水曜デモ1500回に抗議する一人デモ 7.14 /21 ソウル慰安婦像前にて

ここにご紹介するのは、7月14日に行われた正義連(元・挺対協)水曜デモ1500回に抗議する 國史教科書研究所の金柄憲 所長の無言一人デモの様子です。この日のソウルはかなりの猛暑だったそうです。



1992年 1月8日から始まった挺対協(現在正義連)の水曜集会が約30年行われ、社会現象となり韓国では学校教育の一部になりましたが、これまでの動画でご存知のようにおばあさんたちの初期の証言に日本軍の強制連行は一切出てきません。もう嘘はやめよう、止めなければならないと警鐘をなり続ける金柄憲所長の一人デモの様子です。

おやじについて台湾に行った李容洙氏  何故に 強制連行?

慰安婦1500円、日本軍大将550円、幸せな 性奴隷?

40円で売られて行った金学順氏  何故 強制連行?

20円で売られて行った吉元玉氏 妓生学校の友達とお金をもうけに 中国に行った!どうして 強制連行?


お金をちゃんと貰ってサービスをして日本軍慰安婦 どうして性奴隷?

ユンミヒャン氏 日本軍が銃殺した(という)慰安婦 公開せよ!

容洙おばあさん、あの○に行く前に 赤いワンピースと革の靴の真実を告白せよ!


【新刊紹介】「慰安婦」はみな合意契約していた ラムザイヤー論文の衝撃 有馬 哲夫 (著)

「慰安婦」はみな合意契約していた ラムザイヤー論文の衝撃
(WAC BUNKO 346) 新書 – 2021/7/30
有馬 哲夫 (著)



出版社 ‏ : ‎ ワック (2021/7/30)
発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2021/7/30
言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語
新書 ‏ : ‎ 262ページ
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 4898318460
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4898318461


< 出版社からのコメント >




島根県議会が平成25年(2013年)6月26日 に可決した『日本軍「慰安婦」問題への誠実な対応を求める意見書』は、河野談話、米国下院決議121、国連人権委員会勧告を受け入れて日本政府に対応を求めるものでした。







◆ 平成27年度から平成30年度の請願の議決結果 【 PDF版 】

◆ 令和元年度から令和4年度の請願の議決結果 【 PDF版 】


国際歴史論戦研究所第一回目の質問状に続いて、令和3年(2021年)7月9日付で日本学術会議の梶田隆章 会長宛に『新事実を踏まえ「学問の自由」の侵害について再度日本学術会議の見解を問う公開質問状』を送り、同日、日本記者クラブにて記者会見を行いました。

【 PDF版 】


日本学術会議会長 梶田隆章 殿



国際歴史論戦研究所会長 杉原誠四郎



さて、私ども国際歴史論戦研究所は、本年6月3日付けで、日本学術会議梶田隆章会長宛に「学問の自由」の侵害についての見解を問う公開質問状を送付し、同日、記者会見の場で公表しました。これは、米国ハーバード大学ロー・スクールのマーク・ラムザイヤー教授の論文、‘Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War’(太平洋戦争における性サービスの契約)に対し、署名を集めて撤回要求を突きつけるという事案が発生しており、これはまさしく「学問の自由」の侵害に当たるのではないかとの疑問から、6月末日を期限として日本学術会議の正式見解を問うたものです。質問の内容は次の3点でした。

【質問2】前項の質問へのご回答は今回のラムザイヤー論文に対しても適用されると考えてよろしいでしょうか? もし異なる場合は、今回のラムザイヤー論文においていかなる特殊事情があるのか、ご明示ください。(本質問に関して明白なご回答をいただけない場合、日本学術会議は恣意的な二重基準をも否定しない機関であるものと理解されます。)


当然、本件に関して議論があることは承知しております。また、この論文が掲載された学術雑誌がexpression of concernを表明するというような文章を出しておりまして、ラムザイヤー教授の論文の歴史的な証拠というデータの扱いについて再検討をするということを述べておりました。そういう意味でこの問題が学術の観点から検討されるべきだと私どもは考えておりますが、正にこのプロセスに今入っているのだという風に理解しています。



従って、私どもの【質問1】の( )書きにあるとおり、「反対者の人数や外部からの圧力によって撤回を強いて異説を封じるという形態も、学術共同体の真理探究の方法として、認容される」との考えを、日本学術会議は否定していないことになりますが、それは許されることでしょうか。

第三に、日本学術会議にとって重要な事実をここで公開します。それは、日本学術会議連携会員の中に複数名、ラムザイヤー論文への撤回要求運動に賛同し、署名している研究者がいることです。‘Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics’のWebサイトに掲載された署名者のリストを調べた結果、日本学術会議連携会員で署名したのは、次の3氏であることが判明しました(掲載順、敬称略)。

