
イリノイ州 下院 慰安婦決議 抗議のメッセージを送ろう!
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メリーランド・モンゴメリー郡 慰安婦宣言に抗議のメッセージを送ろう!
新たな慰安婦記念碑計画 NJ フォートリー に反対のメッセージを送ろう!

『慰安婦 強制連行 20万人 性奴隷』









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<件名 サンプル>



■ A message from Japan

■ A message from 自分の名前

■  Comfort Women Issue

■ Controversial issue between Japan and Korea

■ False accusations regarding the comfort women issue

本文A ■ Osaka Mayor Hashimoto and comfort women

本文B ■ Korean American’s anti-Japanese propaganda “comfort women”

本文C ■ Comfort Women Resolution

本文D ■ Renaming street in NY City

本文E ■ Korean propaganda to disgrace Japan


<本文 サンプル>




Dear Sirs/Madams,

Recently utterance of Mr. Hashimoto, the Mayor of Osaka City in Japan, about so-called “Comfort Women” at the time of the World War II becomes the topic of conversation. I, as a Japanese citizen, am so indignant at all the foreign media which sent descriptions based on the obvious Korean fiction that some 200,000 women in territories occupied by Japan during the War are estimated to have been sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. Korea was a part of Japan at that time and many Koreans were in Japanese army. That is why I am sending this mail to you to recognize real historical facts rather than recent Korean evil fiction. By the way, 200,000 is the estimated number of raped and tortured female citizens in Vietnam by Korean soldiers at the Vietnam War, and it is said that more than 5,000 “LaiDaihan” (Half-blood of Korean and Vietnamese) are left in Vietnam after the War.

Please find the pictures shown in the following Web site which show how American soldiers were immoral even after the World War II !

In addition to use “Comfort Women”, American soldiers raped female citizens so frequently. Many half-bloods of American and Japanese were left when the occupation was ended in Japan. So-called Japanese “Comfort Women” are in fact prostitutes, whose existence was legitimate at the time of WWII in Japan (including Korea). Majority of “Comfort Women” were, of course, Japanese, NOT Koreans and/or others. Systematic abduction by Japanese Forces to be “Comfort Women” is simply recent Koreans’ fiction. Korea was modernized by Japan (see the Web site of http://sakura.a.la9.jp/japan/?page_id=3744 ) and under the Japanese rule (from 1910 to 1945) was a law-governed country. Most of its policemen were Koreans, so any systematic abduction was impossible. But unfortunately some of them might be abducted by criminal Korean citizens and also some of them were sold as prostitutes by their parents because of their poverty, that happened in the islands of Japan too in those days. Historical figures of Korea before and after Japanese annexation (NOT colonization) are shown in the following pictures, which, I hope, will open your eyes toward the facts.


Prostitutes (“Comfort Women”) and liars are Korean TRADITION in more than these hundreds of years. Recent Korean women are demonstrating for their right to be prostitutes as shown in the following Web sites.

You should note that there are many Korean prostitutes in the US today (around 25% of foreign prostitutes in the US are estimated as Koreans).

The historical facts of Japanese “Comfort Women” problem are precisely explained in the following Web sites.

The reason why Japanese army used legitimate prostitutes managed by some professional citizens was to avoid rapes to female citizens by Japanese soldiers, whereas rapes to female citizens were common in armies worldwide at that time including US and Soviet Russia. In addition, US, UK, and Germany also used “Comfort Women” at the time of WWII.

Declarations and/or statues in the US about the fictitious Japanese “Comfort Women” problem are symbols of your ignorance, prejudice, and hypocrisy. You fellow Americans should refrain from supporting spoofs made up by the Koreans (and the Chinese for this matter) to keep your dignity and pride as Americans.

