
8月1日(木)7:30記 ********



グレンデール慰安婦像除幕式7月30日 報道、写真まとめ











dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,

Cc: メディア( グレンデールの記事を書いた記者、日系新聞 )
Brittany.Levine@latimes.com, jack.dolan@latimes.com, Carol.Williams@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, info@nikkansan.com, gwen@rafu.com, comments@allgov.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, njensen@pe.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com,

【件名例】 I protest against Glendale Comfort Women Monument

Dear Mayor of Glendale City and the members of the City Council of Glendale,
Dear the Citizens of Glendale,
Dear mass media,

I send my email as a one Japanese who wishes seriously a friendly relation among USA, Korea and Japan.

I feel sad, disappointed and even angry by the Installation of a Korean Sister City “Comfort Women” Peace Monument approved by Glendale City Council.

Comfort Women system is not sex slavery. If you insist that Comfort Women system is sex slavery , please give us any verified evidence as well as any name of historian saying so.

Historical views on Comfort Women between Japan and Korea are quite different. This issue becomes a serious political matter between the both countries. Then, how could the peace monument be “a symbol of peaceful relation for sister cities” putting aside such a problematic situation?

Many people in Japan show their anger towards the decision.

I wonder if Citizens of Glendale could truly need and wish such a problematic and uneasy monument in a restful public place.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.


市町村、県、 JAPAN




Councilman Frank Quintero
the members of the City Council of Glendale
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206

日米韓の友好を願う一日本人としてメールします。グレンデール市議会が承認し、 韓国姉妹都市慰安婦平和記念碑が設置されたことに非常に落胆と怒りを覚えています。慰安婦制度は、性奴隷制ではありません。そうだというのなら確固たる証拠を出してください。歴史家の名前をあげて下さい。日本と韓国で慰安婦の歴史見解は大きく違います。両国では深刻な政治問題になっています。そのような問題があるのに、なぜ ”平和姉妹都市”の記念なのでしょう?日本ではグレンデール市の決定に対して怒りの声が挙がっています。グレンデールの市民の皆さんは、このような像を市民の憩いの場に本当に必要だと思いますか?米国は公正・真偽・正義を大切にする国民だと信じています。このようなことで私達の友好関係が損なわれないことを心より願います。

なでしこアクション http://sakura.a.la9.jp/japan/
代表 山本優美子
問い合わせ先 JapanNetwork1@gmail.com

269 thoughts on “グレンデール慰安婦少女像反対!引き続き抗議の声を送ろう

  1. Tonchan says:

    Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:



    cc Mayor of Glendale City and the members of the City Council of Glendale,
    cc the senators and representatives of New York state legislature,
    cc the senators and representatives of New Jersey state legislature,
    cc Japanese Ministory of Foregin Affairs (MOF)
    And other all related USA politicians, citizens, mass media,

    I heard Buena Park City will have another meeting to discuss the necessity of comfort women monument in Buena Park. Before you make decision whether you build the unfair monument or not, we would like to inform you of the current findings by Korean proffessor about an old dirary during WW2.

    The contets of diary is as follows.


    Korean professor bravely announced he found out diary of Korean Procurer of Comfort Women in WW2.

    According to the diary, comfort women’s life was far from sex slave and Korean professor also comitted there are no evidence of abduction by Japanese military.

    1943.8.13: Comfort women went to movie theater to enjoy movie.
    1944.3.3: Comfort women A and B closed their business and went back their hometown. They received certificate of closing business from city office to return to their hometown (Note: As you know, at that time, many countries have official prostitution system. Even today, Singapore, Germany, etc. has official prostitution system.)
    1944.4.5: Comfort women A and B bought their ticket to return to their hometown.
    1944.4.12: Comfort women C and D close their business and return to their hometown.
    1944. 4. 30: Today, very good revenue. 2590yen. (equivalent to current 200,000US$)
    1944. 10. 27: I remitted 600yen to her hometown on behalf of comfort women E. (600yen is equivalent to current 60,00US$. At that time, comfort women’s )

    The contets of diary is almost same as Japanese common sense about comfort women. Now, it is very clear only US rasist polictian like Mike Honda is blaming Japaese with fake old “self appointed” comfort women.