・駒澤大学教授 姉歯暁
・東京大学教授 松島斉
・明治大学教授 西川伸一











< ニュース / 記事 >

東スポweb 2021年07月12日
慰安婦問題“ラムザイヤー論文”撤回要求運動 研究者語る「学術会議への質問状」の意図

世界日報 2021/7/12

産経ニュース 2021/7/9
学術会議連携会員の除名要求 慰安婦論文撤回に署名 保守系団体が公開質問状

Daily WiLL Online 2021.7.9

夕刊フジ 2021.7.9
いつまで沈黙守るのか日本学術会議 「学問の自由」侵害、ラムザイヤー教授糾弾問題 「不誠実だ」歴史研究家ら再度質問状

Video Message from John Mark Ramseyer, Professor of Japanese Legal Studies at Harvard Law School / APRIL 24, 2021

APRIL 24, 2021

Video Message from John Mark Ramseyer, Professor of Japanese Legal Studies at Harvard Law School

First of all, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to the International Research Institute of Controversial Histories and to Japanese Women for Justice and Peace for holding this symposium. I am also immensely grateful to the Sankei Shimbun for its generous support of the symposium, and to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here today.

In all honesty, I find myself at a loss for words. Never have I dreamed that so many distinguished scholars would assemble to hear me speak. I feel deeply honored.

However, it is quite obvious that I am not at the heart of the problem that must be resolved, nor is my eight-page article. This is not a simple matter of the harassment of an individual educator. It is a far more deeply rooted problem, and is of the utmost seriousness.

As I see it, the challenge we face is twofold: recounting the events of the past accurately, specifically, thoroughly, and in an unbiased manner, to the extent possible; and the protection, at all costs, of academic freedom. I hope I will be able to make a contribution, no matter how small, toward the achievement of these objectives. I am willing to make a concerted effort to fulfill even a small role in protecting academic freedom.

I have learned three lessons from this experience.

The first is the importance of relating facts as accurately as possible.

The first step toward resolving the problem that is today’s theme is describing the phenomena of the past as accurately as possible. I realize that this seems obvious, but when we write or present papers or articles, we must do so without bias, to the extent possible. If we are reporting news as it happens, we must do so without bias, to the extent possible. The same care should, again obviously, be taken when we are describing past events, but often this does not happen.

Returning to today’s theme, when we are writing about events that took place on the Korean peninsula in the 1930s, we should describe them accurately.

What prompted me to write the short article in question was my realization that much of what had been written in English about those events was untrue. The majority of the material I consulted was marred by Korean anti-Japanese bias. Moreover, I noticed that the overwhelming majority of works produced by members of American humanities circles was suffused with a strong anti-Japanese bias.

The situation we face today is the result of a great many historians writing history into which they insert their political preferences. And many write accounts that are consistent with the current fashion in academia.

The second lesson I learned through this experience is the importance of academic freedom.

We must be able to convey the results of our research even if they are not politically correct.

I had believed that the principles to which I adhere also prevailed in the American academic community. I was mistaken.

I was astonished at the vehemence of the opposition to my article. I suspected that there would be some resistance, but I didn’t imagine such violent reactions.

I believe that my critics are determined to prevent any argument that disagrees with their convictions (that the Japanese abducted women and forced them to serve as prostitutes, and that the prostitutes were sex slaves) from being published. At the very least, all of them seem to agree on these two points. I suppose they want all scholars to think alike.

To maintain the illusion that all scholars share the same opinion, my critics have risen up, determined to force the retraction of my eight-page paper.

The attacks on me have been so offensive that they sometimes seem downright Stalinist.

Unless there is source material in English that contradicts the abduction and sex-slave arguments, my critics will feel free to pronounce anyone questioning them bedfellows of Holocaust deniers.

I have been disheartened by the behavior of young assistant professors. With total disregard for the concept of academic freedom, they act like would-be scholar-assassins, and seem to take pride in doing so! The basic principle whereby scholarship progresses when scholars of different opinions publish or present papers seems to have fallen by the wayside. Among young scholars we are now seeing a return of the painful “zero-tolerance” atmosphere that surfaced during the student movement of the 1960s.

The last lesson I have learned through this experience is the importance of friends.

Without friends I don’t think I could have weathered this storm of attacks. I couldn’t have survived without the encouragement of my American friends, my Japanese friends.

I relied on my friends, friends who believed in me, friends who comforted me, friends who kept telling me that I didn’t deserve the names I was called on the internet.

Even if you think your faith in yourself is unshakable, you feel isolated and abandoned when you are the target of a vicious attack. You start to doubt yourself, and that’s exactly what your critics want you to do. You start to doubt yourself and ultimately you crumble. That is what happened during the Cultural Revolution in China. I now know beyond a doubt how important friends are.

Soon after the attacks began, one of my friends told me that times like these are learning experiences, and I agree. But it pains me that I also learned things I didn’t want to know.

I would like to share an English saying with you today: All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.

“Don’t run with scissors in your hand” is one of those things I learned. I was also taught, “Tell the truth. Tell the truth about what is happening now, and what happened in the past. Listen to what others have to say, even if you don’t want to hear what they’re saying. And never betray a friend.”

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the International Research Institute of Controversial Histories and of the Japanese Women for Justice and Peace for holding this wonderful symposium, to the Sankei Shimbun for its generous support, and to all the distinguished scholars who interrupted their busy schedules to attend.