









Vietnamese women




<Australia-Japan Community Network (AJCN) メディアリリース>



Uniting Church paid $2m to sex abuse victims

AJCNより 「韓国人の皆さん、平和に暮らせませんか?」日英韓国語

シドニーにおける慰安婦像設置運動に対し、Australia-Japan Community Network(AJCN)が、韓国人の方々に対するメッセージを発表しました。






AJCN代表 山岡鉄秀









18 July 2016

To everyone in the Korean community; Can we live peacefully together in Australia?

As you may be aware, the Japanese government has made another apology and promised to give 1 billion yen to South Korea to “finally and irreversibly” resolve the controversial “Comfort Women” issue at the end of last year. Unfortunately, however, a group of people with Korean background is still trying to erect the Comfort Women statue in Sydney. This group of people have strong connections with Chon Dae Hyup, a prominent organisation that declared to erect more “Comfort Women” statues around the world and jeopardise the governmental agreement. Chon Dae Hyup is believed to have ties with North Korea and it has been on the watch list of the South Korean government.

No matter how they object to the agreement, however, it is extremely inappropriate to take this antagonistic action and disturb harmony in a country such as Australia that has nothing to do with this issue. Last year, in Strathfield where many people with Korean background reside, the proposal to erect the Comfort Woman statue was rejected by the Council, reasoning that it may cause significant disturbance to the peace and communal harmony. Despite the peaceful opinion of the majority, some people are even more actively disparaging Japan by abusing their freedom of speech. Because of this, it is truly regrettable that even the majority of thoughtful, considerate Korean people are misunderstood to be a part of this anti-Japan group. Through our efforts to stop the erection of the statue in Strathfield last year, we met many Korean people who said that they didn’t want the statue in Australia, but they were afraid to speak up because they were worried about their family’s safety in South Korea if they appeared to be pro-Japanese (up until the governmental agreement was made between two countries the South Korean government was using this issue as a political tool to gain power over Japan).

Koreans belonging to this anti-Japan group say, the reason of why Japanese people object is “that they do not want their barbaric act of past to be exposed.” However, this is always the case that they are not seem to be interested in investigating historical facts. Are they really interested in representing history correctly? It came to be known that up until recently the educational TV program for high school students in South Korea had been broadcasting the account of a Japanese communist, Seiji Yoshida, who claimed in his novel he conducted “abduction of women” on the Korean Peninsula as part of a Japanese military operation. Although his testimony was reported by the Asahi Newspaper as a fact at the time, he later confessed that it was a fictional story. Since then The Asahi Newspaper has withdrawn the articles and apologised to its readers. According to the official report in the US Archives Library, South Korean soldiers in the Japanese army who were arrested as prisoners of war by the US army during the World War II testified that:
“All Korean prostitutes that PoW have seen in the Pacific were volunteers or had been sold by their parents into prostitution. This is a proper Korean way of thinking. Conscription of women by the Japanese army would have outraged the old and young alike and they would not have tolerated such a scheme. Men would’ve risen up in rage, killing Japanese no matter what the consequences might have been.”

Please note that most of the police officers in Korea were Koreans and several hundred thousands of Korean men also volunteered their services to the Japanese Army. What were they doing while their women were being abducted by the Japanese Army if the story were true? Furthermore, when Yoshida published his fictional novel it was actually a Korean journalist who investigated the incidents on Jeju Island that he wrote about and was told that no such abductions ever took place by the Japanese army.

We are not really interested in arguing over historical controversies here in Australia. However, we cannot remain silent, knowing that the anti-Japan demonstrations are still continuing and the potential erection of the Comfort Woman statue may cause racial abuse of Japanese children in schools here in Australia. The Japanese government has already made apologies numerous times and made many efforts to resolve this issue.
This year, in spite of our efforts to keep the harmony, the minister of Ashfield Uniting Church is supporting the erection of the statue on his church land. What really upset us who live in the local community was that his interview regarding the statue was posted on Facebook by the anti-Japan activists group, and he called the Japanese people as “perpetrators.” How sad did Christian Japanese and local Australians feel by watching this video?
How do the Korean people feel, if political demonstrations are conducted in front of the Korean Consulate General of Sydney repeatedly accusing them of war crimes that happened so many years ago? How would you feel if your church minister called you a perpetrator for something that you didn’t do? How would you feel if the ex-comfort women from the Korean War and Vietnamese War erect the statues all over the world against your government?

