カナダ・トロント在住のマリノフ利江さんが纏めて下さった「慰安婦問題 ‐カナダでの動き)」をご紹介します。
慰安婦問題 ‐カナダでの動き⁻ 2023.1
【 参考 】
◆ ブリティッシュコロンビア州バーナビー市に慰安婦像設置計画について慰安婦像設置は「当面保留」 カナダ西部バーナビー市 日系住民の反対奏功
◆ 2015年4月5日「慰安婦」問題と日本社会・メディア」シンポジウム
松原 宏之准教授が参加
◆ 2014年トロントホロコースト教育週間、慰安婦についてのパネルディスカッションについて(プログラムから転載)
“Comfort Women” in Asia: Alone in Atrocity, Together for Justice
How do we preserve the individual memories and national narratives of survivors of sexual slavery? What is added to this effort when survivors collaborate across cultures and nations? What is threatened? During the years of the Asia-Pacific War, the Imperial Japanese Army mobilized
more than 200,000 women from across Asia into a military sexual slavery system. The victims, euphemistically referred to as “Comfort Women,” include women who were Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian, Fillipino, Indonesian and Dutch. Since 1991, survivors have come out publicly with their stories.
While the “Comfort Women” system impacted women from over 20 nations and territories across East and Southeast Asia, each with a distinct culture, identity, heritage and memory, the ongoing struggle for justice has brought these diverse women together in solidarity.
A plenary moderated by Dr. Joseph Wong, founder of Toronto ALPHA, with Executive Director of the Women’s Human Rights Education Institute, Angela Lytle, author of Chinese Comfort Women, Peipei Qui, and filmmaker of Within Every Woman, Tiffany Hsuing, will explore both the tension and possibility that exists when they collaborate in solidarity for justice and peace. Short film screening followed by moderated panel discussion.
For more information and to register visit: http://torontoalpha.org/index.php/community/holocausteducationweek.
Co-sponsored by the Equity Studies Program and by Shir Libeynu Congregation.
Monday, 3 November | 6:30 PM
Toronto ALPHA at New College | University of Toronto
William Doo Auditorium | 45 Willcocks Street | Toronto | 416–299–0111
◆ カナダ放送協会 (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation、CBC) のインタビュー
“Comfort Women” Dr. Joseph Wong(2015年)
The Japanese government yesterday apologized to World War Two sex slaves in South Korea. Guest host Piya Chattopadhyay spoke with Dr. Joseph Wong, he is the founder and chair of Alpha Education Centre.
“Comfort Women””The Apology” Tiffany Hsiung(2015年)
◆ Tiffany Hsiung’s NFB feature doc The Apology(NFBに掲載されれたティファニー・ヒョンのThe Apologyのプレスリリース、2016年11月17日)
◆ CBCラジオへの日本大使館のコメント発出(慰安婦問題)2016年
11月30日,加公共放送CBCから当館に対し,慰安婦を題材としたドキュメンタリー映画 “Apology” の制作者に対するインタビューを実施するにあたり,日本政府の見解を得たい旨の依頼がありました。