カルフォルニア・グレンデール 慰安婦記念碑反対! メッセージを送ろう!
10月18日(金)記 ********
8月1日(木)7:30記 ********
グレンデール慰安婦像除幕式7月30日 報道、写真まとめ
City Council Special Meeting – 3pm – Jul 9th, 2013
・100人の収容人員の会議室が満員で 驚くことに 韓国系らしいものが20人位? 残りは 日本人同志。
・韓国人の発言は7人 日本人は30人はゆうに発言していた
・韓国に行き 日本大使館前で写真を取られている Quintero氏 (元市長・現市議)はバタン死の行進など 自分の非を自己弁護する発言を含めナンセンスばかり。
・Quintero氏の発言で 注目した点は 総領事館と連絡をとったが反対はなかったと言った点。(真偽は未確認)
Glendale steps into controversy with memorial to WW II sex slaves
Intersections: Comfort woman statue debate continues
Glendale approves Korean ‘comfort woman’ statue despite Japanese protest
Japanese nationalist protest of ‘comfort women’ sculpture fails
Glendale approves controversial ‘comfort women’ memorial
Korean-Japanese dispute over “comfort women” heats up in Glendale: Opinion
2012年7月に慰安婦記念日を制定したカルフォルニアのグレンデール。 ここのフランク・クィンテロ元市長は、この度(2013年4月)訪韓。慰安婦博物館・ナヌムの家を訪問し、少女像と一緒に記念写真撮影し、すっかり韓国のねつ造慰安婦プロパガンダを信じています。 グレンデールの慰安婦記念碑計は、市の中央公園にあるAdult Recreation Centerのそばに計画されています。ここにはもともとグレンデール姉妹都市記念碑計画がありましたが、最近、韓国の姉妹都市からの要望で、”Korean Comfort Women”記念碑も加わることになっています。 グレンデールの姉妹都市は韓国のGoseong(固城郡)、Gimpo(金浦)、そして日本の東大阪市です。
Glendale News-Press June 26, 2013
Statue honoring WW II-era sex slaves coming to Glendale
現地のなでしこ仲間が立ち上がり、この動きを阻止しようと市長にコンタクトをとっています。 彼女達の行動を応援する為にも、これ以上日本を貶める捏造歴史が形になってしまわない為にも、私達からも反対のメッセージを送りましょう! 以下に送信先メアド、件名サンプル、メール本文サンプル(A,B)を纏めました。 日本の名誉を護るため、一つでも多くのメッセージが届きますよう、ご協力お願いいたします。
Councilman Frank Quintero
the members of the City Council of Glendale
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206
<参考サイト> 続・慰安婦騒動を考える 訪韓中のグレンデール市長、慰安婦像の設置宣言
・このページの下にある送信先リストのメアドを一斉送信用に纏ています。 ・メールの宛先欄にコピペして使ってください。
・宛先が多くて一度に送信できない場合は、コンマ, で区切ったところで分割して下さい。
fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,
NNahabedian@gusd.net, MBoger@gusd.net, GKrikorian@gusd.net, CWalters@gusd.net, AGharpetian@gusd.net,
Cc:カルフォルニアのメディア gnp@latimes.com, Dan.Evans@latimes.com, jason.wells@latimes.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, letters@latimes.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dnmetro@dailynews.com, ccnnewsrelease@bayareanewsgroup.com, dbutler@bayareanewsgroup.com, srichards@bayareanewsgroup.com, tbarnidge@bayareanewsgroup.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, news@pe.com, letters@pe.com, njensen@pe.com, jbender@pe.com, info@nikkansan.com, online@rafu.com, gwen@rafu.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, brittany.levine@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com, davan.maharaj@latimes.com, marc.duvoisin@latimes.com, colin.crawford@latimes.com, scott.kraft@latimes.com, ashley.dunn@latimes.com, nicholas.goldberg@latimes.com, rene.lynch@latimes.com, mark.porubcansky@latimes.com, roger.ainsley@latimes.com, paul.feldman@latimes.com, efrain.hernandez@latimes.com, bruce.mcleod@latimes.com, emily.alpert@latimes.com, carol.williams@latimes.com, roger.smith@latimes.com, cathleen.decker@latimes.com, stephanie.chavez@latimes.com, debbie.goffa@latimes.com, steve.padilla@latimes.com, connie.stewart@latimes.com, michael.muskal@latimes.com, matt.pearce@latimes.com