Are you aware that the Korean government still has not made any apologies to the comfort women of the Korean War nor to the victims of the Vietnam War? The fact that when Park Chung-hee who was the President at the time, the father of the current President Park Geun-hye, was directly involved in setting up comfort women stations under his governmental management for both UN troops and Korean troops during the Korean war. In the Vietnam war, Korean soldiers engaged in rape and murder of thousands of Vietnamese women, and forced Vietnamese women to work as prostitutes. The worst consequences of those rapes are the thousands of children born out of these barbaric acts- called the Lai Dai Han, a term for mixed blooded children who are viewed as disreputable and shunned by society to this very day. These are verified facts, with memorials which describe the Korean troops’ atrocities towards Vietnamese women in Vietnam during that war.

Many years have passed since then but the violation of Woman’s human rights in South Korea still continues as a very serious issue today. As members of the South Korean Parliament stated that “100,000 Korean women are working as prostitutes overseas,” half of them are working in Japan, and many of them are arrested in the US. The number of women involved in this sex industry is considerably large in relation to the population of South Korea. In Sydney, it is estimated that a thousand Korean women are working as prostitutes and many of them are forced to work in order to pay off debts with super-high interest rates that they owe to the Korean brokers who exploit them.

Are anti-Japan activists really making efforts to rescue these Korean prostitutes who are being exploited in today’s world? Shouldn’t we be compassionate towards all women who suffered during the war? Isn’t it more important to deal with the current issues rather than something that happened more than 70 years ago? Shouldn’t we be living here in Australia with the mind that values Australian multi-culturalism, diversity and harmony?

The Japanese community in Australia have lived in peace and harmony for decades, and never had any conflict with any other racial groups. However, because of the anti-Japan propaganda carried out by the people who have a political agenda to divide the community, it is sad that many Japanese people began to feel afraid of going to Korean shops and restaurants. Some Japanese people who have Korean partners and/or Korean friends are finding it more and more difficult to deal with this issue without damaging their relationships.

It is regrettable that our community harmony has been affected by this politically motivated anti-Japan propaganda, involving many innocent people and wasting our precious time and energy on an issue that is irrelevant to our community. We sincerely hope and pray for all our sakes that we can put our community harmony first. The majority of Japanese and Korean people in Australia understand the significance of sharing harmony, cooperation, and respect towards others. We wish to keep life and the future of this country in peace, with thoughtful South Korean people.

T Yamaoka
President, Australia-Japan Community Network (AJCN)

A monument depicting Korean troop’s war crimes during the Vietnam War


한국인 여러분께  평화롭게 살아 보면 어떨까요?

∼ 다시 일어난 위안부 소녀상 설치 문제를 둘러싸고 ∼


유감스럽게도 시드니에서 한국계 반일단체가 또 다시 위안부 소녀상을 세우자고 활동중입니다. 그들은 작년말에 위안부 문제에 관해서 한일 양국정부가 이 문제를 불가역적으로 해결하기로 합의한 것을 굴욕이라고 반발하고 전세계에서 위안부 소녀상을 더 세우려고 하는, 북한과의 관계를 지적되는 정신대문제대책협의회와 연계하고 있습니다. 한일 합의에 반대하는 것은 자유라고 하더라도 관계가 전혀 없는 제삼국에서 지역 융화를 깨는 적대적인 행동을 취하는 것은 지극히 부적절합니다. 작년에 많은 한국계 주민들이 사는 스트라스필드 시의회에서 커뮤니티의 융화를 깨서는 안된다는 이유로 위안부 소녀상 설치 요구가 각하되었습니다.그런데 그런 대다수 주민의 의견을 무시하고 언론의 자유를 악용함으로써 일본을 비방하는 활동을 하고 있는 일부 사람들 때문에 양식이 있는 한국계 주민들까지 반일이라는 오해를 살 수 있는 것은 안타까운  일입니다.