    I think Japaese government will offically ask US to remove this unfair monument in the near future because it is clear there are no evidence of abducton.
    (It is clear comfor women had the right to stop their job from the diary!)

    Almost all comfort women worked for money. It is not sex slave.
    We wish your resonable decision about this issue for future US – Korea and Japan good alliance, althoguh it is almost collapsing.
    (It is very sad for Japanese)

    We wish you consider this dispute should be only between Japan and Korea. If 3rd party put in a word, this issue will be complicated seriously.

    Thanks for your kind reading.

  2. Tonchan says:


    Diary written by Korean worker at comfort stations in Burma, Singapore found

    The diary10+件 written by a Korean man working at wartime brothels in Burma, which has been found in South Korea. (Mainichi)


    SEOUL — A diary written by a Korean man working at wartime brothels in Burma (current Myanmar) and Singapore during World War II has recently been found, a discovery that could shed light on the truth behind the role of the Imperial Japanese Army in controversial comfort stations for Japanese soldiers.

    The Korean man took part in the “4th comfort10+件 corps” that left Busan Port on the Korean Peninsula in 1942. He returned home in late 1944. His diary is the first of its kind found in Japan, South Korea and elsewhere. On the issue of so-called “comfort women” for the Imperial Japanese Army during the war, many of the testimonies were made several decades after the end of the war. The diary written by the Korean man — a third person who had actually witnessed wartime brothels — is important material to pave the way for cool-headed discussions on the thorny issue.

    The diary was discovered by Ahn Byong Jik, professor emeritus at Seoul University, who specializes in modern Korean economic history and is knowledgeable about the comfort women issue. A museum in the suburbs of Seoul found a diary and other materials at a second-hand bookshop about 10 years ago. Ahn found the diary while combing through the materials. Kyoto University professor Kazuo Hori and Kobe University professor Kan Kimura are currently translating the diary into Japanese.

    The diary was written by the man from Kyongsang-namdo on the western part of the Korean Peninsula while working at the wartime brothels from 1943 to 1944. It was written in Chinese characters, katakana and Korean alphabets.

    The man was born in 1905 and died in 1979. His diary written from 1922 to 1957 can be seen today. Nevertheless, the part of his diary which covered eight years during which the man could have been engaged in recruiting comfort women has not been found.

    In the diary, the man wrote on July 10, 1943, “At this time last year, I boarded a ship at Busan Wharf and took a first step on the southbound trip.” On April 6, 1944, he wrote, “When a comfort squad left Busan two years ago, Mr. Tsumura who came as the head of the fourth comfort corps was working (in a market).”

    A research report compiled in November 1945 by U.S. soldiers who questioned managers of comfort stations caught in Burma says that 703 comfort women and about 90 business operators left Busan Port on July 10, 1942. The accuracy of his diary is backed up by the fact that the date of their departure is the same.

    Ahn says, “It is certain that the records compiled by the U.S. military refer to the fourth comfort10+件 corps. The existence of comfort corps suggests that comfort women were conscripted as part of systematic wartime mobilization.” As opposed to the view generally held in South Korea that comfort women were forcibly conscripted by Japanese military and police, Ahn says, “Comfort10+件 women were recruited by business operators in Korea, and there was no need for the military to abduct them.”

    In the diary, the man touched on relationships between comfort stations, comfort women10+件 and the military. He wrote on July 19, 1943, “Two comfort stations that belong to a flying corps were handed over to the logistics command.” On July 29, 1943, he wrote, “I’ve heard that Haruyo and Hiroko who had left (a comfort station) to have conjugal relations (with their husbands) returned to Kinseikan as comfort women again.”

    The Korean man also wrote in his diary on Aug. 13, 1943, “Comfort women went to see a movie, saying that the railway corps will run a movie.” He wrote on Oct. 27, 1944, “I was asked by a comfort woman to remit 600 yen, so I withdrew her deposit and sent it from a central post office.”

    The issue of so-called “comfort women” became a major social issue after a group of South Korean women demanded the governments of Japan and South Korea shed light on the truth, apologize and compensate them in 1990. The Japanese government acknowledged in August 1993 that the then Imperial Japanese Army had been involved either directly or indirectly in setting up comfort stations and transporting comfort women.

