サンフランシスコに計画されている慰安婦像は、ソウル・釜山・グレンデールの像とは異なり、中華系団体Comfort Women Justice Coalition主催のコンペティションで選ばれた英国出身在米の彫刻家スティーブン・ホワイティ氏のデザイン・製作です。
ホワイティ氏は、米国・英国各地に数々の立派な作品を製作してきた方です。(参考ウィキペディアSteven Whyte)
<Steven Whyte スティーブン・ホワイティ氏>
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stevenwhytestudio
Twitter @swbronze https://twitter.com/swbronze
Regarding comfort women monument in SF
‘Comfort Women’ Sculpture in SF
Your ‘Comfort Women’ Art work in SF
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前) and I live in Japan. It is my pleasure to have an opportunity to write you.
The reason that I am writing this e-mail to you is that I have learned that you are going to make a statue for a Comfort Women monument which is planned to be located in San Francisco.
The similar statues or memorials as yours have already erected in several cities in USA. These statues or memorials have been projected for women’s human rights or for world peace. But actually they have become anti-Japan propaganda monuments, with epitaphs aside stating that comfort women were sex slaves, to which Japanese government clearly object as the allegation is not a historical fact.
As you see, so called “Comfort Women Issue” has been internationally very controversial. Besides, the Issue concerns diplomacy, international security and such as rather than women’s human rights.
I, as an admirer of your art, am very sad if you take part in anti-Japan propaganda which is not based on the fact.
Sincerely yours,
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前) and I live in Japan. It is my pleasure to have an opportunity to write you.
The reason that I am writing this e-mail to you is that I have learned that you are going to make a statue for a Comfort Women monument which is planned to be located in San Francisco.
I would like to make clear that Japanese people have a different viewpoint regarding Comfort Women than Chinese and Korean people. Only the viewpoint of Chinese and Korean people is written on the Comfort Women Monument to be located in San Francisco. I want you to know that Japanese people are firmly against this.
Again, I would like to ask you to check the background of this project.
Sincerely yours,
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前). It is my pleasure to write you.
The reason that I am writing this e-mail to you is that I have learned that you are going to make a statue for a Comfort Women monument which is planned to be located in San Francisco.
I know that you are also a historian. If so, you are also aware that how history is interpreted differs by country or by region, and such differences can lead to conflict. The issue of Comfort Women is one such issue which lies among Japan, China and Korea.
As far as I have checked, the epitaph on the monument in San Francisco is so written according to the assertion of China and Korea. Due to the complicated Comfort Women issue, Japan is protesting against Korea and has recalled its Ambassador to Korea. He is still in Japan and has not returned to Korea.
As I have mentioned, the Comfort Women issue is such a complicated issue in which diplomatic conflicts also exist. Some people say that the Consul General in San Francisco should also be recalled if this monument is built in San Francisco.
I really hope you to have second thought.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前) and I live in Japan. It is my pleasure to write you.
As I am sure you do too, I am a person who thinks women’s human rights are important and strongly hope that there will no longer be victims of human trafficking.
However, I am against the construction of a Comfort Women monument which is planned in San Francisco.
In particular, the monument only indicates an epitaph about Japan that is not based on correct evidence, what it says is not correct. Japanese are in anger because such a monument only defames Japan, under the guise of appealing for women’s human rights.
The “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition has a very close relationship with Communist Party of China and an alliance with the Korean American Forum of California which has some ties to North Korea.
I, as an admirer of your art, really hope you to have second thought.
Very truly yours,
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
日本語要約:はじめまして。○○と申します。私はあなたと同様に、女性の人権を大切に思い、人身売買の被害者がなくなることを望んでいます。しかし、私はSFに計画されているc慰安婦碑には反対です。碑文が日本のことだけを取り上げ、その内容は事実関係が違う点があります。このような碑文は女性の人権問題をよそおった日本侮辱であると、日本人は怒っています。 “慰安婦” 正義連名は中国共産党と深い関係があり、加州韓国系米人会の友好団体は北朝鮮と関係があると言われています。貴方の作品を尊敬するものとして、是非考え直していただきたいと思います。
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前) and I live in Japan. It is my pleasure to write you.
The reason that I am writing this e-mail to you is that I have learned that you are going to make a statue for a Comfort Women monument which is planned to be located in San Francisco.
I am e-mailing you because I think you, and American people, may not be familiar with the so called “Comfort Women” issue. The Comfort Women issue is very complicated and controversial among Japan, China and Korea. I would say this is now a political and diplomatic issue.
Do you know that unreasonable and ugly anti-Japan demonstrations are taking place at a statue of Comfort Women in Korea? The statue of Comfort Women is no longer a statue representing women’s human rights and peace, but as a basis for anti-Japan activities.
Many Japanese people are afraid that the same thing could happen around a Comfort Women statue in San Francisco.
Please reconsider that.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
Dear Mr. Steven Whyte,
My name is (自分の名前) and I live in Japan. It is my pleasure to write you.
The reason that I am writing this e-mail to you is that I have learned that you are going to make a statue for a Comfort Women monument which is planned to be located in San Francisco.
There is a Comfort Women monument in Glendale, California. Japanese-Americans have appealed to the Supreme Court recently to have the statue removed. There is another Comfort Women statue within the premises of a church in Sydney, Australia. Both Japanese and Australians are working together for the approval of a human rights committee to dismantle this statue.
Although the designs of these statues differ from yours, the epitaph on these monuments is quite similar.
I really hope you to have second thought.
Sincerely yours,
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN

SF chronicle September 12, 2017
Memorialize wartime sex slaves known as ‘comfort women,’ or just move on?