
オースラリアの慰安婦像候補地であるストラスフィールドの4月1日の市議会で「Comfort Women」(慰安婦)についての「Closed Session」(非公開審議)が行われます。

14. Closed Session
In accordance with Section 10A (2) of the Local Government Act 1993 the following matter will be considered in Closed Session for the reason stated:
1. Comfort Women
This matter is being considered in Closed Session as it relates personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).

NAVER/聯合ニュース2014-03-25 付記事「オーストラリアの市会議員らに日ネチズン「慰安婦妄言」メール」(原文韓国語)によると








To: ストラスフィールド市議会、市長、市議
council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au, sang.ok@strathfield.nsw.gov.au,
raj.datta@strathfield.nsw.gov.au, stephanie.kokkolis@strathfield.nsw.gov.au,
helen.mclucas@strathfield.nsw.gov.au, andrew.soulos@strathfield.nsw.gov.au,

Cc: シドニーメディア各所
corporateenquiries@fairfaxmedia.com.au, letters@smh.com.au,
newsdesk@smh.com.au, newsdesk@theage.com.au,
news@dailytelegraph.com.au, dtmletr@matp.newsltd.com.au,
letters@dailytelegraph.com.au, suntele@matp.newsltd.com.au,
letters@sundaytelegraph.com.au, shletters@mail.fairfax.com.au,
letters@theaustralian.com.au, NSW@theaustralian.com.au,
fitzpatricks@theaustralian.com.au, coultanm@theaustralian.com.au,
news.sydney@aap.com.au, 7.30syd@your.abc.net.au,
austory@your.abc.net.au, 4corners@your.abc.net.au,
landline@your.abc.net.au, triplejweb@your.abc.net.au,
phillips.keri@abc.net.au, news@2ue.com.au, fedparl@2ue.com.au,
aca@nine.com.au, letters@thechronicle.com.au,
info@2ser.com, news@2ser.com,

“Comfort Women” Closed Session,1 April 2014

Mayor and Councillors of Strathfield,

I am sending this e-mail to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.
I understand Strathfield Municipal Council will have a closed meeting on Comfort Women Issue on Tuesday, 1 April 2014.
I suppose you have received lots of protesting emails and mails against the proposal of Comfort Women Statue, from Japan as well as many countries including your country.
Thus this issue is our very concern.
So I strongly demand the minutes are open to the public at least.

Thank you.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

4月1日ストラスフィールド市議会で慰安婦 についての非公開審議が行われると知りました。



メール japaneseconsulate@sy.mofa.go.jp
TEL 02-9250-1000

在オーストラリア日本大使館 (キャンベラ)
メール領事部 consular@cb.mofa.go.jp
TEL 02‐6273-3244



3月31日月曜日か4月1日火曜日 現地の方でお電話できる方
Council TEL (02) 9748 9999
「Closed Sessionというのはどういうものなのでしょうか。なぜ一般人は聴けないのでしょうか?
Comfort Women という議題は非常に興味あるし、日本からもメールが殺到?していると聞きますがなぜClosedなのでしょう?」


豪州のAnti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)に 訴えComplaint formを送ろう!

Anti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)HP

Complaint form について


※英文記入例はこちらComplaint form記入英文例を参考にしてください

Complaint form 用紙 ダウンロード



Post: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
PO Box A2122, Sydney South NSW 1235
Fax: (02) 9268 5500
Street address: Level 4, 175 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Email: complaintsadb@agd.nsw.gov.au

9 thoughts on “豪州慰安婦像候補地のストラスフィールド市議会4月1日「慰安婦」について非公開審議!現地では日本人が抗議に頑張っています。応援お願いします!

  1. I am sending this e-mail to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.
    I understand Strathfield Municipal Council will have a Closed Session on Comfort Women on Tuesday 1 April 2014.
    I suppose you have received lots of emails and mails from Japanese to protest against comfort woman statue.
    Although the issue is a focus of concern, I deplore that you decide to have the session closed.
    I strongly demand that you will disclose the minutes immediately after the meeting.

  2. 日本市民 says:


  3. 7903 says:

    「豪州のAnti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)に 訴えComplaint formを送ろう!」ついて


  4. KK says:

    差別撤廃委員会(ADB-NSW)は紛争調停的な役割を持っているように書かれていることもあり、制度の趣旨からすると基本的にはNSW州在住者を対象としているようにように思えます。それでも、Strathfield Council が非公開で審議を行い反対意見が反映されないおそれがあること、また慰安婦像が建立されれば現地在住日本人がヘイトクライムの危険にさらされる以上、NSW州在住の方が中心となって申し立てを行う価値はあると思います。英文の書き方等についてですが、ADB-NSW資料によると定形の用紙を必ずしも使う必要はないが、下記( )の事項を明記するようにとのことです。大急ぎで例文・素案を作りましたので、活用してください。


    (対象機関:この申し立てはStrathfield Council に関するもの)
    The organisation I wish to complain about is Strathfield Council.  