Sincerely yours,

例) Hanako Yamada
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

A日本語要訳: 日本の橋下大阪市長による戦時中の慰安婦に関する発言は話題になっています。これに対して外国メディアが20万の女性が日本軍の性奴隷であったという韓国人の作り話を基にして記事にしていることに、日本人として怒りを感じています。当時、韓国は日本の一部で、日本軍には韓国人がたくさんいました。韓国人の作り話でなく、歴史の真実を知っていただきたく、このメールを送ります。20万という数字はベトナム戦争時に、韓国軍に強姦された女性の数字で、ライタイハン(韓国人とベトナム人の混血児)は5千人以上いると言われています。こちらのサイトの写真をご覧ください。戦後も米軍がいかに不道徳であったかがわかります。(URL省略)慰安婦に加え、米軍による一般女性強姦は頻繁にありました。占領期間が終了時には日米の混血児が沢山残されました。戦時中、日本(韓国も含む)では慰安婦は合法的な売春婦でした。大多数の慰安婦は日本人であり、韓国人・他ではありません。日本軍が組織的に拉致して慰安婦にしたというのは最近の韓国人の作り話です。韓国は日本統治時代(1910~1945)に近代化した法治国家です。警察官の殆どは韓国人であり、組織的な拉致などあり得ません。慰安婦の中には悪い韓国人に騙されたり、貧困の為に親に売られた者もいましたが、当時は日本でもそういったことがありました。日本併合(植民地化ではなく)前と後の韓国の姿をこちらでご覧ください。(URL省略)売春婦(慰安婦)と嘘は韓国のこの数百年来の伝統です。売春の権利を主張する韓国人女性の最近のデモをご覧ください。(URL省略)米国にも韓国人売春婦がたくさんいます。外国人売春婦の25%は韓国人です。慰安婦問題についてはこちらのサイトの説明をご覧ください。(URL省略)日本軍が専門業者運営の売春婦を利用したのは、強姦事件を防ぐためです。強姦は米軍、ソ連軍、を含め世界中でありました。戦時中は米軍、英軍、独軍も慰安婦を利用しました。米国内で虚偽の慰安婦問題に基く宣言や像が出来ていますが、これは米国人の無学、偏見、偽善を象徴するものです。米国人は韓国人(中国人も)の作り話を支持するのを止めて、米国人としての尊厳と誇りを守るべきです。


Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am writing this message of important subject as a one Japanese citizen. I would like you to know the true story.

Recent few years, Korean American’s anti-Japanese propaganda and lobbying become extremely active. Korean’s allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as “comfort women”. Korean American groups have already put up Monuments of comfort women in the public properties in NJ and NY. Also in January this year, NY State Legislature adopted a resolution “Memorializing a Memorial Monument in the State of New York that pays tribute to those who have become known to the world as ‘Comfort Women”.

Japanese are upset about this situation. We do not try to rewrite the history. Also we are not revisionists or right wings. As the fabricated history is spreading, we cannot miss damaged our ancestors’ honor, and we want you to know the fact what the real history is.

Japanese government and South Korean government authorities jointly conducted a survey on comfort women issue in the 1990s. There was no evidence proving participation and forcing nature of the Japanese government and the Japanese military other than former comfort women’s testimony. “Approximately 200,000 young women were abducted and forced into sexual slavery” is not the fact. If this story is reported as the fact, please present reliable primary source which will fully convince we Japanese.

Friendly relationship among US, South Korea, and Japan is very important due to stabilization for Pacific Ocean Region. Because of this anti-Japan propaganda problem, public sentiment got worse among all three countries. Then those situations make happy military expansion countries and Communist terrorist counties, such as China and North Korea.

Comfort women issue is between Japan and Korea’s complicated problem. Therefore, I think that for the other countries like America it is difficult to understand. Attached are URLs which explain the fact. Please read and determine fair as media.

What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”

Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the PBS series


Yes, we remember the facts” (PDF)

I also would like to introduce two petitions to the White House with more than 30 thousand signatures.

“WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Remove the monument and not to support any international harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan”

“Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop aggravating int’l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!”

