【お知らせ 2月18日杉田水脈 講演会】 ゲスト なでしこアクション山本優美子(Channel AJER主催)

自民党衆議院議員 杉田水脈 先生の講演会に なでしこアクション代表 山本優美子がご一緒させていただきます。


ChannelAJER特別企画 杉田水脈講演会 歴史戦最前線

講師:自民党衆議院議員 杉田水脈
特別ゲスト:なでしこアクション代表 山本優美子





会場:ナレッジソサエティ セミナールーム
千代田区九段南1-5-6りそな銀行九段ビル 5階
開場:17時30分 開演:18時~20時30分
定員:60名 定員になり次第締め切らせて頂きます。
お申込みご連絡先:チャンネルAJER運営事務局 栗山勉 宛
Fax :048-430-5905


レーダー照射事件について 長尾秀美 氏(元在日米海軍司令部渉外報道専門官)解説

長尾秀美(元在日米海軍司令部渉外報道専門官・小説家)氏から 「レーダー照射事件について」 解説をいただきましたのでご紹介します。

















2018/12/27 ·JSF | 軍事ブロガー 2018/12/28(金) 18:30


長尾秀美(元在日米海軍司令部渉外報道専門官・小説家)氏から 「再び対馬海峡から見る」 をいただきました。 日本語と英語版をご紹介します。

2018/12/29 長尾秀美


ソウル -1/-5度、プサン 2/-3度、チェジュ島 4/2度
東京 9/-0.7度、福岡 7/4.2度、対馬4/1度



 オンライン旅行会社エクスペディアによれば、今年1月1日から11月20日までに韓国人が好んで訪れた海外の都市は、大阪、福岡、東京、香港、バンコク、ダナンの順だった [2018年12月21日付け中央日報日本語版] 。

 旅行会社ハナツアーによると、ほぼ同時期に1人旅をした韓国人の訪問先は、日本、中国、タイ、米国、香港の順で多かった [2018年12月19日付け中央日報日本語版] 。


 更にソウルの繁華街には和食専門店が増えている。店舗数は2006年の5,272軒から2018年8月までに17,290軒と増えている。特に30代から40代の脱サラ起業家が関心を持っているようだ[2018年12月12日付け朝鮮日報日本語版コラム『「進撃の和食」 ソウルの繁華街はまるで日本』]。

 一方、釜山大学のチョン・ホニョン都市工学科教授は、社団法人「韓日トンネル研究会」創立10周年記念行事の一環として「韓日海底トンネルに関する国民意識調査の結果分析」を発表した。釜山を除く全国民1,000人と釜山市民1,000人に対するインターネット調査によれば、前者の62%と後者の63%が韓日海底トンネルは必要だと回答している。不要だとの回答では、前者の「経済的な効果が少ない」、後者の「日本との歴史・文化的問題が複雑なため」が最も多かった [2018年12月18日付け中央日報日本語版] 。上記記事では創立10周年となっているけれど、その萌芽は1983年に遡り、両国関係者はユーロトンネルやトルコの海底トンネル工事などを視察している。













2018/12/29 Hidemi Nagao


Highest and lowest temperatures of December 29, 2018
Seoul: -1/-5℃ Pusan: 2/-3℃ Cheju Island: 4/2℃
Tokyo: 9/-0.7℃ Fukuoka: 7/4.2℃ Tsushima Island: 4/1℃

Compare the temperatures above, and you will see South Korea was a little colder than Japan was. The temperature difference is not a surprise at all because South Korea is located between Lat. 38 degrees and 33 degrees while the Japan Archipelago is located between Lat. 45 degrees and 24 degrees.

What is eye-opening is the perception gap between the two nations. It is due to the differences of the understanding of bilateral history between the South Koreans and the Japanese. Though it is quite easy to blame the two governments for this perception gap, it is the mass media that should wholly bear responsibilities for its consequences as they hold a mirror to society.

According to the online tourist agency Expedia, the favorite cities South Koreans visited between January 1 through November 20 this year were Osaka, Fukuoka, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Bangkok in that order [the Japanese language edition of the Joong-an Ilbo dated December 21].

Tourist agency HanaTour recently made public the top five countries South Koreans visited on a solo journey were Japan, China, Thailand, the United States, and Hong Kong [the Japanese language edition of the Joong-an Ilbo dated December 19].

Japanese style coffee shops are catching on among Korean people these days [a column titled “Japanese Cafes are Booming Nationwide (author translation)” of the Japanese language edition of the Joong-an Ilbo dated December 18].

