【参考】豪州 NSW 差別撤廃委員会Complaint form記入英文例

豪州のAnti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)に慰安婦像反対の訴えComplaint formを送ろう!

Anti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)HP

Complaint form について


Complaint form 用紙 ダウンロード



Post: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
PO Box A2122, Sydney South NSW 1235
Fax: (02) 9268 5500
Street address: Level 4, 175 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Email: complaintsadb@agd.nsw.gov.au


The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield. The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as“comfort women”. 
Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.




5 thoughts on “【参考】豪州 NSW 差別撤廃委員会Complaint form記入英文例

  1. KK says:


    たとえば、訴えの対象にはストラスフィールド市役所のほか、慰安婦像建立の働きかけを行っていると伝えられている組織“Anti-Japanese War Crimes Alliance”も含まれるのではないでしょうか。

    • ben says:

      The NSW anti-discrimination law only covers certain
      areas of public life. This means the unfair treatment
      or harassment must have occurred in one of the
      following areas:
      ・ employment;
      ・ state education;
      ・provision of goods and services;
      ・ rental accommodation;
      ・ registered clubs.

  2. 7903 says:

    Complaint formの書き方について誰かアドバイスしてください。(解答例はこのHPの文章やKKさんID7150の文章を参考にしています。)
    4ページ目(題目About you)
    Title eg. Ms/ Mr→(例:71才女性)71years Ms
    First name→名
    Last name→姓
    If yes, what is their name→Strathfield Council
    What is your relationship to that person?→なんと記載すればいいのですか?
    Your address→(例:日本東京都八王子市1-1に住んでいる場合)Tokyo, Japan
    Post code→郵便番号7ケタ
    Do you consent to have your contact details provided to the respondent(s)?→Yes
    7ページ目(題目What happened?)
    What happened;→The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield.
    what kind of discrimination you think it is (the types of discrimination and harassment covered by NSW anti-discrimination law are given on page 1);
    →解答例1:NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of national origin. The proposed statue is contentious and divisive. It is a public act because the statue will be highly visible, and is highly likely to encourage hatred and contempt towards the Japanese.
    →解答例2:If a statue is set up it would send the wrong message to Australia- that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. It would also run contrary to the ideals which Australian society (or any civilised society) stands for, as it is hardly “Fair Go for All.”
    why you think it is discrimination;
    →解答例1:The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as“comfort women”. 
    Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.
    whether you have done anything else to sort out the problem;→なんと記載すればいいのですか?
    If more than one thing happened to make you think you have been discriminated against or harassed, please list the order the things happened in and tell us:
    If you need more space to explain fully what happened, please add your own extra pages.→何も記載する必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    9ページ目上(題目Details of anyone helping you)
    What is their name?→Japan Community Networkと記載していいですか?
    Who are they?→うまく説明できる方、お手数ですが例文を作成してください。
    Their phone number→記載する必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    9ページ目中(題目What would you like to happen to sort out this complaint?)
    10ページ目(題目Sign and date your complaint)
    Your Signature*→サインをする必要はないと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?(サインが必要であればwordを紙媒体にする必要がある)
    If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, their signature*→これは無視していいと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
    Today’s date→この用紙を記載した日付
    Do you consent to having your files used for academic research?→Yes

  3. Daisuki says:


  4. 7903 says:

    Complaint formの書き方について一人の方から情報を得ることができました。


    4ページ目(題目About you)
    ・Title eg. Ms/ Mr→(例:71才女性)71years Ms
    ・First name→「名」Hanako
    ・Last name→「姓」Yamada
    ・Are you complaining on behalf of someone else?  「誰かの代理の陳情・苦情ですか?」→自分の陳情ならNOになります。誰かに変わって、たとえば豪州在住の友達や家族の代理で書くならYESになります。
    ・If yes, what is their name→Japanese people in Strathfield(代理に書いてあげる人の名前)
    ・What is your relationship to that person ?→Japanese group(日本人の集団、ほかに家族、友人など)
    ・Your address→(例:日本国東京都八王子市1-1)Tokyo, Japan
    ・Post code→郵便番号7ケタ
    ・Email address→自分のメールアドレスを記載します。
    ・Do you consent to have your contact details provided to the respondent(s)?→No

    5ページ目(題目When did the discrimination or harassment happen?)
    ・It began on 「始まった時期」→February 2014(中韓が慰安婦像計画を発表したのが今年の2月)

    6ページ目(題目Who do you think has discriminated against you?)
    ・Person’s name「相手の名前」→The United Chinese Korean Alliance Against Japanese Warcrimes

    7ページ目(題目What happened?)
    ・What happened;「何が起こったのか?」→The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield.
    ・what kind of discrimination you think it is (the types of discrimination and harassment covered by NSW anti-discrimination law are given on page 1);「どのような差別か?」
    →解答例1:NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of national origin. The proposed statue is contentious and divisive. It is a public act because the statue will be highly visible, and is highly likely to encourage hatred and contempt towards the Japanese.
    →解答例2:If a statue is set up it would send the wrong message to Australia- that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. It would also run contrary to the ideals which Australian society (or any civilised society) stands for, as it is hardly “Fair Go for All.”

    ・why you think it is discrimination;「なぜあなたはそれを差別と思うのですか?」
    →The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as “comfort women”. Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.

    ・whether you have done anything else to sort out the problem;「これまでに何か自分で対策をとったか?」との質問なので、たとえばストラスフィールド市議会に抗議のメールを送ったとか反対の署名をしたとか、を書きます。なければ「None」(なし)でお願いします。
    →解答例1:I have sent mails to Strathfield Councillors not to accept a plan to install “comfort women statue”.
    →解答例2:I have signed a petition “We protest against “Comfort Women” statue in Strathfield !”

    ・If more than one thing happened to make you think you have been discriminated against or harassed, please list the order the things happened in and tell us:

    ・If you need more space to explain fully what happened, please add your own extra pages.→記載する必要はありません。


    9ページ目上(題目Details of anyone helping you)
    ・What is their name?→Japan Community Network
    ・Who are they?→Japan Community Networkis a group of Japanese and Japanese Australian.
    ・Their phone number→記載する必要はありません。
    ・What would you like to happen to sort out this complaint? →I would like Strathfield Council and any other municipal councils in Australia not to accept the comfort women statue or memorial plans in the public properties.(ストラスフィールド市議会や豪州の他の市議会において、公共の場での慰安婦像や碑の計画を受け入れないことを望みます。)

    10ページ目(題目Sign and date your complaint)
    ・Your Signature*→プリントアウトして署名し、メールに添付するのであれば、スキャンしてファイルに直す必要があります。またはプリントを郵送となります。
    ・If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, their signature*→記載する必要はありません。
    ・Today’s date→この用紙を記載した日付
    Please make sure you have:
    Put your name on each page; すべてのページに自分の名前を書きます

    ・Do you consent to having your files used for academic research?→研究調査の対象として記入したこのフォームが使われてよいのならYESいやならNOと記載します。


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