<例 1>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am against the comfort women monument in Brookhaven.
Currently there is only one comfort women statue in public property outside of Korea. That is in Glendale, CA, USA. Its plaque inscribes “I was a sex slave of Japanese military.”
A group of Japanese Americans filed a lawsuit to remove the statue. In February, 2017, the Japanese government summited amicus curie in support of the petitioners to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please read it at http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/000231732.pdf .
The “Comfort Women Issue” is not simply human right issue, but is politically and diplomatically controversial and complicated issue between Korea and Japan.
The peaceful city of Brookhaven should not be involved in such issue by erecting memorial.
Japanese are very upset about the statue in Glendale. Brookhaven should not be the next one.
<例 2>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am against the comfort women monument in Brookhaven.
You must understand that the comfort women issue is politically and diplomatically controversial issue.
The Japanese government once recalled her ambassador and Council General to Pusan to home, and terminated or postponed negotiations with the government of South Korea. This decision took place in response to Korea’s decision to install a Comfort Women statue in Public place in Pusan, the second largest city in S. Korea.
Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary /January 6, 2017
The peaceful city of Brookhaven should not be involved in such issue by erecting memorial of one-sided allegations.
<例 3>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am against the comfort women monument in Brookhaven.
It is very upsetting to know that you plan to erect the comfort women monument in the public property.
The inscriptions of the memorial often depicts “Comfort Women” as “hundreds of thousands of women and girls who were abducted and coerced into sexual slavery by Japanese military during WW2.” What are the evidence or primary source to proof these allegations?
The government of Japan officially denies above at UN human rights committees, stating “the figure ‘200,000 persons’ as the number of comfort women also lacks concrete evidence”, “the expression ‘sex slaves’ contradicts the facts” and “there are one-sided claims which lack any corroborative evidence in the reports by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs as well as in the criticisms and recommendations from treaty bodies”.
I believe the monument will divide your multi-cultural good communities. And also it will drive a wedge among US, South Korea, and Japan alliance, and that will only make Communist China and North Korea happy.
<例 4>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am writing to you concerning a memorial for “comfort women” in Brookhaven. I would ask that you turn down the plan.
The proposer has been insisting that this is a human rights issue. It may be true. But, instead of blaming only Japan, it is more appropriate to address all major human rights issues in the world and learn from the cases to solve them and prevent from happening again.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in Brookhaven.
Thank you very much.
<例 5>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am writing to you concerning a memorial for “comfort women” in Brookhaven. I would ask that you turn down the plan.
Chinese and Korean interest has been waging a concerted anti-Japan/Japanese movements all over the United States. The “hate Japan” education in their homeland has been promoting the atmosphere even in the U.S. more than 70 years after the last war. We should work toward the future for the benefits of the younger generations in a more constructive way rather than destructively.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in Brookhaven.
Thank you very much.
<例 6>
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Brookhaven:
I am writing to you concerning a memorial for “comfort women” in Brookhaven. I would ask that you turn down the plan.
Japanese people are strongly opposed to the comfort woman memorial because it will create a conflict among people, leading to hate crime and children bullying not only in your city but also elsewhere. I hear there is such a case in Glendale, New York, New Jersey and even in Australia.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in Brookhaven.
Thank you very much.
I strongly protest against the “Comfort Women” monument in Brookhaven.
Before you will place the proposed comfort women memorial in the public property, you must know about the comfort women for American GIs after the WW2.
In Japan, soon after WW2 in 1945, the brothels, or RAA (Recreation and Amusement Association), were set up for U.S. servicemen pouring into Japan and hired more than 50,000 Japanese prostitutes. South Korea had a similar comfort station system for U.S.-led U.N. troops during the 1950-1953 Korean War and promoted sex businesses for American troops after the war.
Please understand that Japanese are very upset about the “comfort women” statues, because they single out only Japanese military. That is unfair and is nothing but an insult to Japanese.
— Follow-up additional State party’s follow-up report
— CAT/C/JPN/CO/2/Add.2
※ Date received: 20 May 2016
Additional follow-up information provided by Japan to the concluding observations (CAT/C/JPN/CO/2)
日本政府が国連拷問禁止委員会に提出した追加回答—日韓合意の説明 2. After intensive consultations between the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea on the issue of comfort women toward an early conclusion, the Foreign Ministers of both nations had a meeting on December 28 last year and reached an agreement on the issue. With this agreement, the two Governments confirmed that the issue of comfort women is resolved finally and irreversibly. Later on the same day, a phone call between the leaders of both nations was held and the leaders confirmed that both sides reached an agreement and honored such development.
— Follow-up Information from other sources
— Republic of Korea KGL/Pol/2016/8
上記日本政府の追加回答に対して韓国政府が拷問禁止委員会に提出した文書—日本政府の日韓合意の説明が適切でないとして韓国の「新解釈」を説明 The Additional Information appears to lack full and accurate explanation on the agreement.
