Daily Archives: July 23, 2013


ブエナパークに 一通でも多く抗議の声を届けよう!

ブエナパーク 慰安婦記念碑 公式に中止
Comfort women monument officially shot down
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Aug 30th 2013 – 12:00am

慰安婦についてもっと調べたいとして態度を保留していたArt Brown市議、8月27日市議会で安婦像を支持しないことを表明。詳細はこちら。ブエナパークでの慰安婦像計画はしばらくは持ち上がらないと見て良い状況となりました。ただ韓国系市議が一人いるので今後も注意しておかなければならないと思います。



慰安婦少女像設置が承認されたグレンデール市の近くにあるブエナパーク市(Buena Park)に同じ韓国系団体(Korean American Forum of California)が慰安婦記念碑を提案しています。

7月23日19:00(日本時間24日11:00)より ブエナパーク市 性奴隷記念碑についての公聴会が行われました。記念碑の設置を決めるのでなく、意見を聞く、という会です。議事録はこちら

韓国側6名  賛成 DVDも上映/ 白人 1名 反対/ 日本人 1名 反対



従軍慰安婦像の除幕式でナチス・ドイツのシンボルを重ねた安倍晋三首相の写真を掲げる参加者=30日、米カリフォルニア州グレンデール 【時事通信社】

従軍慰安婦像の除幕式でナチス・ドイツのシンボルを重ねた安倍晋三首相の写真を掲げる参加者=30日、米カリフォルニア州グレンデール 【時事通信社】






Orange County Register紙 2013年7月22日記事
市議会が性奴隷記念碑について討議 City Council to discuss sex slave memorial

<参考> メール作成方法 http://nadesiko-action.org/?page_id=3687

Gmailアカウントの作り方 http://www.ajaxtower.jp/gmail/account/index1.html


eswift@buenapark.com, moh@buenapark.com, sberry@buenapark.com, abrown@buenapark.com, fsmith@buenapark.com, jvanderpool@buenapark.com, cityhall@buenapark.com,

Cc: メディア
rkheel@ocregister.com, Brittany.Levine@latimes.com, jack.dolan@latimes.com, Carol.Williams@latimes.com, liana.agh@gmail.com, christina.villacorte@dailynews.com, info@nikkansan.com, gwen@rafu.com, comments@allgov.com, carolina.garcia@dailynews.com, dborenstein@bayareanewsgroup.com, njensen@pe.com, mark.kellam@latimes.com, carol.cormaci@latimes.com, daniel.siegal@latimes.com, 818NewGuy@gmail.com, kpyamada@earthlink.net, ruthasowby@gmail.com, zanku.armenian@gmail.com, susan.abram@dailynews.com,

【件名例】 I protest against Comfort Women Statue

Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:
You may already know that the Comfort Women Monuments have built in New Jersey and New York. There many Japanese children have been bullied because of those monuments. The same sad event may happen to Japanese children in Buena Park.
I sincerely ask the mayor and all council members not to approve the monument.
Thank you.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:
Japanese are very angry at Glendale Comfort Women Statue. This is a popular poster among us which mock at Glendale. http://p.tl/nUa7
The comfort women issue is not a matter of peace or human rights, but it is a controversial political issue that has nothing to do with U.S.
I sincerely ask the mayor and all council members not to approve the monument.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:
Korean supporters act ugly anti-Japan performance on Soccer Game in Korea. Also surrounding Comfort Women Statue in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul, Korean demonstrations turn ugly against Japan. Japanese are angry at such continuous events. .Comfort women issue is political issue between Japan and Korea. America is nothing to do about it.
I sincerely ask the mayor and all council members not to approve the monument.
Thank you.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:
The Comfort Women Issue is political issue between Japan and Korea opinion discrepancy. Korean strongly insists about the monument for human rights and peace. But why do they have to built so many same monuments everywhere in America? This is harassment for Japanese. We are VERY angry about it.
I sincerely ask the mayor and all council members not to approve the monument.
Thank you.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:
The Comfort women issue is opinion discrepancy issue between Japan and Korea. Please listen to us and Japanese side opinion. Comfort women are not forced sex slaves. Also numbers of women 200,000 is not the fact, totally fabricated. If we have to discuss about women’s rights and human trafficking, should we have many other problems in the fact of current event and near history?
I sincerely ask the mayor and all council members not to approve the monument.
Thank you.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:

