Daily Archives: June 21, 2020



原文英語版 】【 英語 PDF 】 【 日本語 PDF

令和2年( 2020年)6月

発信: 藤岡信勝(元東京大学教授)
山本優美子(Japanese Women for Justice and Peace代表)

宛先:    関係者の皆様(映画「主戦場」の上映を予定している又は過去に上映した大学・施設など)

主題: 映画「主戦場」の上映禁止を求める要請

1. 要請


2. 被害者

私たちは、出崎幹根氏が学術研究を装って作成・監督した映画「主戦場Shusenjo— The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue」の被害者です。彼の実態は詐欺師だったのです。私たちは、彼を信義則違反と詐欺行為と人権侵害で裁判所に訴えています。


3. 経緯

3.1. 出崎氏は上智大学の大学院生だったとき、いわゆる「慰安婦問題」を卒業プロジェクトとして研究していました。2016年5月~2017年2月にかけて、彼は私たち8名の意見を聞くために、個別にインタビューを要請しました。そのとき、インタビューの撮影も要請しました。

3.2. その際、出崎氏が私たちに説明した卒業プロジェクトの内容はほぼ同じで、山本優美子宛のメールは以下のとおりです。




3.3. 出崎氏による要請の骨子は、(1)倫理的義務を果たす、(2)学術的基準を満たす、(3)公正性と中立性を保持するドキュメンタリーを作成し、および(4)卒業プロジェクトとして大学に提出する、でした。彼の説明を額面どおりに受け止めた私たちは、要請に賛同しました。

3.4.  インタビューと撮影は上智大学の教室などで行われ、出崎氏は卒業プロジェクトチームの大学院生と一緒でした。彼は上智大学の校章の名刺を持ち、上智大学のレターヘッドの便箋を使っていました。その際、撮影に同意する書面が用意され、私たちは、その同意書に署名しました。私たちの何人かは著名なジャーナリストであるにも関わらず、彼のために無償でインタビューを受諾しました。

4. 商業映画作成と上映


5. 信義則違反と詐欺行為の事例

 5.1. 出崎氏は映画公式サイトのDirector’s Notesで「Being a male, Japanese-American director allowed me access to interview Japanese nationalists, who regarded me as an unbiased, Japanese, rational male.(私が日系米国人男性の監督だったので、日本のナショナリストたちは偏りのない日本の理性的な男性として私の取材を受け入れました。)」と記述しています。さらに彼は映画の中で私たちをナショナリストと呼んでいます。インタビュー要請のメールにもインタビュー時にも、彼は私たちを国家主義者とか国粋主義者と呼んではいません。また、映画が公開されるまで、藤岡信勝は出崎氏が日系米国人であったことさえ知りませんでした。私たちは監督が日系米国人だからではなく、学生の研究だからインタビューに協力したのです。

5.2. 映画公開後に判明したのは、出崎氏が当初から卒業プロジェクトだけではなく、一般公開する映画を作る意図を持っていたことです。在学中にも関わらずクラウドファンディングを立ち上げて映画用資金を集めていました。また、人を対象とする研究として受けるべき上智大学院の研究倫理審査も受けていませんでした。彼は本来の目的を隠して私たちとのインタビューを済ませたのです。

5.3.  私たちを侮辱しようとする映画のスキームは露骨に挑発的なのです。映画は私たちをまるで犯罪人のように大写しで並べ、私たちを侮辱するテロップを流します。インタビュー場面を意図的に編集し直し、私たちの印象を悪くしています。出崎氏は意図的に、かつ、一方的に、私たちを「ライト・ウィング、リビジョニスト、ナショナリスト、レイシスト、ファシスト、セクシスト」と呼んでいます。

5.4. 上記3.3.段落で述べましたが、私たちへのインタビュー要請時の核心部分(倫理的義務、学術的基準、公正性と中立性や卒業プロジェクト)は、映画のどこにも見られません。

6. 民事訴訟、刑事訴訟と上智大学不正研究調査

6.1. 上映開始後、私たちは出崎氏と配給会社に上映中止を要請しました。彼らが要請を拒否したので、私たちはやむなく裁判に訴えました。現在、私たちは民事訴訟で出崎氏と配給会社に信義則違反に基づく上映停止と損害賠償金を求めています。刑事訴訟では、著作権侵害罪と詐欺罪で告訴が受理され、これから審理が行われます。

6.2. 上智大学に関しては、私たちは出崎氏の指導教授であった中野晃一教授宛てに研究参加同意撤回書を送りました。中野晃一教授は、出崎氏の卒業プロジェクトの責任者であるにも関わらず、撤回書を無視し、大学の研究倫理規定を守ろうとしませんでした。それどころか自ら映画に出演し、映画の宣伝もしています。私たちは上智大学に対し、出崎氏と中野教授の研究不正行為を訴え、調査を申し入れました。現在大学は委員会を立ち上げて調査中です。