I am grateful to you for taking valuable time to read this mail.

Sincerely yours,





Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am writing this mail on behalf of all the Japanese who are concerned with the current U.S.-Japan relations.

I’d like to express my deep disappointment at the New York State Senate adopting the resolution J304-2013: Memorializing a Memorial Monument in the State of New York that pays tribute to those who have become known to the world as ‘Comfort Women’ and the Assembly adopting the resolution K415-2013: Commending the Korean-American community for dedicating a Memorial Monument that pays tribute to Comfort Women.

As you may know, so-called comfort women are the women who worked during World War II as prostitutes for the Japanese military. This fact might sound immoral by present-day standards, but prostitution was a legal business in those days in many countries. Even around U.S. military bases, prostitution agents must also have existed during the periods of Japan occupation, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

However, as many as fifty years after the War, a bogus story was suddenly spread in Korea and Japan — a story that Japanese military abducted many women and forced into prostitution during the War. Nowadays, many Koreans living in the U.S. propagate fabricated stories that more than 200 thousand Korean women were abducted and worked as “sex slaves” during the wartime and that it was equivalent to the Holocaust.

These stories have been proven to be completely fictitious as a result of many researches by scholars and experts. In spite of their longstanding efforts, there has been absolutely no evidence of Japanese military’s coercing Korean women into prostitution against their will.

We cannot allow this kind of propaganda that insults Japan; their pretense hurts our pride and dishonors our ancestors. To protest this malicious gossip, we submitted two petitions to the White House, each with more than 30 thousand signatures, as follows:

“WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Remove the monument and not to support any international harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan”

“Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop aggravating int’l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!”

U.S.-Japan alliance is the cornerstone of peace, security, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Anti-Japan propaganda activities based on the fictitious ‘comfort women’ issue do nothing but deteriorate the relationship among U.S., Korea, and Japan. Such movement only alters the situation to the advantage of North Korea and China.

We Japanese, who place a high value on the importance of historical facts as well as U.S.-Japan relationship, therefore protest decisively against the resolution regarding comfort women.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair, and objective judgment on this issue.

Sincerely yours,


C日本語要訳:日米関係を懸念する日本人として、この手紙を書きます。NY州上院が、決議 J304 「慰安婦に敬意を表しNY州慰安婦碑を記憶にとどめる決議」,下院が決議K415「慰安婦記念碑を建立に尽力した韓国系米国人コミュニティを称える決議」を採択したことを非常に残念に思います。慰安婦というのは第二次世界大戦中の日本軍相手の売春業の女性のことです。米軍にも日本占領期、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争の時に売春業者が周りにいたはずです。いつの時代も、どの国でも、軍隊の周りにあるビジネスです。ところが戦後50年近くたってから、”日本軍が女性を拉致して強制的に慰安婦にした”という嘘の歴史が日本と韓国で広まり始めました。現在では、米国内で韓国系が”20万人以上の婦女子が拉致された”、”ホロコーストと同じ犯罪”、”慰安婦は性奴隷”と宣伝しています。これらは全く事実でなく、多くの識者が事実でないことを既に証明しています。このような日本を侮辱するプロパガンダは、日本の誇りを傷つけ、我々の先人の名誉を貶めるもので、日本人は非常に怒っています。それを表すものとしてホワイトハウスへの二つの請願があります。両方とも3万以上の署名を集めています。(URL省略)日米同盟はアジア太平洋の平和・安全・安定の礎石です。慰安婦問題を利用した韓国系の反日プロパガンダ活動は米国、韓国、日本の関係を悪化させます。これに利するのは、北朝鮮と中国であることを理解して下さい。歴史の真実を大切にし、日米友好を願う私たち日本人は、慰安婦決議に強く反対します。米国の皆様は公正・真実・正義を重んじると信じます。この問題についての聡明な判断を願います。


Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

According to the news, Mr. Peter Koo, a New York City Council member, is promoting a street renaming project in Flushing, Queens, to commemorate “comfort women” and the building of a monument there to praise them.