Re: Korean Proposal for Comfort Women Statue

It is my understanding that the City Council of Buena Park will soon vote to decide the fate of the captioned proposal at the next city council meeting. I would like to join all the Japanese people, who have been expressing their opinion against the proposal. I’d like to address this matter from a different perspective:

1. Comfort woman is not unique to Japan. Whenever wars occurred, there were such cases. In those days, both Japan and Korea were really poor. Many families had little choice to send their daughters in Japan and Korea for services for daily foods. We have to review this from then prevailing perspective instead of the present days.
2. Korea was under the Japanese jurisdiction. During the 35 year annexation period, Japan treated the Peninsula in the same manner as Japanese homeland. Japan built up almost all the Korean basic infrastructure, railroad system, financial system, educational system, etc., most of which have served the foundation of present Korea. The Seoul National University was established in 1924 by Japan.
3. Korean interest has been antagonizing Japan emphasizing nothing but negative aspects. It is not fair to do so. With such good intention and plans in place, how could our predecessors have committed such wrongdoings?
4. The 1965 Treaty between Korea and Japan completed all the compensation and established the diplomatic relationship. The present status is the worst ever since.
5. Lastly and most importantly, their Anti-Japan/Japanese propaganda will surely cause hatred in our mind worsening the already sorest relationship to the irreparable level. This will create a crucial conflict among the ethnicity groups. I worry about child bullying most.

In view of all the above, we would sincerely ask you to vote against the proposal for the benefits of the City of Buena Park, its citizens and the people all over. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:

I have learned that the City Council of Buena Park will shortly discuss the proposal for comfort women statue placement at a City property site made by a Korean interest. As a Japanese, I would like to express my opinion against the proposal. The reasons are:

1. Japanese people are strongly opposed to the idea because the statue will create a conflict among people, leading to hate crime and children bullying not only in your city but also elsewhere. I hear there is such a case in New Jersey monument.
2. Korean interest has been waging a concerted anti-Japan/Japanese movements all over the United States. The “hate Japan” education in their homeland has been promoting the atmosphere even in the U.S. 70 years after the last war. We should work toward the future for the benefits of the younger generations in a more constructive way rather than destructively.
3. They have been publicizing fabricated information of “200,000 abducted sex slaves”. The U.S. official document, “UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION, psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater, APO 689 proves such allegation is false.
4. The proposer has been insisting that this is a human rights issue. It may be true. But, instead of blaming only Japan, it is more appropriate to address all major human rights issues in the world and learn from the cases to solve them and prevent from happening again.

I would strongly ask you would vote against the proposal at the forthcoming city council meeting. Thanks you very much.

Yours Respectfully,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)


Dear Mayor and Council Members of Buena Park:

I understand that Korean American Forum proposed to the City Council of Buena Park for installation of comfort women statue. I strongly ask you to turn down at the council meeting for the following reasons:

1. The comfort women issue is very controversial. Both sides have not come to agreement. So, it is not considered appropriate for the City to side with the Proposer
2. It is clear that Korean interest has been using this matter for anti-Japan propaganda on the pretext of “human rights”. This is entirely so unhealthy that conflicts, such as hate crime and children bullying may be caused. Actually, Japanese kids were reportedly bullied in Palisades Park, NJ.
3. There are many human right issues, present and past, in the world incl. a one Korea is involved in Viet Nam. It is not fair to single out and blame only Japan.
4. Japan is a most peaceful nation in the world, and recognized and respected as such. Korea and China are only major Asian nations that show animosity against Japan. Recent Pew Research shows that 80% polled in major Asian countries show friendliness toward Japan.
5. Any local government should not be involved in international affairs. Instead, it should work on the promotion of happiness, prosperity, progress and harmony of the citizens. The statue will definitely counteract such efforts.

May I therefore ask for your prudent wise judgment and fair decision to vote against the proposal? I trust that such a decision is by all means good for City of Buena Park and its citizens.

Sincerely yours,
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)



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Mayor Elizabeth Swift
City of Buena Park

6650 Beach Boulevard, First Floor
Buena Park, CA 90622