, david.horsey@latimes.com, mark.barabak@latimes.com, richard.simon@latimes.com, matthew.teague@latimes.com, ralph.vartabedian@latimes.com, david.zucchino@latimes.com, john.glionna@latimes.com, tina.susman@latimes.com, cindy.carcamo@latimes.com, kim.murphy@latimes.com, david.lauter@latimes.com, bob.drogin@latimes.com, john.hoeffel@latimes.com, tim.phelps@latimes.com, neela.banerjee@latimes.com, shashank.bengali@latimes.com, brian.bennett@latimes.com, david.cloud@latimes.com, ken.dilanian@latimes.com, matea.gold@latimes.com, kathleen.hennessey@latimes.com, noam.levey@latimes.com, lisa.mascaro@latimes.com, melanie.mason@latimes.com, michael.memoli@latimes.com, christi.parsons@latimes.com, paul.richter@latimes.com, david.savage@latimes.com, joe.tanfani@latimes.com, paul.west@latimes.com, david.willman@latimes.com, richard.nelson@latimes.com, susan.worrell@latimes.com, christine.delacruz@latimes.com, anne.dillon@latimes.com, ken.olsen@latimes.com, robin.abcarian@latimes.com, sandy.banks@latimes.com, gale.holland@latimes.com, steve.lopez@latimes.com, george.skelton@latimes.com, shelby.grad@latimes.com, kimi.yoshino@latimes.com, amanda.covarrubias@latimes.com, jill.jones@latimes.com, jill.leovy@latimes.com, carlos.lozano@latimes.com, hector.becerra@latimes.com, thomas.curwen@latimes.com, bob.pool@latimes.com, sam.quinones@latimes.com, marisa.gerber@latimes.com, kate.mather@latimes.com, joseph.serna@latimes.com, robert.lopez@latimes.com, angel.jennings@latimes.com, ruben.vives@latimes.com, martha.groves@latimes.com, matt.stevens@latimes.com, richard.connell@latimes.com, bill.nottingham@latimes.com, kate.linthicum@latimes.com, david.zahniser@latimes.com, garrett.therolf@latimes.com, abby.sewell@latimes.com, steve.marble@latimes.com, mike.anton@latimes.com, tony.barboza@latimes.com, christopher.goffard@latimes.com, jeff.gottlieb@latimes.com, rick.rojas@latimes.com, nicole.santacruz@latimes.com, linda.rogers@latimes.com, michael.finnegan@latimes.com, chris.megerian@latimes.com, seema.mehta@latimes.com, jean.merl@latimes.com, maeve.reston@latimes.com, evan.halper@latimes.com, chris.megerian@latimes.com, patrick.mcgreevy@latimes.com, anthony.york@latimes.com, harrison.sheppard@dailynews.com, rick.orlov@dailynews.com, almtz13@aol.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, holly.andres@dailynews.com, kevin.modesti@dailynews.com, susan.abram@dailynews.com, dana.bartholomew@dailynews.com, mariecar.mendoza@dailynews.com, dakota.smith@dailynews.com, dnforum@dailynews.com, mariel.garza@langnews.com, andrea.hescheles@dailynews.com,
<件名 サンプル>
■ A message from Japan
■ A message from 自分の名前
■ Comfort Women Issue
■ Controversial issue between Japan and Korea
■ I am against Comfort Women Memorial in Glendale
<本文 サンプル>
・慰安婦問題英文資料集はこちら ・西尾幹二先生スピーチを基にした英文メッセージ(メール/手紙コピペ用)もご利用ください。
Glendale City Mayor Dave Weaver,
Former Mayor Frank Quintero,
Councilwoman Laura Friedman,
Councilman Ara Najarian,
Councilman Zareh Sinanyan,
City Manager Scott Ochoa,
I hope this email finds you in excellent health.