    In his statement issued at that time, then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono offered an apology on behalf of the government, saying, “Undeniably, this was an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely injured the honor and dignity of many women.”

    But in 2007, the first Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe endorsed its written reply to the Diet which read, “There are no descriptions seen in the materials discovered by the government that directly show so-called abductions by the military or by the authorities.”

    August 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)

  3. 石川 says:



  4. 日本市民 says:

    Public parks aren’t the place for foreign political fights

    Troy Turner · Aug. 21, 2013
    Los Angeles Daily News editorial board

    • 日本市民 says:

      War memorials have long been staples of public parks ­— busts of important military leaders, bronze statues of valiant warriors atop rearing horses and long, sobering lists of names of the dead carved into simple stones.

      Their purpose is to help us remember our fellow countrymen and women who kept this nation whole and safe for nearly a quarter millennium. The idea of what constitutes a war memorial has naturally evolved in immigrant-rich regions such as this one, which include significant diaspora from many countries that have their own war stories, war heroes and war victims. As such, it’s not surprising to see the use of memorials to honor the victims or heroes of wars and atrocities in which the U.S. military took no part.

      One of these — the “comfort women” memorial — was placed in a Glendale, Calif., city park last month. It was conceived after the city’s mayor visited Korea, and seemed reasonable to the city officials because Glendale has a Korean sister city.

      So-called comfort women were a still-disputed number of sex slaves, mostly Korean, forced to service of Japanese soldiers during World War II. The Glendale memorial is one of a handful either erected or proposed across the U.S. and paid for by South Korea. Seems harmless enough. That is, unless you are Japanese.

      After proposing the memorial, Glendale city officials were slammed by an email campaign by Japanese nationals who viewed this as anti-Japanese propaganda. Newspapers too, including this one, received daily e-mailed letters condemning the action — and they are still coming in weeks after the memorial was unveiled. Underlying these missives is more than just national pride. Glendale, it seems, had unwittingly walked into an ongoing political struggle between two foreign nations. Korea is trying to get Japan to do more to apologize and compensate the comfort women, many of whom are still alive. Japan is trying to minimize the claims by countering that most of the women were Japanese and they were just prostitutes anyhow.

      For the record, Japan is on the wrong side of this. The treatment of comfort women is well-documented and the campaign to deny their existence is a transparent effort to whitewash wartime atrocities. But is this a fight that deserves a permanent spot in America’s public parks? Maybe not. The small Orange County city of Buena Park seems to have come to the same conclusion recently when city officials tabled a council vote on a proposed comfort women memorial. Smart move, but one that has already been spun into debate fodder in the Japanese-Korean debate.

      Purists might legitimately argue that parks are the place for play and relaxation, not war memorials, homegrown or otherwise. That’s a question that needs to be answered with a public discussion about what’s appropriate in a park. And these questions as well: Should parks honor only those who fought on behalf of the United States? If open to honoring foreign wars, what are the rules? If Salvadoran immigrants want to memorialize the Sandinistas who died at the hands of U.S.-funded Contras, is that OK? Where does it end?

      Knowing the right side of our own country’s history is complicated enough. Do we really want to take sides in the apparently unsettled histories of other countries? In our cities’ few and precious parks?

  5. TET says:


    • 日本市民 says:


      • 日本市民 says:

        グレンデール慰安婦像撤去運動 訴訟検討の情報

  6. 日本市民 says:

    Glendale’s Japan sister city deal may collapse
    By Brittany Levine, brittany.levine@latimes.com
    August 23, 2013 | 6:33 p.m.

  7. 日本市民 says:






  8. 日本市民 says:


    オバマ 米大統領 殿
    ロサンゼルス グレンデール市 市長 殿                    

    抗 議 文



    1、慰安婦像には、『わたしは日本軍の性奴隷でした。』“I was a sex slave of Japanese military”と書かれていますが、韓国女性が日本軍によって強制的に売春行為を強いられた歴史的事実は存在しません。慰安婦は、当時、世界で一般的であった公娼制度のもとで働いていたもので、高額な給与が払われており「性奴隷」という言葉もありませんでした。

    2、『平和の記念碑』Peace Monumentには、「1923年から1945年にかけて、20万人以上のアジア人とオランダ人の女性たちが、韓国、中国、台湾、日本、フィリピン、タイ、ベトナム、マレーシア、東ティモール、インドネシアの彼女たちの家から拉致され、大日本帝国軍によって強制的に性奴隷にされました。」
    In memory of more than 200,000 Asian and Dutch women who were removed from
    their homes in Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand,
    Vietnam, malaysia, East Timor and Indonesia, to be coerced into sexual
    slavery by the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan between 1923 and 1945.