Added to the above is a fact that Japanese style restaurants have been mushrooming in downtown Seoul. The number of those establishments increased to 17,290 by August 2018 whereas there were only 5,272 in 2006. Self-employed entrepreneurs in their 30s and 40s are paying keen attention to the business [a column titled “Japanese Food Invasion: Downtown Seoul Makes You Feel Walking in Japan (author translation)” of the Japanese language edition of the Chosun Ilbo dated December 12].

On the other hand, there was another news piece that relates to South Korea and Japan. Professor Jung Hun-young (urban engineering) of the Pusan National University recently made public the analyses report of a national survey on the South Korea-Japan undersea tunnel at the 10th anniversary ceremony of the Bilateral Undersea Tunnel Incorporated Association. 1,000 samples across the nation in addition to another 1,000 samples in Pusan were subject to an Internet survey. 62% of the former respondents and 63% of the latter respondents supported the tunnel construction plan. Two key reasons expressed by those who disagreed to the plan were: it would not be economically cost-effective (among the former); and there were too many obstacles to overcome the historic and cultural problems (among the latter) [the Japanese language edition of the Joong-an Ilbo dated December 18]. Though the ceremony was to mark the tenth anniversary of the entity according to this article, its origin dates from 1983. And the concerned parties of the two nations have already toured the Euro Tunnel and an undersea tunnel construction site in Turkey.

The fad of things Japanese in South Korea is something we might as well look at with a warm smile, if it is real. We do not have to raise our brows and resort to anti-South Korea campaigns to counter the anti-Japanese propaganda activities. For, it may be common to see the width of awareness gap between what the mass media claim and what the general public see. This interpretation, however, seems to be too hasty to be acceptable. This trend on hand calls for some thought.

Remember “Winter Sonata.” The South Korean TV drama was hailed across Japan and the Korean boom continued to prevail for a while. Japanese people flocked to Shin-Okubo, Tokyo, one of the Korean towns in Japan. K-Pop music and dances performed by young Koreans attract quite a few Japanese audiences today. What we see in Seoul is equally true in Tokyo. In reflection, it can be said the same width of awareness gap exists between what the Japanese mass media claim and what the general public see.

This phenomenon signifies general understandings of the peoples in the two nations are quite limited as far as the problems of history is concerned. Because those problems do not loom over their heads for day-to-day living; people at large are content with every day being a good day, in other words.

Setting aside daily orientations of individuals, even the Islamic State intends to establish a nation. People should not forget it is their nation that provides prerequisites of daily life. The nation consists of three qualifications: a permanent population; a defined territory; and government to exercise authority. Japan and South Korea can stand on an equal basis only after all the populations come to accurately and fully understand those three qualifications.

In consideration of the present situation, the mass media intentionally neglect the link between the best form of a nation and what its people feel and see. They are wont to believe the two-way currents would not be hindered by occasional rocking of the boat here or making of waves there so long as good economic relations are maintained. The Japan fad as well as the Korean fad appear to symbolize their attitudes, paradoxically speaking.

Very serious situations are developing today.

The Japan–Korea Parliamentarians’ Union held a meeting in Seoul on December 14, 2018. That the South Korean Navy carried out a defense training exercise in the waters near the Takeshima while the meeting was going on, and that a South Korean Navy destroyer, using its fire control system, rocked on a P-1 patrol aircraft of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Agency flying off the coast of the Noto Peninsula in the Sea of Japan on December 20, should not be acceptable for Japan in the diplomatic and military context. Chairman Kazuo Shii of the Japan Communist Party said, “The issue of the Korean laborers is a case of human rights violation. Both the Japanese and South Korean governments should strive to restore their honor and respect,” siding with President Moon Jae-in. He happened to be the only person among the Japanese delegation other than Fukushiro Nukaga of the Liberal Democratic Party who took the podium at the meeting [Sankei Shimbun dated December 22]. Though his words are beyond comprehension, no further comment is given herein due to limited space available.

Friedrich Nietzsche, a German thinker, said, “There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe.”

Which types of people are the mass media of today? They look like they have been advocating to make gray by mixing white and black.

If the case is about you and your neighbor in town and even if you may find it hard to understand what your neighbor is thinking about, your interactions with the neighbor would not influence your daily life so much. Once the neighbor attempts to enlarge his garden by a few inches into your estate, you would not laugh it away, wouldn’t you? The basics required for mutual understanding are to acknowledge both sides have same duties and responsibilities.

