カルフォルニア オレンジ郡の慰安婦記念碑

昨年(2012年)12月にカルフォルニアのオレンジ郡のAR Galleria というショッピングモール前に出来たらしい慰安婦記念碑。




AR Galleria ショッピングモールに行ってきました!

はじめに入ったコリアンモールは 人がいなくて、コリアンスパが4件並んでいました。
写真を撮ろうと思ったのですが 怖いおじさんたちがいたので車の中から撮りました。
ガーデン グローブ通りの右と左に 3ブロックほど、全てハングル文字、少し行くと英語圏。


AR Galleria は中は安物の韓国製を売っている店がありました。
ずっと外や周りを歩いてみましたが 記念碑はありませんでした。


買い物している人の殆どは 韓国人か白人と結婚した韓国人とか、安いものを買いに来る人達のようです。
どこで調べたのかと言われたので ネットでと答えると、彼女も調べようとしたのですが、、お客さんが来たので私はそこを出ました。



私の話を聞いた人は 困った顔をしていました。




あまり環境の良い地域ではないので 日本人は殆ど住んでいないと思います。
近くには日本人コミュニティもありますが 日本人や白人はあまり行かないところです。










資生堂SHISEIDO の看板もあります。(DENTISTの右横)韓国では人気があるのでしょうか。


ロサンゼルス、オレンジカウンティなど日本人も多いので慰安婦記念碑を建てるとしたら、こそこそする分には できるでしょうけど、ニュージャージー州のようには行かないと思います。

5 thoughts on “カルフォルニア オレンジ郡の慰安婦記念碑

  1. miyako says:

    の慰安婦像の確認をしにわざわざ身の危険を顧みず行動に移されている方がいらっしゃる事を知り 心強く思っています、

  2. M N says:


  3. たろう says:


  4. これを使ってください。

    [Attn] All persons concerned;

    This is for your reference and for your good understanding on the issues, of which
    I sent to Washington Post.

    [Attn] the editors of Washington Post
    the columnists of Washington Post
    all persons concerned of Washington Post
    This is for your good understanding on the issues,

    [This is to face the history]

    A message from Japan, T.Okumura ,(69 years old, male)

    The command of my English is not so good, but I hope you understand what I mean.
    (1)ALPHA USA group is just Anti-Japanese group managed by Chinese/Korean who want
    to get big money from Japan, for which they look down upon the Japanese in the world
    by prevailing false fabricated stories like [forced] Comfort Korean women and NANKIN
    massacre in China during the War. And they have been educated anti-Japan in their
    childhood and students with such fabricated false stories. Therefore they have still
    believe them in deep mind and cannot graduate from the Japanese world as if their
    mothers are still feeding foods to children.

    (2)Korean Government also fabricated false story that Japanese territory TAKESIMA was
    Korean one additionally and they has actually occupied it to let their nation hold
    patriotism to turn aside their dissatisfaction /anger from its governmental political
    mistakes and getting bribes, to the Japanese.

    (3)Chinese Government also fabricated false story in the similar way that Japanese
    territory SENKAKU islands were Chinese ones additionally and has been attempting
    invasion into the Islands to let their nation hold patriotism and turn aside their
    dissatisfaction /anger from its communist governmental political mistakes and getting
    bribes, to the Japanese.

    (4)ALPHA groups in UAS, Canada, UK and so on, are , reportedly, sponsored by Chinese
    Government and Korean Government to get big money from Japan. Actually they have
    grown up economically thanks to Japanese aide after the War, but Japanese government
    has changed its aiding policy to more under developing nations, as China and Korea have
    already developed economically thanks to Japanese big aide.

    (5)And also as you know, people in the world have known, the stories that they fabricated to
    to look down upon the Japanese, are false. Therefore they must have changed the way
    of their attacking the Japanese.
    This time they merged their image-down campaign on the Japanese into one organization
    [ALPHA] group which pretends to be open to everybody like open-mind atmosphere
    community but “please be careful they will guide your talks and discussion to their
    own -made fabricated false stories like [200,000 women of forced Korean comfort
    women] and [300,000 persons of NANKIN massacre in China]

    Please note that their stories are all false ones they fabricated.