As you may know, so-called comfort women are the women who worked during World War II as prostitutes for the Japanese military. This fact might sound immoral by present-day standards, but prostitution was a legal business in those days in many countries. Even around U.S. military bases, prostitution agents must also have existed during the periods of Japan occupation, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical reasons, a fictitious version of history.

False accusations regarding the South Korean comfort women issue have disgraced the people of Japan for decades. Please listen to Japanese opinions before you condemn and humiliate our history, and then you could make your own judgment.

The following websites may help you know about the comfort women issue.

What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”

Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the PBS series


Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)

We Japanese, who place a high value on the importance of historical facts as well as U.S.-Japan relationship, therefore protest decisively against “comfort women memorial” street renaming and building of comfort women monument.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair, and objective judgment on this issue.

Sincerely yours,


D日本語要訳:懸念する日本人としてメッセージを書きます。クーNY市議がクイーンズのフラッシングに慰安婦ストリートと記念碑を計画しているとのニュースを知りました。慰安婦というのは戦時中の日本軍相手の売春婦のことです。現代からすると不道徳のようですが、当時、売春業は合法であり、どこの国にもありました。米軍基地周辺に日本占領時代、韓国、ベトナム戦争時にあったのと同様です。ところが韓国人は日本人が何十万人もの女性を拉致して性奴隷にしたという虚偽の歴史を広めています。これは論理的にありえません。この韓国人による虚偽の慰安婦問題は、何十年もの間、日本の名誉を貶めてきました。日本の歴史を誹謗する前に日本人側の意見も聞いたうえで、判断願います。慰安婦問題を理解するために下記サイトを参考にして下さい。(URL省略)史実と日米関係を大切にする我々日本人は慰安婦ストリートと記念碑に反対します。 米国人が公正な判断をされることを望みます。



Dear Sirs/Madams,

As news reported on Oct 5th 2012, South Korean singer Jang-hoon Kim and Prof. Kyoung-duk Seo organized an event to erect a poster “Do You Remember” in New York’s Times Square.


This was in an attempt to spread the negative image of Japanese Army during World War II. For Koreans who is campaigning ill image of Japan for decades, the portrait of former German chancellor Willy Brandt making his “silent apology” at Jewish ghetto monument in Warsaw in 1971 is rather convenient.

Koreans’ intention to get attention to what they call “Comfort Women” is simply irritation to many Japanese. Despite apologies taken places privately and by the Japanese government, the compensation for former comfort women or other efforts such as Asian Women’s Fund, Koreans has no intention of forgiveness. Furthermore, they are obsessed with fake stories to blame institutional involvement for the coercion or even abductions of women.

In November 2012, in order to help bringing justice and put the end of this endless nonsense, an advertisement was placed in New Jersey Star Leger which listed facts of “Comfort Women”.

This booklet as well as the advertisement explains why their allegations are wrong.

What is ‘comfort women’? booklet

Japan-U.S. alliance is the cornerstone of peace, security, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. We are to cherish and share our growth and prosperity of the region together for years to come. Our partnership should never be affected by these cheap lies.



E日本語要訳:2012年10月5日に韓国人歌手Jang-hoon Kim と大学教授Kyoung-duk SeoがNYタイムズ広場に広告を出しました。これは戦時中の日本軍の悪いイメージを広める試みです。韓国人は何十年もの間、日本の悪いイメージを広めるキャンペーンを行っています。この広告は1971年ドイツのブラント首相のユダヤ人への謝罪を利用しています。韓国が持ち出す慰安婦問題に対し日本人は怒っています。日本政府が私的・公的に謝罪し、アジア女性基金で賠償金を払っても、韓国側は許すということはせず、日本軍は強制的に拉致したという虚偽の話を広めています。この状況を終わらせる為に2012年11月NJ新聞に次の広告が掲載されました。(URL省略)またこの冊子をご覧いただければ、韓国側が誤っていることがお分かりになると思います。(URL省略)日米関係はアジア太平洋の平和と安全の礎石です。この地域の将来の成長と繁栄の為にも、我々の同盟がこのような馬鹿げた嘘によって影響されることないよう願います


