
8月1日(木)7:30記 ********



グレンデール慰安婦像除幕式7月30日 報道、写真まとめ











dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,

Cc: メディア( グレンデールの記事を書いた記者、日系新聞 )
Brittany.Levine@latimes.com, jack.dolan@latimes.com, Carol.Williams@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, info@nikkansan.com, gwen@rafu.com, comments@allgov.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, njensen@pe.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com,

【件名例】 I protest against Glendale Comfort Women Monument

Dear Mayor of Glendale City and the members of the City Council of Glendale,
Dear the Citizens of Glendale,
Dear mass media,

I send my email as a one Japanese who wishes seriously a friendly relation among USA, Korea and Japan.

I feel sad, disappointed and even angry by the Installation of a Korean Sister City “Comfort Women” Peace Monument approved by Glendale City Council.

Comfort Women system is not sex slavery. If you insist that Comfort Women system is sex slavery , please give us any verified evidence as well as any name of historian saying so.

Historical views on Comfort Women between Japan and Korea are quite different. This issue becomes a serious political matter between the both countries. Then, how could the peace monument be “a symbol of peaceful relation for sister cities” putting aside such a problematic situation?

Many people in Japan show their anger towards the decision.

I wonder if Citizens of Glendale could truly need and wish such a problematic and uneasy monument in a restful public place.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.


市町村、県、 JAPAN




Councilman Frank Quintero
the members of the City Council of Glendale
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206

日米韓の友好を願う一日本人としてメールします。グレンデール市議会が承認し、 韓国姉妹都市慰安婦平和記念碑が設置されたことに非常に落胆と怒りを覚えています。慰安婦制度は、性奴隷制ではありません。そうだというのなら確固たる証拠を出してください。歴史家の名前をあげて下さい。日本と韓国で慰安婦の歴史見解は大きく違います。両国では深刻な政治問題になっています。そのような問題があるのに、なぜ ”平和姉妹都市”の記念なのでしょう?日本ではグレンデール市の決定に対して怒りの声が挙がっています。グレンデールの市民の皆さんは、このような像を市民の憩いの場に本当に必要だと思いますか?米国は公正・真偽・正義を大切にする国民だと信じています。このようなことで私達の友好関係が損なわれないことを心より願います。

なでしこアクション http://sakura.a.la9.jp/japan/
代表 山本優美子
問い合わせ先 JapanNetwork1@gmail.com

269 thoughts on “グレンデール慰安婦少女像反対!引き続き抗議の声を送ろう

  1. ruewarwick says:


    Dear Sir or Madame,

    Re: Justice and friendship for the future regarding ‘Comfort Women’ issue

    I write this letter in order to save democracy, in order to save freedom of speech and fair and fact based discussions,
    I write this letter in order to make people can self-reflect whether what they heard and believed have been totally free from biases or ethnocentrism.
    As for myself I just can’t let harmful lies spread over the world to make everyone including Koreans unhappy and make the world worse.
    I believe America as a nation which put great value on justice and fairness.
    I hope you never give hand to propaganda or thoughtless fabrications so that cause and deepen hatred between neighboring two nations, Japan and Korea also in the future.

    Second Sino-Japanese War started in early 1930’s.
    Even though I don’t discount a few people’s wish to liberalize Asia from European Imperial powers, I believe majority of Japanese wanted to make China their colony like Indian Empire was for the British Empire then.
    And because Japanese were familiar with Chinese literature and history they might easily regard themselves same as historical barbarian empire which rose from China’s margins and eventually became foreign dynasty in China.
    But if they believe that way they didn’t understand Chinese people’s hope for self- determination and ambition for better life and democracy.

    Japanese Imperial Army occupying China faced guerilla type warfare and resentments from local Chinese population.
    Chinese people despised Japanese Imperial Army all the more because of guerilla hunt which was same as casual murder of citizens, scorched earth campaign and rapes.
    Then Japanese Imperial Army decided to introduce and accompany brothels to battle field in order to prevent sexual crimes by Japanese soldiers which had stirred up angers towards occupying foreign force.

