元慰安婦の証言によれば、日本軍によって拉致、慰安婦にされ 集団強姦 や 強制流産、恥辱、身体切断、死亡、自殺を招いた性的暴行」などに苦しんだ。
2013年4月23日 モンゴメリー郡議会 議事録より
アービン議員 WWⅡ慰安婦と人身売買と戦う努力を記念する宣言
Proclamation commemorating World War II “Comfort Women” and Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking by Councilmember Ervin
【 メールを送ろう! 】
To: モンゴメリー郡 郡長、議員
ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov, county.council@montgomerycountymd.gov,
OLO@montgomerycountymd.gov, councilmember.navarro@montgomerycountymd.gov,
councilmember.andrews@montgomerycountymd.gov, Councilmember.Berliner@montgomerycountymd.gov,
Councilmember.elrich@montgomerycountymd.gov, Councilmember.ervin@montgomerycountymd.gov,
Councilmember.floreen@montgomerycountymd.gov, Councilmember.Rice@montgomerycountymd.gov,
Councilmember.Riemer@montgomerycountymd.gov, Councilmember.leventhal@montgomerycountymd.gov,
Cc: 地元メディア
lynn@thesentinel.com, editor-mc@thesentinel.com, ecanzian@baltsun.com,
ecox@baltsun.com, michael.dresser@baltsun.com, dave.rosenthal@baltsun.com,
laura.smitherman@baltsun.com, michael.cross-barnet@baltsun.com, andrew.green@baltsun.com, peter.jensen@baltsun.com, glenn.mcnatt@baltsun.com, opinions@gazette.net, dtallman@gazette.net, kbrick@gazette.net, rrand@gazette.net, aschotz@gazette.net, kalexander@gazette.net, stjbarned-smith@gazette.net, ablum@gazette.net, jbondeson@gazette.net, scarignan@gazette.net, kgroff@gazette.net, thogan@gazette.net, dleaderman@gazette.net, pmcewan@gazette.net, lpowers@gazette.net, krose@gazette.net, ewaibel@gazette.net, editor@voicenewspapers.com, julie@takoma.com,
■ A message from Japan
■ A message from 自分の名前
■ Comfort Women Issue
■ Proclamation commemorating World War II “Comfort Women
■ False accusations regarding the comfort women issue
■ Korean American’s anti-Japanese propaganda “comfort women”
Honorable County Executive Ike Leggett,
Honorable Councilmen,
I hope this email finds you well.
We have learned the Montgomery County Council passed “the Proclamation commemorating World War II ‘Comfort Women’ and Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking” on April 23rd, 2013.
Despite your intention for prevention of the human trafficking, we regret to express our deep disappointment that you acted on the story which was not based on the data through any official research by your government but written based on fabrication.
We understand that human trafficking issue existed during the war time as a social problem. Not only in Japan but also in places in Asia where women worked as comfort women for army because their family owed due to the poverty. During the Korean War or the Vietnamese War, many of such women existed as well.
Base on those false allegation to Japanese government in the proclamation, we understand that the monuments built in Nassau County, New York and in Bergen County, New Jersey engraved the phrase “more than 200,000 women and girls who were abducted for the use of sexual slavery by the armed forces of the government of Japan 1930’s – 1945 known as ‘Comfort Women”. This is NOT true. According to the research and data that Japanese government did, any evidences of the Japanese military’s involvement of abduction of those comfort women were not found.
If “the acquisition of young women estimated to be more than 200,000 for sole purpose of sexual slavery to the Imperial Armed Forces” and “the comfort women system is one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century” is a fair fact, you as councilmen have an obligation to present reliable primary source which will fully convince the world.
Japan has been a Rechtsstaat and democratic country. We place high values on the importance of historical facts as well as U.S.-Japan relationship.
If the U.S.-Japan alliance is the cornerstone of peace, security, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region as Obama administration claims, these anti-Japan propaganda activities by our neighboring countries based on the fiction would do nothing but deteriorate the relationship among U.S. and Japan. Such movements not only risk the relationship among our younger generations but also alter the situation to the advantage of North Korea and China where democracy does not apply.
We will keep raising our voice that we won’t tolerate this kind of propaganda to insult Japan and dishonor our ancestors. To protest, Japanese citizens submitted two petitions to the White House, each with more than 30 thousand signatures, as follows:
Remove the monument and not to support any international harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan”
“Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop
aggravating int’l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!”
As last, if your claim is fair and based on the fact, we demand the Montgomery County Council to show 1; the fact that this proclamation is based on the specific historical facts and the allegation is not false, 2; the detailed plan what you demand to the Japanese government to take action as prevention of human trafficking.