I learned the news that former Mayor Frank Quintero of Glendale City visited Korea, and approved to erect a “comfort women” memorial in Glendale public property.
It is important to understand that “comfort women” in question means “prostitutes” for Japanese military people during World War II. The monuments built in Nassau County, New York, and in Bergen County, New Jersey say “more than 200,000 women and girls who were abducted for the use of sexual slavery by the armed forces of the government of Japan 1930’s – 1945 known as ‘Comfort Women’”. These words are not true. The researches made by the Japanese government and specialists have proved that those comfort women were not abducted by Japanese military people.
I know that human trafficking existed during the war time, and it was a social problem. Not only in Japan but also in places in Asia there were women who worked as comfort women for their family members owing to poverty. During the Korean War and the Vietnamese War, there were many such women.
Those comfort women memorials have targeted only the comfort women for the Japanese military people based on the fabricated stories, and are attempting to exhibit phony Korean propaganda I hope that Mayor Dave Weaver and the council members of Glendale check not only materials presented by Koreans but also many other materials as quoted below.
Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No.49
What is “Comfort Women”?
”Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)
What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”
We Japanese are strongly against the comfort women memorials. We believe that the American people cherish and enthusiastically defend fairness, justice and the truth. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair and objective judgment in regards to this issue.
Sincerely yours,
例) Hanako Yamada
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Glendale City Mayor Dave Weaver,
Former Mayor Frank Quintero,
Councilwoman Laura Friedman,
Councilman Ara Najarian,
Councilman Zareh Sinanyan,
City Manager Scott Ochoa,
I am writing this message of important subject as a one Japanese citizen.
I would like you to know the true story.
I learned the news that former Mayor Frank Quintero of Glendale City visited Korea, and approved to erect a “comfort women” memorial in Glendale public property. Recent few years, Korean American’s anti-Japanese propaganda and lobbying become extremely active. Korean’s allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as “comfort women”.
Korean American groups have already put up monuments of comfort women in the public properties in NJ and NY. Japanese are upset about this situation.
We do not try to rewrite the history. Also we are not revisionists or right wings. As the fabricated history is spreading, we cannot miss damaged our ancestors’ honor, and we want you to know the fact what the real history is.
Japanese government and South Korean government authorities jointly conducted a survey on comfort women issue in the 1990s. There was no evidence proving participation and forcing nature of the Japanese government and the Japanese military other than former comfort women’s testimony. “Approximately 200,000 young women were abducted and forced into sexual slavery” is not the fact. If you believe this number and abduction as the fact, please present reliable primary source which will fully convince we Japanese.
Friendly relationship among US, South Korea, and Japan is very important due to stabilization for Pacific Ocean Region. Because of this anti-Japan propaganda problem, public sentiment got worse among all three countries. Then those situations make happy military expansion countries and Communist terrorist counties, such as China and North Korea.
Comfort women issue is between Japan and Korea’s complicated problem. Therefore, I think that for the other countries like America it is difficult to understand. Attached are URLs which explain the fact. Please read and determine fair.
What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”
Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the PBS series
Yes, we remember the facts” (PDF)
I also would like to introduce two petitions to the White House with more than 30 thousand signatures.
“WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Remove the monument and not to support any international harassment related to this issue against the people of Japan”
“Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop aggravating int’l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!”
I am grateful to you for taking valuable time to read this mail.
