
8月1日(木)7:30記 ********



グレンデール慰安婦像除幕式7月30日 報道、写真まとめ











dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,

Cc: メディア( グレンデールの記事を書いた記者、日系新聞 )
Brittany.Levine@latimes.com, jack.dolan@latimes.com, Carol.Williams@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, info@nikkansan.com, gwen@rafu.com, comments@allgov.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, njensen@pe.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com,

【件名例】 I protest against Glendale Comfort Women Monument

Dear Mayor of Glendale City and the members of the City Council of Glendale,
Dear the Citizens of Glendale,
Dear mass media,

I send my email as a one Japanese who wishes seriously a friendly relation among USA, Korea and Japan.

I feel sad, disappointed and even angry by the Installation of a Korean Sister City “Comfort Women” Peace Monument approved by Glendale City Council.

Comfort Women system is not sex slavery. If you insist that Comfort Women system is sex slavery , please give us any verified evidence as well as any name of historian saying so.

Historical views on Comfort Women between Japan and Korea are quite different. This issue becomes a serious political matter between the both countries. Then, how could the peace monument be “a symbol of peaceful relation for sister cities” putting aside such a problematic situation?

Many people in Japan show their anger towards the decision.

I wonder if Citizens of Glendale could truly need and wish such a problematic and uneasy monument in a restful public place.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.


市町村、県、 JAPAN




Councilman Frank Quintero
the members of the City Council of Glendale
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206

日米韓の友好を願う一日本人としてメールします。グレンデール市議会が承認し、 韓国姉妹都市慰安婦平和記念碑が設置されたことに非常に落胆と怒りを覚えています。慰安婦制度は、性奴隷制ではありません。そうだというのなら確固たる証拠を出してください。歴史家の名前をあげて下さい。日本と韓国で慰安婦の歴史見解は大きく違います。両国では深刻な政治問題になっています。そのような問題があるのに、なぜ ”平和姉妹都市”の記念なのでしょう?日本ではグレンデール市の決定に対して怒りの声が挙がっています。グレンデールの市民の皆さんは、このような像を市民の憩いの場に本当に必要だと思いますか?米国は公正・真偽・正義を大切にする国民だと信じています。このようなことで私達の友好関係が損なわれないことを心より願います。

なでしこアクション http://sakura.a.la9.jp/japan/
代表 山本優美子
問い合わせ先 JapanNetwork1@gmail.com

269 thoughts on “グレンデール慰安婦少女像反対!引き続き抗議の声を送ろう

  1.  なかがわゆうこ says:

    米国は 公平であり正義であり、 と信じてます。
    韓国の従軍慰安婦の件は  半分以上、 嘘であります。  また なぜ アメリカに 韓国の像を建てなければならないか。。。アメリカは 韓国の領土なのでしょうか?
    嘘を 言ってるのは 韓国のほうです。
    アシアナ航空の 事故の件も
    最後まで韓国は 嘘を通しましたが、
    見事 アメリカは その嘘を 暴いたでしょう。。
    アメリカは 公平と正義の国ならば ましてや
    韓国の領土でないなら  慰安婦像を むしろ 撤去してくださるようにお願いします。

  2. 能勢 弘基 says:



  3. Y.K says:


    これをアメリカの方に見ていただいたら、朝鮮人慰安婦が 少なくとも彼女らの主張するような性奴隷ではなかったことの証明の一助にならないでしょうか。業者(日本人)によって斡旋されたとの記述もあります。



  4. 林 まさみ says:


  5. This is for your good understanding on the issues,
    which I sent to NY times, Washington Post and etc.
    [ALPHA Canada is just Anti-Japanese group ]

    A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

    (1)ALPHA Canada group is just Anti-Japanese group managed by Chinese/Korean who want
    to get big money from Japan, for which they look down upon the Japanese in the world
    by prevailing false fabricated stories like forced Comfort Korean women and NANKIN
    massacre in China during the War. And they have been educated anti-Japan in their
    childhood and students with such fabricated false stories. Therefore they have still
    believe them in deep mind and cannot graduate from the Japanese world as if their
    mothers are still feeding foods to children.