To begin with, Additional Information overlooks the key elements of the agreement and highlights only a part of it. In fact, the agreement consists of the following three elements, the first two of which are not clearly presented in the Additional Information:
– acknowledgement by the Government of Japan of its responsibility for severely injuring the honour and dignity of the “comfort women”with the involvement of the military authorities,
– sincere apologies and remorse to the victims by Prime Minister Abe in his capacity as Prime Minister of Japan; and
-contribution by the Government of Japan of a lump sum funding from its budget to the foundation which the Government of the Republic of Korea will establish for the purpose of providing assistance to the victims.
In addition, paragraph 2 of the Additional Information, which states “the two Governments confirmed that the issue of comfort women is resolved finally and irreversibly” fails to refer to the conditional phrase in the agreement, which reads “ on the condition that the above-mentioned measures are faithfully implemented.“
15 June 2016 **************************************************
在ジュネーブ 韓国国連代表部 発行文書
国連特別報告者の質問に対する回答 高等弁務官宛
Comments by the Republic of Korea on the Joint Communication from Special Procedure on an Agreement on Issues related to the “comfort women” between the Government of the Republic of Korea and Japan KGV/127/2016
P3) Ⅱ-8
Above all, the Agreement is of great significance since, as was mentioned above, the following key elements have been largely reflected in the Agreement:
reaffirmation of the historical fact that Japanese military authorities were involved and the acknowledgment of responsibility for the first time by the Japanese Government;
an expression of sincere apologies and remorse to the victims by Prime Minister in public and in an official manner;
and the establishment of an implementation mechanism in the form of the Japanese Government providing a lump sum funding form its budget to the foundation to be established with an initiative of the ROK Government.
P6) Ⅶ-24
The joint communication, which reads, “both Government agreed that the issue is resolved finally irreversibly”, fails to refer to the conditional phrase in the Agreement. It is stated in the Agreement that the Government of the ROK and Japan “confirm that through today’s statement, this issue will be finally irreversibly resolved on the condition that the above-mentioned measures stated by the Government of Japan are faithfully implemented.”
May 2017**************************************************
— State party’s report
— CAT/C/KOR/3-5
※ Date received: 29 February 2016
— Additional Info from State party
— Written replies of the State party Written Responses of the Delegation of the Republic of Korea to the Review of the State Party Report by the Committee against Torture
※日付なし 対韓国審査5月2.3日~最終見解5月11日の間?
対韓審査を受けて韓国政府が拷問禁止委員会に提出した追加回答 ・・・・・ In this regard, when the Governments of the ROK and Japan stated in the Agreement that the two Governments “confirm that through today’s statement, this issue will be finally and irreversibly resolved,” they meant that the “comfort women” issue as a bilateral diplomatic issue will be resolved “on the condition that” the measures stated by the Japanese Government are faithfully implemented.
— Concluding observations
— CAT/C/KOR/CO/3-5
※11 May 2017
拷問禁止委員会が韓国に出した最終見解書—日韓合意の見直しを勧告 (d) Revise the Agreement of 28 December 2015 between the Republic of Korea and Japan in order to ensure that the surviving victims of sexual slavery during World War II are provided with redress, including the right to compensation and rehabilitation and the right to truth, reparation and assurances of non-repetitions, in keeping with article 14 of the Convention;
Minister Kishida:
P3)Along with what was stated above, the Government of Japan confirms that through today’s statement, this issue will be finally and irreversibly resolved on the condition that the above-mentioned measures are faithfully implemented.
※補足:同部分の日本外務省の英文は「this issue is resolved finally and irreversibly with this announcement, on the premise that the Government will steadily implement the measures specified in (2) above.」となっている。(2) は財団への10億円基金のこと。
Minister Yun:
P3-4) The Government of the Republic of Korea takes note of the statement by the Government of Japan and the measures leading up to the statement, and, along with the Government of Japan, confirms that through today’s statement, this issue will be finally and irreversibly resolved on the condition that the above-mentioned measures stated by the Government of Japan are faithfully implemented. The Government of the Republic of Korea will cooperate in the measures to be taken by the Government of Japan.
◆ ポイント
・H27/2015年12月28日 ジョン・ケリー国務長官 記者会見 日韓合意を歓迎する声明を引用
We look forward to continuing to work with both countries on regional and global issues, including advancing our economic ties and security cooperation. 」
◆ ポイント 報告書から引用
・p10 (当時の)これら一連の調査を通じて得られた認識は,いわゆる「強制連行」は確認できないというものであった。
P14 The recognition obtained through these series of studies was that it was not possible to confirm that women were “forcefully recruited.”
・P12 — 関係省庁における関連文書の調査,米国国立公文書館等での文献調査,さらには軍関係者や慰安所経営者等各方面への聞き取り調査や挺対協の証言集の分析等の一連の調査を通じて得られた,いわゆる「強制連行」は確認できないという認識に立ち,—
P17 the Japanese side, under the recognition that the so called “forcefully taking away” of women could not be confirmed based on the studies including inquiry on relevant documents by relevant ministries and agencies, document searches at the US National Archives and Records Administration, as well as hearings of military parties and managers of comfort stations and analysis of testimonies collected by the Korean Council,