Daily Archives: June 21, 2016

ユネスコ記憶遺産に 「通州事件・チベット侵略」「慰安婦」を登録申請

つくる会 FAX 通信 第 390 号 平成 28 年(2016 年)6月3日(金)より











チベット:Gyari Bhutuk

<概要> 20世紀の中国大陸では、他国民あるいは他民族に対する政治暴力がしばしば行使された。この共同申請は、対チベットと対日本の事例についての記録であり、東アジアの近代史に関する新たな視点を示唆するとともに、人類が記憶すべき負の遺産として保存されるべきものである。以下、事件の概要を、時間順に従い、(A)日本、次いで(B)チベットの順に述べる。

(A) 日本: 1937年7月29日に起こった通州虐殺事件の記録である。この事件は暴動によって妊婦や赤ん坊を含む無辜の日本人住民200人以上が最も残虐なやり方で集団的に殺害されたもので、日本人居住者を保護する立場にあった冀東自治政府の中の治安維持を担当する保安隊を主体とした武装集団がやったことであった。

(B)チベット: 中華人民共和国建国直後の1949年から始まったチベットに対する侵略行為の記録である。それから1979年までに、1,207,387人のチベット人が虐殺された。犠牲者の中には、侵略者に対する抵抗運動の中で殺された者や、収容所や獄中で拷問の末に殺された者などがいた。チベット仏教の文化は消滅の危機にさらされている。チベットのケースは、日本とは規模は大きく異なるが、残虐行為の実態は驚くほど共通している。


アメリカ:The Study Group For Japan’s Rebirth

<概要> 慰安婦comfort womenについて誤解が蔓延しています。正しく理解されるべきであり、記憶遺産に申請します。慰安婦とは、戦時中から1945年終戦までは日本軍向け、戦後は日本に駐留した連合軍向けに働いた女性たちで、民間業者が雇用、法的に認められた仕事でした。他の職業同様、住む場所・日常行動について制限はありましたが、戦線ではあっても相応な自由はあり、高い報酬を得ていました。彼女らは性奴隷ではありません。申請した文書には、日本人33人の証言集があります。これは当時、慰安婦らと直に会話し取材したものです。また、慰安所のお客が守る厳格な決まり、占領地の住民を平等に扱ったこと、ヒトラーのドイツ民族優位論を否定するなど、日本軍の規律や戦争に対する姿勢などが記されている文書もあります。慰安婦制度が現地女性の強姦や、性病の防止に効果があったこと、日本軍は規律正しかったことも記されています。


英訳文:URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/731/
PDF http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UNESCO-2016.pdf






2017.6.28 山本優美子(なでしこアクション代表)



産経 2016.6.3 19:57

共同47NEWS 2016/6/3 17:55
通州事件、記憶遺産に申請 「つくる会」、慰安婦資料も

zakzak by 夕刊フジ 2016.06.04
「通州事件」「慰安婦の真実」を世界記憶遺産に 日米民間団体などが申請


朝日新聞 2016年6月4日
日米の民間団体、記憶遺産に申請 慰安婦・旧軍の資料

Groups apply to UNESCO to ‘restore’ Japan’s wartime honor

Two Nominations for UNESCO’S Memory of the World Register: “Tongzhou Massacre; Chinese Aggression in Tibet” and “Comfort Women”

The Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform announced at a press conference held on June 3 in Tokyo that in cooperation with friendly bodies they submitted two nominations for UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register as below;

URL:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/731/
PDF:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UNESCO-2016.pdf



On May 31, 2016 private organizations in Japan, Tibet, and the US submitted joint nominations for UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in two categories. UNESCO rules define a joint nomination as an application that transcends national boundaries, i.e., one submitted by organizations or individuals from more than one country.

The first category is “Records of Political Violence in Mainland China During the 20th Century Against Tibet and Japan.” It includes the massacre of Japanese residents of Tongzhou, China on July 29, 1937 (the Tongzhou Massacre), as well as victims of postwar political violence resulting from Chinese policies designed to eradicate the ethnic Tibetan population.

