

今年も12月13日がもうすぐやってきます。昨年と同様の宣言がまた今年も出され今後12月13日が南京虐殺記念日(Nanking Recognition Day)として固定化されるのは何としても阻止しなければなりません。そのため、日本の皆様のご協力がぜひとも必要です。

日本の名誉を護る在カナダ邦人の会 代表 はすみ都志子
連絡先 hasumitoshiko@gmail.com

【1】市議宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案
【2】市役宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案
【3】マスコミ宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案


トロント市議会「南京記念日宣言」議案の議事録(November 27, 2012)

市長が宣言に同意した時のニュース記事National Post(November 28, 2012)
Rob Ford reverses position to vote for motion recognizing 75th anniversary of Nanking massacre

【1】市議宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案
Mayor Rob Ford
Office of the Mayor
Toronto City Hall, 2nd Floor
100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON

Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Suite C43
Toronto ON

E-Mail アドレス
To: Mayor Rob Ford市長、Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly副市長

Cc: その他市議
councillor_ainslie@toronto.ca, councillor_augimeri@toronto.ca,
councillor_bailao@toronto.ca, councillor_berardinetti@toronto.ca,
councillor_carroll@toronto.ca, councillor_colle@toronto.ca,
councillor_crawford@toronto.ca, councillor_crisanti@toronto.ca,
councillor_davis@toronto.ca, councillor_debaeremaeker@toronto.ca,
councillor_delgrande@toronto.ca, councillor_digiorgio@toronto.ca,
councillor_doucette@toronto.ca, councillor_filion@toronto.ca,
councillor_fletcher@toronto.ca, councillor_dford@toronto.ca,
councillor_fragedakis@toronto.ca, councillor_grimes@toronto.ca,
councillor_layton@toronto.ca, mcrover2@toronto.ca,
councillor_lindsay_luby@toronto.ca, councillor_mammoliti@toronto.ca,
councillor_matlow@toronto.ca, councillor_mcconnell@toronto.ca,
councillor_mcmahon@toronto.ca, councillor_mihevc@toronto.ca,
councillor_milczyn@toronto.ca, councillor_moeser@toronto.ca,
councillor_nunziata@toronto.ca, councillor_palacio@toronto.ca,
councillor_parker@toronto.ca, councillor_pasternak@toronto.ca,
councillor_perks@toronto.ca, councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca,
councillor_robinson@toronto.ca, councillor_shiner@toronto.ca,
councillor_stintz@toronto.ca, councillor_thompson@toronto.ca,

・A message from Japan
・The Proclamation by Toronto City Council Regarding the Anniversary of the Nanking Incident
・Controversial issue between Japan and China


I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing this letter as a Japanese citizen.

I have learned that the Toronto City Council issued a proclamation on December 13, 2012 regarding the 75th anniversary of the Nanking incident. The Council issued this proclamation despite its own protocol not to get involved in third country affairs.

I demand that Toronto City Council take the following two actions:

1.      Rescind the Toronto City Council’s proclamation of December 13, 2012 regarding the 75th Anniversary of the Nanking Incident.

2.      In future have Toronto City Council keep their protocol and ignore demands regarding third countries.

There is an internet petition requesting that Council rescind the proclamation signed by over 7,000 people so far. Please visit:  http://goo.gl/SWLcb

I know there is an anti-Japan organization in Toronto which is called ‘Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA)‘.  Kristyn Wong-Tam and Olivia Chow have been acting on its wishes.

There is clear evidence that allegations made by Toronto ALPHA are not true.

I am not a historical revisionist, but I would have to say that the photo exhibition about the so-called Nanking Massacre and comfort women which was held at the Toronto City Hall rotunda from Nov 27th to Dec 2nd, 2012 with photos from Toronto ALPHA was a fraud.

Please let me explain why the photo exhibition held in 2012 is unacceptable. The website, http://www.japantruth.org/  has been created to show some of the photos used at the exhibition in the City Hall.

First, I would like to emphasize “Example 1” which is shown in  http://www.japantruth.org/ . Toronto ALPHA claims that the photo shows a Nanking rape victim with a Japanese soldier. The website explains in detail that this photo was published in a number of different Chinese publications with various captions and different explanations as to where the photo came from. The website also provides an expanded view, showing that the version of the photo used by Toronto ALPHA has been cropped and altered.

