional camp follower”.

At least I recommend that you contact the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and get some third party evidence on comfort women. The contact email is archives2reference@nara.gov and the document is stored under the name “ARC Identifier 2144907 / MLR Number NM84 79: Query re Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report #49”.

Please note that it may take up to 2 months for the report to arrive by post. It might arrive faster if you request that the report be scanned and emailed to you. It is suggested that you check with NARA to confirm that they have received your request.

Do you know about IWG report to congress?

A $30 million US Government Study specifically searched for evidence on Comfort Women allegations.
After nearly seven years with many dozens of staff pouring through US archives — and 30 million dollars down the drain — we found a grand total of nothing.
The final IWG report to Congress was issued in 2007. (Linked below.)
Nobody should be writing about Comfort Women issues without reading this report cover to cover.

Thank you for your concern.
名まえ 住所(例 Tokyo, Japan)

貴市に慰 安婦像を設置することに反対いたします。
それは貴 市において民族間の対立を生み、カナダの誇りである民族間の友好と理解、融和を乱すでしょう。ひいてはカナダと日本の関係にも悪影響を及 ぼします。
ですか ら、どうぞ貴市に慰安婦像を設置することを中止してください。
(米軍慰 安婦レポートについての記述,IWG 報告書についての記述 略)
Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and Council Members of Burnaby City :

Unless the issue of comfort women is clarified between Japan and Korea, Canada must not tread upon such a disputed matter. Some may have called it for peace and honor but a statue of comfort woman will not bring peace to your country but a shame, confusion, discrimination and horror not only to Japanese but to all Canadians who value and recognize Canadian multiculturalism as their proud policy in the world.

名まえ 住所(例 Tokyo, Japan)


Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and Council Members of Burnaby City :

The issue of comfort women is very controversial, sensitive issue and still indeed very political matter between Japan and Korea as of today. It will not be beneficial for Canada to be involved in this political dispute.
名まえ 住所(例 Tokyo, Japan)



Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and Council Members of Burnaby City :

Do you know such a statute of comfort woman already exists in the US? The statue has been a focal point for demonstrations which led to the bullying of children whose only “fault” was having Japanese parents. If we allowed such a statue to be built here, it would send the wrong message to Canada as a whole that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. US cities like Fairfax and Glendale where comfort women memorials have gone up experienced a great deal of turmoil in their communities and ignited division between Japanese and Koreans communities since.
名まえ 住所(例 Tokyo, Japan)


Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and Council Members of Burnaby City :

I believe the development of comfort woman statue will violate the policy of Canadian multiculturalism. According to the policy, it is to encourage racial and ethnic harmony and cross-cultural understanding and discourage ghettoization, hatred and discrimination. The intensely disputed issue of comfort woman is up to Japan and Korea to deal with. Please do not bring this to Canada or it will definitely shutter Korean and Japanese communities in Canada.

名まえ 住所(例 Tokyo, Japan)



バーナビー市 baBurnaby

Phone: 604-294-7340
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby BC, V5G 1M2


中央公園 Central Park

68 thoughts on “【 署名/メール】カナダ バーナビー市 慰安婦像反対!ご協力を!

  1. のり says:







  2. Eugene Lo Wei says:

    Dear Mayor Derek Corrigan and the Council Members of Brunaby City:
    I am showing the personal account of Ms. Ma Xiurong about her elder sister Ma Xiuying
    being forced into one of the many Comfort Women Stations in the city of Wuhan during
    WWII by the Japanese soldiers.
    To Wit:
    ” Part of Accusation:
    One day at the end of November, 1938, I was playing outside with a group of children, my elder sister Xiuying came to take me home to have dinner, suddenly a truck appeared from nowhere, five to six gun-toting Japanese soldiers jumped down from the truck, and carried my 16 year old elder sister Xiuying(马秀英) onto the truck, several other Japanese soldiers grabbed my elder sister and pulled her into the truck covered with tarpaulin. The Japanese soldiers quickly jumped onto the truck, which ran toward river side direction. I ran home crying, and told my parents that my elder sister Xiuying was captured by Japanese soldiers and forced onto a truck, the sudden incident was like a bolt from the sky, the whole family was plunged into intolerable anguish, everyone hugged one another and cried bitterly, on this day the whole family felt distraught and skipped the dinner. Ma elder sister Xiuying was an intelligent, pretty, and diligent girl, my parents liked her best among all the children, until today what happed on that day was still fresh in my mind.

      After that my father asked around everywhere, it was then that he knew that the Japanese Army took away civilian women everywhere in Wuhan.

