Daily Archives: January 30, 2016


「ニューヨーク ビズ 」の署名広告をご覧になった方ここをクリックしてください


国連 女子差別撤廃委員会から63セッションにむけて日本政府に出された質問
「『慰安婦』の強制的連行(forcible removal)を示す証拠はなかったという最近の公式声明について日本政府のコメントを求める」


※原文は英語 日本語は外務省仮訳。



CEDAW から 日本への 質問(List of issues and questions )

9. The Committee has been informed of recent public statements that there was no evidence that proved the forcible removal of “comfort women”. Please comment on this information. Please also indicate whether the State party intends to take compensatory measures on behalf of “comfort women” in countries other than those covered by the Asian Women’s Fund, including in China and Timor-Leste, and
prosecute the perpetrators. Please indicate whether the State party intends to
reintegrate into school textbooks references to the issue of “comfort women”, and
raise awareness among the population of the issue.

日本 から CEDAWの質問への回答(Reply to List of Issues)

1. With the recognition that the comfort women issue continues to impact the development of Japan-ROK (Republic of Korea) relations, Governments of Japan and the ROK agreed at the Japan-ROK Summit Meeting held on November 2, 2015, to continue and accelerate consultations on the issue toward its conclusion as promptly as possible. Subsequently, intensive bilateral consultations, including the Director-General consultations between the diplomatic authorities of the two countries, were carried out. On December 28, the Foreign Ministers of Japan and the ROK met and made an announcement (see Attachment) at a joint press occasion. Later on the same day, the leaders of Japan and the ROK spoke over the telephone and confirmed the content of the announcement. With this agreement, the Government of Japan (GOJ) and the Government of the Republic of Korea confirmed that the issue of comfort women is resolved finally and irreversibly.

2. Under the above-mentioned circumstances, the GOJ answers the questions posed by the committee as follows:

(1) Regarding the question on the “recent public statements that there was no evidence that proved the forcible removal of ‘comfort women’ ”:
The GOJ has conducted a full-scale fact-finding study on the comfort women issue since the early 1990s when the issue started to be taken up as a political issue between Japan and the ROK. The fact-finding study included 1) research and investigation on related documents owned by relevant ministries and agencies of the GOJ, 2) document searches at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, as well as 3) hearings of relevant individuals including former military parties and managers of comfort stations and analysis of testimonies collected by the Korean Council. “Forceful taking away” of comfort women by the military and government authorities could not be confirmed in any of the documents that the GOJ was able to identify in the above-mentioned study.

(2) Regarding the question “whether the State party intends to take compensatory measures on behalf of ‘comfort women’ in countries other than those covered by the Asian Women’s Fund, including in China and Timor-Leste, and prosecute the perpetrators”:
The GOJ does not have such intention of doing so.

(3) Regarding the question “whether the State party intends to reintegrate into school textbooks references to the issue of ‘comfort women’, and raise awareness among the population of the issue”:
The GOJ is not in a position to answer the question on the specific contents which are taken up in school textbooks and how these contents are described, since the GOJ does not adopt a government-designated textbook system.


産経 2016年01月31日
【「慰安婦」日韓合意】強制連行を国連で否定へ 政府、来月初報告へ

【署名 / カルフォルニア州教育委員会 教科書改定案】公立学校で慰安婦問題を教えることに反対します

「ニューヨーク ビズ 」の署名広告をご覧になった方ここをクリックしてください







カルフォルニア教育委員会 へ
California Department of Education

NOT to teach ‘Comfort Women’ in California Schools


【請願】 カリフォルニアの公立学校で慰安婦問題を教えることに反対します



(第10学年– World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World Chapter of the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools. 469ページ 913~919行

1. 「慰安婦」は性奴隷制度で20世紀最大の人身売買の一つである、というのは大きな誤解に基づいています。何十万人もの女性が日本軍によって強制的に拉致されたことを立証するような証拠は、幾つかの反対尋問を経ていない証言以外は未だ明らかにされておりません。 教科書である以上、生徒達が事実ではないことを事実として信じ込んでしまうような可能性は極力排除すべきであり、充分に議論し尽くされた事柄のみが内容として取り上げられるべきであることは、議論の余地がありません。

2. カリフォルニアの住民は、これまでに充分すぎるくらい「慰安婦問題」に関する議論をしてきました。私達の地域には多すぎるくらいの韓国人慰安婦の像や碑が建てられており、その設置を巡る論議の過程でコミュニティは賛成派と反対派に分断され、隣人同士の間にも論争が起きています。慰安婦問題における終わりの見えない対立に、私達は巻き込まれてしまったのです。


カリフォルニア教育省の公正さと透明性に期待いたします。 有難うございました。

I have been living in California for the last 38 years, originally having come from Japan. I have two children who are mixed race, and have friends from all over the world who live in the United States.

As a teenager, I was deeply moved by Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech for equality and overcoming our differences. The ideal and the value of the United States is what makes this country special, and should be held in high regard.

When my daughter was in High School, she told me about a friend of hers who was reluctant to tell his father that she was part Japanese, because his father hated Japanese people.

I was shocked. My daughter genuinely did not know why such prejudice existed because she was not taught hate for others at home.

Now, my friends who are mothers of Japanese American children tell me that their children are also being bullied, or called degrading names because of the political conflict in East Asia.

I am appalled to find that now the California Department of education is considering using text books that teach a highly controversial version of history to the children, and which will affect children with Japanese heritage.

Please support the fundamental American values of equality and opportunity for all. Stand with us for truth and fairness.

Please sign this petition to let people hear your “NO”.

【Petition】 NOT to teach ‘Comfort Women’ in California Schools
To whom it may concern,

We are writing to express our strong opposition to the recently proposed revision in the 10th grader’s history curriculum to include the controversial dispute known as ‘Comfort Women’ (Grade 10 – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Page 469, lines 913~919).

1. “Comfort Women” should not be taught as an example of ‘institutionalized sexual slavery’ or ‘one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the twentieth century.’ Besides some testimonies without cross-examinations, there is no reliable historical proof which indicates ‘hundreds of thousands of women forced into’ such situations. It is obvious that textbooks should only take up incidents which are thoroughly discussed to avoid even a small possibility of making students to believe what is not true.

2. The residents of California already have had enough of arguments concerning the Comfort Women Issue. There are already too many controversial statues and monuments of Korean Comfort Women in our community. On the process of installing such statues, our community has been divided and disputes have aroused among neighbors. Because of the Comfort Women issue, we were driven into never-ending conflicts.

Do we really need this controversial history education of Comfort Women? No!
Do we really want to use our tax money for this? No!
Should students in California get involved into such endless disputes? No!

We are expecting to see the fairness and transparency of the California Department of Education.

Thank you.


★ こちらの署名も未だの方、よろしくお願いいたします。
Write “Comfort Women were well paid prostitutes, sold their service to US Army as well”