◆ 2019年3月12日ミルブレー市(City of Millbrae)「慰安婦被害者を記憶し、名誉をたたえる 宣言」
サンフランシスコから南に約24Kmにあるミルブレー市議会(The Millbrae City Council)の3月12日の市議会で、「Proclamation to Remember and Honor the “comfort women” victims 慰安婦被害者を記憶し、名誉をたたえる 宣言」が採択されました。慰安婦正義連盟CWJCと 韓国系団体Jin Duck & Kyung sik Kim Foundationの主導です。
“Comfort women” is a euphemism for Korean, Chinese and Filipino women and girls who were abducted and forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Army before and during World War II. The United Nations estimates that 90 percent of the women died from disease, injury or suicide, and Japanese officials destroyed evidence and have downplayed it.
賛成する 同じようなメール が1万通以上
33. Two e-mail petitions supporting the inclusion of “comfort women” in the draft framework (6 pages, including lists of names). The CDE received over ten thousand copies of e-mails and printed petitions with identical or very similar language in support of this subject. A partial list of submitters was provided to Commissioners.
反対する 同じようなメール が300通以上
97. Two e-mail petitions opposing the inclusion of “comfort women” in the drat framework (4 pages, including lists of names). The CDE received over three hundred e-mails that contained the same or similar language. A partial list of senders was provided to Commissioners.
Campos市議(当時)”Shame on you 恥を知れ ” 3分50秒~
<説明文 英語>
SFAC San Francisco Arts Commission
Steven Whyte
American b. England 1969
“Comfort Women” Column of Strength
“Our worst fear is that our painful history during World War II will be forgotten.” ———- former “Comfort Women”
This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called “Comfort Women,” who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asia-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. Most of these women died during their wartime captivity. This dark history was hidden for decades until the 1990s when the survivors courageously broke their silence.. They helped move the world to declare that sexual violence as a strategy of war is a crime against humanity for which governments must be held accountable.
This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these women, and to eradicating sexual violence and sex trafficking throughout the world.
Gift of the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition
Collection of the City and County of San Francisco
Dear SF Mayor Ed Lee,
Please do not accept the comfort women statue donations, and veto the Resolution #171070.
Dear Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura,
We suppor your decision to dissolve the sister city agreement with SF, if SF mayor accepts the comfort women statue donations.