The photo has been cropped to direct viewers’ attention to the woman and what appears to be a Japanese soldier. The man on the right, who appears to be in Chinese clothing, has been mostly cut out. The background has also been altered with the blacked-out area in the earlier copy of the photo whitened. The significance of that alteration is explained on the website.

Example 2” in the website shows an elderly man holding a child’s body in his arms which was supposedly photographed after the ‘massacre’.

The website has a copy of the original version of the photo. Again, the original version is much larger showing other figures in it. The version used by Toronto ALPHA is cropped to show only the elderly man and the child.

The website also goes on to explain that the original version of this photo appeared in the January 10, 1938 issue of ‘Life’ magazine. The caption says that the child was mortally injured by a Japanese bomb, not by soldiers. The caption also says that the photo was taken on December 6, 1937. The Japanese army entered Nanking on December 13, 1937.

That means that Toronto ALPHA has purposely and falsely used it as a photo taken during or immediately after the alleged Nanking massacre.

These are just two examples of how Toronto Alpha has made misleading and false use of photos to try to support their claim that the ‘Nanking Massacre’ occurred.

These photos are evidence of nothing. The same can be said for the other photos in Toronto ALPHA’s exhibits. Among all the photos displayed in the exhibits, there is no photo showing a massacre taking place despite the fact that there were two American newspaper reporters present in Nanking at the time.

Two American reporters, Archibald Steele of the Chicago Daily News and Frank Tillman Durdin of the New York Times, remained in Nanking until Dec 15, 1937. They reported to the world the first news about the invasion of Nanking. However they did not take any photos of in the middle of the battle for the city.

It should be noted that the two reporters had a deep relationship with the Chinese Nationalist Party. Documents found in Taiwan archives and autobiographies of some Nationalist leaders show that the Nationalist government promoted relationships with Archibald Steele and Frank Tillman Durdin, as well as other western journalists for propaganda purposes.

If you would like to know more details about Nationalist propaganda plans, please go to: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/27_S4.pdf

Now please allow me to comment on the so-called comfort women.  According to Toronto ALPHA’s exhibit, a comfort woman was a woman forced into “sexual slavery” by the Japanese army during World War II. It is alleged that this was a common and widespread practice.

In fact, the US forces captured and interrogated a number of comfort women.  According to a report written in 1944 (ten months before the War’s end) by the U.S. Army, “comfort girls” were simply prostitutes or “professional camp followers” attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. They were well paid and enjoyed many activities with the Japanese soldiers – circumstances one would not associate with “sex slaves.” That report is available in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).


Admittedly one of the women noted in the Toronto ALPHA exhibit, Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, was a real victim. In February 1944, 12 Japanese soldiers forced 35 ladies of the Netherlands to become comfort women. Since the Japanese army strictly prohibited Japanese soldiers from such violent behaviour, the command center of the Japanese army closed that comfort station as soon as the commanding officer, Colonel Kaoru Odajima found out about their plight.

Arrests were later made and that case was heard by a court-martial in the Netherlands in 1948. The 12 soldiers were found guilty and punished. One of them was executed as punishment. The government of Japan apologized to those women and a fund set up by the Japanese government had paid about $2,550,000 to those women by 2001.

It was very unfortunate that there were some women abused by the Japanese soldiers, such as Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, but the evidence shows it was not a common or accepted practice.

Thank you for taking your time to read this long letter.

I would like to ask you to carefully review the proclamation of  December 13 as Nanking Recognition Day in 2012. I request that Toronto City Council will never vote for such proclamation without careful investigation.

差出人名  (市、県、Japan)



貴市の南京宣言撤回のためのネット署名には7,000 以上の署名が集まっています。こちらをご覧ください。


【2】市役宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案
住所: City Clerk’s Office
Toronto City Hall, 13th floor West,
100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON


・Exhibition of Fabricated Photos of Nanking


I hope this email finds you well.

I understand that the Toronto City Hall held a photo exhibition about the so-called Nanking Massacre and comfort women from Nov 27th to Dec 2nd, 2012 with photos provided by Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA).

I would like to inform you that these photos were a fraud.

Using fabricated photos in the exhibition in a public place is a serious problem. There was no way to assume that the City of Toronto verified these photos as authentic. The verification of photos requires a lot of efforts and time, so no one from the City Hall questioned authenticity of the photos. For this reason, I request that you give no permission to Toronto ALPHA to hold such a photo exhibition again in the future.

