
8月1日(木)7:30記 ********



グレンデール慰安婦像除幕式7月30日 報道、写真まとめ











dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,

Cc: メディア( グレンデールの記事を書いた記者、日系新聞 )
Brittany.Levine@latimes.com, jack.dolan@latimes.com, Carol.Williams@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, info@nikkansan.com, gwen@rafu.com, comments@allgov.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, njensen@pe.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com,

【件名例】 I protest against Glendale Comfort Women Monument

Dear Mayor of Glendale City and the members of the City Council of Glendale,
Dear the Citizens of Glendale,
Dear mass media,

I send my email as a one Japanese who wishes seriously a friendly relation among USA, Korea and Japan.

I feel sad, disappointed and even angry by the Installation of a Korean Sister City “Comfort Women” Peace Monument approved by Glendale City Council.

Comfort Women system is not sex slavery. If you insist that Comfort Women system is sex slavery , please give us any verified evidence as well as any name of historian saying so.

Historical views on Comfort Women between Japan and Korea are quite different. This issue becomes a serious political matter between the both countries. Then, how could the peace monument be “a symbol of peaceful relation for sister cities” putting aside such a problematic situation?

Many people in Japan show their anger towards the decision.

I wonder if Citizens of Glendale could truly need and wish such a problematic and uneasy monument in a restful public place.

We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.


市町村、県、 JAPAN




Councilman Frank Quintero
the members of the City Council of Glendale
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206

日米韓の友好を願う一日本人としてメールします。グレンデール市議会が承認し、 韓国姉妹都市慰安婦平和記念碑が設置されたことに非常に落胆と怒りを覚えています。慰安婦制度は、性奴隷制ではありません。そうだというのなら確固たる証拠を出してください。歴史家の名前をあげて下さい。日本と韓国で慰安婦の歴史見解は大きく違います。両国では深刻な政治問題になっています。そのような問題があるのに、なぜ ”平和姉妹都市”の記念なのでしょう?日本ではグレンデール市の決定に対して怒りの声が挙がっています。グレンデールの市民の皆さんは、このような像を市民の憩いの場に本当に必要だと思いますか?米国は公正・真偽・正義を大切にする国民だと信じています。このようなことで私達の友好関係が損なわれないことを心より願います。

なでしこアクション http://sakura.a.la9.jp/japan/
代表 山本優美子
問い合わせ先 JapanNetwork1@gmail.com

269 thoughts on “グレンデール慰安婦少女像反対!引き続き抗議の声を送ろう

  1. すずめ says:


  2. 石坂 says:


  3. 高橋美紀 says:


  4. 憂国 says:


    http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~worldjpn/documents/texts/JPKR/19650622.T9E.html )