    (5)Around the end of the War and after the War
    (5)-1,I have to explain you why Korean and Chinese have had such skewed mind to look
    down upon Japanese. There are very long stories, of which American president were
    deeply concerned to make such mind hold Chinese and Korean.
    He ordered American army to kill innocent Japanese as much as possible in many bigger
    cities by dropping napalm bombs just around the end of the War because Japanese
    showed their surrender through some nation to American. And the president decided to
    extend the cease-fire by three months, during which he waited the completion of nuclear
    bombs for HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI. And American and the president killed many
    innocent Japanese successfully.

    (5)-2, American army was very surprised with much tragic situation of those cities they
    broke including Hiroshima and Nagasaki than they expected. Therefore they needed some
    evidences to show the cruel behavior of Japanese soldiers, unless otherwise they could
    justify their criminal actions of killing of many innocent Japanese.

    (5)-3,So they requested Communist Chinese to make fabricated false photos and films of
    Chinese massacre in some city for Tokyo Army Trial because there were no such cruel
    actions Japanese did. Actually Japanese made civilization of the Chinese nation and
    industrialization over all the land because China was in the Feudalism.
    Therefore American have needed to continue Anti-Japanese campaign to teach Chinese
    that they were under the oppression and in the condition of slaves like the way of which
    European did in the other nations for 450 years all over the world.
    Unless otherwise they can justify their criminal action even in the War.

    (5)-4, American also checked the actual situation of Korea under the Japan’s Annexation
    of Korea but American Army also were very surprised with it, because they found that it
    was also Korean civilization and industrialization made by the Japanese. The Japanese
    made fundamental schools with compulsory education by more than 1000 schools and
    many hospitals over the land
    Therefore American have needed to continue Anti-Japanese campaign to teach Korean
    that they were under the oppression and in the condition of slaves like the way of which
    European did in the other nations for 450 years all over the world.
    Unless otherwise they can justify their criminal action even in the War.

    (5)-5, Therefore Chinese and Korean Governments have continued to teach and/or
    educate Anti-Japan /Japanese with the material of fabricated false stories like
    [NANKIN massacre of 300,000 persons] in China and [forced] Comfort women instead
    of business prostitution.

    (5)-6,It is very easy for Chinese and Korean governments to teach their children and
    students about anti-Japan/Japanese with such fabricated false stories because they
    consider American behavior to conceal the truth against Japanese even today. They just
    follow the American way.

    (5)-7,Therefore even if Japanese prime minister wants to see the true history, Foreign
    News like Washington Post and so on react not to see the true history and to bring to
    lights to those concealment American have done. I wonder why American News do not
    request White House to disclose the official documents concerned for the War?
    Japanese also want to be free from such concealment of the truth of Japanese soldier
    behavior during the War and from attacking us with such fabricated false stories like
    forced Comfort Women and Nankin massacre, and trying to invade Japanese territories.
    I believe that Japanese made China and Korea civilize and industrialize by investing huge
    They have never showed us any appreciation of Japan and Japanese behavior during the
    War. They are just looking down upon Japanese by showing fabricated false stories over
    the world
    I want to say [this is to face the history for Japanese].
    Nevertheless, Washington Post requests our prime minister to face the history.

    I think that American will ignore my request saying like [It’s not the time to disclose it
    Probably if you would succeed to disclose the governmental official documents ,you
    could not say [remember Pearl Harbor] any more.
    [This is to face the history ].
    [We need JUSTICE].
    2013.April .1st
    Yours Faithfully
    Toshihiko Okumura ,Tokyo ,Japan.

  5. 見上達也 says:

    また、City of industry のHonda-yaの前にDokto islands belong to koreaという文字と竹島の写真が写ってる看板があるとの情報を得た際も現地に行ってみましたが、すでに撤去されていました。60FWY沿いにも同じような看板があったそうです。

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