    (2)Korean Government also fabricated false story that Japanese territory TAKESIMA  was
    Korean one additionally and they has actually occupied it to let their nation hold
    patriotism to turn aside their dissatisfaction /anger from its governmental political
    mistakes and getting bribes, to the Japanese

    (3)Chinese Government also fabricated false story in the similar way that Japanese
    territory SENKAKU islands were Chinese ones additionally and has been attempting
    invasion into the Islands to let their nation hold patriotism and turn aside their
    dissatisfaction /anger from its communist governmental political mistakes and getting
    bribes, to the Japanese.

    (2)ALPHA groups in UAS, Canada, UK and so on, are , reportedly, sponsored by Chinese
    Government and Korean Government to get big money from Japan. Actually they have
    grown up economically thanks to Japanese aide after the War, but Japanese government
    has changed its aiding policy to more under developing nations, as China and Korea have
    already developed economically thanks to Japanese big aide.

    And also as you know, people in the world have known the stories that they fabricated to
    look down upon the Japanese, are false. Therefore they must have changed the way of
    their attacking the Japanese.
    This time they merged their image-down campaign on the Japanese into one organization
    [ALPHA] group which pretends to be open to everybody like open-mind atmosphere
    community but “please be careful they will guide your talks and discussion to their
    own -made fabricated false stories like [200,000 women of forced Korean comfort
    women] and [300,000 persons of NANKIN massacre in China]

    Please note that their stories are all false ones they  fabricated.
    Please refer to the (part-1) to (part-4) in detail

    We Japanese are strongly against the comfort women memorials.

    We believe that the Canadian people cherish and enthusiastically defend

    fairness, justice and the truth. We hope that you will make a truthful, fair

    and objective judgment in regards to this issue.

    Sincerely yours,

  6. [This is to face to the history](3-2)

    A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

    The command of my english is not so good, but I hope you understand what I mean.
    (1)ALPHA CND group is just Anti-Japanese group managed by Chinese/Korean who want
    to get more big money from Japan, for which they look down upon the Japanese in the
    world by prevailing fabricated false stories like [forced] Comfort Korean women and
    NANKIN massacre in China during the War. And they have been educated anti-Japan
    in their childhood and students with such fabricated false stories. Therefore they have
    still believe them in deep mind and cannot graduate from the Japanese world as if their
    mothers are still feeding foods to children.

    (2)Korean Government also fabricated false story that Japanese territory TAKESIMA was
    Korean one additionally and they has actually occupied it to let their nation hold
    patriotism to turn aside their dissatisfaction /anger from its governmental political
    mistakes and getting bribes, to the Japanese.

    (3)Chinese Government also fabricated false story in the similar way that Japanese
    territory SENKAKU islands were Chinese ones additionally and has been attempting
    invasion into the Islands to let their nation hold patriotism and turn aside their
    dissatisfaction /anger from its communist governmental political mistakes and getting
    bribes, to the Japanese.

    (4)ALPHA groups in USA, Canada, UK and so on, are , reportedly, sponsored by Chinese
    Government and Korean Government to get big money from Japan. Actually they have
    grown up economically thanks to Japanese aide after the War, but Japanese government
    has changed its aiding policy to more under developing nations, as China and Korea have
    already developed economically thanks to Japanese huge aide.

    (5)And also as you know, people in the world have known, the stories that they fabricated to
    to look down upon the Japanese, are false. Therefore they must have changed the way
    of their attacking the Japanese.
    This time they merged their image-down campaign on the Japanese into one organization
    [ALPHA] group which pretends to be open to everybody like open-mind atmosphere
    community but “please be careful they will guide your talks and discussion to their
    own -made fabricated false stories like [200,000 women of forced Korean comfort
    women] and [300,000 persons of NANKIN massacre in China]

    Please note that their stories are all false ones they fabricated.

    (5)Around the end of the War and after the War
    (5)-1,I have to explain you why Korean and Chinese have had such skewed mind to look
    down upon Japanese. There are very long stories, of which American president were
    deeply concerned to make such mind hold Chinese and Korean.
    He ordered American army to kill innocent Japanese as much as possible in many bigger
    cities by dropping napalm bombs just around the end of the War because Japanese
    showed their surrender through some nation to American. And the president decided to
    extend the cease-fire by three months, during which he waited the completion of nuclear
    bombs for HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI. And American and the president killed many
    innocent Japanese successfully.