    ※Agreement on the Settlement of
    Problems Concerning Property and Claims
    and on Economic Co-operation between
    Japan and the Republic of Korea.
    [Place] Tokyo
    [Date] June 22, 1965
    [Source] United Nations Treaty Collection
    [Notes] Quote from the United Nations
    Treaty Collection: “Translation by the
    Government of Japan. The Secretariat also
    received an English translation of this
    agreement from the Government of
    Republic of Korea which on certain points
    differs from that provided by the
    Government of Japan. At the request of
    the Government of Republic of Korea,
    these differences have been shown by
    printing in italics the pertinent word of
    phrase in the translation of the
    Government of Japan and providing in
    square brackets the corresponding
    expression in the translation by the
    Government of the Republic of Korea.”
    [Full text]
    Japan and the Republic of Korea,
    Desiring to settle [the] problem
    concerning property of the two countries
    and their nationals and claims between
    the two countries and their nationals; and
    Desiring to promote the economic co-
    operation between the two countries;
    Have agreed as follows:
    Article I
    1. To the Republic of Korea Japan shall:
    (a) Supply the products of Japan and the
    services of the Japanese people, the total
    value of which will be so much in yen as
    shall be equivalent to three hundred
    million United States dollars
    ($300,000,000) at present computed at one
    hundred and eight billion yen
    (¥108,000,000,000), in grants [on a non-
    repayable basis] within the period of ten
    years from the date of the entry into force
    of the present Agreement. The supply of
    such products and services in each year
    shall be limited to [shall be such] such
    amount in yen as shall be equivalent to
    thirty million United States dollars
    ($30,000,000) at present computed at ten
    billion eight hundred million yen
    (¥10,800,000,000); in case the supply of
    any one year falls short of the said
    amount, the remainder shall be added to
    the amounts of the supplies for the next
    and subsequent years. However, the
    ceiling on [Does not appear in the English
    translation provided by the Government
    of the Republic of Korea] the amount of
    the supply for any one year can be raised
    [increased] by agreement between the
    Governments of the Contracting Parties.
    (b) Extend long-term and low-interest
    loans up to such amount in yen as shall
    be equivalent to two hundred million
    United States dollars ($200,000,000) at
    present computed at seventy-two billion
    yen (¥72,000,000,000), which the
    Government of the Republic of Korea may
    request and which shall be used for the
    procurement by the Republic of Korea of
    the products of Japan and the services of
    the Japanese people necessary in
    implementing the projects to be
    determined in accordance with
    arrangements to be concluded under the
    provisions of paragraph 3 of the present
    Article, within the period of ten years
    from the date of the entry into force of
    the present Agreement. Such loans shall
    be extended by the Overseas Economic
    Cooperation Fund of Japan, and the
    Government of Japan shall take necessary
    measures in order that the said Fund will
    be able to secure the necessary funds for
    implementing the loans evenly each year.
    The above-mentioned supply and loans
    should be such that will be conducive to
    the economic development of the Republic
    of Korea.
    2. The Governments of the Contracting
    Parties shall establish, as an organ of
    consultation between the two
    Governments with powers to recommend
    on matters concerning the
    implementation of the provisions of the
    present Article, a Joint Committee
    composed of representatives of the two
    3. The Governments of the Contracting
    Parties shall conclude necessary
    arrangements for the implementation of
    the provisions of the present Article.
    Article II
    1. The Contracting Parties confirm that
    [the] problem concerning property, rights
    and interests of the two Contracting
    Parties and their nationals (including
    juridical persons) and concerning claims
    between the Contracting Parties and their
    nationals, including those provided for in
    Article IV, paragraph (a) of the Treaty of
    Peace with Japan signed at the city of San
    Francisco on September 8, 1951, is settled
    completely and finally.
    2. The provisions of the present Article
    shall not affect the following (excluding
    those subject to the special measures
    which the respective Contracting Parties
    have taken by the date of the signing of
    the present Agreement):
    (a) Property, rights and interests of those
    nationals of either Contracting Party who
    have ever resided in the other country in
    the period between August 15, 1947 and
    the date of the signing of the present
    (b) Property, rights and interests of either
    Contracting Party and its nationals, which
    have been acquired or have come within
    the jurisdiction of the other Contracting
    Party in the course of normal contacts on
    or after August 15, 1945.
    3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph
    2, no contention shall be made with
    respect to the measures on property,
    rights and interests of either Contracting
    Party and its nationals which are within
    the jurisdiction of the other Contracting
    Party on the date of the signing of the
    present Agreement, or with respect to any
    claims of either Contracting Party and its
    nationals against the other Contracting
    Party and its nationals arising from the
    causes which occurred on or before the
    said date.
    Article III
    1. Any dispute between the Contracting
    Parties concerning the interpretation and
    implementation of the present Agreement
    shall be settled, first of all, through
    diplomatic channels.
    2. Any dispute which fails to be settled
    under the provision of paragraph 1 shall
    be referred for decision to an arbitration
    board composed of three arbitrators, one
    to be appointed by the Government of
    each Contracting Party within a period of
    thirty days from the date of receipt by the
    Government of either Contracting Party
    from the Government of the other of a
    note requesting arbitration of the dispute,
    and the third arbitrator to be agreed upon
    by the two arbitrators so chosen within a
    further period of thirty days or the third
    arbitrator to be appointed by the
    government of a third country agreed
    upon within such further period by the
    two arbitrators, provided that the third
    arbitrator shall not be a national of either
    Contracting Party.
    3. If, within the periods respectively
    referred to, the Government of either
    Contracting Party fails to appoint an
    arbitrator, or the third arbitrator or a
    third country is not agreed upon, the
    arbitration board shall be composed of the
    two arbitrators to be designated by each
    of the governments of the two countries
    respectively chosen by the Governments
    of the Contracting Parties within a period
    of thirty days and the third arbitrator to
    be designated by the government of a
    third country to be determined upon
    consultation between the governments so
    4. The Governments of the Contracting
    Parties shall abide by any award made by
    the arbitration board under the provisions
    of the present Article.
    Article IV
    The present Agreement shall be ratified.
    The instruments of ratification shall be
    exchanged at Seoul as soon as possible.
    The present Agreement shall enter into
    force on the date of the exchange of the
    instruments of ratification.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned,
    being duly authorized thereto by their
    respective Governments, have signed the
    present Agreement.
    DONE in duplicate at Tokyo, in the
    Japanese and Korean languages, both
    being equally authentic, this twenty-
    second day of June of the year one
    thousand nine hundred and sixty-five.
    For Japan:
    Etsusaburo SHIINA
    Shinichi TAKASUGI
    For the Republic of Korea:

  5. To:
    dweaver@ci.glendale.ca.us, fquintero@ci.glendale.ca.us, lfriedman@ci.glendale.ca.us, anajarian@ci.glendale.ca.us, sochoa@ci.glendale.ca.us, ZSinanyan@ci.glendale.ca.us, citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us,

    We know that American people cherish and esteem fairness, justice, and truth. We wish that this controversial issue may not cause damage to a very important friendly relation among the countries.
    Comfort women, if a sex slave, have been exported to the United States from South Korea now, prostitutes will also sacrifice slaves. I will be your country has also lent a hand to the system of sexual slavery in South Korea. How will be?
    To say bad things of other countries from the old days, it was good at it to cause bad relations with other countries, Koreans, is ethnic. The case, there are plenty. Please check exactly. It is a nation that was and still does not change.
    Naoaki Sawai
    Hachiouji City JAPAN

  6. 石川直幹 says:



  7. 横浜太郎 says:


  8. 鈴木 香 says:


  9. ツマヨウジ says:


  10. 佐藤元宏 says:

    “3 faithful Korean scholars denied the sex slaves”

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