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[名前] Heather Doyle

[メアド] heather.doyle@patch.com

[名前] Jason Molinet

[メアド] jason.molinet@patch.com

[記事] Lavine Honors Korean ‘Comfort Women’


[名前] Josh Rogin

[メアド] josh.rogin@gmail.com

[記事] White House: Japan should do more to address comfort women issue



[メアド] alvarado@northjersey.com

[記事] Wording set for ‘comfort women’ memorial

[記事] Bergen County to unveil memorial to victims of WW2 Japanese ‘comfort stations’


[名前] Noah Cohen

[メアド] noah@patch.com

[記事] Donovan To Sign ‘Comfort Women’ Proof Monday


[名前] Emily Anne Epstein,

[メアド] eepstein@observer.com

[記事] Japanese officials ask New Jersey town to REMOVE memorial to Korean sex slaves captured by Japan in World War II


[名前] Lisa Colangelo

[メアド] lcolangelo@nydailynews.com

[記事] Councilman Peter Koo stirs outrage with proposal to honor Asian ‘comfort women’ used by Japanese soldiers in World War II

[記事] Debate over comfort women memorial puts City Councilman Peter Koo on the hot seat



[メアド] semplek@nytimes.com

[記事] In New Jersey, Memorial for ‘Comfort Women’ Deepens Old Animosity


[名前] Dan Ivers

[メアド] divers@nj.com

[記事] ‘Inaccuracy’ postpones Bergen dedication of memorial for Korean ‘comfort women’


[名前] Jen Chung

[メアド] jen@gothamist.com

[記事] City Councilman Considers “Comfort Women” Memorial In Queens


[名前] Melissa Chan

[メアド] mchan@queenscourier.com

[記事] Queensborough students connect with Korean ‘comfort women’


[名前] Jennifer Lind

[メアド] Jennifer.Lind@dartmouth.edu

[記事] Japan must face the past


[名前] Jone Johnson Lewis

[メアド] womenshistory@aboutguide.com

[記事] Women and World War II: Comfort Women


[名前] Ross Barkan

[メアド] rbarkan@queenstribune.com

[記事] Controversy Surrounds “Comfort Women’ Memorial


[名前] S.P. Sullivan

[メアド] spsulliv@nj.com

[記事] Bergen County marks International Women’s Day with Korean ‘comfort women’ memorial


[名前] Ann Piccirillo

[メアド] annpiccirillo@yahoo.com

[編集者] Eamon Harbord & Alana Quartuccio

[編集者メール] paramus@patch.com

[記事] Bergen County Dedicates Memorial to Comfort Women

Bergen Recognizes Comfort Women With Memorial



[メアド] dagonz@nytimes.com

[記事] Forgotten Women Victims of World War II


[メアド] shkolnikova@northjersey.com

[記事] Groups reach consensus on Fort Lee comfort women memorial

[名前] Dr. Patricia A. Farrell

[メアド] drfarrell@drfarrell.net

[記事]    Comfort Women or Prostitutes? Tenafly, NJ Thursday, April 25, 2013



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記者 Ramin Mazaheri
記事 Ongoing rallies of ‘Comfort Women’ a reminder of Japan’s militarism

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【英文 資料集】








②”Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)











慰安婦問題について 英文解説サイト


What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”


産経新聞 古森記者 米国テレビインタビュー動画 英文書き起こし

Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the PBS series


谷山雄二朗氏 慰安婦問題について語る動画 英文書き起こし



史実を世界に発信する会 より

慰安婦の素顔 (世界出版 社長 茂木弘道)


