カナダ”バンクーバー・サン” 今でも南京大虐殺特集

Vancouver Sun 2016年10月22日(土)

Joy Kogawa urges facing Japanese war atrocities

Douglas Todd記者  dtodd@postmedia.com

Vancouver Sun 2016年2月28日(日)

Lest we forget the “Asian Holocaust”

Douglas Todd記者  dtodd@postmedia.com
When Japan’s soldiers weren’t burying humans alive, they were told to build their courage by plunging 15-inch bayonets into unarmed people. “Killing was a form of entertainment,” says Peter Li, of Rutgers University.
When Japan’s soldiers weren’t burying humans alive, they were told to build their courage by plunging 15-inch bayonets into unarmed people. “Killing was a form of entertainment,” says Peter Li, of Rutgers University.
日本軍人は人を生き埋めにし、そうでない時は非武装の人々を15インチ銃剣で刺して意気軒昂した。Rutgers UniversityのPeter Li氏によると「殺人は娯楽だった」。

5 thoughts on “カナダ”バンクーバー・サン” 今でも南京大虐殺特集


    南京虐殺の写真はインチキが多いと言われている。 上記写真は真冬なのに手前の
    男性は夏服のようです。 南京の緯度は九州とほぼ同じです。真冬は人の影が身長
    と同じ位です。 銃を持った日本兵の影が兵の身長より短いです。今11月です、

  2. 北の国から says:


  3. 松尾一郎 says:


    • Masaki says:

      The first photograph shows the solders of enemy forces caught by the 65th regiment belonging to Yamada branch of the 13th division near 幕府山(Bakuhu-san) on Dec. 14. The caption was attached to the photo, telling that they were all put to the death. However, it is just a cock-and-bull story. The detail, i.e. the fact of this is described in “「南京事件」のまぼろし(Phantom of the Nanjing incident)” presented by 鈴木明(Akira Suzuki).

      In Showa 47(1972), A. Suzuki went to see and interview the several former officers/solders involved in the incident, including Major General, Yamada staying Sendai of Miyagi prefecture of Japan. Then, he reported the fact.

      According to the Suzuki’s report, the truth is as follows.
      Major General, Yamada was at a loss about dealing with a large number of the prisoners and made up his mind to release them at a sandbank of Yangtze River. So, they led the prisoners to there.

      On arrival at the destination, the prisoners started a riot. As a result, 1000 prisoners were shot dead, and Japanese officers and solders were killed or injured as well.

      The local news paper, 福島民友新聞社 (Fukushima Minyu Shinbun Sha) collected many evidences of the former officers/solders involved the incident and published “郷土部隊戦記(A record of the war by the military unit based on our home town)”.

      The story of the prisoners being shot dead as a result of the riot was clearly described in the book, which was included in “China indident military operations Vol. 1” of Military History Research Center Reference Room of The National Institute for Defense Studies.

      The second photograph was put in an American magazine “LOOK” on Nov. 22 of 1938.

      The photo was sent to the editorial desk of the LOOK from a person named W. A. Farmer. The photo can be regarded as being taken in a period from July to September in 1938, which is the result of the judgment based on the assignment term of the Japanese solder photographed in another cut.

      That is, the time of taking the second photo was not involved in the period of Nanjing incident. It is clear from their clothes that they were not common citizens but solders disguised as common citizens. And, it can be determined that the prisoners were executed based on the international rules.

      In Nanjing in those days, many Chinese solders disguised as common citizens attacked Japanese solders. Part of such solders was caught and executed. We assure that the second photo is a picture taken in such a situation.
      (使える部分は使ってください: copyright free)

  4. 松尾一郎 says:

    幕府山 = Mt.Zijin 又は Purple Mountain

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