Please let me explain why the photo exhibition held in 2012 is unacceptable. The website, http://www.japantruth.org/  has been created to show some of the photos used at the exhibition in the City Hall.

First, I would like to emphasize “Example 1” which is shown in  http://www.japantruth.org/ . Toronto ALPHA claims that the photo shows a Nanking rape victim with a Japanese soldier. The website explains in detail that this photo was published in a number of different Chinese publications with various captions and different explanations as to where the photo came from. The website also provides an expanded view, showing that the version of the photo used by Toronto ALPHA has been cropped and altered.

The photo has been cropped to direct viewers’ attention to the woman and what appears to be a Japanese soldier. The man on the right, who appears to be in Chinese clothing, has been mostly cut out. The background has also been altered with the blacked-out area in the earlier copy of the photo whitened. The significance of that alteration is explained on the website.

Example 2” in the website shows an elderly man holding a child’s body in his arms which was supposedly photographed after the ‘massacre’.

The website has a copy of the original version of the photo. Again, the original version is much larger showing other figures in it. The version used by Toronto ALPHA is cropped to show only the elderly man and the child.

The website also goes on to explain that the original version of this photo appeared in the January 10, 1938 issue of ‘Life’ magazine. The caption says that the child was mortally injured by a Japanese bomb, not by soldiers. The caption also says that the photo was taken on December 6, 1937. The Japanese army entered Nanking on December 13, 1937.

That means that Toronto ALPHA has intentionally and falsely used it as a photo taken during or immediately after the alleged Nanking massacre.

These are just two examples of how Toronto ALPHA has made misleading and false use of photos to try to support their claim that the ‘Nanking Massacre’ occurred.

These photos are evidence of nothing. The same can be said for the other photos in Toronto ALPHA’s exhibits. Among all the photos displayed in the exhibits, there is no photo showing a massacre taking place despite the fact that there were two American newspaper reporters present in Nanking at the time.

Two American reporters, Archibald Steele of the Chicago Daily News and Frank Tillman Durdin of the New York Times, remained in Nanking until Dec. 15, 1937. They reported to the world the first news about the Japanese invasion of Nanking, but did not take any photos in the middle of the battle for the city.

It should be noted that the two reporters had a deep relationship with the Chinese Nationalist Party. Documents found in Taiwan archives and autobiographies of some Nationalist leaders show that the Nationalist government promoted relationships with Archibald Steele and Frank Tillman Durdin, as well as other western journalists for propaganda purposes.

If you would like to know more details about Nationalist propaganda plans, please go to:


Now please allow me to comment on the so-called comfort women.  According to Toronto ALPHA’s exhibit, a comfort woman was a woman forced into “sexual slavery” by the Japanese army during World War II. It is alleged that this was a common and widespread practice.

In fact, the US forces captured and interrogated a number of comfort women.  According to a report written in 1944 (ten months before the War’s end) by the U.S. Army, “comfort girls” were simply prostitutes or “professional camp followers” attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. They were well paid and enjoyed many activities with the Japanese soldiers – circumstances one would not associate with “sex slaves.” That report is available in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).


Admittedly one of the women noted in the Toronto ALPHA exhibit, Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, was a real victim. In February 1944, 12 Japanese soldiers forced 35 ladies of the Netherlands to become comfort women. Since the Japanese army strictly prohibited Japanese soldiers from such violent behaviour, the command center of the Japanese army closed that comfort station as soon as the commanding officer, Colonel Kaoru Odajima found out about their plight.

Arrests were later made and that case was heard by a court-martial in the Netherlands in 1948. The 12 soldiers were found guilty and punished. One of them was executed as punishment. The government of Japan apologized to those women and a fund set up by the Japanese government had paid about $2,550,000 to those women by 2001.

It was very unfortunate that there were some women abused by the Japanese soldiers, such as Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, but the evidence shows it was not a common or accepted practice.

Thank you for taking your time to read this long letter.

I would like to ask you to carefully review the issues of the Nanking photo events and urge you to never give permission to Toronto ALPHA to hold the fake photo exhibition in the future.


