Daily Archives: August 24, 2015

シカゴ市 慰安婦決議「慰安婦について公立校で教育を」

米国イリノイ州 シカゴ市議会で 今年2015年5月6日「Recognition of Korean-American community for educational work regarding use of “comfort women” during World War II by Imperial Japanese Army」直訳「第二次世界大戦中の日本帝国軍による「慰安婦」に関し韓国系米国人コミュニティーの教育努力を称する」決議が採択されています。

※ 5月6日議会ビデオ / 議事録

※下記 参考ニュース 参照


現在サンフランシスコ市議会にも慰安婦記念碑建立決議「Urging the Establishment of a Memorial for “Comfort Women”」が提案されています。


※ こちらもご協力を!⇒サンフランシスコ慰安婦像反対署名


Type: Resolution
Status: Adopted
File created: 5/6/2015
In control: City Council
Final action: 5/6/2015
Title: Recognition of Korean-American community for educational work regarding use of “comfort women” during World War II by Imperial Japanese Army
Sponsors: Laurino, Margaret


WHEREAS, the contributions made by the Korean-Americans community to Chicago can not be understated; and

WHEREAS, dedicated to not only giving back to their own community, but also advancing people of all backgrounds, Korean-Americans have made tremendous impacts across many ields, including business, government, and social service; and

WHEREAS, committed to also spreading awareness about human rights issues, and assuring that all people are respected, the Korean-American community has taken upon itself to educate and commemorate an important part of the past, advancing the awareness of “comfort women’1 in World War II; and

WHEREAS, during World War II, across Asian approximately 200,000 women and girls were taken or coerced from their homes, often under false promises of employment, and forced into prostitution by the Imperial Japanese Army; and

WHEREAS, although “comfort women” came from all over Asia, and in some cases, Europe, many were Korean women and girls; and

WHEREAS, rather than avoid the complicated and horrific memory of these events, the Korean-American community has been committed to keeping the memory of these women alive as well as taking measures to raise awareness to ensure that a human rights violation of this scale never occurs again, and the KoreanAmerican community of Chicago calls upon the Chicago. Public Schools to take action toward educating students about this issue when covering the topic of World War II; and

WHEREAS, in anticipation of the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, in an effort to educate all on the abuses suffered by women and girls during the time, the Korean American Community has made great strides in raising awareness, lobbying governments to pass legislation condemning human trafficking and re-committing preservation of human rights, and organizing a memorial dedication in Chicago to the memory of “comfort women”; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of Chicago recognizes and condemns all human rights violations, including the use of “comfort women” during WWII by acknowledging the suffering endured during forced internment in Japanese military comfort stations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council of Chicago recognizes the efforts of the Korean-American community of Chicago to fairly, openly and diligently memorialize the memory of “comfort women”, and applaud their efforts to continue to educate and raise awareness of this issue.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that suitable copies of this resolution be presented to the KoreanAmerican community.


★ City of Chicago


★ 市長 Mayor Rahm Emanuel
市長への問い合わせフォーム Mayor’s Office Letter Request Form

Office of the Mayor
Phone: Call 311
121 N LaSalle Street
Chicago City Hall 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60602

★ 市議 Council Members リスト メアドあり

ward01@cityofchicago.org, Ward02@cityofchicago.org, ward03@cityofchicago.org, ward04@cityofchicago.org, lhairston@cityofchicago.org, Roderick.Sawyer@cityofchicago.org, alderman@gregmitchell7thward.org, mharris@cityofchicago.org, ward09@cityofchicago.org, Ward10@cityofchicago.org, Patrick.thompson@cityofchicago.org, ward12@cityofchicago.org, Ward13@cityofchicago.org, eburke@cityofchicago.org, raymondlopez@the15thward.org, Toni.Foulkes@cityofchicago.org, Ward17@cityofchicago.org, Ward18@cityofchicago.org, ward19@cityofchicago.org, Willie.Cochran@cityofchicago.org, ward21@cityofchicago.org, Ward22@cityofchicago.org, mzalewski@cityofchicago.org, mscott@aldermanscott.com, Daniel.Solis@cityofchicago.org, Roberto.Maldonado@cityofchicago.org, wburnett@cityofchicago.org, jason.ervin@cityofchicago.org, Ward29@cityofchicago.org, ward30@cityofchicago.org, chicagoward31@gmail.com, info@ward32.org, deb@33rdward.org, caustin@cityofchicago.org, Ward35@cityofchicago.org, Ward36@cityofchicago.org, emitts@cityofchicago.org, info@aldermansposato.com, mlaurino@cityofchicago.org, ward40@cityofchicago.org, Ward41@cityofchicago.org, office@ward42chicago.com, yourvoice@ward43.org, ttunney@cityofchicago.org, ward45@cityofchicago.org, info@james46.org, info@chicago47.org, harry@48thward.org, ward49@cityofchicago.org, info@50thwardchicago.com,

※Margaret Laurino 慰安婦決議 提案議員

★ Office of the City Clerk | City of Chicago
Susana A. Mendoza

★ Office of the City Treasurer
Kurt Summers




KBS World Radio 8/7/2015
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中央日報 8/7/2015

The Korea Times 8/6/2015
Chicago adopts comfort women resolution

korea times July 7, 2015
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korea times July 8, 2015
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Record China 7/7/2015