이 반일단체에 속하는 한국인들은 일본인들이 반대하는 것을 “과거의 만행을 폭로되고 싶지 않기 때문이다”고 말합니다. 이것은 늘 느끼는 것이지만  그들은 역사적 사실을 검증하는 것에는 관심이 없는 것 같습니다. 놀랍게도 일본에서는 완전히 조작된 이야기로 인정되었으며 아사히신문도 기사를 취소하고 사죄한 “한반도에서 여성들을 사냥했다고 하는 요시다 세이지” 라는 인물의 증언이 한국에서는 극히 최근까지 진실 이야기로 수능생을 위한 교육 텔레비전에서 가르쳤던 것을 알게 되었습니다. 미국 국립보존기록관에서 찾은 기록에 의하면 전쟁중에 미군에 잡힌 조선인 포로가 이구동성에 “만난 위안부는 모두 자주적인 지원 아니면 부모가 팔아버린 딸들이며 그것은 조선 문화에서는 보통 일이었다. 만일 일본인이 폭력적으로 여자들을 납치하려고 한다면 조선 남자들은 노약을 막론하고 목숨을 걸어서라도 저항했을 것이다”고 대답했습니다. 과연 세월호 참사 때의 가족들 행동을 보면 당시 조선인이 저항하지 않았다는 것은 도저히 믿을 수가 없습니다. 하물며 당시 한반도 경찰관 대부분이 조선인이었으며 수십만에 이르는 조선인 남성들이 일본군에 지원하고 있었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 여성 강제 연행에 저항하기 위한 폭동은 하나도 기록되지 않았습니다. 이 사실 하나만 보아도 요시다 세이지의 증언이 완전 엉터리이었던 것을 알 수 있는데 (뒤에 요시다 본인이 그것이 픽션임을 인정했습니다) 실은  제일 먼저 “요시다 증언이 사실은 아니다” 그렇게 발표한 것은 제주도 등에서 실제로 조사한 한국인 저널리스트였습니다.

저희들은 호주에서 역사논쟁을 벌이려고 하는 것은 아닙니다. 그러나 호주에 사는, 전쟁 이후 태어난 저희들에게는 전혀 관계가 없는 과거사이며 일본 정부가 이미 몇 번이나 사죄한 일을 둘러싸고 아직도 시드니 등에서 시위 활동이 계속되고 있는 데다가 위안부 소녀상이 세워지는 바람에 일본계 어린이들이 학교에서 괴롭히는 것을 그냥 보고 있을 수만 없습니다. 조금 전에는 위안부 소녀상 설치될 교회의 한 목사님이 일본인을 범죄자 취급하는 듯한 발언을 하는 동영상이 인터넷에 올랐는데 그것을 본 기독교도인 일본인과 현지 호주인이 얼마나 슬퍼했는지 생각해 본 적이 있습니까?

한국군 병사들이 한국 전쟁과 베트남 전쟁 때 여성을 학살한 것을 이유로 주 시드니 한국영사관 앞에서 매월 시위활동을 하겠다, 한국 전쟁과 베트남 전쟁 때 위안부를 위로하기 위한 소녀상을 전 세계에 세우겠다, 그런 소리를 들으면 한국계 여러분께서는  어떻게 느낍니까?

그들은 한국이 해 온 짓들을 모르는 것일까요, 아니면 모르는 척하는 것일까요? 한국전쟁 때 박근혜대통령의 아버지인 박정희대통령 명령으로 한국군 운영하에 UN군과 한국군을 위한 위안소가 만들어졌고 여성들은 위안부 또는 양공주로 불렸습니다. 그리고 베트남전쟁 중에는 많은 베트남 여성들이 한국군에 강간당한 끝에 학살되기도 하고 매춘부 일을 강요되기도 하고 라이따이한으로 불리는 수천 명이나 되는 혼혈아를 남겼습니다. 한국병사에게 버림 받은 그들은 베트남 사회에서 차별당하고 위축되면서 살고 있습니다. 이것들은 검증된 사실이며 베트남에 가 보면 지금도 한국군의 만행을 묘사한 기념비를 볼 수가 있습니다. 한편 여성의 인권문제는 아직도 심각합니다. 한국 국회의원이 “10만 명의 한국 여성이 해외에서 매춘 일을 하고 있다”고 발언한 적이 있는데 그 중 5만 명이 일본에서 일하고 있다고 하며 또 북미에서 많은 한국 매춘부가 당국에 적발되었습니다. 한국 인구를 생각하면 놀라울 정도의 수라고 말할 수 있습니다. 시드니에서도 1000 명이나 되는 한국 여성이 매춘 일을 하고 있는데 그 여성들 대부분은 고금리 빚 때문에 어쩔 수 없는 상황에 빠져 있는 것입니다. 그녀들을 착취하는 것은 한국인 브로커입니다.