We know that good American citizen cherish and endorse fairness, justice, and act based on the truth as well as being courageous. We surely hope that you as councilmen for the people of Montgomery County will make a truthful, fair, and objective judgment on this issue.
例) Hanako Yamada
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
モンゴメリー郡長、議員の皆様へ—4月23日にモンゴメリー郡が「WWⅡ慰安婦と人身売買と戦う努力を称える宣言」を採択したことを知りました。人身売買防止目的に関わらす、捏造の情報を基に宣言がされたことは非常に残念です。戦時中の人身売買が社会問題だったのは事実です。日本だけでなくアジア各地で貧困の為に慰安婦として働いた女性がいました。朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争でも同様です。宣言にある日本政府に対する誤った主張は、NYやNJに慰安婦記念碑でも「20万以上の婦女子が戦時中に強制連行されて慰安婦という性奴隷にされた」と刻まれています。これは事実ではありません。日本政府の調査で明らかになっています。「20万を性奴隷にした」「20世紀最大の人身売買」が事実というのであるなら議員として世界が納得する一次資料を示してください。日本は法治国家であり民主国家です。日米関係も歴史事実も重要であると考えます。オバマ政権が主張するように、日米同盟がアジア太平洋における平和・安全・安定の礎石ならば、近隣諸国の反日プロパガンダ活動は日米関係を損ねるものとなります。このような動きは我々の若い世代へ不利益をもたらし、北朝鮮・中国を利することになります。私たちは日本の名誉・先人を侮辱するプロパガンダに対し反対の声を挙げます。ホワイトハウスへのこの2つの請願は3万署名以上集めています。(請願URL省略)モンゴメリー郡の宣言が事実に基づき正しいと主張されるのであるなら次の2点を説明してください。1.宣言の基となっている歴史事実と主張が誤りでないこと。 2.人身売買を防止する行動として日本政府に何を求めているか。 米国市民は勇敢であり真実を重んじると理解しています。モンゴメリー郡市民の為にも議員の皆様が公正に判断されることを望みます。
【 送信先リスト 】
Montgomery County
◆ Montgomery County Executive
Ike Leggett
住所: Executive Office Building
101 Monroe Street, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
(240) 777-2500
TTY (240) 777-2544
FAX: (240) 777-2517
Email: ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov
◆ Montgomery County Council
住所: Stella B. Werner Council Office Building
100 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850
(240) 777-7900
TTY (240) 777-7914
FAX: (240) 777-7989
Email: county.council@montgomerycountymd.gov
◆ Legislative Oversight
Email: OLO@montgomerycountymd.gov
◆ Councilmembers
Council President Nancy Navarro
Email: councilmember.navarro@montgomerycountymd.gov
Phil Andrews
Email: councilmember.andrews@montgomerycountymd.gov
Roger Berliner
Email: Councilmember.Berliner@montgomerycountymd.gov
Marc Elrich
Email: Councilmember.elrich@montgomerycountymd.gov
Valerie Ervin
Email: Councilmember.ervin@montgomerycountymd.gov
Nancy Floreen
Email: Councilmember.floreen@montgomerycountymd.gov
Craig Rice
Email: Councilmember.Rice@montgomerycountymd.gov
Hans Riemer
Email: Councilmember.Riemer@montgomerycountymd.gov
George Leventhal
◆ Montgomery County Sentinel
22 W. Jefferson Street, Suite 309
Rockville, MD 20850
Lynn G. Kapiloff CEO
Email: lynn@thesentinel.com
Montgomery County
Email: editor-mc@thesentinel.com
fax: 301-838-3458
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facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GazetteNet/
twitter( @gazette_net ) : http://twitter.com/Gazette_Net/
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Peter Jensen, Editorial writer: peter.jensen@baltsun.com
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◆ Gazette Newspapers
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—Letter to the Editor—
Email to Doug Tallman: opinions@gazette.net
TEL: 301-670-2040 FAX: 301-670-7183
—Montgomery County—
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Managing Editor/News, Krista Brick: kbrick@gazette.net
Managing Editor/Presentation, Robert Rand: rrand@gazette.net
Assistant Managing Editor, Andrew Schotz: aschotz@gazette.net
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Canada トロント南京宣言撤回署名のように簡単に署名が出来るようにしてください。
A message from Asai.
Please see this video.
●Comfort Women: Do you hear their cry?
Korea man selling American troops to Korea girl, sex slave.
This is the truth of the comfort women forced labor.
●Comfort Women : Do you hear their cry?