Sincerely yours,
例) Hanako Yamada
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
B日本語要約:日本人として大変重要な問題がありますので、知っていただきたくこのメッセージを送ります。グレンデール元市長が韓国を訪問し、慰安婦記念碑を公共の場に作ることを認めたというニュースを知りました。ここ数年、米国で、韓国系の反日プロパガンダ宣伝とロビー活動が活発になっています。彼らは「戦時中日本軍が強制連行して性奴隷にした20万人の婦女子が慰安婦」と主張しています。NJやNYには公共の場に慰安婦記念碑が建ち、NY州議会では慰安婦決議が採択されました。日本人はこのような状況を大変怒っています。私たちは歴史を書き変えようとしているのはありません。歴史修正主義者でも右翼でもありません。間違った歴史が広まり、我々の先人の名誉が貶められるのを見過せないので、事実を知って欲しいのです。1990年代に日本政府と韓国政府が合同で慰安婦に関する調査を行いましたが、 元慰安婦の証言以外に日本国・日本軍の関与・強制性を証明する証拠は有りませんでした。「20万人婦女子強制連行性奴隷」は事実ではありません。もしこれを事実として報道するなら、日本人が納得できる確かな一次資料を提示して下さい。米国、韓国、日本の友好関係は太平洋地域の安定に為に非常に重要です。このような問題によって国民感情が悪くなることは、軍拡・共産テロ国家の中国と北朝鮮を喜ばせることになります。慰安婦問題は、日韓の複雑な問題なので米国人が理解するのは難しいと思います。下記に資料URLを紹介します。読んだうえで公正に判断してください。(URL省略)ホワイトハウスへの請願2つもご紹介します。3万以上の署名を集めています。(URL省略)読んでいただいて有難うございました。
お手紙日本語要約:フランクキンテロ市議、市議会議員皆様へ 懸念する日本人としてお手紙を書いています。グレンデール市議会が、慰安婦記念碑の建立を3月に承認し、7月30日に中央公園で除幕式が行われる予定というニュースを知りました。ここ数年、米国で、韓国系の反日プロパガンダ宣伝とロビー活動が活発になっています。彼らは「戦時中日本軍が強制連行して性奴隷にした20万人の婦女子が慰安婦」と主張しています。NJやNYには公共の場に慰安婦記念碑が建ちました。日本人はこのような状況に大変怒っています。私たちは歴史を書き変えようとしているのはありません。歴史修正主義者でも右翼でもありません。間違った歴史が広まり、我々の先人の名誉が貶められるのを見過せないので、事実を知って欲しいのです。1990年代に日本政府と韓国政府が合同で慰安婦に関する調査を行いましたが、 元慰安婦の証言以外に日本国・日本軍の関与・強制性を証明する証拠は有りませんでした。「20万人婦女子強制連行性奴隷」は事実ではありません。もしこれを事実とするならば、日本人が納得できる確かな一次資料と歴史学者の名前を提示して下さい。米国、韓国、日本の友好関係はアジア太平洋地域の安定に為に非常に重要です。このような問題によって国民感情が悪くなることは、軍拡・共産テロ国家の中国と北朝鮮を喜ばせることになります。地域の将来の成長と繁栄の為にも、我々の同盟がこのようないんちきプロパガンダによって影響されることないよう願います。貴重な時間を割いてお手紙読んで下さってありがとうございました。
歴史家 Max von Schuler-Kobayashi氏がグレンデールに宛てた手紙です。
To City Councilman Frank Quintero, and the members of the City Council of Glendale.