위안부 소녀상을 세우고 일본을 규탄하려는 한국인들은 지금 현재 눈 앞에서 착취되고 있는 한국 여성들을 구하기 위한 노력을 하고 있는 것일까요? 사람이면  인종을 막론하고 전쟁 중에 고생한 모든 여성에게 깊이 동정해야 합니다. 그리고 지금의 문제에 공동으로 대처해야 합니다. 타민족을 공격함으로써 호주가 자랑하는 다민족주의를 위협할 때가 아닙니다.

호주에 사는 일본인은 지금까지 어느 인종과도 문제를 일으킬 일이 없이 평화로이 살아 왔습니다. 그러나 일부 한국인이 반일운동을 시작한 이후 한국계 가게와  식당을 피하는 일본인이 늘어나고 있는 것은 대단히 유감스럽게 생각합니다. 지금까지 친하게 지내 오던 한국계 친구,부부 사이에 균열이 생겨 슬퍼하고 있는 일본인도 많습니다. 호주에 사는 일본인과 한국인에게는 이 나라에서 어떻게 하면 조화롭게 서로 협력해서 살아 갈 수 있을지가 더 중요할 것입니다. 저희들은 양식 있는 한국계 사람들과 함께 이 나라의 평화와 미래를 지키고 싶습니다. (AJCN대표 야마오카 데쓰히데)

베트남에 남은 한국군에 의한 현지인 학살 기념비.

베트남에 남은 한국군에 의한 현지인 학살 기념비.


AJCNより 反日団体を支援するUniting Churchに対する抗議の手紙について

Australia-Japan Community Network(AJCN)より
反日団体を支援するUniting Churchに対する抗議の手紙について のお願いです。



豪州シドニー郊外で慰安婦像計画が再燃 日韓合意反発の団体が進める 「日本人へ中傷やいじめの可能性」と在住邦人懸念


韓国の挺対協に指導された反日グループFCWA (Friends of ‘Comfort Women’ in Australia)は、ストラスフィールド市に慰安婦像設置を持ち掛けて失敗したKACA(The Korean Committee of United Austral Korean-Chinese alliance against Japanese War Crimes) とシドニー韓人会(KSSA) のメンバーで構成されています。彼らの目的は6月1日のシドニー水曜デモで配布されたパンフレットおよび彼らのサイトやFacebookでの主張を見れば明らかです。


FCWAは、8月6日にまず韓人会館敷地内に像を設置、完成させ、その後Ashfieldのthe Uniting Churchに移設する計画で、すでに教会のBill Crews牧師の了解を得ているようです。この牧師は宗教家でありながら、反日組織をサポートし、像を公道に面したバス停のそばに、公衆に見えるように建てると反日グループのサイトとFacebookで語っています

彼はこのインターネットで公開されたビデオの中で、「彼ら(加害者たち)は(慰安婦像を)無視するか、謝罪するかです。私は彼らが謝罪することを望みます」と述べています。ここで問題なのは、Bill Crews牧師が使ったPerpetratorという言葉です。Perpetrator =加害者、犯人というのは誰のことでしょうか?慰安婦を利用した日本兵?それならほとんどの方々は亡くなっています。もしかして、日本政府?でも日本政府はすでに何度も道義的な見地から謝罪しています。それとも在豪、在外を問わず日本人に謝罪を求めているのでしょうか。I hope they apologise. と、現在形それも複数形ですから、やはり私たち現代の日本人への威圧的なメッセージと受け取るべきでしょう。

我々はBill Crews牧師に、教会が特定団体の政治的活動に関与すべきではないと訴え、慰安婦が日本軍だけのものではないことも説明しました。最近では韓国が独自の慰安婦システムを朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争で使っていたことが明らかになっており、122人の朝鮮戦争時の韓国人慰安婦が韓国政府を訴えています。特にベトナム戦争では、韓国人兵士が多くの女性をレイプし、虐殺しました。その結果レイプ被害者やベトナム人慰安婦が産んだり、現地婚の末に捨てられた1500人から最大3万人のライ・ダイ・ハンと呼ばれる混血児が存在します。彼らはその出自ゆえベトナム社会で避けられ、差別されています。韓国メディアはこれらをほとんど黙殺し、韓国兵の残虐な行為について、韓国政府はベトナムに対して一切の謝罪も賠償もしていません。

