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ネット署名いろいろ ご紹介

(2014.4.24現在 なでしこアクション主催署名を含む)



★フォーブス記事“‘Disgusting!,’ Cry Legal Experts: Is This The Lowest A Top U.S. Law Firm Has Ever Stooped?” の訂正と謝罪要求

★ 憲法9条ノーベル平和賞を欲しません。

★ 憲法9条にノーベル平和賞を与えないでください。

★ 竹島奪還を目指す島根県議会がなぜ「慰安婦意見書」を可決したのか、五百川 県議会議長に説明を求めます

★ 豪州ストラスフィールド慰安婦像に反対します!

★ 爆心地公園周辺の朝鮮人原爆爆死者追悼碑の「説明板」の撤去を求めます。

★ 長崎平和公園の「韓国人原爆犠牲者追悼碑」の建立に強く反対します。

★ 「出入国管理及び難民認定の一部を改正する法律案」成立に断固反対します!

★ 韓国に対するビザ免除廃止

★ 中華人民共和国に対する政府開発援助(ODA)の即時停止

★ 河野談話の維持発展を求める研究者の署名活動に反対します

★ 青森県弘前市 外国人への地方参政権付与禁止

★ 憲法改正

★ サクラを未来に!〜ソメイヨシノを守ろう〜

★ 年間20万人移民受け入れに断固反対します!


[産経ニュース 2014.6.5 02:07]
島根県議会「慰安婦」可決の説明を ネット署名3600人、提出へ



「日本を愛する島根女性の会」が島根県の「日本軍「慰安婦」問題への誠実な対応を求める意見書」について五百川 (いおがわ)県議会議長に説明を求める署名を開始しました。




五百川 県議会議長に説明を求めます!




産経ニュース 2013.10.8
【新帝国時代 第6部(3)】島根県議会で可決された慰安婦決議

正論 2014年5月号 130ページ

SAPIO 2014年5月号 24ページ
すでに43地方議会が「慰安婦意見書」採択 裏で「嘘の歴史」をバラ撒く日本のロビー団体を追う

歴史の真実を求める世界連合会(GAHT)代表からのメッセージ 4月10日付










しかし、米国での訴訟には(多額の)お金が掛かります。訴状作成までにすでに13万ドルの弁護士費用が掛かりました。この調子ですと、弁護士費用だけでもかなりの費用になります。幸い皆様の熱いご支援によって今までにすでに約5千万円の寄付金を受領させていただきました。内訳は、日本国内において4千7百万円、米国において2万8千ドルです。ドルに換算すると50万ドル弱になります。当面の資金としては、十分でありますが、第一審を一年と考えていますが、それを戦うには、かなり不足すると考えています。 この裁判の費用は我々のささやかな個人の資産を大きく超えるものですので、戦いを続ける為には皆様のご支援に頼らざる終えないことをご理解いただき、皆様の一層のご支援を頂きます様宜しくお願い申し上げます。




GAHT-US Corporation
代表 目良 浩一

The Global Alliance for Historical Truth/ GAHT

維新の会 杉田水脈議員 2014.4.11

A message from a Japanese mother living in California, USA, where a “Comfort Woman Statue” was installed


This is a message from a Japanese mother living in California, USA, where a “Comfort Woman Statue” was installed in 2013. Please read it and send it forward to your friends and families.
Thank you for your support!


Dear Friends,

I am a Japanese mother with three children living in the United States. I am writing this message to those who live in Australia where some Korean and Chinese groups have proposed an installation of a Comfort Women Statue. If you happen to know of such action in your neighborhood, I urge you to oppose immediately or at least speak up for the sake of your children.

I believe this installation of the Comfort Women Statue is a political intention of some people who really want to urge racial conflicts within your community. Although these people insist that it is a matter of human rights, it is nothing like that. I have closely seen the consequences of this matter because my family and I live in a nearby city of Glendale, California. The City of Glendale is well known for the Statue of Korean Comfort Women and the law suit against the City to put it down.

