Daily Archives: November 21, 2018

国連 強制失踪委員会に慰安婦問題を持ち込んだのは日弁連、WAM、挺対協








※ 日本政府は2017年、強制執行委員会に1億円の任意拠出を行っています。
強制失踪条約第1回日本政府報告審査 岡村善文日本政府代表団長による冒頭ステートメントより
<拠出金> さらに,我が国は,2017年に,国連人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR)の強制失踪に関する取組を促進するため,1億円の任意拠出を行いました。我が国による拠出が,強制失踪条約の普遍化や強制失踪委員会による活動のために有効に活用されることを期待しています。

【主張】国連強制失踪委 「反日宣伝」の撤回を迫れ
国連強制失踪委 慰安婦問題で日本に責任者処罰など勧告


1.強制失踪委員会 見解書(総括所見)原文 CED/C/JPN/CO/1日本語訳

意見書 原文 英語  / 意見書 日本語訳
(2) 2015年12月の日韓合意の発表に対し,女性差別撤廃委員会が「被害者中心のアプローチを十分に取らなかったこと」を遺憾とし,「被害者の救済への権利を認め,補償,満足,公的謝罪,リハビリテーションのための措置を含む十分かつ効果的な救済及び賠償を提供すること」と勧告した総括所見を謙虚に受け止め,締約国は,被害者の思いに配慮しながら,誠実にこの問題に取り組むべきである。

3.アクティブ・ミュージアム 女たちの戦争と平和資料館
意見書 原文 英語

意見書 原文 英語


◆ CED – Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
15 Session (05 Nov 2018 – 16 Nov 2018)

◆ 強制失踪委員会 最終見解書(報告書)原文CED/C/JPN/CO/1
慰安問題の箇所 以下抜粋

The situation of the so-called “comfort women” victims of enforced disappearance

25. Recalling articles 8, 12 and 24 of the Convention, the Committee wishes to emphasize the continuous nature of the crime of enforced disappearance and to reaffirm the rights of victims to justice, reparation and to know the truth about the circumstances of an enforced disappearance, the progress and results of the investigation and the fate of the disappeared person, regardless of when the enforced disappearance was committed. In this respect, the Committee is concerned about the lack of statistical information on the number of so-called “comfort women” who may have been subjected to enforced disappearance, and about the absence of investigations, prosecutions and convictions of perpetrators of these cases. It is further concerned at reports of the removal of children born to these women and the refusal of the State to investigate such cases. The Committee remains concerned at reports of the concealment or failure by the State party to disclose related facts and materials on the issue of the so-called “comfort women”. It is further concerned at the lack of adequate reparations to the victims in accordance with article 24 (5) of the Convention and regrets the State party’s position that the issue “is resolved finally and irreversibly”. This perpetuates impunity and denies victims their right to know the truth and to obtain justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition (art. 1, 8, 12, 24 and 25).

26. The Committee recalls the continuous nature of the offence of enforced disappearance and recommends the State party to:
(a) Generate accurate statistics on the number of the so-called “comfort women” who may have been subjected to enforced disappearance to conduct investigations and guarantee the rights to the truth and reparation;
(b) Ensure that all cases of so-called “comfort women” who may have been subjected to enforced disappearance, including the removal of children born to these women, are investigated thoroughly and impartially without delay, regardless of the time that has elapsed since they took place and even if there has been no formal complaint;
(c) Ensure that the alleged perpetrators are prosecuted and, if found guilty, punished in accordance with the gravity of their acts;
(d) Take the necessary measures to search for and identify any children born to “comfort women” who may have been victims of wrongful removal, enforced disappearance and/or identity substitution and that they are returned to their families of origin, in conformity with article 25, paragraph 2, of the Convention;
(e) Ensure the disclosure of any information related to facts and materials;
(f) Ensure that all victims receive adequate reparation in accordance with article 24 (4) and (5) of the Convention and that it takes account of gender issues;
(g) Guarantee the right to truth.
