「The Apology」がカナダの国立の機関が制作したこと、そしてそれがNHKの教育番組のような公共放送サービスで放映されることは、慰安婦の強制連行を事実としてお墨付きを与えるようなもので、北米における影響は計り知れない。その上、トロントで毎年開催される北米最大のドキュメンタリー映画祭、Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festivalをはじめとする5つの映画際にノミネートされたり賞を取っている。複数の雑誌の映画レビューでも取り上げられ、私が読んだ「The Apology」のすべてのレビューはティファニー・ションの功績を称える内容だった。こうして今までふわっとした慰安婦のイメージしか持っていなかった人々の頭のなかに、日本軍により「性奴隷」にさせられたおばあさんの姿がしっかりと埋め込まれてしまう。
※意見フォームの入力必須事項に「Local Public Television Station *」があります。
お住まいの地域のどのTV局で放映するかを確認するには、こちらにアクセス http://www.pbs.org/pov/tvschedule/ して郵便番号zipcodeを入力~検索してください。地元のTV局のリストが出るのでそこから調べられます。
◆ 例文1
I strongly oppose POV broadcasting the film “the Apology”.
In“the Apology”, they say “’comfort women’ were over 200,000 women and girls who were forced into sexual slavery.” But these are not true at all.
The myth of comfort women as “200,000 sex slaves” is completely debunked by the experts, historians and researchers.
I request you not to broadcast “the Apology”, otherwise it will damage PBS’s name as a trustworthy and educational public broadcasting.
“the Apology”の放送に強く反対します。この映画では「慰安婦は20万人以上の少女で性奴隷にされた」と言っていますが、事実ではありません。「慰安婦性奴隷20万人」という作り話は専門家、歴史家の間では完全に論破されていることです。このような映画を放送することは信頼ある教育的な公共放送であるPBSの名前が傷ついてしまいます。
◆ 例文2
I request POV not to broadcast the film “the Apology.”
It is widely known in Japan that the oral stories by the self-proclaimed former “comfort women” are groundless, since they have never been cross-examined nor testified.
The number of comfort women “200,000” as activists present is not backed up by any reliable records.
Please do not broadcast such a vicious propaganda film.
For your reference, please look at the facts about comfort women.
“the Apology”を放送しないよう要請します。
◆ 例文3
I request POV not to broadcast the film “the Apology.”
There were so- called “comfort women” who worked as prostitutes at brothels for the Japanese military during WW2. They were professional and treated well.
The activists use some self-claimed comfort women to exaggerate “Japanese military’s atrocities” and keep demanding Japan for apologies and compensations. The issue is now politically very controversial between Japan and Korea.
The film is one of the propaganda campaigns to defame Japan.
“the Apology”を放送しないでください。慰安婦という人たちはいました。戦時中に日本軍の売春宿に勤めていた売春婦のことです。彼女らは職業として働き、ちゃんと扱われていました。活動家たちが自称慰安婦という女性を使って「残酷な日本軍」を誇張し、日本に謝罪と賠償を求め続けています。この問題は日本と韓国の間で非常に政治的な議論となっています。この映画は日本を中傷するプロパガンダの一つです。
◆ 例文4
I strongly oppose POV broadcasting the film “the Apology”.
Since the 2010s, Korean and Chinese activist groups have been active abroad – especially in the U.S. – in building comfort women memorials and promoting films. They claim baseless accusations such as “sex slaves, forcible taking away of 200,000 young girls, Japanese Army cruelty” etc., resulting disinformation and prejudice against Japan. The relations between Japan and Korea worsened due to these anti-Japan campaigns.
As a public broadcasting, PSB should be fair and not one-sided.
“the Apology”の放送に強く反対します。2010年代から、特に米国で、韓国・中国の活動化が、慰安婦記念碑を立てたり、映画を宣伝したりしています。彼らは根拠のない「性奴隷、20万の若い女性の強制連行、残虐日本軍」を主張して、誤った情報と日本への偏見を広めています。このような反日活動で日韓関係が悪化しました。
A story of a con artist becomes an internation’s contended issue involving the US, and the issue dangers a diplomatic tie between Japan and South Korea and the security alliances among the US, South Korea, and Japan, involving China and North Korea.
Readers can understand the issue and why the story becomes internationally diplomatic, why the issue is so severe, why statues and monuments of comfort women are erected in the US, and how the presidents Obama and Trump and their administrations have
worked on the issue.
Target readers: President Trump and his administration, parliament members,
professors and teachers of educational institutions, judges and such intellectuals,
and businessmen who deal with Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese.
States who may have more interest on this issue: California (San Francisco and Los
Angeles), New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois (Chicago), New York, Maryland,
and basically DP states (Republicans may wonder why the issue is so popular in San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and the DP states).
Paperback: 142 pages
Publisher: Xlibris Us (July 6, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1984535307
ISBN-13: 978-1984535306
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.7 ounces