差出人名 (市、県、Japan)



【3】マスコミ宛のメッセージ 宛先・件名・文案

日本の名誉を守る在カナダ邦人の会 代表 はすみ都志子
連絡先 hasumitoshiko@gmail.com



Newsroom@globeandmail.com, jstackhouse@globeandmail.com,
sstead@globeandmail.com, jborra@globeandmail.com,
anorris@globeandmail.com, echerney@globeandmail.com,
ksiu@globeandmail.com, gboyd@globeandmail.com,
pbrethour@globeandmail.com, city@thestar.ca,
cgoar@thestar.ca, hmallick@thestar.ca,
ricksalutin@ca.inter.net, chebert@thestar.ca,
hsiddiq@thestar.ca, twalkom@thestar.ca,
bhepburn@thestar.ca, publiced@thestar.ca,
mcohn@thestar.ca, tharper@thestar.ca,
gsteward@telus.net, pkuitenbrouwer@nationalpost.com,
kmcparland@nationalpost.com, rwadden@nationalpost.com,
letters-3@montrealgazette.com, lchodan@montrealgazette.com,
cwallace@montrealgazette.com, mshenker@montrealgazette.com,
rteague@montrealgazette.com, bboshra@montrealgazette.com,
mtownsend@montrealgazette.com, hmunro@vancouversun.com,
vcasselton@vancouversun.com, atanner@vancouversun.com,
gburnett@vancouversun.com, vpalmer@vancouversun.com,
sfralic@vancouversun.com, pmcmartin@vancouversun.com,
dbramham@vancouversun.com, lmotley@calgaryherald.com,
mzurowski@calgaryherald.com, lcorbella@calgaryherald.com,
tseskus@calgaryherald.com, dbraid@calgaryherald.com,
newsroom@herald.ca, letters@herald.ca,
letters@thestarphoenix.com, citydesk@thestarphoenix.com,
rmclaughlin@postmedia.com, citydesk@leaderpost.com,
letters@leaderpost.com, apotter@ottawacitizen.com,
dgragg@ottawacitizen.com, cneustaedter@ottawacitizen.com,
probb@ottawacitizen.com, city@ottawacitizen.com,
kegan@ottawacitizen.com, william.watson@mcgill.ca,
city.desk@freepress.mb.ca, Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca,
dan.lett@freepress.mb.ca, news@ctv.ca,

・Exhibition of Fabricated Photos of Nanking


I am writing this letter from Japan because I would like you to know that many Japanese are concerned about the last year’s photo exhibition about the Nanking massacre/comfort women as well as the Nanking Recognition Day on December 13, 2012. I include the following letter which was sent to the City of Toronto.

—-Letter sent to the City of Toronto——————-
I hope this email finds you well.
I understand that the Toronto City Hall held a photo exhibition about the so-called Nanking Massacre and comfort women from Nov 27th to Dec 2nd, 2012 with photos provided by the Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA).
I would like to inform you that these photos were a fraud.

Using fabricated photos in the exhibition in a public place is a serious problem. There was no way to assume that the City of Toronto verified these photos as authentic. The verification of photos requires a lot of efforts and time, so no one from the City Hall questioned the authenticity of the photos. For this reason, I request that you give no permission to Toronto ALPHA to hold such a photo exhibition again in the future.

Please let me explain why the photo exhibition held in 2012 is unacceptable. The website, http://www.japantruth.org/ has been created to show some of the photos used at the exhibition in the City Hall.

First, I would like to emphasize “Example 1” which is shown in http://www.japantruth.org/ . Toronto ALPHA claims that the photo shows a Nanking rape victim with a Japanese soldier. The website explains in detail that this photo was published in a number of different Chinese publications with various captions and different explanations as to where the photo came from. The website also provides an expanded view, showing that the version of the photo used by Toronto ALPHA has been cropped and altered.

The photo has been cropped to direct viewers’ attention to the woman and what appears to be a Japanese soldier. The man on the right, who appears to be in Chinese clothing, has been mostly cut out. The background has also been altered with the blacked-out area in the earlier copy of the photo whitened. The significance of that alteration is explained on the website.