Bill Crews牧師はAJCNとの交信によってもたらされた上記のような情報を知りながら、また教会内部からの反対の声も無視して、反日グループを支援する姿勢を崩していません。



住所:Rev Bill Crews
180 Liverpool Rd. Ashfield,NSW,2131 Australia
e-mail: info@ashfieldparishmission.com.au
cc: billc@exodusfoundation.net, enquiries@nat.uca.org.au


1. 教会は政治活動に介入すべきではない。
Church should not be involved in any political activities.
2. 中国の日豪米を分断する政治的戦術に利用されるべきではない。
The Uniting Church should not aid Chinese Communist Party trying to break the alliance among Japan, Australia and the U.S.

3. 海外の政治問題をオーストラリアに持ち込み、オーストラリアのコミュニティを分断すべきではない。
The Uniting Church should not divide the local community by importing the international political disputes.
4. 韓国の朝鮮戦争やベトナム戦争での女性に対する残虐行為に対する行為を棚上げにして、日本人だけを取り上げ攻撃するのは差別行為である。
It is a form of racial discrimination to single out the Japanese by ignoring all the cruel acts against women committed by the South Korean troops during Korea War and Vietnam War.

5. 慰安婦像が設置されようとした隣町のストラスフィールド市での例を学び、オーストラリアのマルチカルチャラル文化を守るべきである。
We must learn from the case of Strathfield City, where they rejected a proposal of erecting a Comfort Woman statue, in order to protect multiculturalism in Australia.

6. 米国で慰安婦像が建った後の日本人の子女に対するいじめや差別をオーストラリアでも再現することに反対する。
You should not induce the bullying and discrimination against Japanese children in Australia, like what really happened in the cities in the US where statues were already erected.

サンフランシスコ慰安婦記念碑 候補地にセントメアリー・スクエア(公園)


“Comfort Women” Justice Coalitionによる設置計画書

関連ニュース Nichi Bei Weekly Report June 29, 2016
‘Comfort women’ memorial site selected




Vote “No” on establishing the Comfort Women statue in San Francisco




・公園に関する市の委員会 Recreation and Park Commissioners
メールアドレス recpark.commission@sfgov.org
San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission
501 Stanyan Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
Telephone: 415-831-2750
FAX: 415-221-8034

・セントメアリー公園を選挙区とする市議 Mr. Aaron Peskin
メールアドレス Aaron.Peskin@sfgov.org
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244
San Francisco, Ca 94102-4689
(415) 554-7450 – voice
(415) 554-7454 – fax


【 メール件名 例 】
No “Comfort Women” memorial in San Francisco!!

A statue of Comfort Women in San Francisco opposed.

I am against the “Comfort Women” memorial


【 メール文 】適当にアレンジして使ってください。

<例文 1>
Dear Commissioners:
Dear Mr. Aaron Peskin:

I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Japanese people are strongly opposed to the comfort woman memorial because it will create a conflict among people, leading to hate crime and children bullying not only in your city but also elsewhere. I hear there is such a case in Glendale monument.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.

差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN



<例文 2>
Dear Commissioners:
Dear Mr. Aaron Peskin:

I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
The proposer has been insisting that this is a human rights issue. It may be true. But, instead of blaming only Japan, it is more appropriate to address all major human rights issues in the world and learn from the cases to solve them and prevent from happening again.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所

<例文 3>
Dear Commissioners:
Dear Mr. Aaron Peskin:

I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Chinese and Korean interest has been waging a concerted anti-Japan/Japanese movements all over the United States. The “hate Japan” education in their homeland has been promoting the atmosphere even in the U.S. 71 years after the last war. We should work toward the future for the benefits of the younger generations in a more constructive way rather than destructively.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.

