Daily Archives: April 9, 2014

【参考】豪州 NSW 差別撤廃委員会Complaint form記入英文例

豪州のAnti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)に慰安婦像反対の訴えComplaint formを送ろう!

Anti-Discrimination Board (差別撤廃委員会)HP

Complaint form について


Complaint form 用紙 ダウンロード



Post: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
PO Box A2122, Sydney South NSW 1235
Fax: (02) 9268 5500
Street address: Level 4, 175 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Email: complaintsadb@agd.nsw.gov.au


The Chinese and Korean communities are planning to erect a statue of “comfort women” in Strathfield. The word “comfort women” simply signifies “prostitutes at the war”. Japanese traditional periphrastic way of expression replaced the word “prostitutes at the war” with a gentle appellation “comfort women”, respecting the human rights of prostitutes. But the Korean and Chinese allegation is during WWII the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan abducted approximately 200,000 young women and forced them into sexual slavery known as“comfort women”. 
Even at the present moment when nothing on the statue of comfort women has yet been concretized at all, there have already happened in Australia some harassments against Japanese. One Japanese woman has revealed that she was harassed by amazingly a Korean friend, not by someone else in the street. Looking at the case of Glendale City, Ca in USA where a statue of comfort women was erected last July, it’s quite obvious that the statue will provoke racial discrimination against Japanese and will not give any positive influence to Japanese government. Far from achieving the peace, Japanese, especially Japanese children, in and around Glendale City subject incredible discrimination and harassments. It is a statue masquerading as a peace statue while in essence is promoting hate towards the people and nation of Japan. The statue must not be realized.

