サンフランシスコ市承認 慰安婦碑文 「数十万女性・少女の性奴隷、監禁され殆どが死亡」




この記念碑の碑文が、2017年1月18日サンフランシスコ市 アート・コミッション(Arts Commission )のビジュアル・アート・コミティー(Visual Arts Committee)にて承認されました。


Comfort Women Justice Coalitionのフェイスブックより





「慰安婦」問題解決のための連合 よりサンフランシスコ市への寄贈


“Our worst fear is that our painful history during World War II will be forgotten”
––former “Comfort Woman”

This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called “Comfort Women,” who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asian-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. Most of these women died during their wartime captivity. This dark history was hidden for decades until the 1990s, when the survivors courageously broke their silence.

They helped move the world to declare that sexual violence as a strategy of war is a crime against humanity for which governments must be held accountable.

This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these women, and to the crusade to eradicate sexual violence and sex trafficking throughout the world.

Gift to the City from the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition

Collection of the City and County of San Francisco



SF Examiner December 28, 2016
‘Comfort women’ memorial costs SF major art project

1月18日委員会の音声 Visual Arts Committee – January 18, 2017

★ http://sfgov.org/arts/sites/default/files/CWJC%20DeCaigny%20Letter%20Package.pdf

★ http://sfgov.org/arts/sites/default/files/16_12-21_1Comfort%20Women.pdf








4 thoughts on “サンフランシスコ市承認 慰安婦碑文 「数十万女性・少女の性奴隷、監禁され殆どが死亡」

  1. Haruki MURATA says:


  2. hiroko hiraoka says:

    Do not build a bullshot statue without confirming facts! It is!
    We protest fiercely! It is!
    Do not be deceived by the conspiracy of China and Korea that will decline Japan and Japanese people!

  3. Bunpei Satou says:

    It is true that he was doing a prostitute lodging under the control of the Japanese government, but it is the same in the current state of Nevada in the US. The abduction of the girl and sexual slavery was a Korean criminal of the time and the Japanese government was under arrest. This remains in the newspaper as evidence. It was submitted as evidence in the Japanese Diet. The Japanese government has never employed sex slaves. This fakeda was corrected in Japan’s Asahi Shimbun that there were no such facts but China in the Republic of Korea and the United States has made such a statue trying to defeat the status of the Japanese. Such statues and inscriptions that markedly deteriorate the honor of the Japanese are absolutely unacceptable.

  4. ookubo says:

    there were korean native private whore brokers and policemen who were native-recruited, in their contributions to the system of military comfort women which was legal at that timenot only japan,korea but also other nations,for the sakes of their benefits or so.Then the crimes ,sins of abusing ,abductions and rapes against korean women shall be attributed to them partially!!
    So we japan should urge their recompensations for our honour-harmings!!

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