    (5)-2, American army was very surprised with much tragic situation of those cities they
    broke including Hiroshima and Nagasaki than they expected. Therefore they needed some
    evidences to show the cruel behavior of Japanese soldiers, unless otherwise they could
    justify their criminal actions of killing of many innocent Japanese.

    (5)-3,So they requested Communist Chinese to make fabricated false photos and films of
    Chinese massacre in some city for Tokyo Army Trial because there were no such cruel
    actions Japanese did. Actually Japanese made civilization of the Chinese nation and
    industrialization over all the land because China was in the Feudalism.
    Therefore American have needed to continue Anti-Japanese campaign to teach Chinese
    that they were under the oppression and in the condition of slaves like the way of which
    European did in the other nations for 450 years all over the world.
    Unless otherwise they can justify their criminal action even in the War.

    (5)-4, American also checked the actual situation of Korea under the Japan’s Annexation
    of Korea but American Army also were very surprised with it, because they found that it
    was also Korean civilization and industrialization made by the Japanese. The Japanese
    made fundamental schools with compulsory education by more than 4500 schools and
    many hospitals over the land
    Therefore American have needed to continue Anti-Japanese campaign to teach Korean
    that they were under the oppression and in the condition of slaves like the way of which
    European did in the other nations for 450 years all over the world.
    Unless otherwise they can justify their criminal action even in the War.

    (5)-5, Therefoe Chinese and Korean Governments have continued to teach and/or
    educate Anti-Japanan /Japanese with the material of fabricated false stories like
    [NANKIN massacre of 300,000 persons] in China and [forced] Comfort women instead
    of business prostitution.

    (5)-6,It is very easy for Chinese and Korean governments to teach their childeren and
    students about anti-Japan/Japanese with such fabricated false stories because they
    cinsider American behavior to conceal the truth against Japanese even today. They just
    follow the American way.

    (5)-7,Therefore even if Japanese prime minister wants to see the true history, Foriegn
    News like Wasignton Post and so on react not to see the true history and to bring to
    lights to those concealment American have done. I wonder why American News do not
    request White House to disclose the official documents concerned for the War?
    Japanese also want to be free from such concealment of the truth of Japanese soldier
    behavior during the War and from attacking us with such fabricated false stories like
    forced Comfort Women and Nankin massacre, and trying to invate Japanese territories.

    I believe that Japanese made China and Korea civilize and industrilize by investing huge
    They have never showed us any appreciation of Japan and Japanese behavior during the
    War. They are just looking down upon Japanese by showing fabricated false stories over
    the world
    I want to say [this is to face to the history for Japanese].
    Nevertherless, Wasington Post requests our prime minister to face to the history.

    I think that American will ignore my request saying like [It’s not the time to disclose it
    Probably if you would succeed to disclose the governmental official documents, you
    cannot say [remember Pearl Harbor] any more.
    [This is to face to the history ].
    [We need JUSTICE].

    Yours Faithfully
    2013,June 18th
    Toshihiko Okumura ,Tokyo ,Japan.

  7. This is for your good understanding on the issues,
    which I sent to NY times, Washington Post and etc.

    [So-called Korean Forced Comfort Women]

    A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

    , of which almost all Korean know it’s notorious and
    famous story.
    (1)In 1993.8.4, Mr. Yohei. Kohno, a secretary to the Cabinet of Japan, announced deep
    apology that a number of the Korean worked as comfort women for Japanese solders
    during the War. He also commented that he couldn’t find clear evidences showing forced
    prostitution but he judged to apologize former Korean comfort women finally because
    the Korean women were surely in sex services to Japanese soldiers during the War as
    well as Japanese women and so on.

    But please note that those women were just the ones who worked as office ladies
    getting regular salary weekly and/or daily. Prostitutes consisting of Japanese(60%) and
    Korean(40%) in china were hired by prostitution houses managed by civilian Japanese,
    Korean and Chinese. Their average salary were, reportedly, more than 10 to 20 times
    than average top Japanese executives in the War time.
    Retired those women used to build their own big houses in their countries. Some of them
    had, reportedly, 2-3 houses.