    Later, in 1940 my father learned from a coolie who escaped from Hunan to Wuhan that there were comfort stations in Linxiang County, Yuezhou, and Pingjiang in Hunan, in the autumn my father decided to go to Hunan to look for the whereabouts of his daughter Ma Xiuying. Along the way we passed Linxiang, and Yuezhou in Hunan, and finally found a comfort station on Changshou Street in Pingjiang County. But it was guarded by Japanese soldiers; no Chinese was allowed to enter. My father had to stay away from the gate at a long distance and watched. On one afternoon four days later, he saw Ma Xiuying looking out of the gate. At that moment my father was also watching the gate, both saw each other. My elder sister shouted, my father cried out his daughter’s name, the Japanese guard saw what happened, and used bayonet to force my elder sister back into the gate, after that he ran toward my father and beat him with gun stock. Meanwhile he unleashed a German Shepherd [Correct term]to attack my father. My father had to roll on the ground to avoid the German Shepherd , when he was rolling around a steamed bun jumped out from his pocket, the German Shepherd wanted to eat it, but the Japanese soldier feared it was a poisoned steamed bun, so he immediately called back the German Shepherd, my father took advantage of this chance and left. My father was bitten on the shoulder and on the back at several places, with scratches on both hands and face, plus a dozen gun stock beating, on top of that he personally saw his daughter Ma Xiuying was forced to become a comfort woman. Despite anger, my father helplessly left Changshou Street in Pingjiang, and retuned to Hankou to treat the wound. It was not until half year later that the wound healed. Seeing his daughter suffering in the hands of the loathsome Japanese, my father felt as if a knife was carving his heart. My father wanted to go to Changshou Street in Pingjiang, Hunan again to save his daughter. My mother persuaded him that last time it nearly cost his life, the Japanese soldiers were ferocious and barbarian, taking back his daughter from under the muzzle of guns was almost impossible. Feeling resigned, my father only had to bury the mental trauma in the depth of his heart. After Japan surrendered, my father went to Changshou Street in Pingjiang twice, he searched everywhere but found nothing. Year after year he waited for the return of his daughter, till today more than forty years have passed, there was no news. Now we want to settle this debt with Japan, to ease our heartache over that many years[Better wording].


    Entrusted by victim: Ma Xiurong

  3. 日本市民 says:

    【米国人の6割が日本の謝罪不要 慰安婦も6割が「聞いたことがない」】



    • 日本市民 says:

      【Vietnamese Comfort Women Issue for Korean Army】


      QUESTION: Thanks. I’ve been asked to ask a few questions about this report out of Japan which is based on U.S. archival documents that show Korean forces in Vietnam during the war operated a number of brothels for their troops. I was wondering if you’ve seen this report.

      MR. RATHKE: I’m familiar – I am aware that there is such a report. I can’t say that I’ve studied it or read it in its entirety. But what’s your question?

      QUESTION: I guess – well, first, I was wondering if you can confirm the validity of the documents that the report is based on.

      MR. RATHKE: Well, I’m not in a position to confirm the documents. I have not reviewed the documents. I don’t know whether they – where they stem from or they – do they purport to be State Department documents?

      QUESTION: They are letters that were written from U.S. Forces Command during the Vietnam War and they were from the National Archives.

      MR. RATHKE: Well, then I think it would not be this building that’s in a position to speak to those documents.

      QUESTION: Okay. In terms of the issue that the report talks about, do you see it as an instance of human trafficking? Do you see a need to investigate it at all?

      MR. RATHKE: Well, we’re aware of the article. We don’t have any specific comment on the article. I think our policy on the trafficking of women for sexual purposes remains well-known, and so I don’t have anything to add to that.

      QUESTION: Given that this is an issue that President Park has focused on, including mentioning it prominently in her UNGA address last year, would you like to see an address by the Korean – would you like to see it addressed by the Korean Government?

      MR. RATHKE: I don’t have anything further to add on this at this time. You wanted to go back to Yemen?

      QUESTION: I did, if I could.

  4. JUN ISOBE says:









    第二次天安門事件(1989年6月4日) – 民主化を求めるデモ隊と軍や警察との衝突。多数の死傷者を出した。

    • Eugene Lo Wei says:

      Jun Isobe has attempted to confuse the issue of Comfort Women Stations in China and in Korea during WWII with the Cultural Revolution in PRC during
      1966 t0 10976 and even the incident of Tian An Gate in 1989. None of the latter had anything to do with setting up Comfort Women Stations for soldiers invading in another country, in this case the victim countries were China and Korea.
      I have already given one good example of the young lady named Ma Xiuying who was merely 16 years of age when her younger sister saw her being abducted by gun-toting Japanese soldiers and got thrown into a truck. Later her father saw her inside the Comfort Women Station and tried to get her out. But he was bitten by German Shepherds sent from the sentry and was hit with the rifle butts. In the year 2001 in January my organization, the Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War (APTSJW) had sent a representative to Hainan
      province with some cash to be given to 11 surviving Comfort Women from WWII.
      But when he got there only 9 still were alive. Mr. Ying asked the local officials to help distribute the money to them and reported their stories. Those women were shamed by the village they had grown up in so that they survived on the outskirts. They were not married so that they had no children. But the few who tried to adopt had their sons leave them as they grew up because it was “shameful” to have mothers who served against their wills in the Japanese Comfort Women Stations. The local officials addressed it to a crowd and gave the women flowers. Then the following week more than 53 former Comfort Women came out of the woodworks in Hainan province, hoping to be also recognized by the government.
      Sincerely Yours,
      Eugene Lo Wei, citizen of the USA since 1964

    • toyomitsu Nishinaga says:








  6. 日本市民 says:


    • 日本市民 says:

      韓国系が日系取り込み「慰安婦像推進委」発足 設置保留のカナダ・バーナビー市で






  7. Ally says:



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