Revisited here are three qualifications of a nation. The mass media should take initiatives to appeal to the public the difference of fact and truth and then justice. It is about time they stop writing or reporting in a willy-nilly way as they please, which amounts to slighting the public.

Nietzsche is known to have a take on ancient Greek aristocracy and slavery and to be suspicious about democracy. The mass media, however, should follow the lead of democracy for the public as their credo dictates. The Japan fad and the Korean one come and go. Looking over those trends alone would not automatically make them a public institution. If they are serious about holding a mirror to society, they should go back to where they started and question again what their raison d’etre is and for whom their profession is created. After that, speak out honestly about facts relevant to the prostitutes and Korean laborers during wartime, and the public will know where they are.

「対馬海流に翻弄される知性 Intellect at the mercy of the Tsushima Current」

長尾秀美(元在日米海軍司令部渉外報道専門官・小説家)氏から 「対馬海流に翻弄される知性」 をいただきました。 日本語と英語版をご紹介します。

2018/11/30 長尾秀美










2018/11/30 Hidemi Nagao

Intellect at the mercy of the Tsushima Current

A warm current that flows from western Kyushu by the Tsushima Island is called the Tsushima Current. It is a tributary of the Black Current.

Intellect has been at the mercy of this current for some time now because of high winds blowing from a direction. No one knows where it reaches although it would normally go through the Tsugaru Strait out to the Pacific Ocean. Quite a few people are concerned about this intellect going up and down in the waves, which has become a huge cold front in the Japan-South Korean relationships.

Exercising intellect consists of good judgement and imagination. But this tumbling intellect in the current has already reached not only the U.S. and Canada in the east but also Australia in the south and Germany in the west.

Why does it have that long reach? It is easy to get to where it started; the so-called witness statements made by and books written by the late Seiji Yoshida and the late Kako Senda. Though it remains unknown if they merely wanted to be in the media spotlight, what has spread thereafter as facts are that public prostitutes (comfort women) and Korean laborers of wartime had been forcibly requisitioned by the Japanese military/government. Intellect that must be exercised to verify each case has long been used in an arbitrary manner.

An eminent example was shown again on November 29 this year. The South Korean Supreme Court—as it did so against Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation on October 30—rendered a judgment to reject the appeal of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in favor of the former Korean laborers.

Now that things have become out of control, judicial independence and observation of international law will become ideals that get divorced from the real world. Thus, the chasm between Japan and South Korea goes wider apart.

Intellect suggests both sides to return to the starting line for breakthrough of the situation. It is the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (including agreements, protocols, and exchanged notes) that was at the beginning. The treaty was signed on June 22, 1965 but the first official talks began from February 15, 1952 between the two governments.

How about this proposal? The two governments will start discussions anew from Day One: They first establish a coordination committee, setting aside the pending problems for now; its members verify each case based on facts and scrutinize what they had said or had not said and what they had done or had not done, with a view toward building common perceptions. They will try to come up with a new treaty, say, within 10 years. Once intellect is exercised as it should be, all the people of the two nations can share history that is not filled with cover-ups. A friendly word of advice is to make sure the new treaty stipulates the bilateral problems hitherto have been irreversibly settled.

Epoch-making bravery is a must for this endeavor. Then the Tsushima Current will remain calm.

国連 人種差別撤廃員会 対韓国審査に日本の市民団体が「韓国における反日の実態」意見書を提出

国連ジュネーブ 人種差別撤廃員会97セッション(2018年11月26日-12月14日)で行われる対韓国審査会に向けて、日本の市民団体から二つの意見書が提出され、委員会の公式サイトに掲載されました。



“The Real Circumstance of Anti-Japanese Thinking in the Republic of Korea”
原文英語  https://bit.ly/2DtsZs2 / 日本語訳  https://bit.ly/2PJGJos
提出団体:人種差別に反対する NGO 日本連合

「人種差別撤廃条約 違反の 親日反民族行為者財産の国家帰属に関する特別法」
“Special Law on the Inspection of Collaborations for the Japanese Imperialism”
原文英語  https://bit.ly/2QpZs5t / 日本語訳  https://bit.ly/2SV2h0c
提出団体:国際歴史論戦研究所(IIHC)、不当な日本批判を正す学者の会 (AACGCJ)



日시민단체 역사왜곡 앞장…”한일병합, 동서독통일과 같다” 주장

< 日本語訳 >


記事入力2018-11-20 08:30