The second category is “Documents Concerning Comfort Women and Japanese Military Discipline.” This is a Japan-US joint nomination, and its purpose is the registration of resources shedding light on the true nature of the comfort-women system.

In May 2016 we established an NGO (Fund for Archives of the Tongzhou Massacre) to raise money for the discovery, analysis, preservation, and dissemination of resources pertaining to the Tongzhou Incident.

Supporting the Tongzhou Massacre-Tibet nomination at a press conference held on June 3, 2016 and sponsored by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform were Fujioka Nobukatsu and Saraki Yoshihisa (chair and deputy chair, respectively, of the Fund for Archives of the Tongzhou Massacre), Pema Gyalpo (director, Tibet Culture Center), and Miura Kotaro. Supporting the comfort-women nomination were Yamamoto Yumiko, Fujiki Shun’ichi, and Fujii Mitsuhiko. These representatives will coordinate with the relevant UNESCO subcommittees; they are hoping to have accomplished registration by October 2017.

The Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform will support their efforts in every way possible.

An overview of the nominations follows.


I. Records of Political Violence in Mainland China During the 20th Century Against Tibet and Japan

Applicants: Fund for Archives of the Tongzhou Massacre (Japan); Gyari Bhutuk (Tibet)
During the 20th century Mainland China exercised political violence against citizens of other nations and other ethnic groups. Our nomination comprises 2 records attesting to acts of violence against Tibet and Japan. In addition to suggesting new perspectives on modern East Asian history, these records describe negative legacies that must never be forgotten; for these reasons they should be preserved.

A. Japan
These are records of the Tongzhou Massacre, perpetrated on July 29, 1937. Rampaging Chinese troops cruelly and brutally murdered more than 200 innocent Japanese nationals, including pregnant women and infants. The murderers were members of the Tongzhou Peace Preservation Corps, whom the East Hebei Autonomous Council had entrusted with the protection of those same Japanese residents.

B. Tibet
These are records of acts of Chinese aggression against Tibet beginning in 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was established. By 1979 1,207,387 Tibetans had been slaughtered. Among the victims were members of resistance groups formed to combat Chinese aggression, as well as political prisoners who died after being tortured in concentration camps and prisons. The Tibetan Buddhist culture is on the verge of extinction.
The circumstances of the Tibetan instance differ from those of the Tongzhou Massacre. Chinese aggression in Tibet has claimed far more victims, but the nature of the atrocities in both cases is surprisingly similar.


II. Documents Concerning the Comfort Women and Japanese Military Discipline

Applicants: Alliance for Truth about Comfort Women; Japanese Women for Justice and Peace (Japan)
The Study Group for Japan’s Rebirth (US)

Misconceptions about military prostitutes (comfort women) are rampant. We are submitting these documents because they show an accurate picture of the system. Comfort women worked for the Japanese military until 1945, and for Allied troops stationed in Japan during the Occupation. Private contractors recruited the women, whose profession was lawful at that time. The areas in which comfort women were permitted to live were limited, and their activities were somewhat prescribed (these restrictions applied to practitioners of other professions as well).
However, comfort women enjoyed a certain amount of freedom, even in battle zones, and were paid handsomely. They were decidedly not sex slaves. Among the submitted documents are the testimonies taken from 33 soldiers and civilians upon their return to Japan (compiled by the Showa History Research Institute). These men had interacted with comfort women, and all of them described the stringent rules that governed the behavior of soldiers who patronized the brothels. Other documents indicate that the Japanese did not discriminate against the residents of occupied territory, and that they disagreed with Hitler’s claim of German superiority. Still other records describe Japanese military discipline and Japanese attitudes toward the war, and provide proof that the comfort-women system prevented sexual attacks on local women and the spread of venereal disease, and that Japanese soldiers were orderly and obedient.