Daily Archives: January 24, 2016

「慰安婦=性奴隷派と否定派」 NGO意見レポート一覧 / 国連 女子差別撤廃委員会 63セッション(2016.2.15~3.4)

「ニューヨーク ビズ 」の署名広告をご覧になった方ここをクリックしてください










★ Japan Family Value Society(PDF)

★ Association to Achieve True Equality between Men and Women(PDF)

★ Coalition of Three Parties for Communicating Historical Truth(PDF)
Coalition of Three Parties for Communicating Historical Truth- Annex(PDF)

★ NGO GAHT-US Corporation(PDF)

★ Ninohashi Club(PDF)

★ Researchers of History on Modern Japan (Word)

★ Happiness Realization Research Institute(Word)

★ Nadeshiko Action(PDF)



★ The Korean Council 挺身隊問題対策協議会(Word)
The Korean Coucnil_10page_image

★ Amnesty International (PDF)

★ Minority Women, Indigenous Ainu, Buraku and Zainichi Korean (Word)
※P15 桜田義孝(自民党)議員の「慰安婦は『売春婦』」とする発言(2016.1.14)は性差別・人種差別のヘイトスピーチと記している

★ New Japan Women’s Association(PDF)

★ NGO Joint Report / Japan NGO Network for CEDAW(PDF)
※レポート共同提出団体一覧 P88~

★ Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace WAM(女たちの戦争と平和資料館)



★ Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People (JNGMDP) and CPAO (Child Poverty Action Osaka)(PDF)

★ Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan(PDF)

★ Japan Federation of Women’s Organizations(PDF)

★ Working Women’s Network(PDF)

★ OutRight Action International(Word)



プレ・セッション(63 Pre-Sessional Working Group)(2015年7月27日~31日)に提出されたNGO意見レポート一覧

★ the Japan Federation of Bar Associations 日本弁護士連合会
Report by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations

★ Kaleidoscope Australia
The Rights of Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LBTI) Women in Japan

★ Allies Law Office / Space Allies すぺーすアライズ
Discrimination in the field of reproductive rights in Japan

★ Japan NGO Network for CEDAW 日本女性差別撤廃条約NGOネットワーク
List of Issues and Questions from NGOs For the Japan Seventh and Eighth Periodic Reports

★ Gay Japan News and ILGA ゲイ・ジャパン・ニュース
Discrimination against Lesbian, Bisexual Women and Transgender People on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

★ JNDMDP and CPAO joint submission
the Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People (JNGMDP) and CPAO (Child Poverty Action Osaka)

★ なでしこアクション
Issue of Comfort Women



「ニューヨーク ビズ 」の署名広告をご覧になった方ここをクリックしてください

ブログ Truth Seeker for Comfort Women Issue を主催しているカルフォルニア在住の方より、「在米日本人の皆様へ—カルフォルニア教育委員会 ”慰安婦性奴隷” 教科書記述に反対! ご協力のお願い」が届きました。

★ ご協力お願いのチラシ(署名用紙付き)
日本語版 ダウンロード
英語版ENGLISH ダウンロード


※カルフォルニア教育委員会 公立高校カリキュラム改正案



【 直筆署名 】 署名用紙 ダウンロード


CA教育委員会メール  HSSframework@cde.ca.gov

どれくらいの方が直筆署名にご協力頂けたか把握しその数をこちらからも教育委員会へ報告したいので、住所の部分などを見えなくした形のpdfを truthseekercomfortwomen@gmail.com まで送っていただければ幸いです。


【 意見メッセージを送る その1 】

<その1> カルフォルニア州教育委員会 のウエブサイトに行き、コメントを残す。


Subjectで School Curriculum を選択し、名前とメールアドレス(必須)を記入する。 コメント記入は 1500文字まで


RE: 2014-2016 Draft History-Social Science Framework

Chapter 15: Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools
Page 469. Lines 913~919: “Comfort Women,” a euphemism for sexual … into these situations during Japanese occupation.”

My comments:
As the education of children is highly important, it is crucial that history be taught in a fair, neutral, and fact-based way. Please consider the following points. Scholars in South Korea and Japan have confirmed the most Korean comfort women were recruited by civilians (not the Japanese Army), indentured for defined terms, and were allowed to return home [Refs at http://goo.gl/9xM3LL]. Destitute families sent their daughters in exchange for payment, or poverty-stricken women joined of their own accord, possibly after being deceived about the nature of the work by the civilian recruiters. As such, their situation was very different from slavery of antebellum America.

At schools, please teach accurate history as follows:
“Comfort Women” were women who were indentured to work at civilian-owned brothels that accompanied Japanese military units in occupied territories before and during the war. The women came from poor rural families, and many may have been deceived by civilian recruiters, who promised work at hospitals and factories, but instead took the women to brothels. The women could go home after a defined period of time.

Thank you

以上文字数(スペース込み) 1493文字


【 意見メッセージを送る その2 】

メール を教育委員会へ送る

メアド HSSframework@cde.ca.gov

RE: 2014-2016 Draft History-Social Science Framework for Grade Ten

To : The State Board of Education Members,
The History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee of the Instructional Quality
Commission Members

Chapter 15: Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools. Page 469. Lines 913 ~ 919: “Comfort Women,” a euphemism for sexual ~~~ forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.