PDF http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_3/27_S1.pdf
動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifrNcV7KHFE
住所: Glendale City Hall 613 E. Broadway Glendale, CA 91206
元市長 Former Mayor Frank Quintero: fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us
市長 Mayor Dave Weaver: dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us
議員 Council Member
Laura Friedman: lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us
Ara Najarian: anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us
Zareh Sinanyan : ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us
City Manager Scott Ochoa: sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us
◆ Board of Education
President委員長 Nayiri Nahabedian: NNahabedian@gusd.net
Vice President副委員長Mary W. Boger: MBoger@gusd.net
Greg Krikorian: GKrikorian@gusd.net
Christine Walters: CWalters@gusd.net
Dr. Armina Gharpetian: AGharpetian@gusd.net
<カルフォルニア メディア>
◆ Glendale News-Press
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Email: gnp@latimes.com Dan Evans, Editor: Dan.Evans@latimes.com Jason Wells, Managing Editor, News : jason.wells@latimes.com Mark Kellam, City Editor, : mark.kellam@latimes.com carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, brittany.levine@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, JuneTCN@aol.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com,
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◆ グレンデール ロータリークラブ
Rotary Club of Glendale
109 E Harvard St, Glendale, CA 91205
President Natalie Komuro
Secretary Kirby Higashi
7.30までに 運動しようと思い
つたない英文で グレンデールにメールしました。
みましたらMICHAEI NORMANという作家でした。むこうでは、有名な方らしく(82にもかきましたが)
かれの <Tears in the Darkness>という本に父の取材ものっています。グレンデール市の議員には 除幕式までに投票した4人は 読むべきだ!とメールしました。
また 暴挙が続くようでしたら NORMAN氏は 生存する
直接会いにいって 日本軍の正しいデーターを白日のもとにして 刷り込まれた 捏造を退治するつもりです。
とも メールしました。
姉妹都市の東大阪市にも 抗議しました。
宜しくお願い致します。 兵庫県神戸市の青人草
1 In the article, you wrote
a symbolic memorial to the estimated 80,000 to 200,000 women, mostly from Korea, who spent the war in Japanese military brothels serving up to 50 men per day.
At that time, prostitution was not forbidden by government. So the Japanese government took statistics of the numbers of prostitutes, in Japan, in China, and in Korea.
You can see them at diplomatic record office. The record is almost perfect, especially until 1941.
From that record, the ratio of prostitute’s race is 4:3:2:1=Japanese: Natives: Korean: others. Why did you write mostly from Korea?
And I think the number 200000 women, must be from mr. 蘇智良 ‘s opinion.( Chinese teacher in Shang-hai college), right?
At that time, he number of Japanese soldiers in China is 1000000, at most.
And I calculated, if prostitutes served 50 men per day, which means all the soldiers went to the brothels 10 times a day, during the war.
If they served 10 men per day, which still means all the soldiers went to the brothels 2 times a day, during the war.
And If the prostitutes spent 30min in each person, she have to work 25 hours a day without any rest.
(According to police statistics at prewar day, average is 3 to5 men a day.)
And there is still no evidence.
How can I believe your word?
2 “A 14-year-old girl doesn’t voluntarily leave her village in Korea to go serve the Japanese army, give me a break,” said Councilman Frank Quintero, who said he was surprised that such a “low-key” memorial could stoke such fury.
These are job offering in the news paper. I try to translate,
[ job offering prostitutes]
Age: older than 17 years and up to about 23 years.
Place: back 00 brothels
Salary: over than 300 yen ( we afford to lend 3000 yen in advance).
This article showed that they recruited women over 17,18 years. Younger girls are not allowed to submit.
Korean women’s testimonies changed many times, according to their testimony, some of them worked as sex slaves after the war, until 1947.
And some of them were so young, because they have to calculate their age.
So you have got to compare the testimonies in 1992 to 2005 to now, how they changes.
3 The backlash in Japan against the accepted version of the comfort women story is fueled by a sense among conservatives that “saying anything bad about the nation’s past is some sort of capitulation to conquering foreign powers,” said William Marotti, a Japanese history professor at UCLA.
I completely oppose to his opinion, he is guiding to the direction which made a mistake in public opinion.
Now, not right wings, but normal housewives are very angry and worry. This is silent but a huge wave.
The lie has been disclosed to Japanese in 1990’s, and Korean human rights organization changed their fighting place to the U.S.
So he is just making the sad short circuit of an ignorant crowd state which carries out a thinking stop at the dignified name of human rights.
私は グレンナール市につたない英語で
抗議しましたが 送り返されました。
<海外新聞社>eigo.main.jp/oyaku/kshin.html という
小さな町の軽卒な行動が 世界中の笑われものになるのです。世界中でこのような 行動を中止するために