7.  言論と表現の自由弾圧に対する反論

7.1. 出崎氏は各地の上映会に監督として登場し、聴衆に対し、私たちの訴訟が、彼の言論と表現の自由を弾圧していると糾弾しています。善意の研究協力者を当初から騙そうとした意図こそ、言論と表現の自由を踏みにじる行為なのです。慰安婦問題を扱う映画が両論を提供するのは当然ですが、その提示手段は公平性や中立性を欠き、学術研究の名に値するものではありません。

7.2. 上智大学大学院の研究倫理規定を無視して作成された映画が上映され続けることは、上智大学の社会的信用の失墜と、学術研究全体への信頼の崩壊へと繋がります。「不当な日本批判を正す学者の会 AACGCJ ( https://aacgcj.org/ )」は、55名の学者連名で「学者の声明:映画『主戦場』 に係る上智大学の研究倫理を問う」を発表しました。


Scholars’ Statement: We Question Sophia University’s Academic Integrity regarding the Film Shusenjo

7.3. 2019年4月の公開以降、映画は日本各地の映画館や公共施設、北米・欧州各地の大学や施設で上映され続けています。現在はコロナウィルスの影響で上映会は止まっています。しかし上映再開は、私たちに対する信義則違反のみならず、真理を探求する研究者や一般大衆を一方的に洗脳する悪質な手段になります。この映画こそ、言論と表現の自由を冒涜するものなのです。上映を許してはなりません。



JAPAN Forward   Earl Kinmonth  June 4, 2020
Court Battle Over Comfort Women Film Taints Japanese University’s Research Ethics Record

Shusenjo— The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue (film)


About Unfair and Biased Film “SHUSENJYO : The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women”

不公正で偏向に満ちた映画 「主戦場」について

Letter to Pope Francis  November 20, 2019


JAPAN Foward July 4, 2019
YouTuber Resorts to Misrepresentation in Making Documentary on Comfort Women Issue

Monthly Hanada Plus 2019.07.09
A Nasty Trick ‘The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue’

Urgent request for a ban to screen the film Shusenjo – The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue, directed by Mikine Dezaki

Japanese日本語版 】【 English PDF 】 【 Japanese日本語 PDF

June, 2020

From:    FUJIOKA Nobukatsu, former professor, University of Tokyo
FUJIKI Shunichi, corporate owner and journalist
YAMAMOTO Yumiko, President of the Japanese Women for Justice and Peace

To:         To whom it may concern

Subj:     Urgent request for a ban to screen the film Shusenjo – The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue, directed by Mikine Dezaki

  1. Urgent Request

We, the originators of this letter, sincerely request those who plan to screen the film to the public cancel the plan.  We also cordially request those who have already screened it to the public shelve any plan to screen it again in future.

  1. Victims

We are victims of the film directed and produced by Mikine Dezaki who presented himself in the guise of a student researcher.  He was, in fact, a con artist.  We have already filed suits in court against him for breach of good faith, fraud, and human rights violation.

There are five other victims: SAKURAI Yoshiko (journalist and President of the Japan Institute for National Fundamentals), Congressperson SUGITA Mio, KASE Hideaki (diplomatic analyst), Kent Gilbert (journalist and attorney-at-law in California), and Tony Marano (journalist).

  1. Background

3.1.        While he was taking on the Comfort Women issue as a postgraduate study at Sophia University, Dezaki individually contacted eight of us from May 2016 through February 2017 to request for our opinions on the issue.  His request included videotaping each interview session.

3.2.        Dezaki’s explanation of the postgraduate study to each of us was similar in content.  A request e-mailed to YAMAMOTO Yumiko is provided below:

“As a graduate student, I have an ethical obligation to present the people I interview with respect and fairness.”

“This is an academic research.  It must meet certain academic standards and expectations, which would prevent it from becoming a biased journalistic piece.”

“So, I will produce it with equitability and neutrality.  I am going to submit it to the University as a graduation work.”

3.3.        The gist of his explanation above consists of (1) performing the ethical obligation, (2) adhering to the academic standards, (3) producing a documentary that ensures equity and neutrality principles, and (4) submitting it as a postgraduate work to the university.  All of us took his words literally.

3.4.        Dezaki held videotaped interviews at a Sophia classroom and other places with the help of his postgraduate associates.  He presented us his name cards printed with the university emblem.  He also used the Sophia letterhead stationery.  He then provided us with a letter of consent for videotaping the interview, on which we signed.  All of us, for the sake of his endeavor, agreed to the interview without any charge even though some of us are renowned journalists.