Moteki Hiromichi,  CEO Sekai Shuppan


組織的または強制的募集はなかった:慰安婦と日本軍についての誤った見方( 秦郁彦 元日本大学教授)


Hata Ikuhiko  Professor Emeritus, Nihon University


「従軍慰安婦問題」の真実 (尾形美明)

The Truth about the Question of “Comfort Women”

Ogata Yoshiaki


『よくわかる慰安婦問題』(基督教大学教授 拉致被害者を救う会会長 西岡力)





The Truth of the “Comfort Women” Intelligence Warfare:

Information laundering by anti-Japanese fascists,

Nishimura Kohyu, Journalist/Critic

Summary: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/97_S2.pdf

Full text: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/97_S4.pdf

他 資料

米国公文書館資料 Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No.49




中山成彬議員、3月8日予算委員会、質疑 英文書き起こし
Questions by Congressman Nakayama at the Diet on March 8, 2013

210 thoughts on “海外メディアにメッセージを送ろう!

  1. 浅井 秀明 says:

    A message from Asai.
    In JApan,we did’t have sex slaves.

  2. 浅井 秀明 says:



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  3. [Attn]to all Senators and Congressmen of the states
    [Attn]to all editors of the News,
    [Attn]to the all persons concerned
    [Attn]to Mike HONDA :Congressman of USA

    Hi, everybody, I’m a Japanese , 69 years old ,male, retired pension man.

    [MIKE HONDA congressman !, please focus into the Vietnam War]

    (1)I got the news from ASAHI newspaper, in which that the Mike Honda congressman
    had just started to promote the State Congresses to criticize Japanese Soldiers and
    Japanese Hasimoto mayor because they had utilized prostitutes in prostitution houses
    and in the streets, and he protected such situation in the World War. And he also said
    that USA Soldiers and Korean Soldiers also utilized such prostitutes. It was rather
    common sense in the world.
    ASAHI newspaper is a Chinese and Korean paper in publication in Japan.

    (2)As you know, ASAHI News is the one which fabricated the word [forced comfort
    women] with Japanese Soldiers instead of just [prostitutes] in Japan as well as in the
    ASAHI and a Korean Japanese female lawyer visited Korea and found a one Korean older
    woman who mentioned ” I was just a prostitute, and not a forced comfort woman”. But
    they succeeded to take her to NHK ,Japan and they translated intentionally her Korean
    words to “She is saying I was a forced comfort woman”. That was the initiation of the
    Case. Later that female lawyer has become to a Congressman in Japan.

    (3)And, Mayer Mr Hasimoto mentioned very noisy history with prostitutes or comfort
    woman as you know.
    He mentioned that forced comfort women Korean claiming had not existed but common
    prostitutes getting more very higher salary than 10 times compared with soldiers.
    Such sex businesses were very common and almost all nations and soldiers, even USA
    soldiers and Korean Soldiers had also utilized such facilities and systems, in the Vietnam
    War time.

    (4)According to present values it will be female discrimination. But he sincerely pointed
    out sexual culture in such past times. And female in the world, half of the world population
    have started to protest him” He’s not a fair man “, “We are a super big NPO group with
    half of population, we can deny half of opposite sex population from now on, even if you
    would want “.”I cannot overcome them , help me !”he is tearing.

    (5)Now we are in the noisy wave and endless confusion which Mayor Mr.
    Hashimoto made.

    (6)Mr. Mike Honda has reportedly started to protest Japanese Soldiers action in the stand
    point of female discrimination.
    Originally he protested Japanese soldiers to [forced comfort women], but this time he
    changed his fighting style to [common utilization of prostitute houses and prostitute
    system], because he does not use [forced comfort women] this time.
    And he agrees to what world female protest and he appeals to the congressmen of all
    united States from the stand point of female discrimination by Japanese Soldiers.

    (8)If you come to similar level of our understanding about Japanese soldiers, I would like
    to recommend you and Mr.Honda to investigate about truth of utilization of US soldiers
    and Korean soldiers, who did in detail in Vietnam for Vietnam War time, before you
    contact such states congresses.