    Before Kohno’s judgment, some Korean contacted him to recognize the existence of
    Korean forced comfort women and make payment of its compensation to the Women,
    although compensation concerning the War between Japan and Korea including comfort
    women thing has already made and finished. And the man contacted Mr. Kohno, committed
    not to request anymore than that. And then Mr .Kohno agreed to apologize them.

    (2)1-2 years ago the former Korean comfort women had very severe experience, to
    whom some bad Korean men contacted in order to draw their money out because almost
    all of them were rich thanks to Japanese additional compensation. Bad men persuaded
    them like this way; [you have already little money for your remaining long life and you
    will need more money]. The women agreed what they said..

    And then bad men explained them that they need some money to go to Japan and have to
    negotiate with Japan. Bad men collected some amount of big money from them totally
    and disappeared suddenly.
    This was very tricky and severe story for elder women. It has become very big news in
    Korea because the women have been poor persons instantly. So former president
    contacted Police offices to get correct information and he simply has made promise to
    get such money back for the women.
    The president pretended to forget all Japanese compensation has finished already, and he
    visited Mr Noda, former prime minister of Japan and requested additional compensation to
    the Women.
    But he disagreed the president request because compensation between two nations
    have already finished and he explained the president it turned to Korean domestic issues.

    After that, the President has started to invade Japanese territory [Takesima island] and
    prevail the word [forced comfort women] worldwide instead of pay-comfort women in the
    prostitute houses in the towns managed by Korean and other nations. And they put sitting
    comfort women statue in the streets in USA , and also try to put renaming the street as Korean Comfort
    Korean Women in NY look down on Japanese, but he has not suceeded to get big money
    from Japan yet.

    Almost all Japanese and Korean know that Korean fabricated false story of forced
    comfort women because Korean want to get some big money from Japan.
    They just hope to get money from Japan if they could succeed to look down on
    That is the reason why they are prevailing bad image of [forced comfort women] instead
    of common comfort women although women denied they were forced comfort women.
    Very sorry I’m not good English speaker but I hope you could understand what I mean.

    [A message from Japan]

    Dear Executive Office, Oakland County, Michigan

    I am writing this message to you on behalf of many concerned Japanese.

    According to the news, Mr. Peter Koo, a New York City Council member, is promoting a
    street renaming project in Flushing, Queens, to commemorate “comfort women” and the
    building of a monument there to praise them.

    As you may know, so-called comfort women are the women who worked during World
    War II as prostitutes for the Japanese military. This fact might sound immoral by present-
    day standards, but prostitution was a legal business in those days in many countries. Even
    around U.S. military bases, prostitution agents must also have existed during the periods
    of Japan occupation, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

    But Koreans have long been promoting a false version of history that Japan abducted
    hundreds of thousands of Korean women and coerced them into sexual services for
    Japanese soldiers outside of Japan during World War Ⅱ. This is, for practical and logical
    reasons, a fictitious version of history.
    False accusations regarding the South Korean comfort women issue have disgraced the
    people of Japan for decades. As elected officials, please listen to Japanese opinions
    before you condemn and humiliate our history, and then you could make your own

    The following websites may help you know about the comfort women issue.

    What is the“Comfort Women Issue?”


    Mr.Komori of Japanese newspaper being interviewed on the comfort women issue for the
    PBS series



    Yes, we remember the facts”(PDF)


    We Japanese, who place a high value on the importance of historical facts as well as
    U.S.-Japan relationship, therefore protest decisively against “comfort women memorial”
    street renaming and building of comfort women monument.
    We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We hope
    that you will make a truthful, fair, and objective judgment on this issue.

    Sincerely yours,

  8. I added some witness material (video and photos) in front and end.

    [Attn]to all Senators and Congressmen of the states
    [Attn]to all editors of the News,
    [Attn]to the all persons concerned
    [Attn]to Mike HONDA :Congressman of USA

    Hi, everybody, I’m a Japanese , 69 years old ,male, retired pension man.