My comments are:
The history of comfort women is highly disputed between the nations of S. Korea and Japan. Many facts have become distorted and exaggerated by anti-Japanese activists. Reputable South Korean-born professors, Yu-ha Park (http://goo.gl/uSWM44) and C. Sarah Soh (http://goo.gl/C83b8C), who interviewed Korean comfort women and researched the subject in great detail, report that most Korean comfort women were recruited by civilians, that most worked at civilian-owned brothels, that many were paid (or their families had been paid), and that the women could return home when they served a certain number of years or fulfilled their indenture. Dishonest civilian recruiters deceived the women. The research by these professors indicate that, in Korea, comfort women were NOT systematically abducted by Japanese Imperial Army. Some instances of forcible recruitment did occur in territory Japan occupied during the war, but were committed by rogue soldiers acting illicitly. Unfortunately, these cases have been inappropriately generalized to all comfort women. Historically, other nations’ militaries have used indentured prostitutes, and it is unfair to target just Japan. When only one group is selectively targeted, it is “profiling” and, thus, wrong.

I humbly request that educators carefully investigate the facts before teaching inaccurate history in public schools. Historical evidence indicates: In the early 1900s, many people in Korea and Japan lived in dire poverty. The vast majority of Korean comfort women had been sent by their parents in exchange for advance payment or joined on their own, driven by poverty and the patriarchal nature of Korean society, where daughters were often under-appreciated and given little autonomy. The brokers who recruited Korean comfort women were civilians, and many were Korean men; dishonest brokers deceived the women. The Japanese military did NOT systematically dragoon young Korean girls and women.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Your name


RE: 2014-2016 Draft History-Social Science Framework for Grade Ten
To : The State Board of Education Members,
The History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee of the Instructional Quality Commission Members

Chapter 15: Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools. Page 469. Lines 913 ~ 919: “Comfort Women,” a euphemism for sexual ~~~ forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.

The history of comfort women is highly disputed between the nations of S. Korea and Japan, and hyperboles abound. As the education of children is important, it is essential that all claims are carefully confirmed before teaching them as uncontested facts. Please consider the following points:

(1) Lines 917-919: “most argue that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.” EVIDENCE BASED FINDINGS: All historians and scholars agree that the exact number of comfort women is uncertain [Refs. 1,2]. However, estimates by scholars who conduct research on this topic range typically in the tens of thousands [Refs. 1,3]. Although “most” activists and politically-based groups claim the number is “hundreds of thousands,” reputable scholars generally do not state such a high number.

(2) Lines 913-915. “‘Comfort Women,’ a euphemism for sexual slaves, were taken by the Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during the war.” FINDINGS: Scholars and researchers have confirmed the most Korean comfort women were recruited by civilians (not the Japanese Army), served for defined periods of time, were often paid (or their families paid), and were allowed to return home. [Refs 1-4] As such, many scholars explicitly do not use the expression “sexual slavery”, as it would be misleading. The expression “sexual slaves” was popularized by, inter alia, lawyers filing lawsuits, activists, politicians, and journalists conveying what others said, and thus now permeates the Internet and media.

(3) Lines 915-917. “‘Comfort Women’ can be taught as an example of institutionalized sexual slavery, and one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the twentieth century.” EVIDENCE BASED FINDINGS: As the number of comfort women is uncertain (see above), it would be inappropriate to claim outright that it is “one of the largest cases of human trafficking” of the last century. Again, many neutral scholars explicitly avoid the expression “sexual slavery”, as it would be misleading. A small fraction of comfort women in territories Japan occupied during the war (e.g., Indonesia) were forcibly acquired by local military personnel, but this was done by soldiers acting independently [Ref. 1]. The women were freed after about two months when a higher ranking officer discovered the situation, and the personnel responsible were later punished.

Few things are more important than children’s education, and it is crucial that history be taught in a fair, neutral, and fact-based way. The tragic results of history being taught in a biased way can be seen in the Middle East, where past misdeeds are often exaggerated and only one side’s version of events is presented. We urge that the proposed additions (lines 913-919) be shelved until their veracity is confirmed/disproved in a neutral and unbiased way, e.g., by consulting scholars who have conducted in-person research in this field, such as Prof. C. Sarah Soh (San Francisco State University), and Prof. Yuha Park (Sejong University, S. Korea), and Prof. George Akita (University of Hawaii).

References: [1] C. Sarah Soh, “The Comfort Women,” University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2008). [2] Yuha Park, “Comfort Women of the Empire,” Asahi Shimbun Publications (2014). [3] Ikuhito Hata, “No Organized or Forced Recruitment: Misconceptions about Comfort Women and the Japanese Military,” Professor Emeritus, Nihon University. [4] United States Office of War Information Report No. 49, 1944 (All Refs at http://goo.gl/9xM3LL)
Thank you for your time and consideration,

Your name