    (9)Probably you will have to change your understanding about Korean, American, and also
    Japanese, of which Korean fabricated.
    Anyhow, you should not believe of what Korean say instantly, Before you believe them,
    please take a rest to consider everything around the situation. Please remember Korean
    always make false stories to look down upon Japanese to get big money and so on.

    They believe this saying: teaching of Confucius,
    “If you say false stories by 100 times, they will become truth ”

    (10)This is the fact.
    There are more than 30 thousand of “raidaihan” who are children between
    Vietnam women and Korean soldiers born during Vietnam War.
    And there are more than 500 thousand of “ameradian” who are children
    between American soldiers and Asian women including Vietnam.
    On the other hand there are not such children all over the Asian countries
    because they are almost all buddhist who can control sex impulse(drive) or
    make an effort to depress their sex impulse(drive).

    Yours Faithfully
    Jone 30th, 20013
    Toshihiko Okumura
    Tokyo, Japan

  4. ken says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggQaYD37Jm4 このリンクをブエナパーク市長やマスコミに事実に基づいて判断するようメールしました。

  5. 日本市民 says:



  6. 日本市民 says:

    【社会ニュース】 2013/09/30(月) 14:55




  7. hiroaki tabayashi says:

    Justice cannot be changed. Thank you!

  8. sansiro says:

    Only the breaking Korea finally will start suicide bomber that was world-famous comfort women issue
    In Kune President Pak military comfort women during the Korean war filed a class-action lawsuit
    It’s no doubt has turned a blind eye to the matter of the country in this world is starting to notice that, Korea, to fastenthe blame on Japan.

     You may in the United States back in Korea it might be Sparks this complaint is problem. Uncovering the brutality of Korea forces in the Viet Nam war movement also came out. Isn’t Korea lost international credibility, to suicide. It also pointed to former President ) ( prostitution district = base village, directly managing and had a future, Park Geun-Hye, President from the opposition and litigation support forces pursued could also be.

     This complaint is and greatly affect Japan’s comfort women issue so

  9. sansiro says:

    Enfin, seulement la rupture Corée va commencer un attentat-suicide qui a été la question des femmes de confort mondialement connu
    En Pak Kune Président militaire confort femmes pendant la guerre de Corée a déposé un recours collectif
    C’ est sans doute a transformé un aveugle les yeux sur la question du pays dans ce monde commence à remarquer que, la Corée, à fastenthe blâme sur le Japon.

     Vous pouvez aux États-Unis retour en Corée il est peut-être Sparks cette plainte est le problème. Découvrir la brutalité des forces de la Corée dans le mouvement de guerre du Viet Nam aussi est sorti. N’est pas la Corée perdue crédibilité internationale, au suicide. Il a également souligné ancien président ) ( prostitution district = base village, gérer directement et avait un avenir, Park Geun-Hye, Président de l’appui d’opposition et de litiges forces poursuivis pourraient également être.

     Cette plainte est et affectent donc question de femmes pour le confort du Japon

  10. hirasawa yuuko says:

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

    According to the news, Mr. Peter Koo, a New York City Council member, is promoting a street renaming project in Flushing, Queens, to commemorate “comfort women” and the building of a monument there to praise them.

    As you may know, so-called comfort women are the women who worked during World War II as prostitutes for the Japanese military. This fact might sound immoral by present-day standards, but prostitution was a legal business in those days in many countries. Even around U.S. military bases, prostitution agents must also have existed during the periods of Japan occupation, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

    But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical reasons, a fictitious version of history.

    False accusations regarding the South Korean comfort women issue have disgraced the people of Japan for decades. Please listen to Japanese opinions before you condemn and humiliate our history, and then you could make your own judgment.

    The following websites may help you know about the comfort women issue.
    NIHONN kanagawakenn  HIRASAWA YUUKO

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