“Example 2” in the website shows an elderly man holding a child’s body in his arms which was supposedly photographed after the ‘massacre’.
The website has a copy of the original version of the photo. Again, the original version is much larger showing other figures in it. The version used by Toronto ALPHA is cropped to show only the elderly man and the child.
The website also goes on to explain that the original version of this photo appeared in the January 10, 1938 issue of ‘Life’ magazine. The caption says that the child was mortally injured by a Japanese bomb, not by soldiers. The caption also says that the photo was taken on December 6, 1937. The Japanese army entered Nanking on December 13, 1937.
That means that Toronto ALPHA has intentionally and falsely used it as a photo taken during or immediately after the alleged Nanking massacre.
These are just two examples of how Toronto ALPHA has made misleading and false use of photos to try to support their claim that the ‘Nanking Massacre’ occurred.
These photos are evidence of nothing. The same can be said for the other photos in Toronto ALPHA’s exhibits. Among all the photos displayed in the exhibits, there is no photo showing a massacre taking place despite the fact that th ere were two American newspaper reporters present in Nanking at the time.
Two American reporters, Archibald Steele of the Chicago Daily News and Frank Tillman Durdin of the New York Times, remained in Nanking until Dec. 15, 1937. They reported to the world the first news about the Japanese invasion of Nanking, but did not take any photos in the middle of the battle for the city.
It should be noted that the two reporters had a deep relationship with the Chinese Nationalist Party. Documents found in Taiwan archives and autobiographies of some Nationalist leaders show that the Nationalist government promoted relationships with Archibald Steele and Frank Tillman Durdin, as well as other western journalists for propaganda purposes.

If you would like to know more details about Nationalist propaganda plans, please go to:
Now please allow me to comment on the so-called comfort women. According to Toronto ALPHA’s exhibit, a comfort woman was a woman forced into “sexual slavery” by the Japanese army during World War II. It is alleged that this was a common and widespread practice.

In fact, the US forces captured and interrogated a number of comfort women. According to a report written in 1944 (ten months before the War’s end) by the U.S. Army, “comfort girls” were simply prostitutes or “professional camp followers” attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. They were well paid and enjoyed many activities with the Japanese soldiers – circumstances one would not associate with “sex slaves.” That report is available in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Admittedly one of the women noted in the Toronto ALPHA exhibit, Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, was a real victim. In February 1944, 12 Japanese soldiers forced 35 ladies of the Netherlands to become comfort women. Since the Japanese army strictly prohibited Japanese soldiers from such violent behaviour, the command center of the Japanese army closed that comfort station as soon as the commanding officer, Colonel Kaoru Odajima found out about their plight.
Arrests were later made and that case was heard by a court-martial in the Netherlands in 1948. The 12 soldiers were found guilty and punished. One of them was executed as punishment. The government of Japan apologized to those women and a fund set up by the Japanese government had paid about $2,550,000 to them by 2001.
It was very unfortunate that there were some women abused by the Japanese soldiers, such as Ms. Jan Ruff-O’Heme, but the evidence shows it was not a common or accepted practice.

Thank you for taking your time to read this long letter.

I would like to ask you to carefully review the issues of the Nanking photo events and urge you to never give permission to Toronto ALPHA to hold the fake photo exhibition in the future.


I hope the above letter gives you the opportunity to think what Proclamations mean to the City of Toronto.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


8 thoughts on “トロント南京記念日宣言に抗議メールを!

  1. 大絶画 says:



  2. さきほど、抗議メール送信しました。

  3. akodama says:


  4. 北川誠 says:


  5. 日本市民 says:


  6. W Reiko says:


    各TVニュースでも一斉にビデオが流され、その結果、一部両国民の反日認識が助長されます。 そこで提案両アメリカ、カナダのメデアに意見投稿を提案します。

    例 “I’d like you to consider about your article, perhaps it’ll be titled, “The Day of Pearl Harbor Attack,” on December 7th.
      It’ll be a generous consideration that the name of Japan is taken off from your article.
    Sincerely yours,”


    Re: A favor on the News of Pearl Harbor Attack

    I’d like the editors to consider about your news article, perhaps it’ll be titled, “The Day of Pearl Harbor Attack,” expected on the 7th of December.
    It’ll be a generous consideration that the name of Japan will be taken off from your news article.

    Even though it was only a historical event, I understand, it is true that the few will make use of the name of Japan negatively, exaggeratedly in the US and in Canada.

    At present Japan is strongly being involved in the territorial dispute, and exposed itself to the overstated criticism from another country regarding a wartime
    so-called Comfort-Women. Japan doesn’t desire to have further bashing at this time.

    Sincerely yours,

  7. akinori nobuyama says:

    貴市の南京宣言撤回のためのネット署名には7,000 以上の署名が集まっています。こちらをご覧ください。

  8. Take says:


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