Daily Archives: January 5, 2017


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産経新聞2016.11.24付【歴史戦】慰安婦資料は「ホロコーストをねじ曲げ」 記憶遺産申請で カナダ・ユダヤ人友好協会がユネスコに意見書で報道された意見書の全文と協会からのコメントをご紹介します。





◆ 原文(英語)

PDF版  http://bit.ly/2huleGY

◆ 日本語訳

PDF版  http://bit.ly/2gMaMcV



カナダ・イスラエル友好協会からのコメント 2016年12月10日付




意見書は、中国やその他の国々が共同申請した慰安婦問題に登録における「ホロコースト」の不適切な使用についても言及しています。 意見書ではこの問題を分析することはしていません。当協会の 論点は、ホロコーストが膨大な文書、映画、写真、証言によって裏付けされ歴史家の間でも合意ができている一方で、慰安婦問題にはさらに多くの議論が必要である、ということです。

慰安婦の問題の解決は、ユネスコが投票で決定するのではなく、両者の歴史家や学者が透明性を確保し、登録申請文書を精査することが不可欠です。 新聞記事に意見書が掲載され時この点が理解されず、一部のメディアは当協会が歴史的な問題に関して確固たる意見を持っていると解釈しました。



The Canada-Israel Friendship Association has received several inquires and comments from the readers of the article in newspaper since it was published. Please allow me to make our position clear.

This letter was sent to UNESCO by the Canada-Israel Friendship Association. Its purpose was to condemn the corrupt methods of the organization, which, thanks to the dominant Muslim vote, tried to wipe out thousands of years of Jewish history in Jerusalem by declaring Temple Mount a Muslim site.

The letter also covered the improper use of the term Holocaust in an application concerning the “comfort women” issue, presented by the People’s Republic of China and other countries. Analyzing that issue was out of the scope of the letter. Our main point was that the Holocaust has been confirmed by hundreds of thousands of documents, films, photos, and testimonies, leading to a consensus among historians, while the “comfort women” problem needs much more work.

It can be resolved not by voting at UNESCO, but by transparent and thorough analysis of documents by historians and other scholars from each of the involved sides. This point in the letter was distorted in the Korean press, which claimed that we had a firm opinion about that historical argument.

The only opinion we have is that the “comfort women” problem and its size and impact are still under consideration. It is improper and offensive to compare it to the Holocaust, which led to the extermination of 6 million Jewish men, women and children during World War II.

Miroslav Marinov
Canada-Israel Friendship Association