These groups of people claim that the statue is a peaceful memorial of women who severely suffered during WWII. I, as being a woman and a mother of two daughters, am very sad and feel deep sympathy from the bottom of my heart whenever I think of those who suffered in the war. However, putting up the Monuments of Comfort Women in public places such as parks and sidewalks is a completely different matter. It is not appropriate when there are descendants of Japanese people living in the same community who have not yet born at the time of the war. I will stand up and protest if I need to do so because I think it is unfair to accuse a certain ethnic group in such way.

Japanese people might be minorities in your city. However, their voices should not be mistreated as the same way as the City of Glendale has done. The racial conflict in the community of Glendale has grown to a serious issue. You might have heard about the petitions to the White House from the both sides and the law suit for the removal of the statue. It is said that the law suit will continue for a couple of years. There may be another similar law suit regarding the statue in the future. Nobody knows what would happen in this situation.

Nowadays, Glendale is described as a city of anger, hatred, and distrust, but not peace. On the contrast, the City of Buena Park, CA, which dismissed the establishment of the Comfort Women Statue, is quiet and peaceful as it should be.

Japanese residents in the United States, including young children of 6 or 7 years old, are now experiencing unreasonable hardships caused by the misunderstandings and the racial discrimination toward Japanese people. Not only Koreans and Chinese but also some Hispanics and Caucasians are looking down to Japanese and Japanese-American people. I feel greatly wronged about it as my family and I were not even born at the time of the WWⅡ. Do we really want this kind of ethnical troubles in the future?

While feeling very awkward to tell this unspoken tragedy of some Japanese women during and after the WWⅡ, I think that someone should speak up on behalf of our fellow Japanese women. If you are discussing women’s tragedies during the war, then you should also consider these Japanese women. Most people don’t know how terribly Japanese women were abused when they had escaped from Manchuria through the Korean Peninsula during and right after the WWⅡ.It is known that most of the perpetrators were Russian soldiers, as well as Korean and Chinese men. I think you could easily imagine how severely Japanese women had been sexually abused. At that time, nobody could have protected Japanese women in the Korean Peninsula. It is told that many couldn’t survive. If you would like to do some research on this matter, one of the key words is Futsukaichi Rest Home.

I believe that not only Korean, Chinese, and Australian but also most of women from Asian and European countries had suffered severely during and after WWⅡ. Women always become victims especially during war time. Among them, there were Japanese women who had barely escaped from the Korean Peninsula. Their tragedies were too painful to put into words. Please do not overlook their silent cries as no one could ever replace their ruined lives.

I sincerely ask you all not bringing up this historical tragedy repeatedly by putting up the statue in your beautiful city. Whenever I see the statue in Glendale, I feel pain and anger as it reminds me of those Japanese women who were also the victims of the war. Unlike the former Korean Comfort Women who continuously accuse Japan, the Japanese survivors would never speak up for themselves. That is why I have requested that the City of Strathfield dismiss the proposal of the Comfort Women Statue. When considering sexual abuse toward women during WWⅡ, I believe that every nation has to deal with the fact that there were both survivors and offenders within their people. It is unsuitable to bring in such highly international political matter to the multicultural communities such as Glendale or Strathfield.

I appreciate you for taking your time to read my message. I sincerely hope you understand my feelings. I am anxious not only for my children, but also for all the young generation’s future. To put up a monument to accuse a certain ethnical group is not considered a humanitarian act because it certainly stirs more hatred and conflicts among people in the community.
Thank you for your understandings.

Best regards,
A Japanese Mother living in Los Angeles

【参考】豪州 NSW 差別撤廃委員会Complaint form記入英文例

豪州のAnti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)に慰安婦像反対の訴えComplaint formを送ろう!

Anti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)HP

Complaint form について


Complaint form 用紙 ダウンロード



Post: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
PO Box A2122, Sydney South NSW 1235
Fax: (02) 9268 5500
Street address: Level 4, 175 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000


The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield. The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as“comfort women”. 
Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.