    [MIKE HONDA congressman !, please focus into the Vietnam War]

    [Prostitution issue fabricated by Korean] An American testified

    (1)I got the news from ASAHI newspaper, in which that the Mike Honda congressman
    had just started to promote the State Congresses to criticize Japanese Soldiers and
    Japanese Hasimoto mayor because they had utilized prostitutes in prostitution houses
    and in the streets, and he protected such situation in the World War. And he also said
    that USA Soldiers and Korean Soldiers also utilized such prostitutes. It was rather
    common sense in the world.
    ASAHI newspaper is a Chinese and Korean paper in publication in Japan.
    (2)As you know, ASAHI News is the one which fabricated the word [forced comfort
    women] with Japanese Soldiers instead of just [prostitutes] in Japan as well as in the
    ASAHI and a Korean Japanese female lawyer visited Korea and found a one Korean older
    woman who mentioned ” I was just a prostitute, and not a forced comfort woman”. But
    they succeeded to take her to NHK ,Japan and they translated intentionally her Korean
    words to “She is saying I was a forced comfort woman”. That was the initiation of the
    Case. Later that female lawyer has become to a Congressman in Japan.

    (3)And, Mayer Mr Hasimoto mentioned very noisy history with prostitutes or comfort
    woman as you know.
    He mentioned that forced comfort women Korean claiming had not existed but common
    prostitutes getting more very higher salary than 10 times compared with soldiers.
    Such sex businesses were very common and almost all nations and soldiers, even USA
    soldiers and Korean Soldiers had also utilized such facilities and systems, in the Vietnam
    War time.
    (4)According to present values it will be female discrimination. But he sincerely pointed
    out sexual culture in such past times. And female in the world, half of the world population
    have started to protest him” He’s not a fair man “, “We are a super big NPO group with
    half of population, we can deny half of opposite sex population from now on, even if you
    would want “.”I cannot overcome them , help me !”he is tearing.

    (5)Now we are in the noisy wave and endless confusion which Mayor Mr.
    Hashimoto made.

    (6)Mr. Mike Honda has reportedly started to protest Japanese Soldiers action in the stand
    point of female discrimination.
    Originally he protested Japanese soldiers to [forced comfort women], but this time he
    changed his fighting style to [common utilization of prostitute houses and prostitute
    system], because he does not use [forced comfort women] this time.
    And he agrees to what world female protest and he appeals to the congressmen of all
    united States from the stand point of female discrimination by Japanese Soldiers.
    (8)If you come to similar level of our understanding about Japanese soldiers, I would like
    to recommend you and Mr.Honda to investigate about truth of utilization of US soldiers
    and Korean soldiers, who did in detail in Vietnam for Vietnam War time, before you
    contact such states congresses.

    (9)Probably you will have to change your understanding about Korean, American, and also
    Japanese, of which Korean fabricated.
    Anyhow, you should not believe of what Korean say instantly, Before you believe them,
    please take a rest to consider everything around the situation. Please remember Korean
    always make false stories to look down upon Japanese to get big money and so on.

    They believe this saying: teaching of Confucius,
    “If you say false stories by 100 times, they will become truth ”
    (10)This is the fact.
    There are more than 30 thousand of “raidaihan” who are children between
    Vietnam women and Korean soldiers born during Vietnam War.
    And there are more than 500 thousand of “ameradian” who are children
    between American soldiers and Asian women including Vietnam.
    On the other hand there is not such word all over the Asian countries
    between Japanese soldiers because Japanese are almost all buddhists who
    could control sex impulse and made an effort to depress their sex drive.

    (11)[slaughter of Fonui-Fonyatto in Vietnamu by Korean soldiers]
    1968. 12th. Feb. Korean soldiers visited Fonni-Fonyato village and gatherd all women and
    girls. The soldiers raped them and shot them with guns and killed with knives. 135 women
    and girls were found in dead. They left the village after they ignited houses.
    First Korean soldiers claimed that Vietcong did, but American Army invesigated the case
    and decided Koreans did it in 1970. 10th Jan.

    Amerian soldier in collecting a part of dead body

    A woman (21 yeaes old) was washed out her breast and shot.
    Later she died in the hospital.

    2 pregnant women were shot their heads off

    Inocent children were killed by Korean soldiers

    Yours Faithfully

  9. 藤田 幸生 says:







  10. 菅原信也 says:


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