  1. Production of a commercial film and its public release

We heard nothing from Dezaki for about two years since the completion of the interviews.  It was September 2018 when he sent us e-mail that the film Shusenjo he had directed and produced would be screened at the Pusan Film Festival in South Korea in October.  He e-mailed us again in February 2019 that his film would be released in movie theaters in Japan from April.  The public release of the film was the last thing we had in mind because we believed until then that he was committed to his postgraduate work.

  1. Some examples of his breach of good faith and fraud

5.1.        Dezaki entered the following in the film’s Director’s Notes: “Being a male, Japanese-American director allowed me access to interview Japanese nationalists, who regarded me as an unbiased, Japanese, rational male.”  He referred to us as nationalists in the film.  He never addressed us as nationalists neither in the first e-mail requests for interview nor during each interview session.  Nobukatsu Fujioka did not know until the film’s release Dezaki was an American of Japanese descent.  All of us cooperated with him because he was engaged in a postgraduate work.  His nationality was not any concern of us.

5.2.        What we found out after the film release is that Dezaki had been committed to making the postgraduate work a commercial film from the beginning.  While being a graduate student, he operated crowdfunding to fund his film-making venture.  He did not undergo Sophia University’s research ethics committee review.  He manipulated interviews with us under a false pretense.

5.3.        The film’s scheme to disgrace us is overtly provocative.  Shown in the film are our closeup clips with insulting tickers as if we are criminals in police lineup.  The interview clips are so edited as to give each of us a bad impression.  Dezaki intentionally and unilaterally called us the Rightists, Revisionists, Nationalists, Racists, Fascists, and Sexists.

5.4.        None of the core values such as the ethical obligation, the academic standards, equity and neutrality, and a postgraduate work expressed in his interview requests are even hinted in the entire film.

  1. Civil and criminal actions and the establishment of a university review board

6.1.        We requested Dezaki and his film distributer not to release it in public venues.  Because of their refusal of our request, we had to resort to legal procedures.  Two counts in the civil action are Dezaki and his distributer breached good faith and intentionally caused damage upon us.  Two counts in the criminal action are their copyright infringement and fraud.  Hearings and trials are being held.

6.2.        Because Professor NAKANO Koichi of Sophia University was in the position to supervise Dezaki’s postgraduate work, we mailed the professor a letter to officially retract our consent to the videotaped clips.  Despite his responsibility, NAKANO ignored the letter and did not adhere to the research ethics provisions of the university.  We demanded the university authorities to investigate Dezaki’s work and Nakano’s act of academic malfeasance.  The university already launched a board to investigate the cases.

  1. Counterarguments to Dezaki’s claim of suppression of freedom of speech

7.1.        Dezaki has been promoting a film tour not only in Japan but also in foreign countries.  He as the film director personally addressed the audience each time that our civil and criminal actions are strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), i.e., we are attempting to suppress freedom of speech.  We claim it is Dezaki who violated the principle because he had deceived us, cooperators of goodwill for his academic work.  It is fair for the film to present pros and cons regarding the Comfort Women issue.  The methods of presentation he employed in it are, by no means, equitable or neutral and, therefore, the film is not worth an academic research work in its essence.

7.2.        Any further attempt to screen the film for public consumption will tarnish the prestige of Sophia University and bring about erosion of the academic research integrity.  The Academics’ Alliance for Correcting Groundless Criticisms of Japan (AACGCJ), with fifty-five academics in their joint names, already issued a statement to question the university’s research ethics.

Scholars’ Statement: We Question Sophia University’s Academic Integrity regarding the Film “Shusenjo”

7.3.        The film as mentioned earlier has been released not only at movie theaters in Japan but also in colleges and facilities in Europe and the U.S.  COVID-19 has temporarily stopped Dezaki’s venture for now.  The film tour, once resumed, would become an unforgiven tool to brainwash the public at large as well as bona-fide researchers for truth, not to mention the breach of good faith imposed upon us.  It is this film that blasphemes freedom of speech.  The film should not be shown to the public.


JAPAN Forward   Earl Kinmonth  June 4, 2020
Court Battle Over Comfort Women Film Taints Japanese University’s Research Ethics Record

Japanese Women for Justice and Peace
Shusenjo— The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue (film)

Japanese Women for Justice and Peace
About Unfair and Biased Film “SHUSENJYO : The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women”

Letter to Pope Francis dated November 20, 2019

JAPAN Foward July 4, 2019
YouTuber Resorts to Misrepresentation in Making Documentary on Comfort Women Issue

Monthly Hanada Plus 2019.07.09
A Nasty Trick ‘The Main Battleground of The Comfort Women Issue’