Daily Archives: June 1, 2013

See these photos before you condemn Japan 日本を非難する前にこの写真を見て下さい

Please see the photos below
before you condemn Japan

◆ The Recreation and Amusement Association(RAA)

Mr. Eiichi Isomura, ex-professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University and the President of Toyo University, who was the head of Shibuya Ward in Tokyo at the time of GHQ occupation, received order from officer of GHQ to collect women for prostitution for them and to build a kind of installation named “Recreation Center”. It’s said that there were some women who sold their lives in change of just one bar of chocolate at the time of extreme shortage of food. Now that the issue on Comfort Women is getting a worldwide matter, he confesses that he cannot stop getting ashamed of himself and to blame himself for having thrown his country women into prostitution for American soldiers. (The Sankei Newspaper Sept. 17, 1994)

RAA with beer hall in Ginza, Tokyo

RAA “Yasuura House” in Yokosuka, Kanagawa

◆ Korean comfort women at a brothel during Korean War
US and UN military personnel procured prostitutes locally with the cooperation of the Korean government.

◆ Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases
The New York Times (January 7, 2009) by CHOE SANG-HUN


Bae worked as a prostitute near an American military base in South Korea, an activity that American and Korean authorities permitted, some Koreans say.


Bae at 29. Now 80, she lives on welfare and uses an oxygen machine.