    Regarding composition of ‘Comfort Women’ or prostitutes accompanied to battlefield, around 60% were Japanese from Japanese archipelago, about 30% were Korean Japanese from Korean peninsula and 10% were Taiwanese Japanese.
    Japanese and Koreans and Taiwanese were Japanese Imperial subjects then. Portion of comfort women roughly reflected the population of Japanese Empire’s ethnic groups.
    Small portion of comfort women also came from local population like Chinese, Filipina, Indonesian, Burmese and Dutch from East Indies colonist families.

    From 1980’s story about abductions of Korean girls by Japanese Imperial Army were told and spread by couples of Japanese.
    In 1983 former Japanese soldier Seiji Yoshida wrote a book ‘My Wartime Crime’ and he addressed that he had kidnapped 200 girls from Jeju, a Korean island and brought them to battlefield. Local Jeju historian instantly denied the story and later in 1996 Yoshida admitted that the book was a fiction.
    But before his confession that his story was a fabrication, in 1991 a female Japanese human rights lawyer, Mizuho Fukushima took up this story to sue Japanese Government for damage and Asahi Shinbun, leading liberal Japanese quality paper spread this fabrication.
    At first Korean researchers together with Japanese researchers identified abduction story is not truth. Meanwhile Korean newspaper erroneously reported number of Korean ‘Comfort Women’ was 200,000 which equals to one fifteenth of number of Japanese troops at peak.
    From 1990’s on, democratized South Korea’s presidents have been pushed by public opinion and repeatedly take up the story together with other Japanese colonization issues once he came close to the end of his tenure and became lame duck to salvage his popularity.

    From 1993 on Japanese Government has formally apologized for the suffering caused and Japanese public raised compensation funds for the victims. Consolatory payment is about 30,000USD per person and letter attached from Japanese Premier describes sincere apology.
    One nation which rejected to accept the goodwill from Japan was and still is South Korea. South Korean activists said they can’t accept apology nor money unless Japanese Government admits Japanese Imperial Army directly kidnaped girls from peaceful Korean villages.
    We know it is a fabrication invented by certain persons.

    It’s pity to learn that indentured labor was illegal but did exist in Japan before WW2.
    Many of Korean prostitute girls were sold by their parents. Few might had been cheated by pimps.
    I personally feel sorry for their sufferings but it is not correct to modify history in order to denounce neighboring country and harm mutual friendship in the future.

    Even I am aware of Korean resentments towards Japan because of colonization in 20th century and invasions in 16th and in 7th century I like Korean culture and cuisine and had some Korean friends.
    I studied Korean history and when Korean economy took off towards industrialized country in late 80’s, I expected now new era had come for Koreans to forgive the past and two nations to understand equally.
    But that was just a dream and I accuse Japanese left activists who try to gain fame and profit by fabricating story in 80’s and planting seeds of current troubles and also short sighted Korean nationalists who are just the prisoners of hatreds.

    I believe that the American people cherish and enthusiastically defend fairness, justice and the truth. I hope that you will make a truthful, fair and objective judgment in regards to so called ‘Comfort Women’ issue.

    Kind regards,


  2. rtrt says:




  3. 64 says:



  4. よしい says:


  5. たぐちかおる says:


  6. 日本 市民 says:




  7. えりり says:


  8. 日本 市民 says:


     菅義偉官房長官は25日午後の記者会見で、米カリフォルニア州グレンデール市で、旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦を象徴する少女像の設置が決まったことについて、「日本政府は慰安婦問題を政治・外交問題にさせるべきではないとの認識を踏まえ、市長や市議会議員をはじめとする関係者に適切な対応を求めている」と述べ、見直しを働き掛けていることを明らかにした。 (2013/07/25-17:33)

  9. 外山昭平 says:

    テキサス親父の動画をNJパリセードパークに慰安婦の碑をデザインしたSTEVE CAVALLO氏に送り付けたところ早速回答を寄こしてきました。要旨は、「彼(親父)は慰安婦に会ったこともないのによく言えたものだ。彼はとんでもない男で、怒り心頭に達した。とことん憎んでやる。俺はもっともっと慰安婦の碑を作ってやる。」などなど罵詈雑言のオンパレードでした。米国公文書の中身には一切触れず、彼の頭の思考回路は感情論しか働かないようです。
    LA Times のJack Dolan氏へも動画を送りましたが返事はなし。

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