差出人名前 住所



<例文 4>
Dear Dear Commissioners:
Dear Mr. Aaron Peskin:

We strongly oppose developing a statue of a “comfort woman” memorial in San Francisco. It is my understanding that there is a discussion about building a memorial of a comfort woman in San Francisco. Kindly take this objection into consideration.
The issue of comfort women is a very controversial, sensitive issue and indeed a point of political contest between Japan and Korea as of today. For example, Korea calls for an unequivocal public apology for comfort women from Japan but Japan’s Prime Ministers in the past apologized officially many times for comfort women and also contributed the equivalent of $47 million to an Asian Women’s Fund created to assist former comfort women; but this was not considered enough by Korean comfort women.
Do you know such a statue already exists in the US? The statue has been a focal point for demonstrations, which led to the bullying of children, whose only “fault” was having Japanese parents. If we allowed such a statue to be built here, it will send a wrong message to America as a whole; that it is acceptable for one immigrant community to accuse another, citing historical grievances from their country of origin. US cities like Fairfax and Glendale where comfort women memorials have gone up, experienced a great deal of turmoil in their communities and ignited divisions between Japanese and Korean communities.
Do we really need to have this in San Francisco? The answer is no.
It is unnecessary to introduce an icon of foreign political dispute into our city.
We believe it is in everybody’s best interest to preserve the harmony amongst ethnic groups, to work together to discourage hatred and violence between its peoples, and preserve harmony within our communities.
Peace and understanding amongst our citizens and residents are necessary in order to create a strong future.

差出人名前 住所


<参考> サンフランシスコ市議会連絡先一覧と英文メール例

ユネスコ記憶遺産に 「通州事件・チベット侵略」「慰安婦」を登録申請

つくる会 FAX 通信 第 390 号 平成 28 年(2016 年)6月3日(金)より











チベット:Gyari Bhutuk

<概要> 20世紀の中国大陸では、他国民あるいは他民族に対する政治暴力がしばしば行使された。この共同申請は、対チベットと対日本の事例についての記録であり、東アジアの近代史に関する新たな視点を示唆するとともに、人類が記憶すべき負の遺産として保存されるべきものである。以下、事件の概要を、時間順に従い、(A)日本、次いで(B)チベットの順に述べる。

(A) 日本: 1937年7月29日に起こった通州虐殺事件の記録である。この事件は暴動によって妊婦や赤ん坊を含む無辜の日本人住民200人以上が最も残虐なやり方で集団的に殺害されたもので、日本人居住者を保護する立場にあった冀東自治政府の中の治安維持を担当する保安隊を主体とした武装集団がやったことであった。

(B)チベット: 中華人民共和国建国直後の1949年から始まったチベットに対する侵略行為の記録である。それから1979年までに、1,207,387人のチベット人が虐殺された。犠牲者の中には、侵略者に対する抵抗運動の中で殺された者や、収容所や獄中で拷問の末に殺された者などがいた。チベット仏教の文化は消滅の危機にさらされている。チベットのケースは、日本とは規模は大きく異なるが、残虐行為の実態は驚くほど共通している。


アメリカ:The Study Group For Japan’s Rebirth

<概要> 慰安婦comfort womenについて誤解が蔓延しています。正しく理解されるべきであり、記憶遺産に申請します。慰安婦とは、戦時中から1945年終戦までは日本軍向け、戦後は日本に駐留した連合軍向けに働いた女性たちで、民間業者が雇用、法的に認められた仕事でした。他の職業同様、住む場所・日常行動について制限はありましたが、戦線ではあっても相応な自由はあり、高い報酬を得ていました。彼女らは性奴隷ではありません。申請した文書には、日本人33人の証言集があります。これは当時、慰安婦らと直に会話し取材したものです。また、慰安所のお客が守る厳格な決まり、占領地の住民を平等に扱ったこと、ヒトラーのドイツ民族優位論を否定するなど、日本軍の規律や戦争に対する姿勢などが記されている文書もあります。慰安婦制度が現地女性の強姦や、性病の防止に効果があったこと、日本軍は規律正しかったことも記されています。


英訳文:URL http://www.sdh-fact.com/essay-article/731/
PDF http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/UNESCO-2016.pdf






2017.6.28 山本優美子(なでしこアクション代表)



産経 2016.6.3 19:57

共同47NEWS 2016/6/3 17:55
通州事件、記憶遺産に申請 「つくる会」、慰安婦資料も

zakzak by 夕刊フジ 2016.06.04
「通州事件」「慰安婦の真実」を世界記憶遺産に 日米民間団体などが申請


朝日新聞 2016年6月4日
日米の民間団体、記憶遺産に申請 慰安婦・旧軍の資料

Groups apply to UNESCO to ‘restore’ Japan’s wartime honor