    Who is involved :Deputy Mayor Sang Ok   

    (具体的な差別の内容、出来事の場所、日時等)慰安婦像建立をめぐるStrathfield Councilの動き、非公開審議等について
    What is happening: Strathfield Council is proposing to build a female statue and memorial related to WWII, which is based on Korea’s historical grievances against Japan. Korean claims that there were 200,000 “sex slaves” who were “forcefully abducted” by Japan during WW II. In our view this claim is very questionable. Strathfield Council will be meeting in Closed Session on April 1 to discuss this matter.

    The statue reflects one side of the issue, i.e. the Korean claim. It is also intended to portray the Japanese as a brutal race, and does not promote harmony among migrant groups.   

    (申し立ての理由 1 )NSW州法が禁じている行為、すなわちヘイト、侮蔑を煽る、または助長する公の行為vilificationにあたるから。
    NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of national origin. The proposed statue is contentious and divisive. It is a public act because the statue will be highly visible, and is highly likely to encourage hatred and contempt towards the Japanese.   

    (申し立ての理由 2 )慰安婦像建立は、移民が元の出身国から持ち込んだ過去に遡る怨恨によって他を断罪することを容認する等、移民社会である豪州に誤ったメッセージを発し、公平を重視する豪州の社会理念にも反するから。
    If a statue is set up it would send the wrong message to Australia- that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. It would also run contrary to the ideals which Australian society (or any civilised society) stands for, as it is hardly “Fair Go for All.”

    The first such statue was built in Seoul, Korea and has become a focal point and symbol of hatred towards Japan. The second appeared in Glendale CA, USA and has caused much controversy because it was built in an ethnically diverse community in the US. The statue is has had a negative impact, such as Japanese schoolkids being bullied. Sydney should not follow the same path as Glendale.

    (どのような解決方法を要望するのか)Strathfield は地方自治法を盾に非公開で審議するなど、賛否が分かれる本件のような問題で一般の意見が反映されないなどアンフェアで不適切。審議は公開すべき、公聴会を行うべき等々
    Strathfield Council is discussing this issue behing closed doors. Their reason for this is the Local Government Act. However the process is unfair and inappropriate because it does not allow for any submissions or public opinion on such a divisive matter. A public hearing should be held.  

    ちなみに、Strathfieldは本件でグレンデールと同様に地方自治体の権限を逸脱して連邦政府の専権事項である外交問題に踏み込んでいるのではないかと思います。先日、豪州の与党(Liberal Party)でこの地区選出の連邦議員でにその旨懸念を伝えるメールを送りました!

    • 日本市民 says:


    • 日本市民 says:


  5. KK says:

    抗議2は、シドニー総領事館と連邦首都キャンベラの日本大使館になっていますが、これら2つの在外公館を統括するのは東京の外務省 大洋州課 
    代表電話番号:03-3580-3311 内線2636  です。


  6. ben says:


  7. 7903 says:

    Complaint formの書き方について誰かアドバイスしてください。(解答例はこのHPの文章やKKさんID7150の文章を参考にしています。)
    4ページ目(題目About you)
    Title eg. Ms/ Mr→(例:71才女性)71years Ms
    First name→名
    Last name→姓
    If yes, what is their name→Strathfield Council
    What is your relationship to that person?→なんと記載すればいいのですか?
    Your address→(例:日本東京都八王子市1-1に住んでいる場合)Tokyo, Japan
    Post code→郵便番号7ケタ
    Do you consent to have your contact details provided to the respondent(s)?→Yes
    7ページ目(題目What happened?)
    What happened;→The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield.
    what kind of discrimination you think it is (the types of discrimination and harassment covered by NSW anti-discrimination law are given on page 1);
    →解答例1:NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of national origin. The proposed statue is contentious and divisive. It is a public act because the statue will be highly visible, and is highly likely to encourage hatred and contempt towards the Japanese.
    →解答例2:If a statue is set up it would send the wrong message to Australia- that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. It would also run contrary to the ideals which Australian society (or any civilised society) stands for, as it is hardly “Fair Go for All.”
    why you think it is discrimination;
    →解答例1:The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as“comfort women”. 
    Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.
    whether you have done anything else to sort out the problem;→なんと記載すればいいのですか?
    If more than one thing happened to make you think you have been discriminated against or harassed, please list the order the things happened in and tell us:
    If you need more space to explain fully what happened, please add your own extra pages.→何も記載する必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    9ページ目上(題目Details of anyone helping you)
    What is their name?→Japan Community Networkと記載していいですか?
    Who are they?→うまく説明できる方、お手数ですが例文を作成してください。
    Their phone number→記載する必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    9ページ目中(題目What would you like to happen to sort out this complaint?)
    10ページ目(題目Sign and date your complaint)
    Your Signature*→サインをする必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?(サインが必要であればwordを紙媒体にする必要がある)
    If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, their signature*→これは無視していいと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    Today’s date→この用紙を記載した日付
    Do you consent to having your files used for academic research?→Yes

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