    連絡先:166-0003 杉並区高円寺南1-32-6



    新井克尚 町田市議会議員

    新井英生 足立区議会議員

    浅川喜文 荒川区議会議員

    犬伏秀一 前大田区議会議員

    井上忠昭 久喜市議会議員

    池尻秀樹 堺市議会議員

    井川一善 姫路市議会議員

    伊勢田幸正 富士見市議会議員

    上畠寛弘 鎌倉市議会議員

    梅田修一 久喜市議会議員

    大西宣也 町田市議会議員

    小幡正雄 横浜市会議員

    上島よしもり 世田谷区議会議員

    柿沼貴志 行田市議会議員

    加藤克明 埼玉県吉川市議会議員

    桑原圭美 南魚沼市議会議員

    小礒明 東京都議会議員

    小島健一 神奈川県会議員

    小坂英二 荒川区議会議員

    小菅基司 秦野市議会議員 

    佐々木雄司 赤磐市議会議員

    佐藤弥斗 座間市議会議員 

    斉藤たつや 横浜市会議員

    沢木ゆうすけ 元神奈川県会議員

    清水忠 葛飾区議会議員

    鈴木正人 埼玉県議会議員

    鈴木清人 江東区議会議員

    関口 勇 川越市議会議員

    田中ゆうたろう 杉並区議会議員

    高沢一基 前板橋区議会議員 

    辻村ともこ 狛江市議会議員

    二瓶文隆 前中央区議会議員

    野坂篤司 三沢市議会議員

    波多洋治 岡山県議会議員

    本多穣 藤井寺市議会 議員

    松浦芳子 杉並区議会議員

    松村茂夫 久喜市議会議員

    森高康行 愛媛県議会議員

    山本へるみ 前港区議会議員

    山田桂一郎 横浜市会議員

    安田真也 埼玉県吉川市議会議員

    山本光宏 大和市議会議員

    吉田あい 杉並区議会議員


  9. 日本市民 says:

    (2013年9月26日10時39分 読売新聞)

    • 日本市民 says:


      • 日本市民 says:


        グレンデール “平和の少女像郵便局”指定方針も撤回
        グレンデール慰安婦追悼平和の少女像建設を記念して製作した連邦郵政局(US PS)の特別消印(本誌9月6日付報道)が早期に回収されたと発表され、その背景をめぐり論議がおきている。

        26日、グレンデール中央郵便局側は‘平和の少女像特別消印’を去る14日、ワシントンDCのUS PS本部に送り、これは上部の指示に従ったものと明らかにした。中央郵便局関係者は「US PS本部から‘平和の少女像特別消印’がUS PSの規定に合わず、これを回収することに決めたという通知を受けた」として「承認を受けた特別消印が予定よりはやく回収された具体的な理由は知らない」と話した。
        US PSは地域の特別な行事があったり注目を集める様な造形物が新しく建設された場合、所定手続きの申請を受け使用承認を出している。だが、US PSが承認の上、使用中だった平和の少女像特別消印が突然、規定に合わないという理由で早期回収を決めたので政治的理由ではないかという容疑が提起されている。
        特別消印が早期回収され今月4日、グレンデール中央郵便局を平和の少女像郵便局(PeaceMonument Station)に指定した方針も撤回した。当初US PSは4日、グレンデール郵便局を平和の少女像郵便局に指定し来る30日まで日本軍性的奴隷被害者の苦痛を知らせる特別消印を郵便物に押して発送するよう指針を下した。


        ソース:コリアタイムズ(韓国語) 2013-09-27

        • Pakkurareman says:

          新 恥伝説 を

      • 石川 says:




  10. yuri says:

    遅いかもしれませんが、Please forgive me for contacting you without previous notice.と付け、抗議文を送りました。

    • yuri says:




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